Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015 Relaxing & Recuperating

Canyon to the south of Rose Camp still green.

Friday 7/24. Ah, the plans of mice and men.  One of the symptoms that JB was to watch for was any swelling in his left arm.  He woke up with a marble sized bump just below his elbow, so called for an appointment with his doctor which he got for 2:45 pm.

While waiting to leave, we did our chores.  We also made a list of the amount of salt in the foods that JB eats most, since now he is on no more than 2000 mg of salt per day.  It really isn't going to change much in his diet as we just don't use that much salt or eat that many salty foods.

We left at 1:45 pm and five hours later were on our way home with the doctor's blessing.  That's five times down and back up the mountain in five days.  Normally that would be enough trips for no less than five weeks in the summer.  But all is well, and now we really can relax.

Saturday 7/25. It was 56 and cloudy with a wind gusting to 15 mph.  The clouds and wind remained for the day and our high was a cool 66.

Today we really were able to relax and recuperate from the week.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit this evening.  Always a pleasure to see them, and they commented on JB's great color.

Sunday 7/26. It was 50 and partly cloudy this morning.  A nice, slow morning.

Our neighbors were up in their yurt for a few days and dropped in to say "Hi."  After their visit, we drove Miss Kitty down our road to cut back all the bushes that are encroaching on the road.  It took about an hour and a half, and the dogs were thrilled with the outing.  A few rain cells blew over the canyon while we were out and the light showers were so refreshing.

Back home, it was lunch and nap time.  Our high for the day was 66 again, but higher temps are on the way for the end of the week.

Even with the heat and lack of rain for so long, our north slope of the mountain is still quite green and the canyon to the south of us seems to be greener than usual at this time of the year.

Monday 7/27. It is 54, clear and windy out there this morning.  I plan on going down to Larry and Elsie's this afternoon to help them pick blueberries.

Thought for the day: Life is like photography.  You need the negatives to develop it.

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