Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30, 2013 September - Rain vs. Flames

Saturday's valley fog to the northwest. . .
. . . and to the south.

Friday 9/27.  I was able to tighten my belt one more notch this morning.  Must have finally worked off last winter's fat.  Now making room for holiday eggnog!

As of today we have 24-1/4" of water in the cistern and it comes up to a couple inches under the float.  So when the float is up and turns off the pump, we only have about 3-1/2' to 4' of water out of the six available feet.  We are going to raise the float so we can fill the cistern higher.  Will be tricky without having to put a ladder down there, but I think we can do it.  Maybe JB can hold me by my ankles so I can reach down and cut the tape. . .

Our first rain of the day began falling just as I posted my blog this morning, but it was just a passing shower.  After a second shower in the early afternoon, the serious rain arrived about 3:00 pm.  Well, it was serious for about an hour, then there were a couple more showers during the evening.  More like a day in Seattle.

After dinner we watched the last two episodes of the second season of Warehouse 13, then watched the first one of the third season.  This program is so much fun.

Saturday 9/28.  We awoke to a misty, wet morning - fog and 36.  It had been drizzling since about 5:00 a.m. when I let the dogs out.  Back in bed, my brain started planning a busy, inside day for me.  It insisted that I should clear out and vacuum underneath our bed, then move in all our long-time storage cans from the pantry, since it is always darker and cooler under there.  Also, it is time to flip our mattress (which we do quarterly), so I'll put on the bed skirt that came with the comforter set I bought last month.  That should keep it a bit cleaner under there.

Rain fell off and on all day.  Mostly on.  By mid afternoon the fog had begun to retreat into the canyons, and the sun peaked through the clouds occasionally.  Our high was 48.

Since it seems that fire season is over, I unpacked my go bag.  Oh, that's where those were!  I also finished Vince Flynn's book, The Last Man.  Such a phenomenal writer!  Way too young to pass on, as he did earlier this year from cancer.  He is one of the few authors whose novels I cannot put down more than a couple times once I have started them, and this was his last one.

We finally attached the handles to the kitchen cupboards.  Hopefully we can get the drawer pulls done tomorrow.

JB baked some large lemon/poppyseed muffins.  Yummmm.

The wind started gusting in the evening and was quite noisy.  Dinga was pacing but was finally coaxed up onto our bed.

Sunday 9/29.  This morning was 36, mostly cloudy and still a bit breezy.  I woke up while it was still dark, thinking it was about 5:00 a.m.  The dogs were active, so I got out of bed; let them out, and lit a fire.  Then I looked at the clock - 1:15 a.m.!!  The sky was clear and sprinkled with stars.  I guess the wind had very noisily ripped the tarp off of the snow blower and woken everyone up.  The dogs weren't out long and I was soon back in bed.

Up again at 6:00 a.m. to let the dogs out again and add to the fire again.  When everyone was back inside and I was back in bed, I turned off the alarm.  Needless to say, we had a late, leisurely breakfast.

We are back to washing dishes with water from the cistern.  Basically using the water brought up from Larry and Elsie's mainly for flushing the toilet.  Will try to get the rain barrels set up to collect rainwater, so we can use it instead.

The sun lost its fight with the cloud cover and we had a few light showers during the day, but most of the rain went around us to the north and south.  Our high was 45.

While JB and Jesse napped after lunch, Dinga and I went for a short walk.  Then I broke enough branch wood for a couple loads and stacked it on the porch, with the smaller kindling going on the east side and the larger pieces going on the north.

I dug up a few potatoes to have with dinner tomorrow.  Will let them stay in the ground until our temperatures drop to freezing.  Probably another month.

Monday 9/30.  It is 32 and raining, as it has been most of the night.  This certainly is a wet end to this September, but I much prefer the rain to the flames of last year.

Thought for the day: Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.  Albert Eistein.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sept 27, 2013

This ought to keep me busy for a few days.

Last night's sunset

Wednesday 9/25. The sun had burned off most of the cloud cover by the time JB left for Down There at 9:00 am.  I wanted to take a down day, but since there was sun on the panels I managed to get the dishes done and vacuum, then bring in some kindling.  I am still gathering it from the woods so as not to use what is stacked in the wood shed until absolutely necessary.

Lots of birds out and about today, filling the air with their chatter and songs.  The juncos are back enforce, just like in early spring.  The little birds tend to make the stellar jays look absolutely huge.

Dinga is chewing on pine cones just like a squirrel.  I think she is even eating the seeds.  If she thinks it will help her smell like a squirrel so she can sneak up on them, it hasn't worked yet.

Just finished The Death Collectors by Jack Kerley.  Fantastic!  This guy can turn a phrase like no other.  Will definitely be looking for his other books.

While JB was Down There, he also finalized the senior discount for our property taxes.  We get $270 taken off for existing levies and will not be charged for any future ones.  That goes into effect this year.  Next year, having put our land into "forest management", our taxes will be reduced even further.

It was "The Walking Dead" night, so we relaxed and enjoyed.

Thursday 9/26.  36 and overcast, with a lot of rain due for the next few days.  Sounds like the west side will be getting it much worse than we will.

The dogs flushed a flock of grouse by the woodshed again when JB let them out at 7:00 am.  I am amazed that the birds are still around so close, but then they are not known for their intelligence.

With so much rain in the forecast, we wanted to get as much branch wood up as possible from the piles past the end of the driveway, so we got busy with that right after breakfast.  We brought up three trailer loads before lunch.  And two more after lunch.  That cleared all the piles past the driveway and one along it.  Should keep me busy for a while.

After all that work, it was time for a nap before dinner.  Thank goodness it was JB's turn to cook. . .

I have been using some of the cherry wood in the wood stove and it burns hot and slow, even being so old.  The other night I put a last piece in the fire at about 9:00 pm and there were still red embers at 5:30 am.

Friday 9/27.  It is 35 with a heavy overcast this morning, and I can see the rain moving in from the west.  Looks like we'll be spending most of today inside, and maybe the whole weekend.

Thought for the day:  At times it is strangely sedative to know the extent of our own powerlessness.  Erica Jong, Fear of Flying

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 25, 2013 Snow in the Mountains

Adding to the pile.
Snowing in the mountains, and moving
our way.

Monday 9/23.  It was a long day.  I left for Down There at 9:00 am and got home at 3:30 pm.  While I was at Costco, it occurred to me that the scents emanating from their bakery no longer cause my salivary glands to go into overdrive.  Of course if I could smell their chocolate muffins. . .

I set up our bank account at Chase as I was very impressed with their customer service people and the fact that they will take care of getting our automatic social security deposits transferred.  Also they are the only bank, other than USAA, that has special benefits for military veterans, active or reserve.  JB has an eye appointment on Wednesday and will go in to finish the process.

I am in winter-prep mode for buying groceries and other supplies, so my Jeep is always jam packed by the time I get home, especially now that I am still getting water at Larry and Elsie's.  After everything was unloaded, I was done for the day.  My day to cook, but I had planned left over soup I had in the freezer, so no big deal.

Tuesday 9/24.  It was 34 and overcast this morning.  Our coldest morning yet.  I put in a fire when I let the dogs out at 5:00 am, so it was nice and cozy when we got up at 8:00 (having slept in a bit).

I hadn't talked to Sandy in a while so I gave her a call.  We usually chat about an hour and I spent some of that time sitting on the porch.  Chilly, yes, but the warm sun was beginning to peak through the clouds.  The cloud cover had mostly disappeared by noon and our high was 45.  By our afternoon walk, there was very little blue sky left again.  I took a photo of snow showers in the mountains and just a few minutes after we returned to the house, the eastern edge of the heavy clouds reached us, dropping some rain as it passed overhead.  This weekend the snow level in the mountains had dropped to below 7000 ft, and this shower was the first that dropped snow we could actually see on them.

After breakfast I made room (re-arranged) in the pantry for the groceries I brought home yesterday.  We really do need a root cellar. . .

After lunch, JB got on the tractor and we moved three small piles of branch wood from the southeast slope down to my cutting area.  We will keep doing that until the other five or so piles are cleared.  Cutting and stacking all that wood should keep me busy for a while.

Our resident frog has been very vocal today.  So loud for such a little guy!

Wednesday 9/25.  It is 36 and mostly overcast.  A small shower passed over at 6:00 am when I let the dogs out.  JB is getting ready to leave at 9:00 am, and I may just go back to bed. . .

Thought for the day:  Work is man's most natural form of relaxation.  Dagobert Runes (I am sure that lots of folks would disagree with this, but I know what he means.)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept 23, 2013 Green Peppers & Peanut Butter

Working on the road

Friday 9/20.  RJ is at his cabin this week and popped up for a visit.  He'll come up for breakfast on Sunday, too.  His project for this week is digging his water retention pond deeper.  It looks like he might not only get run-off, but seepage also.

After lunch, JB drove the tractor (with me riding on the back) down to the worst place for puddles on our road.  He built a "dam" to make the water run off before it reaches the flat spot.  I used the pickax to dig a drain from the large puddle off to the side and down, after JB had flattened the hump in the middle of the road.  Then we drove back up the the hair-pin corner and JB deepened the drainage ditch that the rain had started to dig.  I worked at the top of the corner, making sure that the water is funneled into the main rut.

Took a rest after we arrived back home, then I brought up several loads of branch wood from the west ridge.

At the market yesterday, we bought a couple of beautiful, large green peppers for snacking on with peanut butter.  A family favorite of my family that has also become a favorite of JB's family.  Simply core a pepper and cut it into 1/2" slices.  Spread peanut butter on each slice, and enjoy!

While we were Down There on Thursday, our propane was delivered.  We only needed 380 gallons, which is down about 200 gallons from usual.  At $2.49 a gallon, that's about $500 less!  I am sure it is because I have been using the laundromat instead of my own washing machine for the laundry.  Something I will continue to do in the summer.

It was sunny all day with a few wispy clouds, and our high was 57.  A perfect day for working outside.

Saturday 9/21.  It was 44 with a few clouds when we woke up.  Our first project for the day was to take the mower off of the tractor.  Always a major production doing something like this for the first time.  When we were done, we realized that it is quite easy.  Hopefully putting it back on again in the Spring will be too.

After lunch, JB drove the tractor a little ways down the driveway and off to the west where I loaded up the bucket with branch wood from a large pile that is about four years old.  He made about five trips and added it all to the pile I had begun.  Now I have plenty to keep me busy.

Our high was 55.  No rain, but lots of clouds moving over periodically during the day.  Supposedly there is a 60% chance of rain tomorrow.

Right now our evenings usually consist of watching either "The Walking Dead" or "Fringe."

Sunday 9/22.  It was 41 with a light overcast at 7:00 am this morning.  RJ came up for a breakfast of German pancakes with peaches.  While we were eating, and the dogs were in the house, four deer walked across the south ridge.  German pancakes and deer.  It doesn't get much better than that.

After lunch, I broke up 2-1/2 wheel barrow loads of stick wood and began stacking it on the east side of the porch between the two water barrels.  I also attached the tarp to cover it with by using cable ties and eye hooks.  

The rain began falling a little after 2:00 pm and our high for the day was only 46.  So nice to have the rain without an accompanying sound and light show!  I put in a fire and just enjoyed it and the rain on the roof.  JB took a nap.  So cozy and warm inside, while watching the cold and wet outside.  The wind that had ushered in the wet, traveled on without it.  Three hours later the rain stopped and the sun managed to burn off the fog that tried to sneak in.

As far as water goes, we have two more options.  Both of which we would like to work on next year.  First we can try to tap the spring that is down our west slope.  And, second, we can build a water retention pond.  Already working on plans for both of them.

All the rain we have had lately has washed most of the dirt off both our Jeeps.  I am almost embarrassed to drive mine into town.  There are only two reasons why one would be driving a clean Jeep: 1) It just rained really hard.  2) It is not being driven correctly.

It was JB's turn to cook dinner and for the vegetable he made zucchini strips wrapped in prosciutto.  Another one of our favorites.  Simply cut a zucchini into fingers about 5" by 1/2" and wrap each in a piece of prosciutto.  Then grill until done.

Monday 9/23.  It is 38 and mostly cloudy out there.  I am going to town this morning to do laundry and start the process of changing banks.  Am also going to mail an order for some Christmas presents.  When I mentioned how many catalogs I had received the other day, Nene emailed me that she just threw away the twelve she received as she is all done with her Christmas shopping!

Thought for the day: Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.  George Jean Nathan

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sept 20, 2013 Potato Pancakes & Naps

Another great sunset.

Wednesday 9/18.  It was a leisurely trip Down There today.  There was no rush, as I had til 12:30 pm to meet the man with the rain barrels.  My favorite store, Fred Meyer, is being remodeled so I got to take my time going up and down the aisles.  I usually want to get back home and just look for what is on my list.

Our meet for the barrels was across the Wenatchee River near Big Lots, so I checked out that store when we were done.  The barrels are great, especially for the price, and the man gave me some hints for setting up several in a row.

While I was gone, JB used the tractor to level out the dirt just to the north of the shop.  We want the water that comes off the deck to drain down the slope and not into the grove.

Our high for the day was only 56.  On these cool days and throughout the winter, we keep the curtain door to the bedroom closed as we like to have the window open a bit and want to keep the cool air away from the rest of the house.  Jesse's favorite place to be during the day is on our bed, so in the cool weather he makes a "nest" to sleep in.  And that is what he began doing today.

For dinner, I had found a recipe for potato pancakes that sounded very good.  They are one of our favorite foods, but I have never been able to make them like the ones we had in restaurants in Chicago.  Well, these turned out perfectly!  The trick seems to be to grate them into a bowl lined with a kitchen towel, then use the towel to squeeze all the water out.  Needless to say, we just pigged out, eating them with applesauce and sour cream.

Thursday 9/19.  It was 34 and clear this morning.  We had been wanting to go Down There to check out the new farmer's market that is inside a large old warehouse building that has been redone.  It even has a huge sign outside like the one at Seattle's Pike Street market that says "Public Market".  So we left at 9:00 am to do just that and run a few errands.  Thursday is probably their slowest day, but we got the gist of it and will probably go again on Saturday or Wednesday when they have the actual Farmer's Market.  We still were able to buy some fresh, local vegetables at the permanent booths they have.

We were back early afternoon and I took a nap.  I love naps!  And not just the nap itself, but my ability to take one almost any time I want to.  Don't have to ask permission.  Don't have to go home "sick."  I can just go lie down when the mood strikes.

Today, as the last few days, I put in a small fire in the evening and one in the morning just to take the chill out.

Friday 9/20.  This morning is 40 and clear, with a forecast of rain for the weekend.  RJ is up at his cabin this week, so we will probably have him for dinner or breakfast soon.

Thought for the day:  Life is not an easy matter. . . you cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.  Leon Trotsky  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept 18, 2016 Less Wasps, More Water

A close-up of clouds over the Cascades.

Monday 9/16.  While JB was Down There, I baked two more loaves of zucchini bread and did the dishes.  For now, we are washing the dishes with water brought up from Larry and Elsie's, and heating it on the stove.  A lot more effort but it saves water.

Our little herd of deer sauntered across the south ridge, driving the dogs nuts.  JB got the game cam card and we had photos of several of them, along with two bucks sporting big racks.

And speaking of water, when I ran the well pump we brought in three inches!  So now the cistern has 23 inches in it.  Woo Hoo!

When JB arrived at the shop to pick up the snow blower, it was closed.  We knew they were going out of business as their lease was up and their rent had been doubled.  JB was able to track down the real estate office that handles it and get the phone number of the business owner.  He finally called back, apologizing for not being there and said we could pick up our equipment at 8:00 am on Tuesday.

I spread all the extra straw in the garden over the potato plants that are left.  Will try leaving the potatoes in the ground until we want them.  Should work okay even after it snows.

After dinner we watched the final episode of season one of "Fringe."  I sure enjoy that program.  I could watch it every night, but not JB,

Tuesday 9/17.  It was 44 with a light overcast as the day began.  JB was up at 6:00 am, letting me sleep in til 7:00 when he left.  They dogs where just sure that he had got up at 7:00 and I got up at 8:00.  Jesse was so insistent that I finally had to feed them 1/2 hour early.

Since I was up and not at all ready to eat breakfast myself, I went out to break up the pile of branches I had hauled over from the west slope yesterday.  I filled the wheel barrow and stacked it in the wood shed, finishing the second row of kindling.  A few days ago I had trimmed three trees on the west slope and gathered already downed branches.  That slope is a treasure trove of kindling just screaming to be cleared.  And there are many small trees that need to be thinned out.  Next year's firewood.

JB returned with the snow blower at about 10:30 am, since that was the only errand he had.  We got it unloaded, then, after lunch, got our trailer hooked to my Jeep for my trip Down There tomorrow to meet the man with the rain barrels.  I will also do grocery shopping and drop off a load of recycle that I put into the trailer.

There are only about three or four wasps in the loft now, so think we are finally done with them spending the winter inside our house.

The sky remained mostly overcast all day, with the sun making a few appearances through the cracks.  Our high was only 56.

It was chilly enough for a fire this evening.  After I put it in we began watching season one of "The Walking Dead" as JB has not seen it.  Never thought I would like it, but now we are both hooked.

Wednesday 9/18.  It is 38, clear and breezy out there this morning and cool enough in the house for a fire.  I will definitely bundle up when I leave for Down There.

Thought for the day:  The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance.  Proceed, and light will dawn and shine with increasing clearness on your path.  Jim Rohn

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 16, 2013 Yet Another Use for the Tractor

Putting the hard top on the Jeep.
I know there's a critter in there!

Friday 9/13.  My job of plugging up the gaps under the eaves on the west end of the house wasn't nearly as neat as Jake's was, but I did manage to get it done.  I can only hope that the wasps flying around the loft today are the ones who sneaked in yesterday, before I filled in the gaps this morning.  They gather at the peak of our roof over the porch and sound like the drone of a small airplane.

For the rest of the day it was too hot to work outside.  Our high for the day was 78, but I was in a very sorting and organizing mood which was put to good use inside.  Took the dogs on a shortened afternoon walk that bypassed the south ridge.  

JB's nephew had given us a contact on Craig's List for rain barrels.  I finally called about them and the man who sells them is actually in Wenatchee every other week or so.  He will be here next Wednesday so he is going to bring two of them for me.  He charges $20 for the barrels and for an extra $10 will install a tap.  So for $60 I will get two barrels instead of paying $85 for just one.  They have had a biodegradable powder in them and will be safe to use for potable water.

It was too hot for pizza, so I just made a chicken salad for dinner and then we watched "Ghost Protocol" again.

Saturday 9/14.  Another hot day, so we went out right after breakfast to put the hard top on JB's Jeep.  The canvas one has been on for more than six years and is beginning to show it.  The hard top has always been a real pain for us to get on as it is fairly heavy.  Enter the tractor!  We put some boards across the bucket for the top to sit on, then JB simply lifted it onto the Jeep.  And we just slid it on.  So easy!

It doesn't look like there are any more wasps in the loft than there were yesterday, so I think I was able to fill all the places they get in.  Thank goodness.

Clouds began moving in during early afternoon.  Hopefully a precursor of the predicted rain for tomorrow.  Would be a welcome respite from the heat.  Our high for today was 75.

Sunday 9/15.  It was overcast and 62 this morning.  But the clouds cleared and the sun managed to shine for most of the day.  Our high was 75 and very muggy.

After breakfast JB got the tractor going again and we moved the last of the firewood to the porch from the splitter in two loads.  Then we got the last pieces from the old fallen tree on the south slope in one load.

After lunch and a nap, I mowed the green and the grass, while JB worked in the shop organizing it a bit.

Jesse still will not go near where we saw the rattle snake a few days ago.  He takes a short cut up to the south ridge.  Good for him!

I always wonder if I will ever come to take for granted the views from Rose Camp and just living Up Here.  But even beginning our sixth year, the views, and Rose Camp itself, never fail to give me my daily dose of awe.

The rain arrived about 8:00 pm along with thunder and lightening.  The storm lasted about an hour and a half, but the rain kept on falling for quite a while.  This year has to take the award for the most thunder storms since we moved Up Here.  Not fun.

Monday 9/16.  The sky is mostly clear and it is 48 this morning.  Nice and cool.  JB is going Down There today to pick up the snow blower and some gas.  He will borrow Larry's trailer.  The road should be okay.

Thought for the day: Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to life as one wishes to live.  Oscar Wilde

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept 13, 2013 Bugs, Snakes & Mushrooms

One BIG mushroom!
Red mushrooms

This one was growing in the
middle of our road.  Very beautiful.

Wednesday, 9/11.  After breakfast, using the tractor, we dragged parts of a huge old log off the south slope.  Now we should be able to get in and cut down all the bushes that are growing around it.

I discovered that the weeds in the gravel are also attempting to infiltrate the grassy part of our yard, so, since it was in the shade, I spent a while pulling them.  Tenacious little buggers. . .

After seeing only two or three wasps all summer, suddenly they are swarming.  I am sure it is because of the hot weather.  Despite Jake's work on filling in the gaps along the eaves, some are still getting into the loft.  I have put off doing the same on the west end of the house, so as soon as I have posted I am going out to get that done.

On the south ridge, during our afternoon walk, I heard a rattle snake.  But as it was buzzing it was also quickly slithering into the bushes before I could get to it.  And I simply was not going to follow it in there.

We have had two stellar jays Up Here for the past few weeks.  It is fascinating to watch them pick the seeds out of the pine cones, and bugs off of the tree bark just like a woodpecker.  They are so silent in their flight that they can soar right past you with no sound at all.

The 9/9 issue of Time magazine has the President on the cover (I can't even type his name, let alone say it without retching) entitled "The Unhappy Warrior", which is certainly the very last adjective that should apply to him.  And inside there is an advertisement for Al Jazera America.  Nothing like a Muslim President and a Muslim news agency in a democratic Christian nation.  What is happening America??!!  WAKE UP!!

Well, even with that thought, it was another beautiful late summer day with a high of 72.  And another perfect evening to enjoy on the porch.

Thursday, 9/12.  It was 62 and clear this morning as I left for Down There.  Since Bank of America is closing in the area, I have to find a new bank by the end of December.  Am also checking out credit unions.  I had a few other errands to do and it was nice not to have a lot of shopping and laundry on my list.  It was very hot in town, in the 90's.  Our high for the day was 76.

When I arrived home, we had a visitor.  One of the local owners of property Up Here whom we had met almost a year ago on the road and invited up.  Was nice to get to know him a bit and I am sure he will be a good neighbor.

On our afternoon walk, Jesse would go nowhere near where we saw the snake yesterday!  We didn't see it again and probably won't.

In addition to more grasshoppers and frogs than usual, we are also seeing a lot more mushrooms.  And many different types.  I'll photograph them, but I certainly won't eat them unless I buy them at the store.

While we were sitting on the porch after dinner, the dogs started barking while staring up towards the peak.  They wouldn't go up there, so it couldn't have been a deer.  After this went on for a while, I finally got my gun and snake stick, and we hiked up to the peak to see what was going on.  If something had been there, it was gone by the time we arrived.  Possibly a bear or coyote.

Watched some more "Fringe".  It was still 68 by the time we called it a night.

Friday, 9/13.  It is clear and 62, with a forecast of low 90's Down There for the next few days.  So now it's out to spray the gaps and hope I get the one where the wasps are getting in.

Thought for the day: Play the cards you're dealt, but choose who is at the table.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sept 11, 2013 An Auspicious Date

Sloping the ground on his toy. . .

Monday, 9/9.  It was a good trip Down There.  I love it when so many of the items I want are on sale.  I was back to Rose Camp by 3:00 pm even after filling our containers with water and having a nice chat with Larry.  Am starting to load up for winter, which means bigger loads with each trip and thus lots more to unload and put away.  At least I only had five loads of laundry this time.  I have noticed that for a place where no one really wants to be, everyone is quite friendly at the laundromat, so the experience isn't all that bad.

After dinner I just plopped on the couch with a small glass of Buttershots and watched a couple episodes of "Fringe."

Tuesday, 9/10.  Lots of magazines and newspapers still left to read with breakfast.  Then it was time to hit it: defrost the fridge; do the dishes; vacuum seal the meat I had purchased; prepare chicken broth for the dogs; finish going through the mail.  Lots of catalogs this trip.  Must be getting close to the holidays. . .  Well, it is September.

JB went out to slope the ground more evenly downhill with the tractor on the north side of the house.  He is really getting good at manipulating the bucket.  I turned on the well pump and got a full inch of water, so we're up to 20".  Slowly by surely.

Our high for the day was 70, just like yesterday.

After dinner  the dogs and I went for a hike up to the peak.  Then I pulled more weeds that are trying to cover the gravel where we park the cars.  Since the rain had really saturated the ground, it is easy to get them out by the roots.  It had been an incredible late summer day, so JB and I sat on the porch for a while and enjoyed the evening.

Wednesday, 9/11.  A day full of sad memories for all of us. . .

Thought for the day:  Conscious of the reality of evil and the tragedy of the individual life, and conscious, too, of the demand that life be conducted with decency.  Dag Hammarskjold

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept 9, 2013 Happy Birthday to Celeste & Mike!

Lookout atop a pole in the woodshed pen.
A close-up of the lookout.

Friday 9/6. Fog crept in around 8:00 am, which is something we haven't seen in a long time.  A few downpours moved through during the day, each accompanied by a crash or two of thunder.  The tail end of the storm.  So glad I swept out all our little drain channels yesterday before this all started.  They are working perfectly to take most of the water away from the house without damming up.

The sun came out about 3:00 pm and the sky cleared.  Our high for the day was only 53.

We had a grub box in the tipi that we moved to the porch which will be perfect for my winter outdoor refrigerator.  We originally bought it for rendezvousing.

Am looking for a source of potable water who can deliver at least 500 gallons for our cistern.  Do not want to start the winter with it empty.

Saturday, 9/7.  Today is JB's Mom's 92nd birthday!  And she is still going strong.  Happy Birthday, Celeste!

It was foggy and 46 this morning and I was tempted to put in a fire, but it really wasn't too cold, just felt like it when I looked out the window.  However, by 1:00 pm it really was definitely chilly enough inside to build a fire.  So I did.  The first one since late Spring.  It was so nice.  Even Jesse snuggled up to the stove.

The dogs and I went for a walk down the road in the morning, during which I added a bunch of long branch wood to a pile already started on the east slope.  I will gather all of them with the trailer after everything dries out.  Glad we went when we did because several showers moved through during the afternoon.  But no thunder today.

After lunch I worked on cleaning up my computer desk.  JB scrubbed the stove top.  Both chores were long overdue.

I made scalloped potatoes and ham for dinner with freshly harvested Yukon gold potatoes from our garden.  Mmmmm.

By 6:00 pm the fog began to dissolve, revealing blue sky and some clouds.  Our high for the day was only 50.

Larry and Elsie drove up to visit bringing garden goodies - zucchini, yellow squash, beets and peppers - and eggs.  So good to see them as they hadn't been up since Jake was here.

After they left, we watched "The Hobbit" which is not quite as intriguing as the first installment of "Lord of the Rings", but I enjoyed it.

Sunday, 9/8.  It was a late night so hadn't bothered to set the alarm.  JB didn't get up til 8:30 am, and I made it out of bed at 9:00 am.  The sky was clear and it was 50 degrees outside.  A beautiful morning.

After breakfast I spent an hour or so splitting most of the odd-sized pieces of wood we had left.  Then after lunch, JB drove the tractor almost up to the peak so we could gather some large rocks in the bucket.  He made three trips and we got several nice ones which we will use at vees in the driveway and by the well.

I finished a very good book, The Last Surgeon by Michael Palmer.  A new author for me.

Monday, 9/9.  Today is Mike's 15th birthday - Happy Birthday, Mike!

Another clear day and 52.  I am going Down There to do laundry and grocery shopping.  Hopefully the road has dried out a bit.

Thought for the day:  When you are always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness.  Dale Archer

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sept 6, 2013 Tipi Down - Storm Up

The liner for the tipi.
Only the poles are left. . .

Wednesday 9/4.  We took the tipi down this morning.  Quite a chore, but it had been up for more than two years and needed a rest from the elements.  It had finally dried out and we didn't want to take any chances with that big storm moving in tomorrow.

I called RJ to tell him about the storm and he decided to leave first thing in the morning as there is up to two inches of rain in the forecast that may cause debris flows on the canyon roads from the burned areas.  He has to be sure to be back on the other side of the mountains for Mike's birthday party on Saturday.  Going paintballing!

After lunch I baked two loaves of zucchini bread - one of my very favorite recipes.  (I will add this recipe to the ones already on my blog.)  Then it was back outside to put everything away that was inside the tipi, and batten down the hatches in anticipation of Thursday's storm.

The sky cleared up for most of the day til late afternoon when clouds began to gather in the west, floating to the north.  Our high for the day was 71.

The leaves on the rose bushes have begun to turn yellow, as are the leaves on some of the other bushes.  The pine needles are falling, so I can start to gather them soon for fire starter.

Thursday 9/5.  It is mostly overcast and 56 this morning.  The storm is moving much more slowly than originally thought, so it won't arrive until tonight.

The dogs were out chasing grouse who seem to have moved in close to the house.  And there is a little tree frog on the outside of our storm door.  All seeking shelter from the impending storm?

Even though it was a nice day, we mostly did what we had planned for inside.  I baked a loaf of banana bread.  Washed a load of my delicates in my "Wonder Clean" hand laundry machine.  With one wash and two rinse "cycles", I only used about a gallon of water.  Worked on lots of crossword puzzles and sudoku.  Waiting for this storm is like getting ready for company who are late.  
Our high was 68 and the clouds were very odd.  I'd look up and they would be coming in from the east.  A while later, they were blowing in from the west.  When I could see through the bottom layer, the next layer was often going in the opposite direction.  No wonder NOAA predicted possible funnel clouds.  By 4:30 pm the overcast had darkened and we could hear distant thunder.  An army of giants marching towards us beating on huge, bass drums . . . and marching right past.  By 5:30 pm, all was quiet again, with just a few short showers having gone overhead.

As the sun was setting, the light show with its accompanying sound effects finally rolled in.  By 8:15 pm it was pouring and the dogs were panting and pacing.  Well, Dinga was pacing.  Jesse was giving me the "Jesse Mind Meld" as if to say, "You should get out there and stop all that!"  Dogs have such faith in their owners.

The worst of the thunder and lightening seemed to go around us, mostly to the north, but even a mile or so away it certainly lit up our landscape and rattled our ears.  The storm lasted more than 2-1/2 hours.  The noisy part of it.  As the thunder moved on, the rain stayed.  When my bladder woke me up at 1:30 am, there was dry lightening and it was still raining.  Wasn't going to go out in that.

Friday 9/6.  As I ventured out into our soggy world, it was 47 with a partial, light overcast.  The sunrise was stunning with pink clouds and a harsh light on the mountains.  No smoke, although I flushed a grouse by the garden and almost peed my pants.  I know we received a lot of rain because the bird bath is full, but Up Here there doesn't seem to be any damage.  There were no severe winds, or any wind at all.  I think because it took so long to get here, that a lot of its force has been expended.

JB wanted to go to the Chelan County Fair today, as they are having a demonstration of a portable sawmill, but he is still a week away from being allowed to ride on bumpy roads. 

Thought for the day:  Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.  Kelly Maiellano, Guideposts Magazine

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sept 4, 2013

Some of the fireweed blooming in our yard.

Monday 9/2.  Out to split wood again this morning.  Was able to get two loads done and stacked with JB's help on the tractor before it was just too warm.  Just as I was stacking the last load, Mike called to say they would all be up to visit shortly on their way home.  So JB had a chance to see everyone and we had a good visit.  They may all be back up after Halloween for RJ's birthday.  He is staying for the week and will be up Wednesday for dinner and Magic cards.

After dinner JB watched one of our Celtic Women videos while I got on line to purchase a gift for our niece's baby shower and check out the sale at  I love their one-day specials - 40% off your entire purchase of used DVDs if you buy four items or more.  Well, I bought a lot more, as I was able to find several movies and four TV series that we wanted at incredible prices.  Got the second season of Downton Abbey for only $9.00.  Woo Hoo!

Tuesday 9/3.  It was overcast and 54 this morning.  We had a passing shower at 3:00 am.  I know because I was sitting at the kitchen table.  My phone had rung at 1:30 am - a wrong number - and I could not get back to sleep.  So I did some crossword puzzles and sudoku, then finally fixed myself some warm milk and honey.  A remedy my Mother always recommended for insomnia, only I also had some melatonin.  Back to bed at 3:45 am and was soon asleep again.

There is a nasty thunderstorm in the forecast for Thursday that may produce hail, severe winds and flooding.  I can hardly wait. . .

We were out right after breakfast to split and stack three loads of wood on the porch with JB driving the tractor again.  I finished all the wood that Jake had brought in.  Still have some cherry wood left along with a couple stumps, not to mention a full cradle.  I just want to get as much done as possible before Thursday's storm.

After lunch I took Jesse with me to fill up all our water containers.  He is such a good travelling companion, as opposed to Dinga who barks at every passing branch and bush.  I also took several pieces of cherry wood down for Larry and Elsie.  It was definitely time for a nap when we got back home.

The squirrels and chipmunks are gathering and eating food for the winter.  The floor of the grove is littered with fir cones, and there are pine "cobs" everywhere.  The chipmunks who are living in the wood shed are driving Dinga and Jesse crazy now that they are out and about foraging.

The overcast skies cleared but storm clouds gathered in the west and moved to the north and east of us quietly dropping their rain.  A few skittered across above us, but nothing fell.

We sure have seen a lot more little tree frogs than ususal this summer, and have a very vocal one under the house.  A few evenings ago there were two serenading us from under the porch.

The finches and nuthatches have returned, along with at least one woodpecker.  We are usually quite birdless in August, except for the swallows on the south ridge.  I think the rest of them go down to the orchards for the ripe fruit.

This evening we decided to start watching Fringe again.  One of my very favorite TV series.

Wednesday 9/4.  It is partly cloudy and 55, with a 40% chance of rain.  Hopefully we can get the last of the wood split and stacked today.

Thought for the day:  If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.  For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.  William Blake

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept 2, 2013 Musings from the Mountain

JB delivering firewood to the porch.

Friday 8/30.  I have have been overloading on gluten since Jake was here.  Still have some bread and bagels left that I am eating.  Add three or four burgers (red meat) and the oreos to the mix, and I paid dearly for it this morning.  I really didn't think it would affect me that much.  One week probably would have been okay, but three?!!  Sometimes I think I am like Dinga, still chasing the yellow jackets after having been stung.  Is the thrill of the chase worth the pain of the consequences?  Is the treat to my palette worth the pain of the consequences?

I split more wood today and, using the tractor's bucket, JB moved five loads over to the porch where I stacked them.  So much easier and faster than using the wheel barrow and I think the bucket holds about the same amount.

Saturday 8/31.  It is clear and 49 this morning.  Since this is Labor Day weekend, I thought it would be good for us to take a few days off and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  But I wanted to do that in a clean house, so after breakfast I did a very thorough vacuuming.

Then we sat on the porch and enjoyed a beautiful day.  However, after lunch I got antsy, so the dogs and I walked down to the hair-pin corner to pull the knap weed that has got out of hand.  Then walked further down, pruning and thinning the trees along the road, cutting the small ones that are crowding.  I have been doing this every summer since we have been Up Here and it is good to see how well the trees are doing that were seedlings a few years ago.

After another rest on the porch, I walked around the mowed areas picking up sticks for kindling.  JB worked on organizing his Magic cards with the help of the program Jake had found for him on line.  He really is having a hard time not doing anything physical, so driving the tractor was a real help.

RJ and Mike are at their cabin and are expecting several more friends and family members up this afternoon.  I will go down tomorrow to visit, but JB can't go as the doctor told him two more weeks of no bumpy roads.

The new Entertainment magazine has a phenomenal interview with Joss Whedon.  What a guy!  I have been a fan for years and this interview explains why.  Here is a quote from him on his outlook on the world today:  "My stories do have hope because that is one of the things that is part of the solution - if there can be one. . . Because if I wrote what I really think, I would be so sad all the time.  We create to fill a gap - not just to avoid the idea of dying, it's to fill some particular gap in ourselves.  So yeah, I write things were people will lay down their lives for each other.  And on a personal level, I know many wonderful people who are spending their lives trying to help others, or who are just decent and kind. . . But on a macro level, I don't see that in the world.  So I have a need to create it.  Hopefully, that need gets translated into somebody relating to it and feeling hope.  Because if we take that away, then I'm definitely right.  I want to be wrong more than anything.  I hate to say it, it's that line from The Lord of the Rings - "I give hope to men; I keep none for myself."  They say it in Elvish, so it sounds super cool." 

I am afraid that I, too, on a macro level feel like he does.  Mankind is not going to do well as a whole.  Too much greed, power mongering and blaming others for one's own dilemmas.

Sunday 9/1.  Dinga caught a chipmunk early this morning.  I am still not used to that, but she is just Dinga being Dinga.  And that's really what it is all about.  People and animals are who they are.  It simply is what it is.  My good friend and neighbor in Illinois taught me that.  I tend not to get so frustrated these days about things people do, or have done in the past, now that this realization has set in.  Acceptance vs. forgiveness.  There is a very fine line between the two, or are they basically the same?  

Sandy and I were talking about people who are in your life, friends, acquaintances, family.  People and circumstances change over the years, and sometimes you don't really want them there any more.  That is okay.  Sometimes they make that decision.  It is what it is, and occasionally, it is time to move on without them.  As the adage goes:  God give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change.  The courage to change the things I can.  And the wisdom to know the difference.

Well, this has been a thought provoking blog today.  On with the action. . .

I was invited down for breakfast at RJ's this morning, so I left about 9:30 am and drove down the short cut about half way, then walked the rest of the way.  It was so good to see everyone again, especially Mike's Mom who hasn't been Up Here for more than two years.  They all will probably go hiking this afternoon up to Rose Camp.

Our high for the day was 75, so it was really to hot to be out working.  Oh, that's right, we are supposed to take the weekend off.  We both just puttered around and enjoyed the warm day.

Watched the last episode of season two of "The Walking Dead" and all the special features.  Very interesting.  I don't particularly like the gore, which there really isn't much of, but the story line and characters are addicting.

Monday 9/2.  Wow! September already.  This Spring and Summer certainly have been full.  It is 59 with mostly clear skies this morning and promises to be another hot day.  I think the crowd from RJ's didn't hike up yesterday because of the heat.  I certainly would not have.

A special thanks to the Cobb's for your comment.  So glad to know you are enjoying my blog.  Always nice to have a pat on the back.

Thought for the day:  The secret of patience: do something else in the meantime.  Anonymous