Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 Sunshine & Politics

Dinga enjoying a nest she made in a small pile
of branches to be chipped.

Monday 4/13.  The sky was overcast all day and our high temp was 45, but no wind.  A perfect day to work outside.  I split and stacked another two tractor bucket loads of wood.  JB moved the last big pile of large branches to the cutting area.  I broke/snipped a big pile of kindling and carried two armloads to the wood shed and stacked them.  

I soaked the roots of the Arbor Day bushes and we planted them after dinner.  The mock orange and lilacs on the west slope by the horse shoe pits.  The rose of sharon just to the southwest of the house.  I sure hope they all survive this cold snap.

A new friend on Facebook posted her support of Hilary Clinton for President.  That really shocked me because she is a very intelligent, religious person.  I had to use all the restraint I could muster not to comment.  Up until the last several years I have always been open to hearing other people's political views that differ from mine.  Not with the current political climate.  The nicest thing I could come up with to write was, "Well, you certainly do not want to visit Wenatchee.  Our local gun club uses her photo and campaign posters for targets."  But I didn't.  There are very few democrats in eastern Washington, but even so a good friend of ours is one of them.  We NEVER talk politics.  I am not going to lose a friendship over politics, but it is very difficult for me to understand how they could support - well, I guess I better stop right here. . .

This evening we watched The Skeleton Key, a movie that Randy sent us.  Very good!

Tuesday 4/14. It was 30 with a clear sky and wind gusting into the low teens.  But I am sure the wind racing along the west ridge is at least 10 mph faster.  It is snowing on both passes with compact snow on the roads.  Better late than never.

JB went Down There for his annual lab tests.  Also took down some more paper for recycling and the gas cans to fill.  He should be able to pick up our small, portable generator that is being fixed.  Now I will be able to use my little electric chain saw to cut the branch wood, instead of JB having to use his huge one.  As soon as we build the new wood cradle, that is.

Just as JB was getting ready to leave, Buster came up to play.  He didn't stay as long as usual, so JB was only delayed about 20 minutes.

I spent the morning doing the dishes, vacuuming, bringing in fire wood, giving the girls fresh water and greens, etc., etc.  I have been able to give the girls grass and dandelion greens ever since the last week in March!  Elsie has been letting her girls out in the evenings and weekends, which is about a month early.  We got three eggs yesterday, but none today.

JB was home by 1:30 pm.  Shortly afterwards I went out to do some splitting.  The day had warmed up a bit and, wind or no wind, I was going to get outside.  I split and stacked 2-3/4 tractor bucket loads of wood.  Finished just in time to go on our afternoon walk.  The wind wasn't quite as biting as it had been earlier, and this sun was warm.  Our high for the day was 45.

Wednesday 4/15.  It is 32 with clear skies and a breeze. Tax day.  After all those years of sweating through figuring our taxes, it's really easy now.  We always file, but we don't make enough to pay any. . .

Thought for the day: If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. Jim Rohn

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