Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015 Splitting Wood & Spitting snow

The hillside of blooming balsam root by Larry and Elsie's,
zoomed in on from our north ridge.
The west end of our wood shed
slowly filling up,

Friday 4/10. The day slipped by and it was 2:00 pm before I realized it.  Part of that was spending an hour talking to our son who was driving to San Antonio.  So nice to be able to chat without worrying about minutes!  But I was an hour late getting outside to work.  Still managed to split and stack two bucket loads of fire wood.

Mostly cloudy with a high of 52.

Finished watching season one of Weeds.  Can't wait to get season two.

Saturday 4/11. It was 32 with a clear sky and wind gusting to low 20 mph.  Really too windy to do much outside, so we decided to go Down There for the Arbor Day sale.  Plus Shopco was having their quarterly sale and Haggens had some great coupon specials on a few things we needed, including mangoes.  Also badly needed to take down some paper and plastic for recycling.

At the Arbor Day sale we ended up buying two lilac bushes, two mock orange bushes and one rose of sharon.  I want to plant the lilacs and mock orange on the slope by the horse shoe pits.  No idea yet where to put the rose of sharon.

On our drive back home, while stopped at the gate, we looked and looked for the bears.  Didn't see any, but we did see a small herd of five deer.

It was windy all day long, both Down There and Up here.  Snow was falling in the mountains and threatening to come our way, but only a few flakes arrived.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit, which was very nice.  I will be house sitting for them for four days over Memorial Day weekend.  I had better be able to see the bears then, or I will really be upset. . .

Sunday 4/12. It was a very chilly 28 and clear this morning.  No wind, but clouds soon moved in and a few snowflakes were falling as JB and the dogs left on their morning walk at 10:30.  More flakes fell for almost three hours, but nothing stuck.  Our high for the day barely made it to 40.  The balsam root blooms are quite droopy in this cold.

I finished stripping the last pile of large branches of their little branches.  Then stayed outside for a while cleaning up small branches and just enjoying the day.  The tiny western spring beauties have created a pink and white carpet in many places, with yellow dots of yellow bells.  The sky remained mostly cloudy all day with the sun occasionally peeking out.  Was too cold for the splitter to want to start.

Had a nice long talk with Randy.  He is enjoying their above-freezing temps, and has been able to get their house cozy warm.

While JB was fixing dinner, I took a short nap.  Mmmmm, I love my naps.

Monday 4/13. It is 32 and overcast this morning.  Cold or not, we are going to have to plant those Arbor Day bushes.

Thought for the day: Namascray: the crazy in me recognizes and honors the crazy in you.

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