Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29, 2015 Happy Hens & Hummingbirds

The happy hens in their new run.

More yellow balsam root blooming
in the canyon.

Monday 4/27. The dogs wanted out at 6:00 am.  I stayed up after they came back in, for the first time in many moons.

We have now cleared the north side of the porch of the little bit of wood that was stacked there with the three water barrels.  Nice to have a clear view while sitting there.

It was an electric morning with all the power pouring in: vacuum sealed some meat for the freezer; ground some coffee beans; vacuumed the house.  Then I went out to saw off the 2"X4" uprights on the girls' run.  After lunch JB sawed off the 4"X4" uprights and then we finished putting up the chicken wire around the sides and on the top of the run, leaving one panel by the original run open.  We will peal back the old panel to close the new panel tomorrow.  Putting up the wire is a long process, the worst part being cutting it, especially as we got towards the end of the tightly wound roll.  Our high for the day was 65.  Too warm for a long sleeved shirt, so my arms got scratched up a bit.

After dinner we put all the tools back in JB's Jeep, then the dogs and I walked to the north ridge.  I just sat on my bench for a while listening to the bees and the birds, watching the butterflies, and enjoying the view.

Definitely an ibuprofen night for both of us.

Tuesday 4/28. This morning was 50 and clear with possible rain in the forecast for tonight.

Some critter was nearby or actually in our yard about 7:00 am.  JB opened the door and the dogs tore out barking and sniffing the ground, hackles up.  They were out for quite a bit, barking all the while.

I sat out on the porch in the absolutely glorious spring morning and was serenaded by the wren and a few other song birds.  It simply does not get any better than that.

I saw a couple more humming birds, so I took their hint and fixed a big batch of syrup for them.  In less than 10 minutes after hanging the feeders, a large rufus humming bird was at one of them, and she was soon joined by two more.  Soon a couple of Anna's humming birds joined them.  All this about a month early.

Got an early start on the girls' run wiring together the "roof" panels of chicken wire.  I chased the girls into their house, then JB and I cut out the original panel that was dividing the two.  It was too small to fill in the last of the new panels, so we used the last of the big roll.  There was just enough.

The girls were in their new run by noon and seemed very happy.  I was in there with them to do some final touches, but they were too busy to notice.  Then I attended to final touches on the outside, and again they were too busy to notice.  Their run is about 2-1/2 times as big as it was originally.

JB worked on unhooking the propane generator that he will be taking with him on Monday.  He got most of it done but has to call the repair shop to ask about one item.  He had me take a photo of the wiring so he will be sure to get it put back together correctly

It felt so good to have the girls' run finished.  I just sat in the shade and watched them for a while.  Very relaxing in a zen sort of way.

Got all the tools put back in the shop, and went for our afternoon walk.  Our high for the day was 68, with a light cool breeze.  The sky began clouding up during the afternoon, and by dinner time the breeze had become a cool wind.

The balsam root always blooms on the south facing slopes first, and now it is beginning to bloom just about everywhere else.  We are seeing it in places I don't remember it ever being before.  Just phenomenal!

Wednesday 4/29. A cold front blew in last night.  It is 40 and mostly overcast this morning with blue sky to the west.  Going to drive Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's today to get water.  Will also pick up the mail and let their dogs out for a romp and a treat.

Thought for the day: If spring came but once a century instead of once a year, or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake and not in silence, what wonder and expectation there would be in all the hearts to behold the miraculous change. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015 No Hope For Ditzy

See the bear?  Neither do I.
(Larry & Elsie's slope where the bears
supposedly graze.)

Friday's wild weather!

Friday 4/24. This morning was 32 and clear until the fluffy snow clouds over the mountains began moving our way.  When I went out to feed the girls their oatmeal and bananas for breakfast, tiny snow flakes were being blown in.  Then it looked like someone had spilled a giant bottle of glitter as the sun shown on the frozen flakes.

I called Randy and, while we were chatting, the ground turned white as a hailstorm moved through.  He has just been pushing himself too hard and now is paying for it.  But I remember how impatient and frustrated I would get during our first few years Up Here when we just weren't getting things done as quickly as I thought we should be.  I have since learned to be a bit more patient.

As I went to get dressed for the day, I thought my underwear drawer looked a bit empty.  I knew I had washed a big load yesterday at the laundromat. . . and. . . left it all in the washing machine!  I know you can't fix stupid, but I thought there might be hope for ditzy.  Apparently not.

I called the laundromat and left for Down There - again - a little after 10:00 am.  Put the load in the dryer, then took it with me this time.  Didn't want to waste the trip, so I got gas (at $2.45/gal it is so nice to fill up without having to mortgage the homestead), stopped in to visit Larry and Elsie, took some time looking through the Salvation Army Thrift store (bought five books and three long-sleeve tops for $10).  JB called to say we needed some more long screws for the girls' run, so I went to Lowe's and bought a five pound box - for $30!!  Then it was off to Jack-in-the-Box for a little chicken sandwich, after which I headed home.  Stopped for a quick chat with Gridder, then let Larry and Elsie's dogs out for a romp and a treat.

Took lots of pictures on the drive down and back up, and was home a little after 2:00 pm.  JB had been putting up the top railings on the girls' run, so I helped him with the last two.  It was cool and windy Up Here, with a high for the day of 46.

After dinner we watched The Client with Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones.  Both of us had read the book years ago, but never seen the movie.  Excellent!

Saturday 4/25. It was 36 and mostly cloudy this morning with the sun occasionally peeking through the cracks.

Was so nice when the phone rang at 8:30 am with JB's Mom calling.  She always calls Saturday morning, but, because she had been in the hospital and rehab, she hadn't been able to for several weeks.  She finally got to go home this last Thursday.  She still has to have an operation on May 5, so JB is driving over on May 4 for the week, dropping off our propane generator in Yakima to be fixed.  He will pick it up on his way back home.

Randy called this morning to say how much he likes the photos of inside our home, and that Jim, the photographer, should "get a life". . .

At 11:30 am, just as we finished washing three days' worth of dishes, snow began to fall and continued off and on for most of the day.  We got out to get some work done anyway, laying all but one of the ground rails.  Just as the battery died in JB's electric screwdriver, we began to get pelted by hail.  We quickly put all the tools in the back of JB's Jeep and ran inside.  Several claps of thunder rumbled through the canyons between 3:00 and 4:00 pm, while it continued to snow and hail until about 5:00 pm.

I know I have ranted about this before, but just who decides what the flowers will be named?!  Western spring beauty - perfect.  Bear grass - NO!  That flower should be named beautimous yellow stalk flower.

This evening we watched Looper for the second time.  Very good movie.

Sunday 4/26. It was 37 with a light overcast this morning which soon broke up and the sun shown most of the day.  Again, warm sun and cool breeze.  Our high for the day was 50.

We got out early in hopes of getting most of the girls' run done today.  We managed to finish all the framing and put up one long side of the chicken wire.  I had to put some rocks under the bottom railing that wasn't into the ground to keep critters from digging in.  We were both achy by the time we quite around 3:00 pm.

Nene called for a nice chat.  She has been getting wild weather on her side of the mountains also.

I do look back fondly on our leisurely days of winter spent reading by the fire in the living room. . .

This evening we watched X-Men: Days of Future Past.  Two time-travel movies in two days, both very good but a little disconcerting.

Monday 4/27. It is 45 and mostly overcast this morning.  Hoping to finish the girls' run today.

Thought for the day: Coffee has given me unrealistic expectations of productivity. Author Unknown

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015 Two Days in Photos

Our new living room, taken from the loft. . .
. . .and another view.

Prairie stars
(Yes, photographer Jim, I will post the occasional
blurry flower close-up photo when it's the best I
can do with my Canon PowerShot.)
Four posts sunk in concrete for the girls'
extended run.

Blurry bear grass blooming on the
south ridge.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015 Planes & Dust

Our load of supplies for the girls' pen.

Shooting stars with western
spring beauties.

Monday 4/20. Put a fire in the stove this morning just to take the chill out.

Monday morning on the porch is the noisiest morning of the week.  We are right in the flight pattern of planes flying east from Sea-Tac, and they must have really been lined up on the tarmac today.

We worked on the final tweaking of the living room.  Moved my large, wood cedar chest that was built by my great-grandfather down from the loft and took a smaller one up.  Now it is perfect.  Very good feng shui.

JB hitched up the trailer to get it ready for tomorrow's trip for lumber, only to discover that this winter put an end to our hopes of the tires lasting just a little longer.  I suppose we can't complain, as they are the original ones that were on the trailer when we bought it about 30 years ago.  So we jacked up the trailer, took the tires off and he went down there to get two new ones.  I got to do the dishes.

When we felled those two big trees, fir cones went flying everywhere.  Part of the clean up I had not anticipated.  This afternoon I concentrated on raking and picking them up from around the house.  Filled two large kitchen garbage bags and made two piles near the chipper.  The "yard" looks so much better.

We put the new tires on the trailer when JB arrived back home.  Now we really are ready for tomorrow.

Our high for the day was 65!  In April!  Although the record for today was set in 2009.  Hmmm, don't remember that.

Tuesday 4/21.  It was 55 and mostly clear this morning.  No fire needed.

We almost filled up the trailer with our yearly load of cardboard for recycling, and left for Down There at about 10:00 am.  Flox and sweet peas have joined the balsam root and lupine blooming down in the canyon.  Most of the flox is white with a few pink ones sprinkled in.

Post office, latte, recycle, and then to Lowe's for the lumber and cement for the girls' run.  No room for supplies for the wood cradle.  The forecast temperature for town was 77, and I am sure it was well on the way to reaching that by the time we left at 12:30 pm.  We were home by 1:30, and once we reached the dirt road I got to ride in the back of the Wrangler sitting on some of the 2X12's.  VERY dusty ride.

Unloaded the wood, then JB cut down the little tree that was in the way of the new pen.  If tomorrow's forecast rain does not arrive, we will put up the 4"X4' uprights in cement.  I am going Down There Thursday to do laundry and pick up a few groceries, so we will start building the pen on Friday, weather permitting.

Our high for today was 65 again.  I feel like we have skipped April and May, and jumped right in to June or July.  Fluffy clouds began floating over late morning and by 5:00 pm the sky was mostly overcast.  Prairie stars are now blooming Up Here and I am seeing more and more shooting stars each day.  The flox and sweet peas should start appearing in a few weeks.

We finished watching season five of The Vampire Diaries, and we were both a bit teary-eyed - until I realized what really was going to happen.

Wednesday 4/22. It is 35 and clear this morning.  Looks like we will be able to get started on the girls' new pen today.

Thought for the day: Every Spring is the only Spring - a perpetual astonishment.  Ellis Peters

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015 Deer, Hummingbirds & Musings From the Porch

On our Sunday walk, I saw our dinosaur with his
visiting cousin.

Our re-designed bird bath.

Friday 4/17. Musings from the porch: Sitting on the porch with my coffee and listening to the symphony of bird song.  No traffic.  No human commotion.  Just trees and grass and flowers and blue sky.  Yet some people wonder how we can live Up Here, while we wonder how they can live Down There.

Something else I notice Up Here is the position of the stars and how they change over the course of a year.  We could barely even see them when Down There with all the lights, let alone follow their movements.

Yesterday while sitting on my swing, I could have sworn I heard a wren.  Haven't seen him yet, but am so looking forward to it.  I love that feisty little song bird!

I enjoy getting magazines, especially now that subscriptions are so inexpensive.  One of my favorites is Redbook, just to keep up with the fashion trends.  Of course there's nothing "fashionable" about my current wardrobe, but I enjoy seeing what is out there, especially shoes.  If I could have afforded it, I might have been another Imelda Marcos.  I love shoes, and there are so many fantastic one out there now.  Well, maybe in another life. . .

The many varieties of hues of Spring greens are phenomenal.  Every species of plant and grass is different from all the others.  A rainbow of greens.  By summer they have melded into just a few more subtle, darker ones.

Enough musing - on with the day.  I had been working on a new arrangement for our living room in my mind for several days and finally came up with one I thought might work.  So we spent the rest of the morning re-arranging the furniture and chasing rabid dust bunnies.  Got very frustrated because I could not find a place for one of my favorite wooden chests, a hand-made one that we used to use when Rendezvousing.  So I'm sitting there pouting until the idea popped into my head to just give it away.  Then all was well.  Our living room actually seems much larger now.

After lunch I helped JB with the chipping.  We finished the first pile and got about 1/3 through the second one.  Chipping is a very long process.  And JB somehow tweaked his back bending and twisting.  Was definitely an ibuprofen night.

Saturday 4/18. It was 44 and clear this morning.  Another gorgeous Spring day.

We have been seeing a lot more deer lately, all over the place.  And today I saw our first hummingbird, which has got to be about two months early.  We'll go broke if I start feeding them now!

JB just took it easy today as his back was still pretty sore.  Larry and Elsie were going to a wedding this evening, so I went down to feed the dogs and cats, and let them out.  I left about 2:30 pm as I wanted drop the wooden chest off at the Gridder's, and check the mail.  I figured theirs would be a great home for the chest, and I was right.  After picking up the mail, I drove back up to Larry and Elsie's and fed all the four-legged critters.  Was going to stay a while, but after about a half an hour, their big dog decided it was time for me to leave so they could get their dessert.  I always give them a treat when I leave, and I am sure that is why they are always so glad to see me.

It was quite warm down in the canyon.  Larry and Elsie's thermometer read 78 in the sun!  I got back home at about 4:45 pm and our high was 60.  On the drive back up I saw a herd of about 7-8 deer, possibly the same one we had seen down by the gate.  Still no bear sighting though.  And of course there were all those balsam root flowers and lupine, but I think I have probably written enough about them.  Or not.

Still watching two or three episodes of season five of Vampire Diaries every night.

Sunday 4/19. This morning was 45 and clear.  Called Sandy for a nice, long chat, then had a nice big breakfast and a leisurely morning.  Then before lunch, the dogs and I headed out on a hike.  We just moseyed on down the road to the wood spirit.  Warm sun, cool breeze.  Just perfect.  It was about a mile and a half round trip, with the return trip all up hill.  I really enjoyed it and really need to get out more often.

When we returned home, JB was chipping.  So after eating an orange, I helped him.  We finished the second pile of little branches and got about 2/3 through the third pile.  Two more big ones to go.

I also set up our bird bath, but re-designed it for less water.  With a small pan of water, it will be easier to clean more often.  Then I got to pull a tick off of Dinga that JB found.

Mid afternoon we both took shipboard showers.  Just turn on the shower to get wet.  Turn the water off.  Lather up and wash.  Then turn the water back on to rinse off.  Sponge baths are fine for keeping clean, but there's just nothing like a shower.

Our high for the day was 60 again.  I can only hope this early warm weather is not an indication of a hot summer. . .

I keep forgetting to note what a great salve Egyptian Magic is for scrapes, cuts and burns.  It seems to cut their healing time in half.

This was the first night this year that we did not need a fire in the wood stove.  That's the only thing about warmer weather, I do not like giving up our morning and evening fires.  I do so enjoy them.

Monday 4/20. It is 50 and clear this morning with rain in the forecast for Wednesday.  We will probably go Down There tomorrow to buy supplies for the girls' extended run and the wood cradle.

Thought for the day: In Spring at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. Margaret Atwood

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015 Sunshine, Water & Projects

Balsam root and lupine by Larry & Elsie's
on Thursday.
Tiny western spring beauty up close.

Wednesday 4/15. This time of year I really need projects.  Projects for every day.  By late Fall and early Winter, I am ready to sit by the wood stove and just read books.  But by late Winter and early Spring, I definitely need things to do.  Call it Spring fever or whatever you like, which is why I have been feverishly splitting wood.  This morning I was up and at 'em to stake out the extended chicken run we want to build for the girls that will more than double their outdoor space.  JB figured out all the wood we will need.  Then he made a drawing of the proposed wood cradle and the supplies we need for that.  We will make a run Down There next week to pick up everything. 

I came up with a much easier way (finally) to get water in our containers, especially the six gallon ones.  When I get to Larry and Elsie's, I will simply back Miss Kitty up as close as I can to the spigot, then use the hose to fill all the containers while they are still in the back of Miss Kitty.  No lifting required.  Back at Rose Camp, I'll just back Miss Kitty up to the cistern and unload the containers.  Lifting them out when full is so much easier than lifting them in.  I can already hear the "well duh" snickers from out there in the internet ether. . .

I finished snipping the small, bare branches for kindling.  JB used the tractor bucket to take them over to the wood shed in 1-1/2 loads.  I also split and stacked 2-1/2 bucket loads of fire wood.  Then when I was done stacking, I helped JB with the chipping.

From the north ridge we can see that Mt. Baker and the Glacier Peak/Wilderness area received a LOT of new snow.  A lot of much needed snow.

It was an incredible Spring day, and actually in the Spring.  Sitting in the sun on my swing overlooking the snow-capped mountains couldn't be a better end to such a day.  Almost fell asleep. . .

JB has been spending a lot of time on the computer sending emails back and forth to his brothers and his sisters-in-law regarding his Mother.  He will probably be going back over there around the first of May.

When he went Down There yesterday, he saw the little herd of deer on the road by the gate.  There were seven of them this time.  No bear sighting though.

To clarify my political stance, I have always been an Independent.  I still am, but right now I know of no Democrats for whom I would vote.  As far as a Presidential candidate goes, let me paraphrase Star Wars: "Help us, Rand Paul.  You are our only hope!"

Thursday 4/16.  It was 35 and clear this morning.  Another great Spring day that warmed to 55 Up Here.

This morning I cleared the rocks from part of the small wall we have by the chicken coup to make room for the expanded coup.  JB moved the rocks with the tractor bucket to the southwest side of the house where I need them to finish the little wall where the gravel is.

Yesterday I discovered that fir cones get chopped up in the chipper just fine, so this morning I grabbed a garbage bag and filled it with fir cones that had fallen on the gravel on the south side of the house.  Looks so much better.

After lunch I made two trips with Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's for water.  Picked up the mail on the first trip.  Let their dogs out on the second trip.  Brought up 20 gallons each time.

This was our third evening watching the fifth season of Vampire Diaries.  I can't help it, I really enjoy this show.

Friday 4/17. It is 45 with blue skies this morning.  No need to make hot cereal for the girls today.

Thought for the day: If you chop your own wood it will warm you twice. Henry Ford

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 Sunshine & Politics

Dinga enjoying a nest she made in a small pile
of branches to be chipped.

Monday 4/13.  The sky was overcast all day and our high temp was 45, but no wind.  A perfect day to work outside.  I split and stacked another two tractor bucket loads of wood.  JB moved the last big pile of large branches to the cutting area.  I broke/snipped a big pile of kindling and carried two armloads to the wood shed and stacked them.  

I soaked the roots of the Arbor Day bushes and we planted them after dinner.  The mock orange and lilacs on the west slope by the horse shoe pits.  The rose of sharon just to the southwest of the house.  I sure hope they all survive this cold snap.

A new friend on Facebook posted her support of Hilary Clinton for President.  That really shocked me because she is a very intelligent, religious person.  I had to use all the restraint I could muster not to comment.  Up until the last several years I have always been open to hearing other people's political views that differ from mine.  Not with the current political climate.  The nicest thing I could come up with to write was, "Well, you certainly do not want to visit Wenatchee.  Our local gun club uses her photo and campaign posters for targets."  But I didn't.  There are very few democrats in eastern Washington, but even so a good friend of ours is one of them.  We NEVER talk politics.  I am not going to lose a friendship over politics, but it is very difficult for me to understand how they could support - well, I guess I better stop right here. . .

This evening we watched The Skeleton Key, a movie that Randy sent us.  Very good!

Tuesday 4/14. It was 30 with a clear sky and wind gusting into the low teens.  But I am sure the wind racing along the west ridge is at least 10 mph faster.  It is snowing on both passes with compact snow on the roads.  Better late than never.

JB went Down There for his annual lab tests.  Also took down some more paper for recycling and the gas cans to fill.  He should be able to pick up our small, portable generator that is being fixed.  Now I will be able to use my little electric chain saw to cut the branch wood, instead of JB having to use his huge one.  As soon as we build the new wood cradle, that is.

Just as JB was getting ready to leave, Buster came up to play.  He didn't stay as long as usual, so JB was only delayed about 20 minutes.

I spent the morning doing the dishes, vacuuming, bringing in fire wood, giving the girls fresh water and greens, etc., etc.  I have been able to give the girls grass and dandelion greens ever since the last week in March!  Elsie has been letting her girls out in the evenings and weekends, which is about a month early.  We got three eggs yesterday, but none today.

JB was home by 1:30 pm.  Shortly afterwards I went out to do some splitting.  The day had warmed up a bit and, wind or no wind, I was going to get outside.  I split and stacked 2-3/4 tractor bucket loads of wood.  Finished just in time to go on our afternoon walk.  The wind wasn't quite as biting as it had been earlier, and this sun was warm.  Our high for the day was 45.

Wednesday 4/15.  It is 32 with clear skies and a breeze. Tax day.  After all those years of sweating through figuring our taxes, it's really easy now.  We always file, but we don't make enough to pay any. . .

Thought for the day: If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. Jim Rohn

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015 Splitting Wood & Spitting snow

The hillside of blooming balsam root by Larry and Elsie's,
zoomed in on from our north ridge.
The west end of our wood shed
slowly filling up,

Friday 4/10. The day slipped by and it was 2:00 pm before I realized it.  Part of that was spending an hour talking to our son who was driving to San Antonio.  So nice to be able to chat without worrying about minutes!  But I was an hour late getting outside to work.  Still managed to split and stack two bucket loads of fire wood.

Mostly cloudy with a high of 52.

Finished watching season one of Weeds.  Can't wait to get season two.

Saturday 4/11. It was 32 with a clear sky and wind gusting to low 20 mph.  Really too windy to do much outside, so we decided to go Down There for the Arbor Day sale.  Plus Shopco was having their quarterly sale and Haggens had some great coupon specials on a few things we needed, including mangoes.  Also badly needed to take down some paper and plastic for recycling.

At the Arbor Day sale we ended up buying two lilac bushes, two mock orange bushes and one rose of sharon.  I want to plant the lilacs and mock orange on the slope by the horse shoe pits.  No idea yet where to put the rose of sharon.

On our drive back home, while stopped at the gate, we looked and looked for the bears.  Didn't see any, but we did see a small herd of five deer.

It was windy all day long, both Down There and Up here.  Snow was falling in the mountains and threatening to come our way, but only a few flakes arrived.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit, which was very nice.  I will be house sitting for them for four days over Memorial Day weekend.  I had better be able to see the bears then, or I will really be upset. . .

Sunday 4/12. It was a very chilly 28 and clear this morning.  No wind, but clouds soon moved in and a few snowflakes were falling as JB and the dogs left on their morning walk at 10:30.  More flakes fell for almost three hours, but nothing stuck.  Our high for the day barely made it to 40.  The balsam root blooms are quite droopy in this cold.

I finished stripping the last pile of large branches of their little branches.  Then stayed outside for a while cleaning up small branches and just enjoying the day.  The tiny western spring beauties have created a pink and white carpet in many places, with yellow dots of yellow bells.  The sky remained mostly cloudy all day with the sun occasionally peeking out.  Was too cold for the splitter to want to start.

Had a nice long talk with Randy.  He is enjoying their above-freezing temps, and has been able to get their house cozy warm.

While JB was fixing dinner, I took a short nap.  Mmmmm, I love my naps.

Monday 4/13. It is 32 and overcast this morning.  Cold or not, we are going to have to plant those Arbor Day bushes.

Thought for the day: Namascray: the crazy in me recognizes and honors the crazy in you.

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015 April Flowers & Showers

Dinga, sitting barely 6" away from me
while I was splitting wood on Thursday.
My Guardian.

Wednesday 4/8. The drive Down There and back was a feast for the eyes.  Flowers and bushes in bloom everywhere.  The balsam root blooms on the hillside across from Larry and Elsie's house had at least doubled since Sunday, making it almost solid yellow.  Every flower in town was blooming.  Color everywhere.

It was in the low 60's in town, but dark thunder clouds were forming on the western and southern horizons.  It was a long day and my last stop was at Verizon to try to get a better program for the same price we are paying and no contract.  Well, I did get a good deal but had to sign a two-year contract.  We now have a wireless "home" phone with unlimited minutes and an additional 250 minutes on our cell phones.  I just had to buy an inexpensive wireless phone at Target.

Didn't arrive back home til 3:30 pm and that included letting Larry and Elsie's dogs out for a romp.  It was still warm Up Here with a high of 50.

We received a box from Randy with several Twilight Zone DVDs and a movie.  Thank you!  I wanted to start watching Twilight Zone this evening, but since we just finished watching Revolution, JB wanted something light.  So we started watching season one of Weeds.  Hilarious. . . and very good on a deeper level.

Thursday 4/9.  It was 40 and mostly overcast this morning, but blue sky soon began to appear.  And then disappear around noon, with thunder booming from the dark clouds to the south of us.  A nice leisurely morning of reading papers and magazines.  I so enjoy our slow retirement mornings.

After lunch I split two tractor bucket loads of wood that JB moved over to the wood shed.  Still lots of thunder from the south.  Just as I was about done stacking the second load of wood and JB was covering the tractor, hail began pelting us.  That lasted about half an hour before it turned to rain.  It was still raining at 3:30 pm and JB was napping, so we didn't go for our afternoon walk.  Showers continued to move through until almost 6:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 44.

After 67 years, I finally discovered mangoes yesterday.  On my continuing fruit kick, I bought a bag of dried ones at Costco.  And I am hooked!  Yes, there is a little sugar added to them, but OMG are they good.  Am going to buy some fresh ones next time I go Down There.  I have also become quite fond of oranges and dried apricots.  I am eating more fruit than carbs now, and that says a lot for me.

Friday 4/10. It is 40 and mostly overcast this morning.  Hoping for a dry day to get more splitting and chipping done.

Thought for the day: Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2014 Spring Snow

Another photo of balsam root that is
turning our south slope bright yellow.

Monday 4/6. The snow stopped falling at about 8:30 am and we had 1/2".  But the ground was too warm, and white began turning back to brown within a couple hours.  The grassy areas held on to it a little longer, as did the trees.  Watching the snow fall is as good as taking a sleeping pill, so I took a morning nap to try and calm my sinus headache.  JB read his book.  And when he and the dogs returned from their morning walk, a light snow was falling again.

Mrs. Gridder had sent home a variety of desserts with us yesterday, so for brunch I had a sunny-side-up egg with a piece of apple pie.  I have never been much of a fruit pie person, but this pie that her Mother baked was fabulous!

JB figured out the total amount of snow we have received since the first snowfall in October through March 31: 54.3", or about 4-1/2 ft.  This is the least amount we have had since we moved Up Here in 2008.  At least we are still getting a little more.

Fog moved in with the snow, but by 3:00 pm the fog had cleared along with part of the sky and there was no evidence left of the snow, just wet, muddy ground.

Still watching Revolution, and wishing the writing was better. . .

Tuesday 4/7. When I got up at 6:00 am to let the dogs out and put a fire in, we were socked in with fog.  Could hardly see the trees.  When I got up at 8:00 am for the day, snow was falling and the ground was already white.  We ended up with another 1/2", but just like yesterday it was all gone by 3:00 pm.  Our high for the day barely made it to 40.

Buster came up to play with our dogs at about 8:45 am.  Much better than 6:00 am!  He always stays for about 1/2 hour, and watching him and Jesse play is so much fun.

Another indoor day to read our books.  I am also working on organizing the box of quotes I have cut out of various papers and magazines to use in my blog.  I sorted them into specific subjects, cut them as small as possible and am gluing them into a notebook.

I am going Down There tomorrow to do laundry, some grocery shopping and to drop items off at the Salvation Army resale store and the food bank.  Loaded everything into the car this afternoon.

Finished watching season one of Revolution.  Not sure if we will get season two.

Wednesday 4/8. It is 38 with a mostly clear sky this morning.  Supposed to be in the low 60's Down There today, so I picked the right day to go.

Thought for the day: When did it change from "We the people" to "Screw the people"?

Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6, 2014 Splitting Wood, Nostalgia, & A Very Happy Easter

More early Spring wild flowers

Friday 4/3. Overcast began forming and all the blue sky disappeared by noon.

I was outside right after lunch to start splitting wood.  I managed to get three tractor bucket loads split, using only the wood from the trees we felled last Fall.  JB drove them over to the wood shed and I stacked them.  Then it was time for a nice little nap.

By the time of our afternoon walk, a wall of snow was approaching, but it never arrived.  Just blew on to the north.  Our high for the day was 43.

Regarding those hikers we had come onto our land several weeks ago, it seems that there is a hiking/trail app available, originating in Montana, which indicates that much of our neighbor's land to the south and east, and some of ours is public land.  Just goes to show that you can't believe everything you read, digital or printed.

Larry and Elsie are seeing wild turkeys around their house now, in addition to the three bears.  We have a lot of grouse Up Here, but haven't seen any turkeys yet, or bears.

Saturday 4/4. Another clear, frosty morning with a temp of 32.  I sat on the porch with my coffee and notebook, all wrapped up in my wool capote.  I love starting the morning this way.

JB did our taxes.  I did more sorting and throwing.  My donation bag is growing and so is the available shelf space in the loft.

I split and stacked four tractor bucket loads of wood this afternoon, using all the wood from last Fall and two rounds from the new trees.

It's amazing how we are so aware to the daily position of the sun Up Here, and how it is constantly moving north or south during the year.  With our busy lives Down There, it's something that we just were not consciously aware of.  So much noise and bustle grabbing for our attention.  Mother Nature has our full attention now.

Another wall of snow approached from the southwest while I was splitting.  Falling snow finally managed to reach us a little after 2:00 pm, but only lasted about 15 minutes.  Another shower arrived just as I was almost finished stacking the wood at about 3:00 pm.  It also was over in about 15 minutes.  After that the sun came out and the rest of the snow continued east to the north and south of us.

Musings while on the porch: I have visited large cities on vacations and business trips: New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, New Orleans, London, etc.  I have lived in the suburbs of large cities: Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Esfahan, Iran.  I have enjoyed and been fascinated by all the culture they have to offer.  I have explored their historical sites with great ardor.  And I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to do so, especially the castles and cathedrals of London, the Art Museum of Chicago, the Smithsonian Institute and all the other national sites of Washington D.C.  But at this stage of my life, the mountains and forests of my youth have called me back to where I belong.  I need the natural sounds, and smells, and quiet that Mother Nature has to offer.

My Dad was quite the Washington and Oregon history buff, so I have several of his books on the subject.  Writing the above paragraph made me a bit nostalgic, so I got one out to look at: The Look of Old Time Washington, published in 1971.  Lots of great photos and memories, with several barns and buildings that I know are no longer in existence.

Easter Sunday 4/5. Another beautiful morning with a temp of 32 and some thin clouds that soon formed a thick overcast.

I baked a banana coffee cake to take with us.  JB made a ham and cheese omelette for our Easter breakfast.  Then he took the sand bags out of Miss Kitty, which we will dump in the horse shoe pits.  We got cleaned up and left for dinner at the Gridders at 12:45 pm.  The balsam root blooms have exploded all over the hillsides!  We even saw some lupine in bloom.  Mother Nature is putting on quite a show this year.

We had a wonderful time and got to meet all of the Gridder's family.  New friends, great conversation and delicious food.  Even an Easter egg hunt.  Couldn't ask for a better day.

We filled up all our water containers and were home by 5:45 pm.

Monday 4/6. It is 32 and snowing this morning.  The ground is already white with at least 1/4".  Going to be a stay-inside-by-the-fire day.

Thought for the day: You can see God's signature everywhere around you once you learn to recognize His handwriting. Carol Harrington Brock, April Guideposts

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015 Spring Flowers & Spring Cleaning

My next big project!

Balsam root blooming on the south slope.

Wednesday 4/1. Out early on the porch with my coffee.  We all went on the morning walk, and I stayed outside most of the day.  JB cut the last log into three pieces, then moved them and some large branches to their respective places with the tractor.  He took two tractor bucket loads of small branch wood (kindling) I had broken/clipped into 16" pieces to the wood shed where I stacked them.  Then he pulled the chipper down with Miss Kitty to the first pile of small branches and will begin chipping them tomorrow, weather permitting.

Snow was in the forecast for today, but the clouds dumped all of it on the mountains before they reached us.  The few that passed overhead just scooted on by.  Our high was only 46.

I gave the girls hot oatmeal and bananas for breakfast this morning because it was so cold.  They gave us two eggs today, and a total of 40 for the month of March.

We started watching season one of Revolution this evening.  Looks to be very good, but I miss the zombies. . .  Our son told us that there is a spin-off of Walking Dead coming out that will start this Summer or Fall.  Two Walking Deads.  Woo Hoo!

Thursday 4/2. It was 30 this bright, sunny morning with no clouds in sight.  Sandy called again, which was very cool.  Seems the hummingbirds are already eating her out of house and home!  I can hardly wait until they arrive Up Here.

I went to bed last night with the beginnings of a Spring-cleaning mood, and woke up with a full blown desire to sort and throw.  Started with books that I have read several times, and moved on to the loft.  I finally got the last of my craft display items out to take to the Salvation Army store.  Also have a big bag of fabric that I wall take to Nene in September.  Not sure what I am going to do with all my polymer clay processing items.  I love working with it, but the oven does take a lot of electricity.  I suppose I could create items and then bake them on sunny days, but I just don't seem to have time for that any more.

I spent most of the day inside, while JB got started on the chipping.  Made it through half of one of the larger piles before his back got tired of bending over.

The western Spring beauties are now carpeting the ground in several places, and there are many balsam root plants in full bloom down the south slope from the south ridge.  So pretty!  Spring is definitely my favorite season, and it looks to be a long one this year.

I looked outside about 3:00 pm to see that it was snowing!  Small flakes or light hail that was still falling at 3:30 pm when we left for our afternoon walk.  Didn't last much longer.  Our high for the day was 48 again.

Our neighbors down at the bottom of the canyon on the grid have invited us, Larry and Elsie to a BBQ Sunday afternoon.  Really looking forward to that.

Friday 4/3. It is 32 with clear skies this morning.  At 6:00 am the dogs both jumped up and started barking.  JB got up and discovered that Buster was here to visit!  I rolled over and went back to sleep.

Thought for the day: Man's curiosity, his relentlessness, his inventiveness, his ingenuity have led him deep into trouble. We can only hope that these same traits will enable him to claw his way out. E.B. White

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015 Mother Nature Thinks It's May 1!

This branch was jammed almost two feet
into the ground!  JB had to nudge it with
the tractor bucket in order to loosen it
enough so I could pull it out.
Our first blooming yellow bells.

Monday 3/30. I sat on the porch with my coffee for a while this morning for the first time this year.  Then I just couldn't sit still any more and was out working on the branches by 9:30 am.  Unheard of Up Here at least until late April.

Not wanting to be outdone, JB came out and started chainsawing the last of the trees.  He cut a total of ten rounds, with only two more cuts to go on the large end of the largest tree.  He then moved all the rounds and a huge pile of branches with the tractor to their respective piles for splitting and cutting.

I have created four large piles of small branches to be put through the chipper, and JB plans to start on them Wednesday.  There is still one more pile of large branches to be stripped.  And I have to finish clearing the west slope of small branches that fell down there.  The huge pile of rounds is going to keep me busy splitting all summer, especially of we take down the four other trees that JB wants to.

It was a very good day, and I can now really see the results of our work.  I was beginning to wonder if we would get this mess cleaned up by our July 4 picnic, but now I am sure we will, and actually much sooner.

Tomorrow JB is leaving for Down There at 8:00 am to meet his brother who is passing through on his way to Quincy for a meeting.  They are going to trade boxes - one from us to his Mom and one from his Mom to us.  She always sends over books that she has finished reading.  Then JB will run some errands, which includes taking our small Coleman generator in to be fixed so I can use my electric chainsaw again.

JB worked on organizing his Magic cards on his computer, while I watched three episodes of Warehouse 13 this evening.

Tuesday 3/31. It was 40 with a few scattered clouds and an icy wind this morning.  JB left for Down There as planned.  We are washing dishes every other day now to try to save a little more water, and today was the day.  After that chore, I did some little clean up chores outside and stripped the last three large branches in the one pile.  Also started clearing the west slope of small branches.  Then just sat on the porch and enjoyed the day and being sheltered from the wind.  It blew all day, getting stronger as the day wore on.

Randy called and we had a nice long chat.  He is getting so frustrated with all the improvements they have to make on the house, and the problems he is having with their wood stove.  He hasn't been able to just ease into living in the mountains.  I'm sure that if he could just get their house warm, everything else would fall into place.

JB was home by 1:30 pm, and with the driving wind, we just stayed inside and read mail and papers.  Went on a windy afternoon walk and saw a large eagle checking out possible dinner in the canyon to the south.  I had seen a red tail(?) hawk on our morning walk.  Also noticed the first yellow bell blooming.  It's like we have skipped April and gone straight to May!

Unfortunately much colder temperatures are in the forecast.  That could be a real problem for the orchards and Larry and Elsie's blueberries that are already starting to bud out.  It was almost down to freezing by the time we got to bed at 10:00 pm.

Wednesday 4/1. It is 30 with clear skies this morning.  Fortunately the wind has calmed to a light breeze.

Thought for the day: The biggest lie I tell myself is - I don't need to write that down. I'll remember it.