Balsam root and lupine by Larry & Elsie's on Thursday. |
Tiny western spring beauty up close. |
Wednesday 4/15. This time of year I really need projects. Projects for every day. By late Fall and early Winter, I am ready to sit by the wood stove and just read books. But by late Winter and early Spring, I definitely need things to do. Call it Spring fever or whatever you like, which is why I have been feverishly splitting wood. This morning I was up and at 'em to stake out the extended chicken run we want to build for the girls that will more than double their outdoor space. JB figured out all the wood we will need. Then he made a drawing of the proposed wood cradle and the supplies we need for that. We will make a run Down There next week to pick up everything.
I came up with a much easier way (finally) to get water in our containers, especially the six gallon ones. When I get to Larry and Elsie's, I will simply back Miss Kitty up as close as I can to the spigot, then use the hose to fill all the containers while they are still in the back of Miss Kitty. No lifting required. Back at Rose Camp, I'll just back Miss Kitty up to the cistern and unload the containers. Lifting them out when full is so much easier than lifting them in. I can already hear the "well duh" snickers from out there in the internet ether. . .
I finished snipping the small, bare branches for kindling. JB used the tractor bucket to take them over to the wood shed in 1-1/2 loads. I also split and stacked 2-1/2 bucket loads of fire wood. Then when I was done stacking, I helped JB with the chipping.
From the north ridge we can see that Mt. Baker and the Glacier Peak/Wilderness area received a LOT of new snow. A lot of much needed snow.
It was an incredible Spring day, and actually in the Spring. Sitting in the sun on my swing overlooking the snow-capped mountains couldn't be a better end to such a day. Almost fell asleep. . .
JB has been spending a lot of time on the computer sending emails back and forth to his brothers and his sisters-in-law regarding his Mother. He will probably be going back over there around the first of May.
When he went Down There yesterday, he saw the little herd of deer on the road by the gate. There were seven of them this time. No bear sighting though.
To clarify my political stance, I have always been an Independent. I still am, but right now I know of no Democrats for whom I would vote. As far as a Presidential candidate goes, let me paraphrase Star Wars: "Help us, Rand Paul. You are our only hope!"
Thursday 4/16. It was 35 and clear this morning. Another great Spring day that warmed to 55 Up Here.
This morning I cleared the rocks from part of the small wall we have by the chicken coup to make room for the expanded coup. JB moved the rocks with the tractor bucket to the southwest side of the house where I need them to finish the little wall where the gravel is.
Yesterday I discovered that fir cones get chopped up in the chipper just fine, so this morning I grabbed a garbage bag and filled it with fir cones that had fallen on the gravel on the south side of the house. Looks so much better.
After lunch I made two trips with Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's for water. Picked up the mail on the first trip. Let their dogs out on the second trip. Brought up 20 gallons each time.
This was our third evening watching the fifth season of Vampire Diaries. I can't help it, I really enjoy this show.
Friday 4/17. It is 45 with blue skies this morning. No need to make hot cereal for the girls today.
Thought for the day: If you chop your own wood it will warm you twice. Henry Ford
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