Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb 26, 2014 As Always, The Universe Provides

Dinga and Miss Kitty

Monday 2/24. This morning's break in the snowfall didn't last for long, but the flakes were larger and it snowed all day again.  JB got on his way at 9:00 am with both of us hoping that this is the vehicle we need.  Meanwhile, I did the dishes and laundry, read my book and waited for his call.

When I took the dogs for their morning and afternoon walks, I also cleaned the solar panels.  They were almost covered in ice in the afternoon, but I knew that as soon as the sun would shine through the clouds, it would melt.  I certainly couldn't scrape it off.

My Aunt Nene sent me an email regarding the Sportsman's Show.  She said that it was quite the event when she was growing up in Spokane (late 1920's to late 1930's).  One year there was a monkey for sale at the show that she wanted her Mother to buy for her.  When she wouldn't, Nene cried and cried.

It turned out the the UTV was exactly what we wanted and more.  Larry actually went with him to help check it out as he has a 2011 Arctic Cat.  It is a 2006 Arctic Cat Prowler XT side-by-side with a fully enclosed cab, a winch and a snow plow.  Even snow/mud tires, so no chains needed except for ice.  Everything we wanted but never dreamed we could afford.  It almost drained our savings account and added to our Visa debt, but definitely worth it for $6500.  Since it is a "Cat", we have named her Miss Kitty.

Now the only challenge is getting her up here in the middle of our winter.  JB drove her up to where our road turns off the main canyon road with no problems, and then, cut the turn a bit short, and got buried.  The cause being that the snow plow is too heavy.  He finally called Larry, who also has a winch on his Cat, and he came up to help.  They got Miss Kitty unstuck and were able to drive about a half mile down our road before she got buried at Water Corner.  Larry drove JB back down to get MAX, and JB came home.  We will drive MAX down tomorrow and try to get her out.

Tuesday 2/25. It was 13 and overcast this morning with another 2" of new snow.  So far this month we have received 40.5"!!  Almost 3-1/2 feet in just 24 days!

We read the papers with breakfast.  The Parade Magazine from 2/9 has the Beatles and Ed Sullivan on the cover with the caption "50 Years Ago Today."  OMG!  I remember watching them on the TV when I was a dreamy-eyed sixteen-year-old.

The dogs excitedly came with us as we rode in MAX down to Miss Kitty.  We dug her out, and ended up having to dig out MAX twice when JB was turning him around.  Only inches off the groomed road, the snow is very deep and soft.  We couldn't get Miss Kitty started, so we went back home for lunch at about 11:30 am and to pick up the jumper cables.

We relaxed and warmed up, then left the dogs at home when we drove down the second time.  They were worn out.  We still could not get Miss Kitty started.  The battery seems to be the Arctic Cat's only weakness and it was quite cold.  However, we were able to get the snow plow off.  Then we finally called it quits and got back home at about 3:00 pm.  Since Miss Kitty had been sitting for a while before we bought her, although she had only been on the market for a week, she most likely needs a new battery.  

After talking to Larry on the radio this evening, we have a plan.  Larry will leave a special "self-contained" jumper on his porch this morning, which JB will go down to pick up.  Larry will also pick up a new battery for us and bring it up.  We'll get Miss Kitty Up Here yet.

We had a relaxing evening with Downton Abbey

Wednesday 2/26.  It is 17 and partly overcast.  The clouds have cut the mountains down to hills, but even as I write the sun is winning and it might just be a sunny day.  We'll leave for Larry's at about 10:00 am.

Thought for the day: If it isn't one blessing, it's another. 

1 comment:

  1. Laptop crashed and I lost your blog. Missed reading and enjoying your off grid life stories. Glad I found you again! Have a blessed one!!
