Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017 A Mail Delivery & Healthcare

Number 5.

Monday 4/3. The morning sun shines in the east window of our dining area now and right into my eyes as I work on my sudoku and sip my coffee.  But I don't mind, because it's April and I know the days are getting warmer and longer as the sun moves north.  When the sun is in my eyes in October, I know I'll soon be getting out my long johns.

Larry and his grandson arrived Up Here around 9:30 am on the four-wheeler to deliver our mail.  This was the first time his grandson had visited, and he got the grand tour of the tipi.

Larry has been fattening up the wild turkeys that visit them.  Turkey season begins on April 15.  I thought that was appropriate since when you have paid your taxes you won't have money for groceries, so you can go shoot a turkey.  That's not so far-fetched with the "Affordable" Health Care Act.  Since Larry and Elsie self-employed, they would have to pay $1200 per month for coverage and that is with a $25,000 annual deductible.  They can't afford that, so they get to pay a $1400 penalty with their taxes!  How can anyone think this is acceptable??!!  Hopefully this year will be the last time they will have to do that.

I guess the girls wanted to help out as they gave us five eggs today.  They tied their record!

I finished my fifth basket.

Tuesday 4/4. It was 32 and overcast this morning.  The overcast stuck around all day although the sun was able to peek through during the afternoon and we had a high of 42.

I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection, which I seem to be getting prone to.  I took a nice long nap, drank a lot of herbal tea, did a few chores and started my next basket.  JB took the dogs on a morning walk.  With these cold nights, the snow is going down but staying mostly firm.

Wednesday 4/5. It is 32 and overcast again this morning.  We had a little rain during the night and more is due in today.

Thought for the day: Heaviest thing to carry - a grudge.

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