Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017 Wild Flowers!

Our first blooms -
yellow bells on the
south ridge.
Then spring beauties
on Saturday.
My main project
for Friday.

JB on the tractor with
Dinga supervising.

Friday 4/14. There is nothing like stepping out on the porch first thing on a crisp, sunny morning with snow still on the ground and hearing a robin singing.  Once we saw the first one, we have been seeing and hearing them every day.  Other than that, the best thing about a cold morning is that the mud is frozen.

On the morning walk, JB found some yellow bells blooming on the west end of the south ridge!

My main project for the day was extending the little drainage "canal" from the south side of the house so that it went across the driveway and way into the east side.  I used the macintosh which seems to get heavier every year.  JB got the tractor out and started moving some snow, until he got stuck in the mud.

The forecast rain got blown north and south of us as often happens, so we had quite a nice day with a high of 49.

The girls gave us five eggs again - two days in a row!  My aunt Nene says they know it's almost Easter.

Saturday 4/15. It was 30 and clear this morning, but clouds soon moved in.  We all went for the morning walk, the dogs and I going up to the peak.  When we arrived back at the house, JB made some more muffins.  Then after lunch he tried a new recipe for pound cake.  It is on the back of Bob's Red Mill sweet white rice package.  It turned out soooo good!

I worked on my other blog, the address for which is:  Then I spent as much time outside as I could.  I collected some of the large branches that had broken off during the winter, and generally picked up little branches around the grove.  While doing that, I discovered that the little spring beauties are now popping up in many places.  I LOVE spring!  Sometimes I don't do anything but just walk around and enjoy.

Sunday 4/16. Easter Sunday began with a cool 30 and a very thin overcast which soon thickened and sliced off the tops of the mountains.  Very disappointed that we couldn't make it over for the family dinner, but we will one of these years.

JB tried to figure out what is wrong with the tractor as now it won't start.  He narrowed it down to the starter.  I worked on my blogs and a basket.  Pumped more water out of the cistern.  I took a hike after dinner and dragged a small log down from the south ridge.  It's that time of the year when we start gathering wood.

It turned out to be quite a gray Easter, with a high of 46.

Monday 4/17. It is 38 this morning with a few scattered clouds.  A little rain shower just passed through and there is probably more on the way.

Thought for the day: May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.  Nelson Mandela

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