Jesse with his find. |
Fence railings broken from the weight of the snow. |
Friday 4/7. Reading my blog lately seems little different from someone's life Down There, but with the snow still Up Here there is very little we can do outside that would make it different. And I write about the weather a lot because it affects our lives so much more that when living Down There. No paved roads and sidewalks at Rose Camp. No county trucks to plow our road. And due to our situation, we are so much more aware of the fickleness of Mother Nature. As for the fog, I certainly do not want to be out when I can't see very well considering the critters we have Up Here.
Our cistern filled waaayyy up by itself since yesterday morning, and by the looks of the water, it is from snow melt leaking in. Time to use our water filter.
A little rain shower blew in after 10:00 am, but it lasted just long enough to make some more mud. We had some sun and blue sky in the afternoon, with a high of 44. And we saw our first robin today! It really is Spring!
I am learning a little more with every basket I make, and I think each one is a little better. But I don't want them to be perfect, that's why I call them Rose Camp Rustics.
We started watching the first season of Mr. Robot this evening. Very different, but very good. Our son likes it and says that if you think you have it figured out, you haven't been watching closely enough!
Saturday 4/8. It was 32 and overcast this morning. The cloud cover soon broke up and we had blue sky and sunshine, but with a strong, icy breeze. Our high for the day was 44.
A week or so ago our battery room door came off its hinges. I had jerry-rigged it with bungee cords, but today we finally got out and fixed it. Used screws instead of nails this time.
This is the first winter we have really used a lot of our long-term, freeze-dried foods. The chicken is very good, although we are not too fond of the diced ham. However, the fruits and vegetables are great. It is so handy to have potatoes, spinach and broccoli available all the time.
Jesse has obviously found a fairly fresh deer kill, possibly by a cougar or coyotes. A week ago we found a pile of deer hair by the swing, then today we found Jesse over there chewing on a deer leg and enjoying it immensely. Don't know if he ever shared it with Dinga.
The cistern was so full this morning that I had to hook up a hose to the hydrant and empty some of it. I pulled the hose across the drive so the water could run down into the large swale.
On the radio this evening, Larry said he would be up with another mail delivery tomorrow morning! This would also give him a chance to check out our road to figure how long it might be before we could get Miss Kitty out.
Just before we went to bed I decided I better check the cistern again. It had already filled up, so I was up another 45 minutes with the generator on while it emptied some more.
Sunday 4/9. It was 27 and clear this morning. Larry and Elsie both arrived on their four-wheeler at about 9:30. Not only was there mail in the pouch but also a bag of Crunchy Cheetos! When they were at Fred Meyer yesterday, she said she was trying to figure out what fruits or veggies we might need, but then saw the Cheetos and decided maybe those would be better yet. Boy, was she right!
Elsie and I had a nice visit while Larry drove JB down our road so he could see for himself just how much snow was left. When they returned, JB said he agreed with Larry that it would be another two weeks before we could get Miss Kitty down. They saw some tracks indicating that a huge elk had gone up our road and part of our driveway.
I dug out around the riser on the cistern where I saw it was leaking and I think I have it stopped. I emptied a lot more water and filled it up a bit from the well, just to get some clean water in there.
We had some clouds move in this afternoon, but basically it was a beautiful day with a high of 44.
Whatever else Jesse found and ate must not have agreed with him as he did not eat his dinner, and Jesse never misses a meal.
Monday 4/10. It is 32 and mostly cloudy this morning. It was snowing at 4:00 am when I let the dogs out and put a fire in. Looks like we received less than 1/2". Everything is white again.
Thought for the day: I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. General Douglas MacArthur
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