Rain falling to the west of Rose Camp on Monday. |
Monday 9/12. Custard for breakfast! What could be better?! JB wasn't here to frown at me, and anyway it's mainly eggs and milk. I usually have eggs for breakfast, so I just had them in a different form. . .
Drove down to the "tunnel" and cut some more branches. Didn't have to do as much as I thought I would, and was back home in about an hour and a half.
It was obvious that there had been cows on our road yesterday or early this morning. Our neighbor to the south and east of us has cows, but I am not quite sure how they would have got Up Here.
Had another nice chat with Randy today. He is having a real problem with roof rats. We had a problem with them when we lived in Kirkland, west of the mountains. The only way you can get rid of them is to seal up every possible crack in your house.
Also had a nice chat with Nene. She is back from her trip with my cousin and they had a great time. Actually came back a day later than they had planned.
Since we are not going to have enough plum tomatoes ripe at one time to make and can sauce, I used the one pound we did have. I have never made tomato sauce before, but I was quite pleased with the way it turned out. I ended up with about 1-1/2 cups and it should make great sloppy joes.
Our high for the day was 62 with big, dark clouds drifting in during the afternoon.
Elsie told me this evening that people were stealing Trump signs and burning them in the park! I guess Hillary's supporters think just like she does - they don't have to follow the rules. JB had told me that driving between Blewett and Snowqualamie passes he saw a LOT of Trump signs. And not just small ones.
Tuesday 9/13. It was 45 with clear skies this morning, with warmer weather in the forecast. I sat on the porch with coffee just contemplating the Universe before going into the day.
Instead of rice pudding, I made egg salad. Not sure why I hadn't made it sooner, as I love it! And there is no sugar involved.
I was going to split two of the smaller rounds that are left, but instead I just puttered around inside and outside. I gathered a large bag of kindling down the west slope, and dragged up a few large branches that I then cut up and stacked.
After an early dinner of an egg salad sandwich, the dogs and I went for a walk down the road. I haven't gone for a lot of long walks this year, and I really should. I think I said that last year, too. It felt good and was so enjoyable.
Am going Down There tomorrow for grocery shopping and more loading up for the winter. It is supposed to be in the high 70's in town. Our high for today was 67, but I thought for sure it had at least reached 70.
I finished watching the first season of Arrow this evening. Very entertaining. Looking forward to watching it again with JB.
Wednesday 9/14. It is 55 with blue skies this morning. I'll be on my way after JB's 9:00 am call.
Thought for the day: Boredom is a self-inflicted wound. Stuart Woods, Santa Fe Edge
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