Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015 April Flowers & Showers

Dinga, sitting barely 6" away from me
while I was splitting wood on Thursday.
My Guardian.

Wednesday 4/8. The drive Down There and back was a feast for the eyes.  Flowers and bushes in bloom everywhere.  The balsam root blooms on the hillside across from Larry and Elsie's house had at least doubled since Sunday, making it almost solid yellow.  Every flower in town was blooming.  Color everywhere.

It was in the low 60's in town, but dark thunder clouds were forming on the western and southern horizons.  It was a long day and my last stop was at Verizon to try to get a better program for the same price we are paying and no contract.  Well, I did get a good deal but had to sign a two-year contract.  We now have a wireless "home" phone with unlimited minutes and an additional 250 minutes on our cell phones.  I just had to buy an inexpensive wireless phone at Target.

Didn't arrive back home til 3:30 pm and that included letting Larry and Elsie's dogs out for a romp.  It was still warm Up Here with a high of 50.

We received a box from Randy with several Twilight Zone DVDs and a movie.  Thank you!  I wanted to start watching Twilight Zone this evening, but since we just finished watching Revolution, JB wanted something light.  So we started watching season one of Weeds.  Hilarious. . . and very good on a deeper level.

Thursday 4/9.  It was 40 and mostly overcast this morning, but blue sky soon began to appear.  And then disappear around noon, with thunder booming from the dark clouds to the south of us.  A nice leisurely morning of reading papers and magazines.  I so enjoy our slow retirement mornings.

After lunch I split two tractor bucket loads of wood that JB moved over to the wood shed.  Still lots of thunder from the south.  Just as I was about done stacking the second load of wood and JB was covering the tractor, hail began pelting us.  That lasted about half an hour before it turned to rain.  It was still raining at 3:30 pm and JB was napping, so we didn't go for our afternoon walk.  Showers continued to move through until almost 6:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 44.

After 67 years, I finally discovered mangoes yesterday.  On my continuing fruit kick, I bought a bag of dried ones at Costco.  And I am hooked!  Yes, there is a little sugar added to them, but OMG are they good.  Am going to buy some fresh ones next time I go Down There.  I have also become quite fond of oranges and dried apricots.  I am eating more fruit than carbs now, and that says a lot for me.

Friday 4/10. It is 40 and mostly overcast this morning.  Hoping for a dry day to get more splitting and chipping done.

Thought for the day: Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.

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