Friday, November 24, 2017

November 24, 2017 Sun, Baking & Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving rainbow.

Wednesday 11/22. Dark clouds gathered in the west most of the day, but they split to the north and south so we received none of the rain that was predicted for today.  It was a beautiful day with valley fog and an unseasonable high of 54.

I moved my Jeep and Max a little so the tires weren't sitting on the same spot.  Also tried to get most of the ice off the tarp over the girls' run, but there is one huge and very heavy piece that I have to let melt a bit more.

I baked more peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies.  I seem to have quite a craving for them right now.  JB had baked two large loaves of pumpkin bread on Monday.

Thursday 11/23. Thanksgiving Day began with a temperature of 44, overcast skies and light rain.  All but a few small patches of snow vanished with last night's rain and wind.

JB saw a herd of six deer just wander up the drive and onto the east slope.  By the time I got up at 7:45, I got to see the last one just grazing in the woods.

The sky began to clear mid morning and there was a huge rainbow to the north and west.  What a delightful sight for a Thanksgiving Day.

I baked an apple coffee cake to take with us and a plate of JB's pumpkin bread.  We were on our way in Miss Kitty to Larry and Elsie's at 1:30 pm.  Still lots of snow and ice on the road for more than two miles down.  We enjoyed a delicious meal and relaxing afternoon with them and their family.  What better way to spend this special day.

I picked up the mail before we headed home under the starlit sky.  Our high for the day at Rose Camp had been 40, but it was in the low 50's at Larry and Elsie's.

Friday 11/24.  It is 32 with mostly clear skies and a breeze this morning.  Going to do some Black Friday shopping on line.

Thought for the day: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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