Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017 MAX & Snow

The view out our front
door Sunday morning.

Time to leave the wood shed
gate open.

Our winterized porch.

Friday 11/3. By 8:30 am the snow had stopped falling and the fog moved in.  The ground was white, but really no measurable snowfall.  Soon the fog dissipated and the sun came out.

I baked peanut butter-chocolate chip cookies, as I planned to drive Miss Kitty down to check the mail and our Thank-You to Gridder is to drop off goodies for him whenever I drive down.

I had driven about a mile back up from getting the mail, when snow began falling again.  It was coming down pretty good, but again, now real measurable amount.  Our high for the day was 32.

Forgot to mention the birthday cards from JB's youngest brother who was here to help after his surgery.  There was a note on the cards that said, "Couldn't find a card for a 75th birthday, so hope these will do."  He sent one for a seven-year-old and one for a five-year-old!

Saturday 11/4. It was 24 and overcast this morning.  I woke up rarin' to go.  I moved chairs and other porch items to the north end and covered them with a tarp.  Then I brought in the fire wood.

We all went for a morning walk, after which I got the last wheel on MAX with some creative thinking, and took the middle wheel off each side in preparation for putting the tracks on tomorrow when Larry and Elsie come up to help.

After lunch, we finished up the supply inventory.  Not too much else to buy for the winter.

The new (and last print) issue of Backwoods Home is great, as always.  There is an interesting article on chicken treats that suggests coring an apple and filling the middle with peanut butter.  I tried that today.  At first the girls weren't too impressed with the peanut butter, but when I checked back a couple hours later, there was no sign of the apples.  Must have been a hit.

Our high for the day was 32, and we saw some blue sky in the afternoon.

Sunday 11/5. It was 20 and snowing this morning, with 2-1/2" already on the ground.  Of course this is Dinga's favorite weather and she was going wild.  After feeding the dogs and girls, I threw on some clothes and went out to sweep off the porch.  Then Dinga and I hiked up to clean off the solar panels (there was just a little bit of snow on the top), and brought fire wood in.

By 9:00 am most of the snow had stopped falling and it was just on and off from then til around 2:00 pm when it stopped altogether.  By 4:00 pm we were ensconced in the fog, then it slid down into the canyons and valleys by 5:00 pm.  Most long-term weather forecasts are similar to last year, meaning that the snow has started and won't stop until Spring.  At least I feel more prepared this year.

This is the worst day of Daylight Savings Time.  The dogs and girls simply do not understand that I didn't forget to feed them - it simply isn't time yet.  And when the clock says 8:00 pm, I am ready for bed.

Larry and Elsie arrived at 11:30 am.  Larry immediately took all the tires off, tightened the nuts on the extenders, then put the tires back on & tightened them.  With the shop vacuum, we sucked the air out of the tires and wrestled the tracks on with Larry's brute force.  Put the middle tires back on, and we were done!

Then it was inside to warm up and play marbles.  The guys won the first game and the ladies the second.  Actually "won" doesn't quite define the games.  Each one was pretty much a route, but so much fun!

Our high for the day was only 27.

Monday 11/6. It is 22 this morning with valley fog, and trying very hard to snow

Thought for the day: Coffee in hand, big girls panties pulled up, sparkle in my eye and a smile on my face.  Yep, I'm ready for the day. . . bring it on!

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