Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aug 15, 2012 A Day Off

No more plastic walls (well, except for one in the loft)!!  Oh my, it feels so good to have this project done.  And what a difference it makes.  Now we get to put up the shelves I want on the tall east wall, and hang all our pictures.  But today is a down day.  Giving those muscles we rarely use a rest.  Those muscles we didn't know existed until we used them to hang 16' pieces of wood. 

It's been 81 for a few days with more heat on the way.  Certainly a more typical August than the past few years.  Hot days with a breeze.  The wind has really been kicking up in the evening which helps to cool it down.  It was actually 58 this morning, but August usually means cooler nights.  With all this heat, there is very little snow left on the Stewart Range, but the tops of the higher peaks further west are still covered.  Many of them still have glaciers.

After we did the dishes last night, we all went for a walk which we have not done for about a week.  The dogs were beside themselves with excitement.  Poor babies haven't had much attention, we've been so busy.  It was good for all of us, but I do have to redo that path to the north ridge.  All the rocks that the bear moved are still sitting in the middle of it.

But, as I said, today is just for relaxing and maybe putting a few small pieces back in place.  We moved the furniture back yesterday, trying a couple different arrangements.  But the way we had it is the best, with just a few little changes.  Home Sweet Home.  Home Sweet almost finished Home.

Thought for the day:  Exercise until it hurts!!  Or five minutes, whichever comes first.  Maxine

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