Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14, 2017 Mud Season!

Lot more ground (mud)
visible now to the south. . .

. . .  the east. . .

. . .and to the north.

Wednesday 4/12. Mud season has begun with a vengeance and today's weather only made it worse.  It was a typical dreary, drizzley Seattle day and we were ensconced in the clouds the whole time.  I pumped water out of the cistern twice.  Our high for the day was 40.

Things I want so badly when I go Down There - a grande vanilla latte; a big, juice burger; a rotisserie chicken from Costco. . . and maybe some ice cream.

This was our third 5-egg day!  I think the girls were just too bored with the weather to do anything else.

Thursday 4/13. It was 33 and partly cloudy this morning.  We had received 3/4" of rain during the night.  So now there is even less snow and more mud.

Again, I had to pump water out of the cistern twice.  After the night's rain, it was full to the very top this morning.

There is no snow at all left on the south ridge all the way up to the peak.  I guess I should start going up there on our walks again.  I know I need the exercise.

I filled the cans in the refrigerator with snow, which may be one of the last times I can do that.  I got outside just in time for a hail shower with tiny, little hail.  When I was done, so was it.

I am spending at least an hour every day writing my new blog.  More time consuming than I thought it would be.

Clouds continued to drift across all day, but the sun managed to shine most of the time until late afternoon.  The wind tried to blow in some snow, but the squall went to the south.  By sundown the sky was blue.  Our high for the day was 48.

Friday 4/14. It is 30 and with mostly clear skies this morning, but more rain is in the forecast.

Thought for the day: Patience is counting down without blasting off.

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