Sorry, but Google won't let me post any photos today.
Friday 11/17. We read the rest of the newspapers and magazines I brought up yesterday with our morning coffee. One of the perks about going Down There.
JB took the dogs on the morning walk in the icy wind, but I declined. Stayed inside and crafted most of the day. However, I did take them on an afternoon walk, as I needed the exercise.
There have been a lot of deer around lately, and not just during the night. We often see their white rears bouncing away as the dogs run after them.
The wind blew large clouds overhead during the day and our high was 36.
Saturday 11/18. It was 30 and mostly overcast this morning. In the wee hours, I awoke to a musky, skunky smell. Dinga was going nuts, but Jesse seemed to sleep through it. Must have been an elk, or a very smelly herd of deer.
The cloud cover soon disappeared and we took our morning walk surrounded by sunshine and glittering snow. On the south ridge we watched three military jets seemingly chasing each other and drawing huge circles in the sky, as opposed to the penis one pilot drew yesterday (check your newsfeed).
During the night, the deer cleaned the last of the leaves off my lilac bush, ate the iris leaves and all the rose hips off the bushes to the west of the propane tank. I don't think there is anything left for them in the yard!
After lunch I drove the tractor from behind the house, down by the other vehicles. Started the snow thrower and drove it around a bit. I also gave the girls more pine shavings in their nesting boxes. That's where most of them sleep on these cold nights.
The snow on three sides of the house is completely trampled by the deer, but not so much on the south side and that is where I found elk tracks. The opposite side from our bedroom, but that must have been what we smelled early this morning.
Our high for the day was 36.
Sunday 11/19. It was 30 and partly cloudy this morning and remained so all day, with a lot of sun peeks. Our high for the day was 38.
I worked most of the day on crafts. Finished two Christmas gifts and started some more. So much fun!
JB is anxious to see the doctor on Tuesday, hoping that he will allow him to bend and move around a bit more.
Monday 11/20. It is 32 this morning and the fog is drifting in and out. Snow was supposed fall above 2500 feet during the night, but we got rain instead. Doesn't look like any of the snow melted though.
Thought for the day: You call it a box of chocolates. I call it a support group.
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