Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016 Family

Some of the autumn colors
along our road.

Wednesday 9/7. Got some laundry and housework done before meeting my Aunt Nene and my cousin down on the pavement at 1:15 pm.  My cousin parked her car at Larry and Elsie's, then I drove them up to Rose Camp in my Jeep.  Nene gave me a pillow and pillow case with moose, deer and bears on it that she had made!  This since she got to see a moose on her trip to Idaho this year and I haven't see one yet.  I love it!

We had a great visit and lunch, then my cousin and I hiked around Rose Camp while Nene relaxed on the porch.  We left a little early so I could take them down to my brother's place and show it to my cousin.  Got them back to their car at 4:30 as planned.

I was amazed at how much the bushes and trees have begun to show their autumn colors in the canyon just since I was down last Friday.  It was a very pretty drive.

Even though our high for the day was 70, there were a few big clouds and a cool breeze that made us put our jackets on.  But it was a very good day.  

Thursday 9/8. This morning was 48 and clear, with the promise of each day getting a little warmer for a while.  I took it nice and slow after feeding the girls and dogs.  Did another load of wash to try and catch up, then got on the road at noon to clear out the rest of the "tunnel".

I was actually able to do a pretty good job in just 45 minutes.  Driving back up, I cut several areas on our road and was home at 2:00 pm.  It felt so good to get that done, that I just relaxed and started a new book, Blessings by Belva Plain. 

JB's Mom is doing much better, so he may be back home in two weeks instead of three.

After the visit yesterday, I was thinking a lot about family today.  To my Mother, family was all important.  It didn't matter if someone was difficult to get along with, difficult to love, or took you down with them into their bad places.  It didn't matter if they always wanted to be in control; always wanted to be the most important one in the room and sucked the energy right out of you.  Family was family.  That can be a good thing, but it can also be destructive - to the one trying to be loyal.  I have learned that sometimes there comes a point where you have to let go of people for your own good.  Most of my family is great.  I love them and I really enjoy their company, but there are some who must go their own way without me.  And we are both better for it.  But it has taken me many years to get to that point.

Elsie and I were talking about that on the radio this evening.  We both like the adage: Friends are the family you choose.  Then we both called each other "Sis". . .

Friday 9/9. It is 48 and clear again this morning, but the air is still.  I plan to do some splitting today and start stacking the wood on the porch.

Thought for the day: Prayer - the duct tape of life.  Wild Rose

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