Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oct 28, 2013 Tiresome vs Boring

This morning's sunrise.

Monday 10/28. The clouds quickly cleared, but our high was only 35.  A lazy indoor day.  My big project was to drive down to Larry and Elsie's after lunch to let their dogs out.  He is on a hunting trip and she is taking care of her grandchildren for the day at their house.  I let them out occasionally, usually on my way home for Down There, so the dogs know the routine.  Out we go to walk around and let them do their business, this includes lots of attention and petting.  Then, as soon as I head back to the house, they make a beeline for the door.  They know treats await.

The drive down the mountain was a little sad.  Many of the bushes have lost their leaves and the tamaracks are looking bare.  However in many places our road is now comparable to Oz - covered in orange and gold.  The wind and rain over the weekend blew all the dead fir needles off the trees, and even our yard has an orange hue.

This morning when I posted my blog, I used the word "boring" to describe the current antics of public figures.  Actually "tiresome" is more appropriate.  Their attempt at shock never was entertaining.  After I posted, I was thinking about when Elvis Presley and then The Beatles were shocking for my parent's generation, but surely the pendulum has swung as far in this direction as it can.  Time to swing the other way.  Am I just getting old?

Tuesday 10/29. Another clear, cold morning.  I left at 8:30 am for Down There for my Jeep to get an oil change and run errands.  One of which was to go to the Forest Service office.  When my Dad retired, one of the gifts he was given  was a large, framed photograph of him and four other Forest Service cohorts taken in the summer of 1950 at the Entiat Ranger Station.  I thought maybe it would be an interesting piece of history for them to have, and, indeed, they were thrilled as they are always looking for such items.  I have several others that I will round up and take to their office.

We have a new addition to JB's family as his niece had her a baby girl on the 24th, so I mailed a gift along with all the annual Halloween cards to her and the rest of the grand-nieces, nephews and grandchildren.  Also finally got Nene's very late birthday present sent.  We have another grand-niece due in November on my side of the family.

For some reason, this trip Down There was very discomboobilating.  Seems like there was an awful lot of traffic and people around for a Tuesday.  Couldn't have made it without my latte, and I was so very glad to get back up on the mountain to Rose Camp.  

Wednesday 10/30.  We have some high, wispy clouds this morning and a temperature of 26.  There was an awesome sunrise.

Thought for the day: In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running.  Jeff Bezos  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28, 2013 The End of My Rant

That's a mushroom nestled in between
the rocks.
Reinforced protective cover for
the propane fitting.

My wood and rock "wall".

Friday 10/25.  Regarding the comment on this morning's blog, you are absolutely right, Jim, about so many people on the dole.  But I am appalled that those who are not getting freebies are actually voting for those candidates who support giving them.  What happened to our work ethic?  Here is a great quote from Dr. Ben Carson (who, by the way, is an African-American neurologist): "A truly moral nation enacts policies that encourage personal responsibility and discourage self-destructive behavior by NOT subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make make poor choices."  I love this guy!  

But it is not just the political situation.  Our whole culture seems to be going down the tubes.  These days everything seems to be said and done for shock value, with very little awe.  It's all been said and done before, and it's getting boring.  Will we ever get back to class and graciousness?  I doubt there are very many public figures under the age of 60 who have either of these.  And so it goes.  Blah, blah, blah.  Whine, whine, whine.  As a matter of fact, it think I will wine.  I may feel better. . .

Anyway, back to our life Up Here.  After lunch we did general cleaning up outside.  We put a metal cover over the wooden stand covering the propane hookup to the house which protects it from snow coming off the roof.  I repaired the wood and stone "wall" on the gravel on the south side of the house.  I split the last load of wood from the two logs JB had cut up and he took it to the wood shed in the tractor where I stacked it.  Cleaned the area where I have been cutting branch wood, as we are moving that and the cradle up by the splitting area in the Spring so it is all in one general spot, and further away from the house.  Then we tilted the panels as far down as they will go.  It's a couple weeks early, but we wanted to be able to do it in good weather.

Our high for the day was 58.  There is a cold front on its way with Monday's high forecast at a whopping 48 for Down There.

Yesterday I could not solve a sudoku puzzle to save my soul.  Today I can do them just fine.  Funny how one's brain works, or doesn't.  Must have been my ranting that cleared out all the cobwebs.  Maybe I should do that more often.

I have been looking for a healthy snack other than fruit and nachos, and have come up with almond or peanut butter on rice crackers.  Really good!  Costco now has a large jar of almond butter for a reasonable price.

Saturday 10/26.  It was a chilly day, clear but with a high of only 52 and a very cold breeze.

We finally put up the two strings of solar lights I had ordered on one of our small trees.  They work, but unfortunately we can't see them from the house because the Jeeps are in the way.  Will probably end up putting them along the fence.

At the craft fair last week I bought a hand-made lavender-scented candle, based on information that Sandy had sent to me several months ago about sleep aids.  It certainly seems to be a good influence, and the bedroom smells wonderful. 

Sunday 10/27.  It was mostly cloudy and 39 this morning.  The cold front is moving in and bringing with it wind and moisture, as my sinus' have so kindly let me know.  By 10:00 am the temperature had dropped to 37 and big, dark clouds began to drop their wet load.  After a big breakfast of a sunny-side-up egg on a waffle and bacon, the rain just put me back to sleep.  Dinga was wired with the initial loud downpour, expecting, I'm sure, crashing thunder at any moment.  Our residential frog sounded like he was celebrating.  I finally got off the couch at 11:00 am and got dressed.  Ahhh, retirement! 

JB spent the afternoon in the kitchen making pulled pork and the buns to put it on.  The house smelled so good.  I was up in the loft working on crafts and trying to get the banking all sorted out.  I will be so glad when the change is complete.

Larry went elk hunting this weekend.  I sure hope he is managing to stay dry and warm.  I know Elsie is enjoying her "alone time."

By the time the dogs and I took our afternoon walk, the rain had stopped and the temperature was down to 34.  There was fresh snow on Mission Ridge, but nowhere else.  The snow level is probably only down to 5000 feet.  The rain barrel behind the wood shed was just a couple inches under being one-third full.  That is so cool.

Monday 10/28.  Happy Birthday, RJ!  He and Mike, and possibly others, will be up to his cabin on Friday for the weekend to celebrate.

It is mostly cloudy, 28, and breezy this morning.  As I type at my computer desk in the loft, I am watching daylight arrive on the mountains.  Just part of my daily dose of awe. . .

Thought for the day: People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.  Otto von Bismark 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Oct 25, 2013 Letting It All Out!

A tamarack adding to the color
along our road.

Wednesday 10/23.  I have spent much more money than usual on winter supplies, but I just do not want JB to have to drive Down There more than once a month.  That's what we originally planned, but it has just never worked out that way so far.  It is more difficult than I first realized to have everything we need.  Plus, I just have a really bad feeling about the very near future of our country.

I had noted that I really needed to work inside today and I did all morning, but after lunch I just had to get outdoors!  I finished cutting/breaking the rest of the branch wood and stacked it on the porch and inside.  JB used his chop saw in the shop to cut the big stack of large branch wood that needed to be just cut in half or have the end trimmed off.  I took a load to the woodshed and a small load indoors.  Then the dogs and I took a walk down the road while JB took a nap.

We were on our way back when Dinga started quite a racket barking.  One of our neighbors was walking up the short cut.  He said he was going to work on his trail, but he just wandered off.  A perfect day to wander, and he must have wandered a couple miles!

JB found a place on the internet that sells parts for MAX.  It seems that Recreative Industries was sold and the new owner is in the process of taking over.  Would be nice if they could put a message informing callers of that on their phone system, and internet site.  But the dealer than JB located actually sells the parts cheaper than the manufacturer does.  Woo Hoo!

And speaking of good buys, on my "Me" day Down There I went to one of the really nice second-hand stores and found two excellent pair of jeans for $3.65 each.  Another Woo Hoo!!

Ran the well pump today and the cistern is as full as the float will allow.  We still have to move the float up a bit.  But as far as water goes, we are good to go.

Our high for the day was 58, with yet more of this incredible weather in the forecast.

Thursday 10/24.  Clear and 39 this morning.  There has been very heavy dew the past couple nights.  We can hear it dripping off the roof, and any unsheltered ground is very wet.

We enjoyed a nice relaxing morning, then after lunch JB used his chain saw to cut two short logs and used the tractor to take the pieces to the splitter.  Then we took the tractor down the road just to our hairpin corner to get more rocks for our outdoor kitchen.  He made four trips with the bucket full each time.  That makes a total of nine bucketfuls, but the pile of rocks sure doesn't look as big as I would think it should.  As I mentioned before, it is going to take a lot of trips bringing up rocks, but we have plenty, so that won't be a problem.  And the tractor uses so little gas.  Really amazing!

There are several interesting articles in the newest issue of Time Magazine, as usual, but one in particular concerns how many people are moving to Texas.  Seems there is still lots of room there and the cost of living is much less than many other places.  I know our son enjoys the low cost of living in Alabama.

This evening we watched The Glenn Miller Story staring James Stewart and June Allison.  Back in the '40's and '50's people had more class, even the actors and some politicians.  Seems that all began to disappear sometime in the mid '60's.

Friday 10/25.  More blue sky and 36, with another heavy dew dripping from the eaves.  Have I mentioned that Fall is my favorite time of the year?  And this year it is magnificent.

That said, I can no longer hold in the vitriol bubbling within me regarding our government situation.  It has given birth to feelings of anger, fright, frustration and helplessness.  Have the American people become so complacent with their material things that they no longer pay attention to what is going on politically?  This current president (I will not dignify his position with a capital "p") doesn't have a clue about compromise because he doesn't see himself as president, but rather emperor.  He is an arrogant, self-serving moron who deserves nothing more than being thrown out and exiled like the little Napoleon that he is.  No, actually he is not smart enough to be compared to Napoleon.  Idi Amin comes to mind, as he has slaughtered our Constitution and tortured our freedoms.  Impeach the idiot!

Isn't there anyone in Congress who is capable of standing up to him and his minions?  Is there no Democrat in their right mind?  Has someone put something into the Washington D.C. drinking water?  Surely someone with authority will come to their senses before it is too late!  It all makes me feel so helpless.  It seems that only the political pundits are writing the truth about the situation.  Is no one listening?  Have the American people become so spoiled that their backbones have dissolved?

Well, thank goodness I finally got that all out!  I feel a little better, but still so frustrated that's all it will do - make me feel a little better.  And, as I said before, helpless.  Just don't know what to do except stock up and ride it out.

Thought for the day: The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form.  The individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.  Mohatma Gandhi

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 23, 2013 Down There WAY Too Often

One of my favorite places along our road.

Monday 10/21.  Off we went Down There again on another fabulous Fall day.  Dropped off JB's Jeep.  Picked up applications for our new health care insurance.  Did the last of the winter grocery shopping at Fred Meyer.  It was definitely nap time when we got home.

Our high for the day was 62 and what a waste of a gorgeous day to spend it Down There.  However the temperature was pushing 70 and it did feel good.

Tuesday 10/22.  I let the dogs out at 5:20 am and Jesse managed to stay out for an hour and twenty minutes.  So much for going back to sleep, as I had to get up at 7:00 am.  Down There again, and, yes, on another fabulous Fall day.  Dropped JB off to pick up his Jeep.  Got blood drawn for my annual labs.  Couldn't have anything to eat beforehand, so I treated myself to a squash croissant along with my latte.  Then off to do the laundry, where I called Sandy and we talked for most of the time I was there.  After which I did the last of the big Costco shopping.  Went to the doctor to get that "thing" removed from my arm - she is good, didn't feel a thing.  Picked up the mail and special ordered a Christmas present for my favorite Aunt.  

I was wound when I finally arrived back home.  Got everything put away and noted on our supply list.

JB had several errands to run after picking up his Jeep, including dropping off our health care applications and going to the Chelan County Assessor's office.  We had not received the refund from our property tax payment and it turns out there was a glitch in the recording of the 21 of our acres going into their forest management program.  We should receive a check soon now.  They were very helpful and very apologetic - one of the best government offices I have ever encountered.

We are switching to a new and local healthcare insurance which is co-owned by the local medical community.  The only dental care it offers is one annual cleaning, but it seems that no one is offering dental insurance that covers anything except preventative care.  The cost is $37 per month per person and is at least as good as the one we currently have, if not better.  

I am appalled at the reality of the "Affordable" Health Care Act (I refuse to put the president's name in my blog for its other name).  We have friends that now actually CANNOT afford healthcare as it has doubled their premiums to $1200 per month.  It is cheaper for them to pay the penalty, or tax, or whatever it is called now.  A rose by any other name. . .

Having gone Down There three times in four days really brought out the ditz in me.  I had JB mail Aunt Nene's birthday card (late), but not her gift. . .

We captured lots of deer on the game cam this past week and one skunk.  And speaking of skunks, Sandy had sent me an article from the Reader's Digest entitled "Bats, Cows and Skunks, Oh My!" that was hilarious.  About a couple who moved to the country in Vermont.  I am so glad that we have not experienced some of the "wild" encounters that others have.  

Wednesday 10/23.  Well, as I said, I was wound upon returning home yesterday and, for the first night in a long time, I couldn't sleep.  Probably a good thing as Jesse had obviously found and eaten part of a kill or caught and eaten something on his own.  We deduced this from the fragrance emitting from his back side during the evening.  So he had to go out at 11:30 pm (I was already up) and again at 2:45 am.  He seems to be feeling better this morning, a morning which has produced another cloudless sky, with more of such in the forecast.  I would love to be outside all day, but there are just too many things I have been ignoring inside.

Thought for the day:  If I had no sense of humor, I would have long ago committed suicide.  Mahatma Gandhi 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21, 2013 Rocks & Sun

RJ's outdoor fireplace in the process of being
transformed into an outdoor kitchen.
A splash of gold in the midst of
an evergreen palette.
Friday 10/18.  Another beautiful day.  The weather for the past few weeks has been absolutely delightful!  Quite the opposite from last year.  But each day when we awake to blue sky, I feel like there are dark, angry clouds just waiting to march over the mountains and drop their load of rain and/or snow.

Today JB cut two cradles of wood, and really should have done only one.  He used the tractor to haul it over to the woodshed in two loads, where I stacked it against the fence.  There is no more room under the roof.  Another load went to the splitter.

After lunch, we took the tractor down our road, just to the short cut to RJ's, to get large rocks.  There are a lot of them in just that short distance.  JB made four trips with the largest rocks I was able to get into the bucket.  The last trip was just one very large, very flat rock that will be great for the outdoor kitchen.  I thought we had gathered a quite a few rocks, but the pile sure didn't look very big.  I'm glad we're getting started this Fall, because it is going to take longer than I thought to get all that we need.  

I had time before JB started the pizza to get a banana coffee cake baked.  I like it so much better than banana bread.

All the current "homesteading" magazines have arrived in the past week and we are busy reading them.  I am sure we could become self-sufficient - as long as I can shop at Costco. . .

Saturday 10/19.  We left for Down There at 8:30 with just two main goals - flu shots and the arts and crafts fair.  The clinic was giving shots this morning and was so organized that we were in and out in no more than five minutes!

Then it was off to the big arts and crafts fair at the Town Toyota Center.  I don't think Wenatchee has ever had a big, professional fair like this one and it was great.  I finished my Christmas shopping, and even bought a purse for myself made out of the top of a pair of jeans.  Something I have always wanted and it was only $19!

Then we picked up the mail and were home by 1:00 pm.  Unpacked our goodies.  Read much of the mail, papers and magazines.  And just tried to unwind from all the sensory overload.

Larry and Elsie came up to visit this evening.  Elsie actually apologized for not having any eggs to bring, what with having lost a few of their chickens and the days getting shorter.  What a gal!  We had a nice long visit which was really overdue.  So much going on in both our lives this summer.

Sunday 10/20.  Another incredible Fall day with blue sky and a high of 62.  Am so glad Larry and Elsie are having such great weather for their days off.  They certainly deserve it.

After a late breakfast, I cut and split wood.  The small kindling refilling the row in the wood shed from where I have been taking it.  JB took two tractor bucket loads of the split wood to the south side of the porch where I undid the tarp and stacked it on the outside row.  So now that end is definitely done also.

JB was making split pea and ham soup when I took the dogs for their afternoon walk.  Dinga discovered a very small snake on the north ridge.  Its markings sure looked like a rattler's, and, not wanting to take any chances, I killed it with a stick.  I was really surprised to see such a small snake this late in the year.

Monday 10/21.  Another clear morning with a forecast of 70 for Down There, which is where we are going again.  This time to drop off JB's Jeep for an oil change and other work.  Then grocery shopping and back home.  Tomorrow I get to go down again to take JB to pick up his Jeep, do laundry, Costco shopping and my doctor's appointment to have whatever "that" is removed from my arm.  Then, hopefully, all these trips down will be over for a while.

Thought for the day:  I compared notes with one of my friends who expects everything of the universe and is disappointed when anything is less than the best, and I found that I begin at the other extreme, expecting nothing, and am always full of thanks for moderate goods.  Ralph Waldo Emerson, Experience

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 18, 2013 Outdoor Kitchens

Jesse's deer leg.

Wednesday 10/16.  RJ stayed and talked til 10:30 am.  By then the overcast had disappeared into a blue sky for another phenomenal Fall day.  I have run out of adjectives for the brilliant colors Up Here.  They are just in patches but the light greens are now bright yellow; the yellows now gold; the golds now rust and orange; the reds now flaming.  And all against a dark evergreen backdrop.  I love this time of year!

Did the dishes and ran the well pump.  We are back up to 25+ inches, so all is good.

After lunch we drove down to RJ's cabin to see the outdoor kitchen he is building by redesigning his outdoor fireplace.  That is definitely one of our projects for next year at Rose Camp.  So we will be collecting rocks of all sizes, and there are plenty of them Up Here.  RJ will actually be building it.

Countryside magazine has another great issue.  I particularly like the letter entitled "Changing your perspective can change your life."  Lots of good articles, although I hope I never have to pluck a chicken or a duck.

No work today, other than dishes and bringing in wood.  How nice!  But I did spend 45 minutes on the phone with Bank of America regarding a missed payment on our tractor that I received a call about while down at RJ's.  Their customer service people were nice, but not at all helpful and no one would admit what was obviously their error.

We watched the movie WALL-E last night.  One we had somehow missed.  It is so cute!  This evening we started the second season of True Blood.

Thursday 10/17.  Another clear, Fall day and 33.  First thing I did was call  Agricredit about the missed payment.  I have scheduled it to be paid today.  The wonderful woman in their accounting department just said, "Oh, that happens.  No problem."  

We spent the morning inside cleaning, defrosting, organizing.  Amazing how quickly the house gets disorganized when we spend so much time outside.

After lunch, we filled the tractor's bucket with small rocks from a big pile that we had and took it down to fill in some deep puddles.  Everything else we have tried - bark, chippings, etc. - doesn't seem to work very well.  When we were done and the bucket was empty, we filled it with very large rocks and took them back up to begin our pile for the outdoor kitchen.  The dogs love these outings.  Jesse found a deer leg and was so proud of himself.  I had to break some off to share with Dinga.

Then it was nap time for me.

Friday 10/18. It is another clear, cold, Fall day.  Once again 33.  We will probably cut the wood in the cradle and gather more large rocks today.  Don't have to go far to do that as they are everywhere along our road.

Thought for the day:  Happy Birthday, Aunt Nene!  Wishing you much happiness and a wonderful day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 16, 2013 Running & Ranting

More mushrooms!

Morning sun reaching the mountains.

Monday 10/14.  Down There to check out a couple funky stores in downtown Wenatchee, do some grocery shopping, and see the doctor.  Have to go back next Tuesday to have something removed from my arm.  Definitely NOT melanoma, but possibly a little skin cancer.  Nothing to be concerned about.

Was an incredibly gorgeous Fall day!  Felt like 70 Down There, but it was only 65.  So nice not to rush and just have a "Me" day.

RJ was up for dinner and we ended up talking til way after dark.  He had spent most of the day working on drainage ditches on the main canyon road and even widened the one across the hair-pin turn on our road.  As far as our work on our road, at one place I think all we did was make a mess.  We'll see how it looks after the next rain.

Our son and his family did a 5K in Mobile on Saturday.  His 9-year-old son ran all the way, but his 6-year-old daughter only made it about 2/3 of the way.  So Jake ended up running the last third while carrying his daughter on his shoulders!  Good thing he is in great shape. . .

Tuesday 10/15.  Another beautiful day with some high, thin clouds and a high of 44.  After breakfast, I finally climbed under the house and drilled a hole in two places through the metal siding to mark where JB could install two vents.  The south half of the house is dry in the crawl space, but there is still water beading on the north side and the dirt is still a bit damp.  The vents will hopefully help dry all that up.

After lunch, I started up the splitter while JB put in the vents.  I split all the wood that was left, then JB brought the tractor over and took it to the porch in two loads.  I stacked it on the north side which completed those two rows.  Then I refilled the cradle.  When that is cut, we still probably have enough wood to fill the cradle twice more.  Just where I am going to put that wood, I don't know.

I am amazed at all the mushrooms that are still popping up.  They are probably all poisonous, as no animals seem to be eating them.

My Aunt Nene returns today from six days in Miami.  She went with my cousin to the Colin Cancer Convention, as they are both survivors.  I am so glad she decided to go, for a break if nothing else.  Am anxious to hear all about it.

RJ is coming up for breakfast in the morning and I will be cooking eggs, bacon and fried red potatoes.

Wednesday 10/16.  It is 34 and partly overcast this morning.  I have to get started on breakfast, but I also have to comment on our government situation.  I am almost at a loss for words regarding that idiot who is in charge.  To put it mildly, we need to get rid of the whole lot and start over again.  The American people are so complacent with their life of ease and all their toys that they won't take the time to see what is really happening.  You would think that frustration would have boiled over by now.  I am keeping this rant mild just to keep my blood pressure down.  Nuff said.

Thought for the day:  When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.  John Muir

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct 14, 2013 Birds and Cougars

One of the varied thrush in our yard.
Brilliant wild rose bushes in
their Fall colors.

Friday 10/11.  A hectic trip Down There today.  Lots of stops, but no grocery shopping.  Not my favorite kind of day.  Also got water at Larry and Elsie's.  Something I didn't think we would have to do again.

The air Up Here is full of wings and chirping this week.  Woodpeckers, juncos, finches, grosbeaks ,and a small flock of varied thrush on their way to California.  Seems like our busiest time for birds is early Spring and Autumn.

Thank you to a reader for the comment about Rainy Day Foods!  I went to their site and purchased some items that we don't have at great prices.

Saturday 10/12.  It is 32 and overcast this morning.  It rained a bit before we got up and there is a 30% chance of more rain today.  So it was mostly an inside day - papers, puzzles, books, and three days worth of dishes, as the housekeeper did not come up to do the dishes while I was gone yesterday. . .

I tried to get the splitter going about mid afternoon, but it was just too cold.  So I cut and stacked a couple loads of branch wood.  JB baked orange muffins and craisin scones.  It smelled so good inside the house!

We only got a little drizzle in the morning but did not see the sun until our afternoon walk.  Then it was soon covered up again.  Our high was only 37.

The dogs came in from a short outing just as we were sitting down to dinner and they were both spooked.  Dinga lay down at my feet under the table and stayed there til I was done eating.  Bears and coyotes don't usually cause that reaction, so it may have been a cougar.

Sunday 10/13.  It was sunny and 31 this morning when JB got up at 7:30 am.  I slept in til 8:30 and then had a wonderful breakfast of a cheese and onion omelet with scones.  

JB drove MAX down to the game cam for the card and we had some great videos of a large (mama?) cougar, deer and a rabbit.  When he got back up to Rose Camp, he cut the wood in the cradle.  Three tractor bucket loads to the porch and one to the splitter.  Then, because the sun was shining and the temperature was into the 40's, I started the splitter and and split four loads.  We did stop for lunch during all that.  I was able to pretty much finish the second row on the north side of the porch, so I would say we are set for a long, cold winter.

From the comment regarding someone else's animals and the almanac, it does look to be a long one.  I have put in more supplies than usual, too.

RJ is at his cabin and will be up for dinner on Monday.  JB is making lasagna, switching our cooking days since I will be Down There and home late.  My doctor's appointment isn't until 3:00 pm.

I think we have seen the last of the wasps in the loft, so I finally got up there and washed the windows.  Had to use a scrubbie and lots of elbow grease to get all the wasp guts off.  My, what a difference!

The clouds stayed away all day and our high was 43.  A perfect day to work outside.

Monday 10/14.  It is another clear, cold morning Up Here, 31.  I don't have to leave til about 11:00 am.

Thought for the day: Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.  Margaret Shepard

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oct 11, 2013 Saving Rain and Losing Water

Our rain catcher on the woodshed.

Fall colors in a small canyon
off our south ridge.

Wednesday 10/9.  After breakfast it was out to install the gutters on the woodshed and direct the water into the rain barrel.  An easy job that should have been done years ago.  I want to do it on the generator/battery shed also, but that will be in the Spring.

It was another beautiful Fall day, sans a cold breeze.  Our high for the day was 44.  It was sunny most of the day, but by our afternoon walk clouds had moved in from the north and the sky was grey.

After lunch we did the dishes, but before we started JB opened the pipe to the toilet to fill the tank.  After the dishes were done, I went into the bathroom to find the toilet overflowing!  The float had stuck, so all the water was going down the drain, then something caused the pipe to clog up and the toilet to overflow.  Actually, I think the septic tank could not drain as quickly as the water was coming in.  So much of our effort to save water went, literally, down the toilet.  The cistern is now down to 23-1/4".  It's just been one of those weeks.

After everything was unplugged and cleaned up, JB worked on the generator room, installing another board at the very bottom of the back wall, as snow had blown in last year.  Then he put up the boards along the front, as we do for the winter.  He made them very easy to install and they just slide in.

I cut and stacked some more branch wood and refilled the cradle.  Hopefully JB can cut it soon.

Thursday 10/10.  It was clear and 30 this morning with an icy wind again.  Fortunately it had all but died down by noon, into quite a pleasant day.  Our high was 44.

It was a no-rush sort of day.  I stayed in during the morning and made a big pot of chicken broth for the dogs.  JB helped me slice a big Black Forest ham on our meat slicer, and I vacuum packed it into several packets for the freezer.  Before that, he spent time out in the shop organizing and cleaning.

After lunch I gathered up short pieces of branch wood and old dimensional wood for JB to cut for the wood stove on his chop saw.  And with that I started a second row on the north end of the porch.  

We are thinking about getting a trash compactor, which goes into the category of "Why didn't we think of this before?"  Larry and Elsie have one, as a matter of fact one of their dogs has figured out how to use the foot pedal to open it and get at the juicy tidbits.  He is also an expert at opening drawers and cupboards.  He is an older dog and often has problems with his back legs, producing pity in those watching him trying to walk.  But let him detect any food on the kitchen counter or pool table, and somehow he is able to stand on his back legs and reach it. . . bad legs or no.

And speaking of animals and food, both their cats, their two dogs, and ours seem to be wanting more food this Fall.  I also read an article where the deer seem to be hungrier also.  I wonder if they know something about this winter that we don't. . .

I am going Down There tomorrow for some extra errands that have become necessary, even though I have to go down on Monday also, for my annual checkup with my doctor.  Since that is Columbus day, I am going to check out a couple stores for sales and make it a "Me Day."

Friday 10/11.  It is mostly overcast and 32 this morning.  Am watching the sunlight move down the mountains to the west as the sun rises in the east.  And thinking that I would love to be back in bed, instead of going Down There today. . .

Thought for the day:  Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 9, 2013 Wind and Garbage

Odd cloud formation to the north
on Monday.
Bright Autumn leaves from the
wild rose bush.

Monday 10/7.  A biting wind blew all day, but we had to get the cradle wood cut and stacked, so out we went.  We could not get either of the two borrowed chainsaws started, so JB used his chainsaw.  (It's a good thing his doctor does not read this blog.)  Then he brought the tractor over and I filled the bucket.  He drove it over to the porch and I stacked it.  We had three loads to the porch and two to the splitter.

After going inside for lunch and to warm up, I cut and stacked branch wood until my back said, "No more!"  Then I refilled all the empty cans with sawdust for the outhouse.  And ran the well pump.  We are up to 25".  After that we all took a short nap.

Even though just listening to the wind makes me feel cold, the house was warm enough that we didn't need an fire after the first one in the morning.  Because the temperature was up to 50 yesterday, we didn't need one last night either.  Our high for today was only 43.

I am always amazed that such big, tall trees can sway so far back and forth in the wind without snapping.  I am sure the wind velocity today was pushing into the low 40's, if not higher.

Tuesday 10/8.  32 and partly cloudy this morning and still a bit breezy.  And, lo and behold, JB's back is NOT bothering him.  Thank goodness.

Note to self:  Do NOT go to the garbage dump on a Tuesday morning (it is closed on Sunday and Monday).  We were there for about an hour, along with everyone else in town. . .  But we finally got the trailer emptied and the rest of our errands run, including buying rain gutters for the woodshed.  While we were Down There, we watched a short rain squall move through our canyon.  It obviously didn't dump too much rain as the road was barely wet on our way home.  One more short shower passed over around dinner time.

We just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, reading our mail, magazines and newspapers.  JB took the dogs on their walk while I nursed my sinuses.  Am definitely going to see an ear-nose-&-throat doctor soon about the problems I am having.

Wednesday 10/9.  Another clear, Fall morning and 30.  I am almost drooling on my computer as the scent of the muffins JB is baking wafts up to the loft where I am typing.  

Today we plan to put up the gutters on the woodshed and direct the rain into one of the barrels I just bought.  I just hope the snow and ice doesn't rip them off this winter. . .

Thought for the day:  Tax reform is taking taxes off things that have been taxed and putting taxes on things that haven't been taxed before.  Art Buchwald

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct 7, 2013 Phenomenal Fall Weather & A New Recipe

Our Mr. Potato Head

A patch of blazing fire weed

Friday 10/4.  Today was just one of those days.  I got started late.  Remembered everything except my grocery list and coupons.  Just flustered all the way.  But now I have most of our winter supplies.  I had let our stock get a bit low during the summer with everything that was going on.  The only thing about going Down There for laundry and shopping is that when I arrive back home, I am only 2/3 done with my day.  Still have to unload, put it all away, including the clothes.  Yes, JB helps but he still cannot lift anything too heavy.   Whine, whine, whine. . .  At least it was a beautiful day. . . and I had my latte.

And, speaking of JB, he drove MAX around while I was gone, trying to figure out what was wrong with one of the wheels.  Of course, he had no problems at all.  We'll be putting the tracks soon.

Saturday 10/5.  It was mostly clear again and in the high 30's this morning.  Another beautiful Fall day with no rain in sight till Monday.  We plan to take our six-month's worth of garbage down on Tuesday since this will be a dry weekend.

Am already using my winter outside "refrigerator" for drinks and cheese.  It's working great and gives me a lot more room for my inside one.

Emergency Essentials is having a special on their food-grade water barrels, so I am going to order one.  Would like to have at least one that hasn't been used for something else.  They are also having a great sale on their freeze-dried chicken, so I'll order a couple cans of that too.  We bought some of their freeze-dried carrots that were on sale a couple months ago and have opened one can to use this winter.  I used some in a vegetable soup I made today and they are great!

I cut and stacked more branch wood, then just sat on the porch and enjoyed the sun, the birds, the woods.  Our high for the day was 49.  Then, even though I read that potatoes can be kept in the ground even in the winter, JB was concerned about them so we dug up the rest.  All red potatoes and they are so good.  Last week a tried a new recipe, Potatoes Anna, that is delicious.  Simply cut three large potatoes into 1/4" slices and arrange them in a greased pie pan.  Melt two tablespoons of butter and add to it one teaspoon of salt, then drizzle over the potatoes.  Preheat oven to 425 and cover potatoes with foil for the first 20 minutes, then bake another 55 minutes uncovered.  This is now at the top of my list for ways to fix potatoes!

Our son was on furlough from his government job this past week and he called to say that Congress passed a resolution that all government employees will be paid retroactively when they return to their jobs.  Basically a paid vacation.  I am doing all I can to hold back a rant. . .

Sunday 10/6.  Clear and 38 this morning.  After JB's breakfast of bacon and eggs with Elsie's tomato, we drove the tractor down the road to work on draining more puddles.  I am really surprised at my stamina these days.  After more than an hour, I started getting a little winded and my feet felt awfully heavy - then I looked down at my boots and realized that I had about five pounds of wet clay stuck to each one!  Cleaned them off and I was good to go.  We got several areas drained and even JB was going strong.  Of course the dogs were loving it.  Dinga usually stays close, but Jesse was off on an adventure and didn't arrive home til about 30 minutes after we did.

It was another phenomenal Fall day, with a high of 50.  In the past week or so, the colors have gone from subtle to brilliant.  Some of the bushes are a bright, pre-yellow green, while others have turned yellow and orange.  The fire weed leaves are orange and red, as is much of the other undergrowth.  

After lunch, I took a nap.  As I have mentioned before, I love my naps and the ability to take them when I want to.

The current Smithsonian Magazine's theme is "Secrets of American History" and is fascinating.  Everything from Lincoln and Kennedy to Camus and Norman Rockwell.  It is going to take me a while to get all the way through it.

And speaking of magazines, the newest Farm Show is also a good one (as always), but with more for us in it.  I usually cut out the articles I want then give it to Larry, but this time there would not have been much left for him, so I copied them instead.  Something I should probably to in the future, too.

One of my Mom's very best friends called me today.  She reads my blog and we keep in touch.  It was so good to talk with her.  As we both agreed, with e-mail people do not seem to talk on the phone as much we they used to.  I know I am really bad at phoning friends and family.  I write my blog and get busy with life Up Here. . .

And speaking of my Mom, this month she will have been gone 18 years.  That just doesn't compute.  Time is such a subjective thing.

To answer RandySoCal's question regarding our well problems, our well is 612' deep so I think we had it dug deep enough.  In this area, if the previous summer was dry, then towards the end of the current summer, the water in the wells will be low.  With all the rain we have had this summer, next year ought to be just fine.  But we won't rely on that.  We are learning more and more how much water we do not need and how to capture the rain we get.

Monday 10/7.  This morning is 39 and partly cloudy.  The snow on the lower hills has melted, but the Cascades and Mission Ridge are standing proudly in their white capes.

Thought for the day:  Freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they express, or the words they speak or write.  Hugo L. Black

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oct 4, 2013 More Cutting & Stacking

Mt. Stewart up close, snow laden once again.

Wednesday 10/2.  Fog crept in early this morning.  We got on our way right after breakfast to drive down and fix the two largest puddles about 1-1/2 miles down our road.  We rode.  The dogs ran.  Just as we finished digging deep drains from each, rain began to fall.  So we got the dogs in the car, mud and all, and drove back up to our hair-pin turn which needed its drain cleaned out.  With that all done, it was time for lunch.

I ate one of Elsie's tomatoes with a big slice of cheddar cheese.  Oh, my!

It never really did rain at Rose camp today.  A few little showers passed through and the sun never did break through the cloud cover.  Our high was only 35.

I spent the afternoon putting away my summer clothes and getting out my winter ones, all the while reorganizing part of the loft storage space.  Something I fear I will be forever doing.

JB made cookies from a pricey gluten-free box mix.  They were okay, but not nearly as good as the ones I make from scratch.

Thursday 10/3.  Clear and 28 this morning although we obviously received a lot of rain during the night.  May have been snow that didn't stick.  There is new snow on the surrounding mountains.

JB left for Down There about 9:00 am to run errands and go to a dentist appointment.  Once again, I was out at 9:30 to cut and stack wood.  Took the dogs on their morning walk then worked till lunch time.  They stayed out when I went in, loving the cool, dry weather.  It was a gorgeous Fall day and our high was 42.

I was back out after lunch, cutting and stacking several more loads.  I now have two short rows of kindling on the east side and have started the third and last one.  I doubled the amount of larger wood on the north side, but there is still a lot more to cut.  It is supposed to be nice this weekend, so hopefully I can get one of the little chain saws going and at least cut the wood already stacked in the cradle.

I will be going Down There tomorrow to do laundry and grocery shopping.  Will also get water at Larry and Elsie's, which may be the last time.  I ran the well pump for 10 minutes today and the cistern filled back up to 24-1/2".  That includes backfilling the 10 or so gallons I used to flush the toilet the last three days.  That is all I plan to use all the water for that I bring up.

Friday 10/4.  It is 32 with a cloudless sky.  JB gets to enjoy the day Up Here while I go Down There.

I simply refuse to write about the government situation, as I will get on a rant and won't be able to stop.  The word "impeach" does come to mind. . .

Thought for the day:  What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.  The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.  Robert F. Kennedy

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oct 2, 2013 Snow on the Mountains & a Cougar on the Camera

Monday's rainbow . . .

. . . and snow on the mountains to the northwest.

Monday 9/30.  The snow level in the mountains has dropped to 5000' and it is cold enough for snow at Rose Camp this morning.  About 9:30 am, big wet flakes began falling with the rain.  This October may be like last year, when we had our first big snow that actually stayed in mid-month.

The wind blew away the clouds and rain around 10:00 am.  The sky was suddenly blue and the wet trees sparkled in the sun.  I went out to move one of the rain barrels behind the wood shed to see if we could get some water in it from the roof.  Then the dogs and I went on their morning walk.  A bit sloppy in the mud, but the sun felt good.  All the mountains around us were white and the low clouds were racing out of the canyons.  I think the snow level must have dropped to 4500'.  As we arrived back at the house, another cell was blowing in but it passed in just a few minutes.  There was no more rain for the day but lots of sun.  Our high was only 40.

The last couple days I have had an excuse to play in the mud again, keeping the drains flowing.  I suppose at my age I don't really need an excuse.  If I want to play in the mud, I can damn well go out and do just that!

After lunch I cut JB's hair, so he won't look quite like and ol' grizzled mountain man when he goes Down There tomorrow for the annual health insurance meeting.  Going to find out how high our premiums will be next year thanks to the new O'Bummer plan.  (That nick name courtesy of Larry.)

Then I just had time to bake some banana coffee cake before I had to get dinner going.  Looks like we are not going to get any chicken canned like we wanted to, but I really need to make and can pie filling with the cherries I still have in the freezer.

Tuesday 10/1.  It was 27 and partly cloudy this morning.  I won't worry about the potatoes for a while as they are covered with dirt and lots of straw.

JB left a little before 9:00 am for Down There.  I was out the door at 9:30 to cut and stack wood.  By 11:30 I had four loads of kindling and three loads of larger wood (about 1-1/2" to 2-1/2" in diameter) all done, plus the dogs and I had gone on their morning walk at 10:30.  A good time to break for lunch.  The clouds had moved in and the forecast rain looked probable.

Since everything is now thoroughly soaked, I'll have to start getting kindling, along with the regular wood, from the wood shed.

After a long lunch break, I cut and stacked two more loads before JB returned home.  It seems that our health insurance actually will not change much, but we still haven't checked on all the details.

The clouds didn't stay overhead long, and the rest of the day was bright and sunny but with a cold breeze.  Our high for the day was 38.

JB brought the game cam card up with him, and we have a cougar on it!  Just a small one, which means that mama may have been close by.  I'm not sure if I should be excited or wary.  OK, I'm both.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit this evening.  She brought us tomatoes and a pepper.  Her tomatoes are so good!  Larry said the only reason they came up was to get some mud on his Jeep. . .

Wednesday 10/2.  It's 30 and overcast this morning.  If we get any precipitation today, it may end up being snow

Thought for the day:  It seems to me that the people who are responsible for the government having to shut down, aka Congress, ought to be the first ones to lose their paychecks.  Wild Rose