A nest we discovered in MAX. |
Fire wood stacked on the porch so far. |
Monday 9/19. This morning there was a doe and a fawn across our driveway. The dogs were going nuts, wanting to get out. But they didn't see the deer walk up to the south ridge, so when JB let them out they went straight across the drive and followed the scent from the direction they came. So while the dogs were going north, the deer were just sauntering south!
JB worked on rebuilding the trailer today, while I spent most of the day inside with dishes, laundry and making a big pot of chicken soup out of the carcass of the BBQ chicken from Costco.
Before our afternoon walk, I did make a couple trips to the south ridge and each time brought back a big armload of wood and dragged big branches. This from the leftover wood we had dragged up early this Spring.
Our high for the day was 60, but with the cold wind, it didn't seem that warm. We got a few sprinkles from some little clouds that passed overhead, but that was it.
Elsie still has lots of tomatoes on the vine and invited me to pick some. I will do that on my way home from Down There on Friday. Hopefully I can make enough sauce from them to can.
I used to be a world-class snitter. I could put myself into a snit that would last for days. But I thought that since I have been living at Rose Camp, I had gotten over that. Apparently not. In the past week I have worked myself into a snit that my Aunt Nene has helped me get out of. Such a waste of time and energy. My reactions are my choice, whether I want to admit it or not. I can just as easily choose not to let something upset me, and I really think I ought to do that from now on.
Tuesday 9/20. It was a chilly 40 this morning with clear skies. JB put a fire in the stove when he got up at 6:30 am, so it was nice and toasty when I got up at 8:00 am AND the coffee was made. So nice to have him home. . .
JB worked on the trailer again today after he moved one of the huge rounds to the splitter for me. I spent most of the day splitting that and several other "smaller" rounds. It felt so good to be doing that again. We took three bucket loads of wood that was too long to the shop so we can cut it with the chop saw. JB also took five loads of wood to the porch where I stacked it.
Our high for the day was 60 again with just a light breeze. A perfect day to be working outside. This is our ninth September living Up Here, and definitely our coolest. But not as cold as a Labor Day weekend we spent up here camping some twenty-five or so years ago. We woke up in the middle of the night freezing and our water in the coffee pot had frozen over.
My Aunt Nene has been wanting me to come over to visit, so I am going to do that next Tuesday and will be back home on Friday. Ergo, I will be taking a week off from writing my blog.
My brother and a friend are at his cabin this week. He called about 7:30 this evening, obviously pumped, to say that his friend had been out raking when he suddenly started yelling. RJ looked over to see him yelling and waving his rake at a large cougar who was within twenty feet of him and obviously stalking him! RJ started yelling also. The cougar looked at them both then took off up the mountain. Neither of them was packing. Needless to say, we will all be packing when we step out the front door from now on.
A little later, Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit. It is so wonderful when good neighbors become such good friends. . .
Wednesday 9/21. It is 44 this morning with clear skies. We plan to get my dream tree secured into the concrete today, and maybe split the last three rounds.
Thought for the day: One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And, with that, she realized the only control she had was how to choose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace. She was the Queen of her own life and the choice was hers. Queenism, Facebook
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