Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017 Gray With Rain

The south slope of the
south ridge on Thursday. . .

. . .the north slope. . .

. . .and down to our house.

Wednesday 4/5. Today was our granddaughter's tenth birthday and thank goodness it was a much nicer day in Mobile, AL, than it was Up Here.  83 and sunshine there.  44 and grey clouds here, again with the sun trying to peek through but never any blue sky.

Still feeling crappy with this sinus issue.

Since we finished watching the first season of The Flash, this evening we watched the John Wayne movie Hatari.  Talk about completely opposite genres!  Pretty sure the last time I saw Hatari was in the theatre.

Thursday 4/6. It was 36 and lightly raining this morning.  We had light and hard rain off and on all morning, then. . . the fog moved in.  Surprise, surprise.  But I was feeling oh SO much better today, that I really didn't care about the grayness outside.  After several days of not doing much, I couldn't sit still.  I did my normal chores, baked some Toll House bars, sorted recipes, worked on my basket, read my book & generally puttered around the house.  Also had a nice conversation with my Aunt Nene, who at 91 years of age, is popping back quite nicely from her hip surgery.

With these warmer temperatures and this morning's rain, the snow cover is really shrinking.  There is more and more ground visible every day.  Our high for today was 46.

Friday 4/7. It is 39 this morning and overcast.  We received more than 1/2" of rain during the night and more is due in today.  The rain sure shrunk the snow and uncovered more of the ground.

Thought for the day: The trouble with trouble is that it usually starts out as fun.

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