Friday, August 31, 2012

Aug 31, 2012 The Assessor

One really big cloud

A car we didn't recognize pulled up to our house Wednesday morning.  Probably a good thing I didn't walk out with my carrying my shotgun, although when I found out the identity of the our visitor I wanted to go get it.  The County Assessor.  Finally.  After four years.  Guess we couldn't stay under their radar forever.  Will be interesting to see what value he sets on our home.  I certainly hope he takes into account accessability, or lack thereof.  May have to record all but one acre of our property in timber, which will greatly reduce our taxes.

While stocking up for winter, I have discovered Torani's Dark Spicy Chocolate Syrup for coffee.  Oh, my.  With that and my Schnapps, it's going to be a very good winter. . .

Spent Wednesday and Thursday cutting firewood and got a total of nine loads to the wood shed with a large stack for the splitter.  That made another 1/2 row of stick wood and 1/4 of a 16' row of standard size wood.  

We have put our plans on hold til next year for an addition to the shop in which to work on MAX.  Just not enough money or energy left.  We will just work on our ATV out in the snow if need be, like we have for the past four years.  Hopefully there will be no need.

The humming birds have gone, which, according to our neighbor, means that winter will arrive on time.  (Supposedly winter will be late if they stay into September.)  Had to empty out the last of the syrup from the feeder.  The butterflies have also disappeared.  Never did see any Monarchs this year.  Still alot of grasshoppers though.  Some of the bushes are turning orange, as are the rose hips.  The dogs have begun to bring back seeds in their fur when they return from their escapades.  No rain yet, and if Seattle doesn't get any rain by today, the 40-day dry span will break all the records.  Quite the opposite of the bible's record of 40 days of rain. . .

Didn't realize how bad I had been feeling since Friday when I got all those bites on my waist, until I woke up this morning and felt so much better.  It is still very sore, but my energy is back along with my good mood.  Guess I just had to fight and sweat out the venom of whatever insect (spider?) it was that bit me.  I know it wasn't a brown recluse as my skin isn't disappearing into a mass of yuck.  It's just still a little red with a few bumps.

JB and I are going Down There today as there are several good Labor Day sales.  (Made the mistake of getting the Sunday paper with included all the advertisements.)  This time we loaded the cardboard and paper for recycle last night.  It will be too warm to take the dogs, but we shouldn't be gone too long for them.

Thought for the day:  There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it.  Christopher Darlington Morley


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aug 29, 2012 Quickly Cutting Firewood

Quickly cutting firewood!

RJ's new cupboards

The firewood cutting rack that JB built works great!  It took us about 15 minutes to load it and cut enough wood to fill the wheel barrow for the wood shed and make a small stack for the splitter.  So glad there are smart people out there who come up with these ideas to help all us other folk.

I drove Down There yesterday for several errands other than grocery shopping.  One of my stops was going to be the recycle place, but I forgot to load the cardboard before I left, which about says it all for the trip.  The main reason for going was to take eleven sacks of books to the book store that sells used books.  Turns out the store was closed because they are moving.  Oh well, got back early enough to go visit RJ.  He had purchased 11 old, used windows for $200 and is busy installing them, but not just as they are intended.  He is using several for cupboard doors and they look so cool.

I have renewed my acquaintence with Schnapps, thanks to the new Washington law that closed the state liquor stores and now allows any business to sell alcohol.  My favorites are Buttershots (straight) and Peppermint (for my cocoa).  Will have to get some Peach on my next trip Down There.  That is a favorite from our Rendesvousing days.  Just taking the advise of an article in the AARP magazine which suggested that one drink a day is good for you and it doesn't have to be red wine.  I only have one two or three times a week, but my very English Grandfather always had a small glass of sherry before bed every night.  JB's Grandmother had her bottle of clear liquid that always had a piece of fruit in it.  (He still doesn't know just what it was.)  And every year his Grandfather made his own dandylion wine.  They all lived into their 80's.

We will probably be cutting more firewood today and try to get the two big branchwood/small tree piles done.  We need room for the wood that JB will be bringing back from his brother's in Seattle on September 9.  He is flying over on the 7th (which is cheaper than the gas it would take to drive) and renting a truck in which to bring back the wood.  The trip was planned so he will be there for his Mother's 91st birthday.

Thought for the day:  Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.  Edward Abbey

Monday, August 27, 2012

Aug 27, 2012 Great Weekend

Fawn track compared
to JB's hand

Fawn and Mom in background

Feels good to once again be really working outside.  The past three days I have been clearing branch wood off the west ridge and slope.  There were two small and one large pile I've been working on.  I'm down to half of the large pile, and have the first row of branch wood done in the wood shed, up to the roof.

JB went Down There on Friday to check out battery chain saws, inverters and small generators.  The chain saw is way too expensive, and we have decided that JB will cut the small wood with his chain saw this Fall.  Yesterday he build a 3-piece holder for the wood that we saw in one of our magazines.  It allows you to cut several pieces at once.  Hopefully we will get started cutting today.  Will figure out what to do with my chain saw next year.  There is a small inverter available that has a pure sine wave, so we will deal with that next month.

Last time Larry and Elsie were up we talked about visiting another couple who were planning on being up for the weekend.  Their property is on the other side of the canyon and we had never been there.  So Saturday after dinner, we loaded up the dogs and headed out for the three-mile drive.  When we arrived, the men and boys were out shooting but the women were enjoying the campfire.  Their niece and family were up for the weekend.  Soon Larry and Elsie arrived, and the men walked down to watch the target practice.  Shortly after the men and boys came back, another couple from the canyon arrived.  It was a great evening of camaraderie and laughter.  Definitely going to have to get out more often. . .

Sunday morning RJ came up for breakfast and JB fixed us cranberry muffins (which were out of the oven before I even got out of bed), bacon, hash browns and scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes.  When we finally waddled out to say goodbye to RJ, we promised to come down and visit him on Tuesday.  I had popped down Saturday afternoon to see the work he's doing and was duly impressed.

So much going on that I needed a nap yesterday.  Plus on Friday while I was pulling out all those branches, something got down my shirt and I have a large group of bites on my side by my waist.  Very sore, but much better after I took some ibuprofen for my achey joints.  Had forgotten how the first cold weather really affects them. . .

Thought for the day:  25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have Obama, no cash and no hope.  (Seen on a t-shirt, available at

Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug 24, 2012 39 Degrees This Morning!

Clouds on Thursday

Autumn has arrived - a month early.  It is 39 out there this morning, but I'll take this crisp air over 84 any day.  Yesterday's high was 63 and was so refreshing.  A perfect day to be working outside.  Having finished all but the details inside, it was definitely time to get back outside again which I did Wednesday evening.  Started bringing fallen branches up from the neglected West slope and continued for most of the day Thursday.  Most of the pieces were small enough to break by hand or cut with my clippers, so I managed to get three wheelbarrow loads stacked in the wood shed.  Feels good to be doing this work again.

Wednesday's trip Down There was long, but successful.  I had twelve stops to make.  At least it was only in the 70's.

Since all our trees at Rose Camp are evergreens, we don't have falling leaves this time of year, but we do have falling pine needles.  And they are beginning to carpet the ground.  Will start collecting them in bags soon to use as fire starter during the winter.

Larry and Elsie came up for a visit Wednesday evening with lots of goodies - two dozen eggs, broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes.  Wow!  Free food, free delivery and great company.  Doesn't get any better than that.

Our small generator died while we were using it for saws during our construction.  The one I had been using for my electric chain saw.  Larry told me about a Stihl battery chain saw he had just read about.  Will be looking into that soon.  Probably cheaper than a new generator, and won't need any gas.

The wind really picked up late yesterday afternoon with the cold front arriving.  By the time I was done working outside, my face was covered in dust.  Felt like I almost clogged the drain washing up.

Thought for the day:  A study of economics reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year.  Marty Allen

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22, 2012 Busy Woodpecker

Woodpecker after the bug
in our fence pole

Moonset Monday night

When we built our fence, all the poles were fir except for two end poles which are pine.  For the past few weeks we have heard an insect of some sort in both the pine poles, obviously chewing from the inside.  We can actually see the sawdust being pushed out of tiny holes!  Well, yesterday a woodpecker must of heard the noise also and got busy on one of the poles trying to get at whatever bug it is.  (See photo above.)  He has pecked out several large holes and peeled off a lot of the bark.  Between both the bug and the bird we will probably wake up one morning to find the pole on the ground!

The haze has cleared so I assume the fires are out or at least well under control.  Thank goodness.

Over the weekend I unpacked our large, framed art and tried to figure out where to hang them.  Yesterday we hung most of them and I am so pleased with the way they turned out.  Just a little tweeking to do, and the walls will be done.  Yes!!

I also unpacked the last of our "town" clothes from a large moving box for hanging clothes.  It has been a closet of sorts for the past four years, but I finally emptied it and put it in the recycle shed.  Certainly gave us a lot more room in the loft.  There were only three dresses of mine in there and I am keeping all of them: my leather Indian dress from our Rendesvousing years; the dress I wore to our son's wedding; and my favorite party dress.  I may never wear any of them again, but I refuse to get rid of them.  There were also my Mom's and Dad's Marine Corps uniforms, which I am keeping for our son.  The rest of the items were JB's long-sleeved dress shirts and slacks from work.  He got rid of all but three shirts and two pair of slacks.  Am going Down There today and will drop off several bags at the resale store.

I kept three of JB's light cotton shirts with his company's logo on them (would have had to just throw them away).  My good friend in Chicago who passed away last December told me that when her husband retired she kept his dress shirts for night gowns.  So I cut the sleeves and collar off each of the shirts, and, Viola!  Three free night shirts.  I did that on Saturday and thought about her all day.  Her husband called Monday night and we hadn't heard from him since January. . .  Synchronicity.

I waited until today for my trip Down There as it is supposed to be much cooler, and it is 44 with a breeze this morning.  Yesterday was only 76 and very pleasant.  After all this heat, I here and now promise to never again complain about a cool, wet summer.  (Well,  at least not until we have another one. . .)

Yesterday JB pulled the rest of our onions from the garden as there were only a few left.  He also dug up the Yukon Golds at the south end that were not doing so well.  They are all kind of small, but very tasty.  Am anxious to see how the potatoes at the north end will be like as those plants are almost two feet tall and doing great.

Thought for the day:  Don't let yesterday use up today.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug 20, 2012 My Wall!

My wall!

Deer on the game cam

My shelves are up and I almost have them the way I want them.  Just a few more items to put on the one for my Mom's family.  The north end 6' shelf (on the left) is for antiques from my Dad's family.  The middle 8' shelf is for Indian related items we have collected.  And the south 6' shelf is for antiques from my Mother's side of the family.  I also want to put up a few paintings.  The whole wall has turned out even better than I had imagined.

We have another frog under the house.  A very loud one!  Obviously one who doesn't need water because it is almost dry down there.  I still have no idea how they get under there.  Must be through a mouse tunnel.  (Do mice dig tunnels?)

No really interesting animals on the game cam this week except for this deer with quite a rack on him.  Other than that, just some coyotes and human visitors.

The air is still hazy from the Cle Elem fire and when conditions are just right we can smell the smoke.  As the crow flies, it is probably 15 miles southeast of us, but probably double that by land.

Very hot and muggy this past weekend.  81 degrees each day.  Storm clouds moved over both days but mainly to the east.  We could hear thunder about mid-day yesterday to the northeast.  All we had were a few sprinkles in the morning.  Barely enough to clear the air, but it smelled so good.

Since there was so much construction activity on the porch near the humming bird feeder I think most of them have moved down the mountain to our closest neighbor.  She has several feeders out and lots of flowers that they like.  We only see one or two a day now.  It is sadly quiet around the feeder.

Yesterday evening we finally went visiting.  Down to Larry and Elsie's first, but they were not home.  Very disappointing.  So then we went back up the road to one of the young couples, and his mother who has all the hummingbird feeders.  The couple is into making beautiful jewelry and I wanted to make a trade with them.  A bag of tumbled stones in exchange for a bracelet and pair of earrings for which I provided the stones.  They thought it was a very good trade, so now I am looking forward to my new jewelry.  We then drove further up the road to visit the other young couple who live in the canyon and have the one-year-old son.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.  It is almost as though that now the inside of our home is almost completely finished, we are freed up to get out and about.

Thought for the day: If you worry, will it change the future?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Aug 17, 2012 Autumn in the Air

Our "new" great room

Another view

Yesterday was the day I first felt Autumn in the air.  Our high was 76 and it only cooled of to 62, but there was that certain something that says the colors will soon be changing.  It will be a refreshing change.

Another indication that the season is changing, we drove down to RJ's cabin yesterday to say goodbye to Mike.  This was his last visit Up Here before school starts and may be his last until next summer.  That goodbye is always hard because the boy we say goodbye to now will not be the boy who returns next year.  He turns 14 in a couple weeks.  A time of constant growing and changing.  I always take photos on his last day to record the changes, even though I have taken many while he was here. 

They had come up Wednesday afternoon for an evening of cards, dinner and a movie.  We had just received Avatar and Mike was the only one who had seen it.  What a great movie!  I can only imagine what it would be like to see it on the big screen.  Can't even imagine what it would be like in 3-D.

JB harvested our first red potato yesterday from the south end of the row where the plants are dying.  I guess that indicates the roots are ready.  We will be laying mulch and chicken poop on the garden this fall after everything is dug up.  Hopefully the plants will really thrive next year.

Larry and Elsie came up Monday evening while RJ and Mike were again here for dinner.  We had just finished eating, so we had a great visit and the guys played horseshoes.  Mike and JB put up a good show, but RJ and Larry are still the reigning champs (and won't let us forget it).  Elsie brought eggs for us along with potatoes and a head of cabbage from their garden.  Oh, goodie.

Today through tomorrow has been red-flagged for forest fires on the east side of the Cascades so we will be extra watchful.  It has been so dry and hot that conditions are such that the least little spark could set one off.  The big one in Cle Elum must be out by now but there is still a haze to the southwest and we can actually smell smoke.

Our "new" great room is amazing, as shown in the photo above.  Today we plan to put up one or two of three shelves on the east wall (the one with the door).  There will be one 8' and two 6' long.  I hope it turns out as well as I picture it in my mind.

There is a very interesting article in "The Week" magazine entitled "Awe to nourish the soul."  It says, "Gazing at a beautiful landscape or listening to a majestic symphony may make people feel less rushed, more patient, and more compassionate toward others.  Stanford University researchers have discovered that awe - as opposed to joy or other positive emotions - gives people the sense that time has slowed down. . . Researchers say the participants reported that the "small dose of awe" had given them "a momentary boost in life satisfaction."  I can certainly attest to that. . .

Thought for the day:  A healthy and refined nature would always derive pleasure from the landscape.  Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aug 15, 2012 A Day Off

No more plastic walls (well, except for one in the loft)!!  Oh my, it feels so good to have this project done.  And what a difference it makes.  Now we get to put up the shelves I want on the tall east wall, and hang all our pictures.  But today is a down day.  Giving those muscles we rarely use a rest.  Those muscles we didn't know existed until we used them to hang 16' pieces of wood. 

It's been 81 for a few days with more heat on the way.  Certainly a more typical August than the past few years.  Hot days with a breeze.  The wind has really been kicking up in the evening which helps to cool it down.  It was actually 58 this morning, but August usually means cooler nights.  With all this heat, there is very little snow left on the Stewart Range, but the tops of the higher peaks further west are still covered.  Many of them still have glaciers.

After we did the dishes last night, we all went for a walk which we have not done for about a week.  The dogs were beside themselves with excitement.  Poor babies haven't had much attention, we've been so busy.  It was good for all of us, but I do have to redo that path to the north ridge.  All the rocks that the bear moved are still sitting in the middle of it.

But, as I said, today is just for relaxing and maybe putting a few small pieces back in place.  We moved the furniture back yesterday, trying a couple different arrangements.  But the way we had it is the best, with just a few little changes.  Home Sweet Home.  Home Sweet almost finished Home.

Thought for the day:  Exercise until it hurts!!  Or five minutes, whichever comes first.  Maxine

Monday, August 13, 2012

Aug 13, 2012 Construction Zone

Our construction zone

With all the other excitement I completely forgot to mention our first harvest of the garden.  JB pulled a couple red and yellow onions that we used for a salad and on baked potatoes.  Small but soooo good!  Our potato plants are going strong on the north end of the rows, but not so well on the south end.  Not sure if we didn't cultivate deep enough there or what, but we should get quite a few potatoes from the larger plants.

Still living in a construction zone.  Yesterday we finished putting up all but five large pieces of the tongue-in-groove pine.  We have to pull the table saw out of the shop to cut three of them.  We also have to cut and put in the wood under one window and along the bottom of the tall east side which is taller than the 16' slats.  The peak of our ceiling is 19'5".  We plan to start with the small pieces this morning and should be able to put most of the furniture back in place today.

RJ and Mike are up for Mike's last week of the summer, and came for dinner and Magic cards yesterday afternoon.  Mike and Mindy (his dog) will be spending most of today with us while RJ goes Down There.  Little does he know how much work he will be doing. . .

No more snakes in the past few days, but it has been hot.  Was 80 yesterday and might be again today, then we get a cooling period.  Unfortunately the nights have not been cooling off like they usually do in August.  Oh, well.  Just makes the snow that much more to look forward to.

Thought for the day:  Who dares for nothing need hope for nothing.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Aug 10, 2012 Cougars & Bears & Snakes - Oh My!

That pesky bear!

Praying Mantis

No, we haven't seen any cougars at Rose Camp yet or captured them on our game cam, but that pesky bear was back Wednesday night and completely tore up my path to the north ridge, as you can see in the photo above.  And. . . we have had two rattlers by the house in two days.  JB shot the one on Wednesday afternoon.  He was about 2-1/2 feet long with TEN rattles.  I used my walking sticks on the one yesterday afternoon, and of course he only had four rattles.  But he was a quick one, not coiling, just trying to get away.  JB always gets the big ones.  I think I'm going to keep the big axe on the porch so it is handy from now on.  Will be a lot more efficient than walking sticks.

Well, we're living in a construction zone again.  After the lumber was delivered on Wednesday, we got started actually putting it up about 1:30 pm.  And as of 8:00 pm last night we had almost finished the north wall.  Seems to be taking longer than last time.  At least the weather has been a bit cooler, 77 on Wednesday and 71 yesterday. 

As we lifted one bunch of lumber onto the porch, I almost dropped my end as there was a little praying mantis on top of it.  I'm not skittish around most bugs, but these guys freak me out.  When we lived near Chicago there was on on the side of our house.  I had never seen one before and walked up to it.  This one had to be at least six inches long, and when he turned his head and looked at me, I just screamed and ran.  What can I say.  I can deal with bears and rattle snakes, but not these little guys.

There have also been a lot of grouse near the house lately.  The dogs are having a great time flushing them out.  But poor Jesse is pretty freaked about the snakes.  I'll be glad when we get some green going on all the dirt, as they can be hard to see.

So now it's back to work.  It may be well into next week before we have this project done.

Thought for the day:  You have to choose happiness; it doesn't choose you.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012 Cougars!

Guests at Larry & Elsie's pond

Larry and Elsie got this photo of TWO cougars at their pond on Saturday night.  Needless to say, we are all a bit more cautious when we go outside, guns at the ready if we're going aways from the house.  (Please don't worry, Nene.  We know they are usually Up Here, this is just confirmation.)

No time to write much more this morning as the load of lumber is on its way up.  We spent yesterday unloading bookshelves, moving furniture and stringing electrical wire from the front of the great room by the TV back to the bedroom to meet the other wires.  I got to climb under the house, but it is almost dry under there so it wasn't too bad.

Thought for the day:  Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.  Brendan Francis

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012 And a Good Time Was Had by All

A beautiful end to a perfect day.

Sunday's temperature was 84, but none of the fourteen of us minded.  We were too busy with good food, good company and lots of laughs.  Another successfull Rose Camp BBQ and Potluck.  (And, yes, we slept in this morning.)
RJ and Sam came to breakfast Saturday morning and it was a heart warming reunion.  They were both at the BBQ on Sunday so we had a lot of time together, but really not close to long enough.

I went Down There on Saturday for groceries.  It was 94 and the air conditioning in my car does not work.  That says it all.  When I came out of the last store I noticed a small dog in a car near mine.  I simply cannot believe people would do that!  I called 911 then tried to get our dogs' water dish in through the slightly cracked window.  It wouldn't fit but I tried the door and it was not locked.  So I got the adorable little long haired Chihuahua out and waited for the police.  She arrived shortly and put the dog in her air-conditioned back seat to await the arrival of the Human Society.  When he arrived, he took the temperature inside the car and it was 112!!!  The owner never did show up while we were there, but coming back to an empty car and a ticket is a lot better than finding a dead dog.  I cannot describe the rage I was feeling.  The penalty for what they did should be to sit in their hot car for 30 minutes and not be resusitated. . .  I would have love to keep that cutie for myself, but Dinga would have thought it was a squirrel and it probably would have ended up as an eagle or coyote dinner.

Now it's back to work.  At least it is and overcast 65 this morning with a delightfully cool breeze.  We have a sink full of dishes to be done and electrical wires to be run.  The lumber for the great room will be delivered Wednesday, hopefully.  The forecast is for thunder storms beginning today.  We'll see how the road is by then.

Kathleen Jarschke-Schultze has written another great article in the August & September issue of Home Power.  It is entitled "The Code of the West" and ought to be mandatory ready for anyone moving from a city or town to the country.  And they should have to sign it, acknowledging that they have read it.  It is pure common sense, but that seems to be in short supply these days.

Thought for the day:  Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.  Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi

Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3, 2012 Coyotes

Our new benches
sitting in the grove.

5:15 this morning JB let the dogs out.  I heard them barking, and then the most gawd-awful, mournful yowl.  All I could picture was Jesse swiped by a bear or hung up on the barbed wire fence.  I jumped out of bed, slipped on my flip-flops and grabbed my bathrobe.  As I was going out, JB came flying in.  I was going down the driveway when he came out, shirtless but in jeans and his boots carrying the gun.  I knew I couldn't go through the underbrush dressed as I was, so I hurried back in accompanied by that mournful sound.  Just as I hit the door running, JB fired off a round.  Complete silence.  And there came JB and both dogs up the driveway.  It hadn't been Jesse hurt at all, but rather coyotes making a sound I never want to hear again. . .  As soon as the adrenoline stopped pumping, I went back to bed.  JB however was up for the day.

We should have waited until Thursday morning to mow and trim the road. It was a deliciously cool 60. Wednesday morning was already pushing 70 by the time we finally got started about 9:00. The trees and bushes were hugging the road much more closely than in previous years, so it took us four hours instead of two with so much to trim. I drive JB’s Jeep with the trailer in tow for a ways, then stop to get out and trim while JB is mowing. He has to make at least two swipes along all the road, and often three or four. I’m sure I walked the full two miles and JB must have walked at least five. By the time we reached the end of the road, the dogs were acting like they had run ten miles. It was definitely nap time for everyone when we got back home.

I did manage to get the benches primed and then one coat of paint on them after dinner. Also finished trimming the path to the north ridge.

On Thursday JB dusted the trusses, bringing in a ladder for that chore. Then he mowed the loop to the south ridge and down by the tipi and grove. I put a second coat of paint on the benches, cleaned house and did the laundry. Late afternoon we both put up my booth in the grove without the sides for the BBQ on Sunday. No rain or high winds are in the forecast, so we should be good to go.

After dinner we cut two huge, low branches off the tree on the north ridge where I am going to place one of the new benches.  Had to cut the branches up in order to move them.  Hauled some of the smaller pieces back to the cutting pile and will get the rest today.

JB is going Down There this morning to get new brakes on his Jeep and run some errands.  I'm going down tomorrow to shop for groceries.  Then we should be all ready for the BBQ on Sunday.

I check on the Olympics on the internet daily, but don’t miss being able to watch them. Both JB and I prefer the winter Olympics, especially the ice skating. But with both it seems a shame that in the timed competitions someone misses a gold medal by a half a second or less.

We have decided to build a small, three-sided shed for MAX instead of a full 12'X16' garage. Just can’t afford it this year.  (Thank you, once again, Wall Street.)

Thought for the day: The abundant life does not come to those who have had a lot of obstacles removed from their path by others. It develops from within and is rooted in strong mental and moral fiber. William Mather Lewis

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012 What?! Already?!

The moon Monday night

Wow! August! I know we are way into the summer by where the sun is rising and setting, on its way back south towards our winter. It just seems odd to actually write the word August.

Monday and Tuesday have both been busy days, I think more for JB trying to get his honey-do’s done. He chipped two more loads and started laying it on the path to the tipi and outhouse. He also built three benches that I wanted. I will paint them today, and after the BBQ I will put one of them on the north ridge and one on the deck. I think after the first snow we will put all three of them on the deck. They are very simple and I am so pleased with the way they turned out!  (Will post a picture after they are painted.)

I have been generally cleaning up outside - branches and dirt clods. Then snipping more branch wood with my big clippers for the wood shed. Have also started trimming the path to the north ridge of grass that has grown over the rock edging.

Today we are going to leave early to mow the weeds in the middle of our road. A yearly chore that we always do the week before the BBQ. Will also have to trim some bushes and trees back from the road.  Usually takes a couple hours. So far only twelve people will be coming, with just six left to hear from.

It took Dinga 24 hours to get up the nerve to go back under the porch after her encounter with the rattle snake, and that has been her favorite spot all summer. Jesse took 48 hours to get his nerve back up. He is apoplectic when it comes to rattle snakes and I guess that’s a good thing.

Thought for the day: Peace is that glorious moment in history when everyone stands around reloading. Thomas Jefferson