Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2014 Spring Snow

Another photo of balsam root that is
turning our south slope bright yellow.

Monday 4/6. The snow stopped falling at about 8:30 am and we had 1/2".  But the ground was too warm, and white began turning back to brown within a couple hours.  The grassy areas held on to it a little longer, as did the trees.  Watching the snow fall is as good as taking a sleeping pill, so I took a morning nap to try and calm my sinus headache.  JB read his book.  And when he and the dogs returned from their morning walk, a light snow was falling again.

Mrs. Gridder had sent home a variety of desserts with us yesterday, so for brunch I had a sunny-side-up egg with a piece of apple pie.  I have never been much of a fruit pie person, but this pie that her Mother baked was fabulous!

JB figured out the total amount of snow we have received since the first snowfall in October through March 31: 54.3", or about 4-1/2 ft.  This is the least amount we have had since we moved Up Here in 2008.  At least we are still getting a little more.

Fog moved in with the snow, but by 3:00 pm the fog had cleared along with part of the sky and there was no evidence left of the snow, just wet, muddy ground.

Still watching Revolution, and wishing the writing was better. . .

Tuesday 4/7. When I got up at 6:00 am to let the dogs out and put a fire in, we were socked in with fog.  Could hardly see the trees.  When I got up at 8:00 am for the day, snow was falling and the ground was already white.  We ended up with another 1/2", but just like yesterday it was all gone by 3:00 pm.  Our high for the day barely made it to 40.

Buster came up to play with our dogs at about 8:45 am.  Much better than 6:00 am!  He always stays for about 1/2 hour, and watching him and Jesse play is so much fun.

Another indoor day to read our books.  I am also working on organizing the box of quotes I have cut out of various papers and magazines to use in my blog.  I sorted them into specific subjects, cut them as small as possible and am gluing them into a notebook.

I am going Down There tomorrow to do laundry, some grocery shopping and to drop items off at the Salvation Army resale store and the food bank.  Loaded everything into the car this afternoon.

Finished watching season one of Revolution.  Not sure if we will get season two.

Wednesday 4/8. It is 38 with a mostly clear sky this morning.  Supposed to be in the low 60's Down There today, so I picked the right day to go.

Thought for the day: When did it change from "We the people" to "Screw the people"?

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