Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014 Chickens

Douglas's triteleai now popping up

Wednesday 5/28. There are ants in the hummingbird feeders.  They are drawn to the sugar; crawl into the openings; fall into the syrup; and float up into the feeder where they swim as long as they can.  The birds don't seem to mind them crawling around, but they do compete with the bees for the little "flowers".

We started mowing the south slope before lunch.  Actually JB was mowing, I was walking in front of the tractor looking for logs and rocks, and hoping not to find snakes.  Up and down the slope - got my exercise for the day.

It was a beautiful day but thunder storms were in the forecast.  We heard two thunder claps about 1:00 pm and the rain arrived a half hour later.  Only lasted about ten minutes.  But it moved on to the east and there was a fire down by the bend in the river which was probably lightening set.

After hearing the thunder, we stopped mowing and I brought in the wash.  Had a late lunch and then just puttered around for the rest of the afternoon.  Our high temperature for the day was 64.

Time magazine had a very interesting article on sugar.  There was a picture of a brain on sugar and one on cocaine.  Well, no wonder I'm addicted to sugar!

Thursday 5/29.  JB left for Down There at 8:30 am with clear skies and a chilly temperature of 45.  Clouds drifted over for most of the day and even though there was a lot of blue sky, the sun was often hiding behind them.  It is as if the clouds freeze up over the mountains during the night and then the warmth of the sun sends them on their way.  Usually by late afternoon they have all moved on and the sun is clear again.

I did laundry in anticipation of JB mowing again on Friday.  Then finally got the bird bath cleaned out.  That's quite a job, as I have to remove the large rocks and then scrub everything.  But the birds seemed quite pleased when I was all done.  

We have been thinking about getting chickens ever since we moved Up Here, but I just wasn't ready for the responsibility.  When Larry was up the other evening we got to talking about how poor Bella is still getting beat up on and wouldn't it be nice if we could take her.  Well, that got us thinking and we stayed up late thinking about where we could put a chicken coup and designing it.  Suddenly it just seemed like the right time to start our flock.

Well, Larry called the next morning to say that Elsie simply did not want to get rid of Bella, which I could certainly understand.  Then Elsie called later in the day to ask if we would want the two chickens that were picking on her.  Then last night, when we were talking on the radio, Larry said they wanted to give us all three of the same kind.

So yesterday, while JB was Down There, I decided that the best place for the chickens would be by the outhouse/garbage shed.  It gets a lot of sun and is sheltered from the wind.  We could build it on the south side and would only need to build three walls.  So that is our plan.  It will be a 6'X8' coup with a large run.  We will try to get it built within the next week.

I had it all planned out by the time JB returned home.  He will use the tractor to shorten the wall of dirt from the parking area and level the ground, being sure that it drains away from the coup.  He was going to get cement for the floor of the coup on his trip today, but found out it would just cost too much.  So they will have a dirt floor, which will be just fine.

He was home at 1:30 pm, then hopped on the tractor and we did about an hour of mowing.  He'll finish that one area tomorrow.

RJ called to let us know he is at his cabin.  I invited him to breakfast on Saturday.  Will be so good to see him again.

It was a nice day with large clouds drifting over and clearing up in the evening.  Our high for the day was 64.

Friday 5/30.  It is 53 and mostly clear this morning, with a forecast of warmer weather for the weekend.  And it it going to be a very busy weekend.  We will probably take the garbage down tomorrow and use the trailer to bring back most of the building materials.  Today JB will finish mowing and then work on preparing the coup site.

Thought for the day: If you are looking for that one person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014 Finally Mowing

Blooms on my lilac bush beginning to open.

Monday 5/26. Slowly all of our unnecessary appliances are disappearing.  Hopefully never my washing machine, but after not having been able to use the microwave for more than a week, I realized that we really do not use it very often, and never for anything very important.  So, now I have so much more space available on my kitchen counter, and I can put that to very good use.  I certainly could have on Sunday when I was defrosting the freezer and fridge, making a pot of dog broth, and vacuum sealing meet for the freezer.

When Randy and I were talking on Saturday, he mentioned that from the photos I have of RJ's cabin, his first thought was that it looked like a Hobbit house.  Come to think of it, he's right.  Especially with the sod/grass roof.

And speaking of the out-of-doors, JB's new Field & Stream magazine has another great article on the last page.  This one is worth the price for the whole magazine.  It begins, "No matter how many times it happens, returning to the "normal" world after a few days in the wild hits me like a sucker punch."  As I said, definitely worth the price of the whole magazine.

As to our day, we could not get the lawn mower started.  JB thinks that it may need a new spark plug and will buy one when he goes Down There on Thursday.  It is a 30-year-old John Deere, so who knows if it isn't just old age.  Sometimes I wish I could get a new spark plug. . .

Miss Kitty's battery was dead.  I think because I have made too many very short trips up and down the south slope in the past couple weeks.  So we jump-started her with JB's Jeep.  Then, since she needed to be running for a while, we decided to go for a ride.  We had a great time and discovered that all the coasties who came for the weekend were gone.  We did run into Larry though, as he was coming up to our place from spraying for knapweed.  He used the little bit spray he had left on our road and loaned his spray tank to us to finish the job.  I told him that I hadn't seen any knapweed on our road, so he pulled one and showed it to me.  Seems he thinks we've been zipping along too fast in Miss Kitty to notice all of them.  Obviously I just forgot what they looked like.

What I did notice is that six of my irises have flowers forming.  Wow, six!  I only had one last year, so am really looking forward to so many.

Tuesday 5/27. The day began clear and 46, and we began it sitting by out on the porch with our coffee.  

I sometimes stand in amazement at what we have accomplished Up Here.  We are so used to living in houses that others have designed and built, that I sometimes forget all the blood, sweat and tears we have poured into this one.

And speaking of blood, sweat and tears, we put the mower back on the tractor today.  That also included a lot of cussing and yelling.  After a phone call to the place where we purchased it for one small piece of extremely important information that was not in the instructions, it was on and running.  JB spent the next hour mowing and Rose Camp is getting to look less overgrown.

It was a good day to be outside, with a high of 62 and clouds floating over most of the time.  Cool in the shade and warm in the sun.

Larry drove up to bring a hand wand for the spraying unit he loaned to us.  With the wand we can get weeds that are beyond the reach of the spray.  We talked for a while and learned that poor Bella is still getting beat up by some of the other chickens.  So when he expands the coup next weekend, he is going to put in a private apartment just for her.  

Wednesday 5/28.  It is a chilly 40 with mostly clear skies and a breeze.  JB will be mowing today and I'll be. . . hmmm.  Don't quite know yet.  Will have to take my coffee out on the porch and think about it.

Thought for the day: The contented man is never poor; the discontented man never rich. George Eliot

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014 Home Again

Paintbrush blooming in May
instead of June.
Bitter brush blooming on the
south ridge and slope.

Friday 5/23.  A very warm early morning, 63 and overcast.  I was able to leave for Down There at 8:15 am.  Got all my errands and shopping done quickly and was home by 1:00 pm.  Put everything away and then relaxed on the porch, picturing JB there with me tomorrow.

Saturday 5/24.  It was 50 and clear with a breeze this morning.  I have switched back to watering the garden in the evening, so no more doing it in my pajamas.  There is lots to do today to be ready for JB's return, but first, sit on the porch with my coffee.  Doing so, I was greeted with sweet, heavy scent in the air.  I knew right away it was from the bitter brush bursting into bloom on the south slope.

Randy called and we had a nice chat.  JB also called at various points along his journey.

Dishes, laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, morning walk, baking.  Busy, busy, busy.  JB was home at 3:30 pm, having stopped by his brother's winery on his way back.  Then he had a couple errands in town.  So very good to have him back.

Sunday 5/25. This morning began overcast and 48, but the clouds cleared by mid afternoon.  I didn't let my decision to get up at 7:30 am from now on keep me from sleeping in til 8:15 am.  I was actually up before JB.  It was a slow and lazy Sunday morning.  No sitting out on the porch first thing, but rather inside devouring the human side of life in magazines and newspapers.  Not the most inspiring lot, but entertaining enough.  I know Mother Nature is out there and she knows I know, but JB is back and we enjoy being together, even if it is often just being in the same room, engrossed in our individual readings.

The dogs are also thrilled that he is home again.  After fixing a Sunday brunch of eggs, toast, hash browns and bacon, he took them for their morning walk a bit late.  Then we all sat on the porch for a little while.

Yesterday was a beautiful beginning to the holiday weekend and JB saw lots of white water rafts on the Wenatchee River.  Even though I am not a water person, I have rafted the river and it is quite exhilarating, and wet.

While shopping on Friday, I made a tentative foray back into the world of rice cakes, and got hooked.  These are not the dry, cardboard snack they once were. . .

JB spent a few hours fixing the electrical problem and discovered it was a failed outlet.  He replaced it and we are up and running again.  This means the short-wave radio is working again, and when we talked to Larry this evening, he said traffic into the canyon began Friday evening.  There is one large family who usually comes over for one holiday weekend, and this was obviously it.

Our neighbors from the coast were up in their yurt for the weekend and came to visit for a couple hours this afternoon.  It was so good to see them and we had a lively conversation, as usual.  While on his morning walk, JB saw four cars lined up at the gate to come in.  Always a busy time in the canyon on a holiday.

Monday 5/26.  It is a cool 47 this morning with a mostly clear sky.  Hoping to get a start on all the mowing that needs to get done.

Thought for the day: Responses to an article on the new "tiny home" movement in the Tacoma newspaper: "Lots of people live in tiny spaces.  It's called poverty." "A lot of people live in big houses they can't afford.  It's called debt."

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014 Springtime at Rose Camp


                                        Springtime at Rose Camp!

Thought for the day: The world's favorite season is the Spring.  All things seem possible in May.  Edwin Way Teale

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014 So-Called Experts

Still raining to the norht

Flox & sweet peas in
Mother Nature's garden

Monday 5/19.  Time again for a rant.  This one is against so-called experts, like Dr Oz for example.  He is against so many people thinking they are gluten intolerant.  It is my opinion that he is simply in it for fame and fortune.  Plenty of people who do not have celiacs disease are adversely affected by gluten.  Whether he likes it or not, that is a fact.  The problem with these so-called experts is that they have diminished our ability to think for ourselves.  Just how does one become an "expert" anyway?  It seems the only requirement is to just claim to be one.

It's like the biologists who come into a place they are not familiar with to study the wild life.  They end up "discovering" a "new" mammal or reptile that everyone living in the area has know about for years.  Or deciding that one is endangered because they cannot find very many, when in fact, the area is practically overrun with them.  Once again, experts making claims based on false assumptions.  So, with this writing, I will claim to be an expert on so-called experts. . .

Of course I wrote this sitting on the porch, which is where I do some of my best writing, and come up with some of my most interesting and challenging ideas.  I think I just pick them up as they float by on the breeze.

And, speaking of challenging, yesterday sudoku was hardly one.  However, I could barely fill in any space on a crossword puzzle.  I think I many have used up all those brain cells writing my blog.

I brought another load of wood down from the east slope.  One more ought to clean up that once-big pile.  While I was unloading and stacking it in the wood shed, a small hail shower moved through.  There were still a lot of dark, threatening clouds, so when it stopped I took the laundry in.  Just made it back to the wood shed when a bigger, longer shower began.  Hail and pouring rain that made a horribly loud noise on the metal roof.  The dogs dashed for the porch and when there was a slight let-up, I ran for the house.  It lasted about 40 minutes and gave us .2" of rain.

I got on the computer after our afternoon walk and completely forgot about the wood left in Miss Kitty.  So at 5:00 pm I went out to finish unloading and stacking.  By then the sky was clear except for around the horizon.  Our high for the day was 61.

Larry and Elsie drove up to visit.  Larry was concerned about the circuit into which our short-wave radio was plugged.  We came to the conclusion that it is a problem with the circuit breaker itself.  I have it turned off and will let JB deal with it when he gets home.

Tuesday 5/20.  Today began with a clear, blue sky and 50 degrees.  And again, I began the day by sitting on the porch with my coffee.  While I was there, Jesse ran down the driveway barking.  Dinga just watched.  Then she sniffed the air and went under the porch.  I have learned not to be too concerned about Jesse.  He seems to be quite capable of taking care of himself.  A few minutes later, he came sauntering back up to the house.

Most of the humming birds hover while they are drinking from the feeders, but there are a few who perch.  They sit there drinking and drinking until I am sure that once they decide to leave, they will just be too heavy to fly and will fall to the ground.  There are several plump ones whom I presume are females with eggs growing in there bellies.

And speaking of dogs and bears, I just thought of an incident with Larry's and Elsie's little dog and a mama bear.  Larry had taken him out for a run with his 4X4, when he saw a mama bear and two cubs in the distance.  His dog saw them also and ran after them barking.  Larry soon heard a yelp, and then another one.  Fearing the worst, he headed in that direction only to see his dog come tearing down past him and straight for home.  Elsie was in the house and said the dog literally banged on the door to come in.  He wasn't hurt, but was her velcro dog for the rest of the day!

A robin was in the bird bath this morning.  One doesn't realize how large they are until compared to most of the other birds around who are quite small.  Living Down There, I really didn't think they were big at all, but then I don't remember having so many different kinds of other birds.  Or, perhaps with my busy schedule of dashing here and there, I just never noticed.  Too busy focusing on people and their nature, instead of Mother Nature herself. And there seems to many more robins this year, or maybe I am just sitting on the porch more this year. . .

The wall above the gravel on the south side of the house needs to be reinforced, so I worked on putting rocks there before the day got too hot.  I got about six feet done and it looks pretty good.

On our morning walk, I startled a large bull snake sunning himself on the south ridge.  Then as I was walking back down towards the house, a hawk flew up and landed in a nearby tree.  I took a picture, but because he was in the shade and I had to zoom in, it didn't come out very clearly.  The temperature was already 58 by then and quite warm in the sun.

After lunch I brought down another load of wood from the east slope in Miss Kitty.  This finished the once-huge pile and I started on a smaller one.  There are small ones scattered around all over the slope, so I still have my work cut out for me.

Then I reorganized the pitch wood in the shed and began to bring the last row of wood from the porch into the shed.  We really don't need to use the larger wood from now on.  The kindling makes a nice fire when we only need a small one to take the chill out.

It was another beautiful day with a high of 65.  There is more such weather forecast for the rest of the week, with rain due on Saturday, which is when JB is due back home.  Sounds like he will have a wet drive back, but I will be so very glad to see him.

Wednesday 5/21.  It is 46 and clear this morning.  I hope to get another load of wood down and stacked.  I have started a third row of kindling and, hopefully, that is the only kind of wood we will need for the rest of the season.

Thought for the day: God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014 My Sixth Anniversery Living Up Here

My Mother's Day gift from
Larry & Elsie

Bear grass on the south ridge

Friday 5/16.  We have a pair of wrens building a nest under the eaves above the bathroom window.  I certainly hope it works for them, as last time it was attempted, the whole thing fell to the ground.  I don't understand why they won't use the bird house.

The walking stick I use from May through September is also my "snake" stick.   It has metal "wings" on the bottom and one of our nephews told us it was a weeding stick.  Well, that may be what west-side flatlanders use it for, but we mountain folk on the east side of the mountains use it to protect against and kill rattlesnakes.

On our morning walk I saw a pair of western tanagers flying about the north ridge.  They are so pretty in their yellow, orange and black coats.

It was off to work at 11:30 this morning.  Another enjoyable afternoon with Elsie in her shop.  It was at least 8-10 degrees cooler down there today, thank goodness.  Our high for the day Up Here was 65.

Tomorrow is my birthday and Elsie said that I simply could not spend it alone.  She is going to buy a "cook it yourself" pizza on the way home and I will drive Miss Kitty down to share it with her and bring a bottle of wine.

Saturday 5/17.  My 67th birthday and the sixth anniversary weekend of my living Up Here, the first three months being in a pop-up camping trailer.  

The day began as 48 with a heavy overcast.  I washed the dishes and hung out the laundry.  By the time of our 10:30 am walk, the clouds had drifted to the north and the sun was out.  I vacuumed when we returned and cleaned the house a bit.  Had to do this even though it was my birthday, as I had spent most of the week outside, letting everything go inside.  I really should get the lawn mower out, as the grass and dandylions are shooting upward at least an inch a day.  And JB will have a lot of mowing to do with the tractor when he gets back

While sitting outside with my coffee before all this, I saw that at least one junco had discovered the corn meal I had spread at the foot of the porch posts for the ants.  Oh well. . .

It was an incredible birthday gift, just to be able to wake up in our mountain home.  When the dogs woke me up at 5:00 am, I opened all my cards.  Then when I got up again at 7:30 am, I opened my gifts.  I do wish JB could have been here with me, but that's just the way it is.  I spent a lovely hour talking with Sandy.  She had sent me a Pearls Before Swine book, which is one of my favorite comic strips, and a pair of peace-sign earrings.

I thoroughly enjoyed my special day and left for dinner with Elsie at 6:15 pm.  We had wonderful time chatting, eating, and drinking a bottle of wine.  I took a bottle of Orange Muscat I had been hoarding from last year, and it was the perfect cap to the perfect evening.  She gave me a beautiful humming bird solar light for the yard.

I was back home by 9:30 pm.  Went right to bed and had no problem going to sleep with the help of the wine.

Sunday 5/18.  This morning began clear with 47 degrees.  I watered the garden and other plants, again in my pajamas and dressing gown.  It occurred to me while writing this, that there are several words for "dressing gown" that I know of, including bathrobe and house coat.  My Mother always referred to it as a dressing gown, which is the English term.  JB's Mother calls it a house coat, which is, I guess, a mid-west term.  And then there is "bath robe", which I hear out west.

My special day has passed, and I admit, I am a little let down.  It really was a great day, with all the wonderful cards, gifts and phone calls.  I love birthdays and Christmas.  My Mother always made them so special.  I am sure I will feel my child-like excitement for them always.  Even if one doesn't like birthdays, they are certainly better than the alternative. . .

With all the lush green foliage everywhere, it is difficult to imagine a snow-covered landscape.  Spring never fails to startle me with its brilliant and many shades of green, and colorful wild flowers.  Arrowleaf arnica has burst into bloom practically overnight during the week.  So many more are blooming than usual.  It must like the dryer weather.  There is also a lot more bear grass on the south ridge than usual.

The birds are especially vocal this morning.  I sat on the porch trying to absorb it all.  The certainty of nature.  No good or bad.  It simply is what it is.

I saw a different bird this morning.  It must have been a bobolink.  The only one in our book that looks like it.  Very pretty.

I brought down another load of wood from the east slope.  That big pile is now down to almost nothing and I ought to be able to clear it up in one or two more loads.  It was perfect working weather, with a high of 57.  Huge cloud formations drifted over and looked as though they might drop some moisture.  At one point it looked as though it was raining in the mountains to the south, but we never got any.

When JB called, he said that his Mother was doing much better but he wasn't sure when he would be home.  Next Saturday at the latest.

I watched a couple Downton Abby episodes to close the day, and then it was off to bed.

Monday 5/19.  It is 47 and partly cloudy with a breeze.  Today is our Grandson's tenth birthday!

Thought for the day: That moment when the overwhelming feeling of peace descends as you realize control is an illusion, and hope and love a truism.

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014 A Working Girl

A small patch of sweet peas on the east ridge.
A prairie star which is about 1/3" wide,
one bloom per stem.

Wednesday 5/14. I brewed my coffee then went out to water everything.  So there I am, in my pajamas and holey, straw Stetson, watering the garden and my irises that are just outside the garden fence to the west, when I realize that I have a photo of my Grandmother taken in the mid 1950's in her housecoat out watering her irises.  And here I am, a grandmother myself.  And around it goes. . .

So then I sat on the porch and contemplated that thought as I sipped my coffee and listened to the birds.  It is going to be hot again today.  On days like this, I open all the windows, and now all the winter stuffiness has aired out.

I brought another load down from the now not-so-big pile of wood on the east slope.  It was fine as long as I could stay in the shade, but it was just too hot to work in the sun, especially since there was barely any air movement.

As I drove Miss Kitty back down to the wood shed, the odometer turned to 2000 miles.  The first owners had her for almost eight years and put about 1870 miles on her.  We have had her for about three months and have already driven her 130 miles.  All these little trips really add up.

Elsie called to ask if I could come in to the shop tomorrow afternoon to help, as their friend had another appointment.  So I will go Down There about noon to run some errands and have lunch, then I can be at the shop at about 2:00 pm.

Randy from SoCal called after dinner and we had a nice, long talk.  Turns out he had been looking for property in Idaho for several years after realizing that Hoover Dam is soon going to be in deep trouble with very shallow water.  Unless there is rain of biblical proportions (to quote Randy), the water level will fall too low to produce any electricity.  And there goes Las Vegas and southern California.  I read that the water from the Colorado River has not reached the ocean in more than 50 years.  It seems that no one is really doing anything about this situation.  Hmmm. . .

There was no bright blue sky today, rather a light hazy overcast, but it was already 67 by 11:00 am.  Our high for the day was 72.  Would have been much more enjoyable with a breeze.

Got to bed early for the big day tomorrow.

Thursday 5/15.  The dogs got me up at 5:30 am and it was already 59 outside.  So nice, that Jesse decided to stay out for an hour.  I tried to snooze on the couch but not very successfully.  Back to bed when he finally decided to come home, and completely overslept til 9:00 am.  So no coffee, just out to water the garden, peppers and hanging basket - in my pajamas again.

I was actually ready to leave at noon as planned.  Three hours may seem like a long time, but not for me when there simply is no rushing in the morning.  I tried to dress lightly, knowing it was going to be very hot Down There, but it doesn't really matter what I am wearing, I just don't do well in the heat.  And the air conditioning in my Jeep quit about eight years ago.  

I got my errands done and had lunch, but arrived quite wilted at Elsie's shop as it was 90 Down There!  Fortunately, she does have air conditioning.  It was a very pleasant afternoon with her, as business was slow and we had plenty of time to chat.  I brought a package I had received into the shop with me.  It was from my Mom's best friend and she always sends me Frangos (chocolate) for my birthday.  Didn't want to leave them in the car in that heat.  

I think that was the longest I have left the dogs, but everything was just fine when I arrived home at about 6:15 pm.  I'm sure they just slept the whole time.  JB called just after I fed them to say that his Mother is doing better and the Blackhawks are in the divisional play offs.  Hopefully it will be Chicago against Montreal in the Stanley Cup.  I spent a few hours reading newspapers and mail, then watched one episode of Downton Abby.  Our high Up Here for the day was 76.

Friday 5/16. It is 56 with a light overcast this morning and a breeze.  Cooler temps are forecast for today and rain for tonight.  I will leave for Down There at about noon again today.

Thought for the day: In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014 Summer Weather

Tiny purple buds on my lilac bush!

Monday 5/12. I was so wound up after Larry and Elsie left at 10:00 pm last night that I stayed up until almost 1:00 am.  Finished watching Downton Abby.  Started a book.  Then went up to the loft and wrote my blog.  When I got up at 7:30 am this morning, I didn't feel the lack of sleep.

Did the laundry and hung it outside.  Then I drove Miss Kitty down to Larry's and Elsie's for chicken poop to put in our garden.  They gave me the tools and showed me how to clean it out of the coup.  Not so bad until I got down to the moist part. . .  But it was an incredibly nice day and when I was done, we all sat on the grass and chatted.  Larry had just let the young chickens out of their coup for the first time and they were getting along just fine with the older ones, and loving all the grass.  Elsie had combed Buster and the swallows were diving to catch the tufts of his fur blowing around in the breeze.  It was a wonderful interlude, but we all had things to do.  So it was back to Rose Camp to spread the manure on the garden.  Our high for the day was 60.

After I ate lunch and then grabbed the shovel.  Got all the manure spread and it seemed to be just the right amount for a light cover.  Then I brought in fire wood, although I probably won't need much this week.  By that time the late night finally caught up with me and I took a nap.

Funny how, when weekends and evenings are your only free time, naps seem like such a waste of it.  Nowadays naps are just a natural and lovely part of some days.

I went for a leisurely walk before eating a late dinner.  Watered the garden, but will change to watering in the morning tomorrow.

I thought for sure I had managed to get some of the chicken manure on my pants, as the smell seemed to follow me wherever I went.  When talking to Elsie on the radio, she said that the odor did tend to linger. . .

A glass of wine, a bit of chocolate and Downton Abby.  The perfect evening, even though I was alone.

Tuesday 5/13.  This morning it was 47 with a light, partial overcast that quickly disappeared.  I took my coffee out on the porch, as usual.  There were seven humming birds at one of the feeders.  There are only four places to drink but there was no fighting, so they must have all been part of one family.  But when they had left, spats broke out between other birds who had arrived, giving rise to "sword" fights.  It's a good thing my pajamas are not red.

I was rather lazy this morning, spending a lot of time out on the porch and then in the loft on my computer.  Didn't even get dressed til it was time for the dogs' walk at 10:30 am, and  watered the garden when we got back.  Such a beautiful day!

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty up the east slope and filled her up with wood from the large pile there.  It was all good kindling, most of it on the large size.  My plan is to gather at least one load a day.  Very soon I should have all the piles gone.

The water barrel that is collecting rain water from the roof of the wood shed is full, so I connected a hose to its tap and am using that water for the peppers and bird bath that I fill with my watering can.

Our high today was 67!  There was a light breeze all day, so it was just perfect.    

Back in 1995, when we had just purchased the large family house from my step-mother, we were sorting out the storage room in which my Dad had hoarded many of his family's effects.  Unfortunately, because of a leaky basement, some were damaged beyond repair.  However, we did find my Dad's violin which he played in high school.  My Brother asked for it and I gave it to him.  He has recently been researching it and has found that it is quite valuable, even in its condition.  He wanted to know the provenance on it, so when Aunt Nene called yesterday evening to see how JB's Mom was doing, I asked her about it.  She was quite surprised we still had it, as she thought Dad might have sold it years ago.

Turns out my great-grandfather purchased it, probably in the late 1800's.  He played it quite well, and he and my great-grandmother would often play at grange meetings, she on the piano.  He is the one who taught my Dad how to play.  It is a Steiner, and even in its disrepair, worth a few thousand dollars.  Nene definitely wants to keep it in the family, and fortunately, so does my Brother.

When JB called this evening, he said they were discussing the possibility of putting his Mother into a rehab facility.  Her inability to walk is really wearing him out, and she would probably do better with professional help.

I am "on call" to help out at Larry's and Elsie's shop.  Larry is going fishing on the coast tomorrow afternoon through Saturday and their friend who usually helps out is on jury duty.  Turns out there is no problem with the jury duty, but he cannot help out on Friday afternoon.  So I will go down to be with Elsie then.

Downton Abby once again closed the day for me, although I did stay up a bit later til 11:00 pm just putzing around and doing some sudoku.  It is hard to close the day without JB Up Here.

Wednesday 5/14. It is already 58 with a clear sky at 7:30 this morning.  Going to be another warm and delicious Spring day.

Thought for the day: People say money can't buy happiness.  They lie.  Money buys Coffee, Coffee makes Me happy!  Unknown

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014 Fixing the Road, Trapping Chickens & The Mother's Day Curse

Our Friday evening visitor.
Wild flowers I discovered on
our Saturday drive.

Friday 5/9. The dogs let me sleep in til 5:45 am, so I just stayed up.  Got a fire going, then finished and posted my blog.  I worked on inside projects, including defrosting the refrigerator, until lunch, hoping the wind would die down a bit.  It never did, so I went out for another load of wood.  Finished the pile by the tall pine tree and started on the pile at the top of the ridge.  This load was mostly kindling.

BJ left for Down There at 11:00 am to pick up the parts for Miss Kitty he had ordered, which included a repair manual.  Of course he picked up the mail and a few groceries too.

The new issue of Countryside magazine has a one-page article on canning cheese and butter.  Sounds fairly easy.  I may try to do them both.

My arthritic fingers are getting weaker, all ten of them.  This is very frustrating, but seems to be making me more patient.  I don't ever remember asking for patience.  If I had, it would have gone something like this: "Please Lord, give me patience and give it to me right now!"  I can only imagine the many unwanted life lessons that request could cause to rain down on one.  But I must admit that just living Up Here is making me a more patient person.  Everything in its own good time. . .

The humming birds had insisted on my filling their feeders Wednesday morning before we left for Down There.  We have several kinds of humming birds Up Here, but the rufus and the ruby throated seem to be the most aggressive.  I keep trying to tell them that there is enough for everyone, but they just don't seem to listen.

While we were watching the last two episodes of season two of Homeland this evening, a small deer cautiously walked down almost to our fence.  It was just losing the last of its winter coat, which made it look spotted.  The dogs never noticed it, so I was able to get some good pictures.

Saturday 5/10. It was 37 and breezy this morning.  Sandy called.  There is nothing like a stimulating conversation with a good friend to start the day off right.  Even better than a cup of coffee.

I mentioned to her that one of the magazines that comes with the Sunday paper had an article about things that had happened fifty years ago.  My first thought was, "That can't be!  I remember that!"  Which got me to thinking that my fifty-year high school reunion will be next year, if they have one.  The last one I attended was our ten-year and I wasn't very impressed.  I have a membership to and several people have visited my "site".  I had a fleeting thought that it might be fun to communicate with them, possibly make new friends fifty years after the fact and attend the reunion.  That thought was very fleeting. . .

JB drove the tractor down the road to the sandstone corner and used it to fill some of the potholes with sand.  He dumped it and I spread and smoothed it with a shovel.  Seems to have worked quite well.  

It was such a nice day (our high was 59) that when we got back to the house, we decided to take a ride in Miss Kitty.  We left the dogs in the house to nap after all their exercise, and drove up to one of the neighbors who were up for the day.  We knew they were there because we could hear them shooting.  Then we drove up to see if one of our other neighbors had come up for the weekend.  They had not, but we had a great drive.  

JB received a phone call when we returned home from his sister-in-law who told him that his Mother had fallen and the doctor wanted them to take her to the emergency room for xrays.  Several years ago she fell on Mother's Day, breaking her wrist and badly bruising most of her body, and ended up spending a few days in the hospital.  For the next three years - on Mother's Day - she fell and hurt herself despite everyone watching out for her on that weekend.  Then for the past two Mother's Days she has been fine - until today.  

Turns out there was nothing broken, but she is so badly bruised that she cannot get out of bed or walk by herself.  So JB will be going over there to take care of her while everyone is at work during the day.  Hopefully it will be just for the week, but he will stay as long as he is needed.

Sunday 5/11.  It was 38 and clear when we both got up at 7:00 am this morning.  JB wanted to leave by 9:00 am, but he also wanted to fix me a nice breakfast for Mother's Day.  So I got up early too, and we had German pancakes with peaches and brown sugar.  He fixed an extra one also, so I could heat it for breakfast tomorrow.

I sat out on the porch after he left.  There is no such thing as a quiet Spring morning.  Nature's chorus of birds and bugs creates the most amazing symphony.  And every day it is at once the same and different from the day before.  The landscape is a symphony in green for the eyes.  A myriad shades of green all coming together to delight.  Have I mentioned how very much I like Spring?!

After seeing the photo I posted of Elsie's chicken, Bella, my Aunt Nene said it looks just like the one of her Mother's that she caught in a coyote trap!  When Nene was about eight years old, one summer morning she got out one of the many coyote traps her Dad had.  She had seen him setting them, so she tried and was quite successful.  Not thinking anymore about it, she went in for lunch.  As the family was all sitting there eating, they suddenly heard a commotion out in the yard.  Running out, they found one of her Mother's chickens caught in the trap.  They had to sell it as its leg was broken, and, needless to say, Nene never touched her Dad's traps again!

My son called to wish me Happy Mother's Day as he was dashing from one plane to another at the Atlanta airport.  He was on his way to Maryland for two weeks of active duty, as he usually does in May.  He called me again this evening after he was all settled in his hotel and we had a nice chat.

After lunch, I drove Miss Kitty down to our hair-pin corner and loaded her up with wood, all of it good-sized kindling.  Then I took a nap and so enjoyed it.  It was such a beautiful day.  Blue sky, a little breeze, and a high of 58.

The ants are out - and in - enforce once again.  Time to spread corn meal around the doors and porch posts.  It is the best non-toxic way to get rid of them.  Ants cannot digest it, so when they eat it they die.  And they tend to take it back to their nests to share.

I was watching Downton Abby after dinner when Larry and Elsie drove up to visit.  They brought a beautiful hanging basket of yellow flowers for me for Mothers Day!  And a dozen eggs.  We had a great visit, as usual.  What a perfect end to the day.

Monday 5/12. It is 42 and clear this morning.  JB isn't here so my coffee isn't ready when I get up.  Have to make my own.  Life is rough.

Thought for the day: Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky is by no means a waste of time. John Lubbock

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9, 2014 More Spring Showers

Western spring beauties growing in
front of our "welcome" rock.
Vacancy!  Wrens wanted!

Wednesday 5/7.  Today would have been my Dad's 93rd birthday.  It doesn't even compute that he has been gone for 26 years.  

We left for Down There at 9:00 am, the first stop being for my latte.  Then on to the store for Mother's Day cards.  How did that sneak up so quickly?!!  Had to write and address them at the post office.  That is the day that I miss my Mom the most, but I fill that empty space by sending cards to her two best friends, my Aunt Nene, JB's Mom, and our daughter-in-law.  So then it was on to dump the garbage and pick up the mail.  We stopped by Larry's & Elsie's to get the sweatshirt and vest I forgot and let their dogs have some time outside.  We were home before 1:00 pm.

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty up to the south ridge for a load of wood.  About half for the cradle and half for the wood shed.  The sun was so nice and warm, but clouds were moving across the sky and it was quite chilly when they passed in front of it.  Our high for the day was 60.

That time again to tilt the solar panels.  All the way up this time.

Thursday 5/8. It was 43 with a light overcast this morning and 100% chance of rain in the forecast for this evening.

I read the new Back Home magazine with breakfast.  They have a hilarious article entitled "Ranch Sitting."  Glad I didn't read it before I house sat.  Not sure I would want to take care of a place that had horses, goats, sheep or cows.  Dogs, cats and chickens are quite enough, thank you.

I used Miss Kitty to bring down another load of wood by the tall pine tree on the south ridge.  At least half of the wood went to the wood cradle, which is getting very full.  Will have to cut it on the next nice day.  JB spent time in the shop cleaning up and getting it organized.  He also went up to the south ridge to spray the tent caterpillars that have appeared on some bushes up there.  Seems awfully early for them, but then it seems early for everything this Spring. 

I hung the clothes outside to dry, even though it was jeans and they probably wouldn't be dry by the time I had to bring them in.  And I was right.  The overcast became heavier and the predicted rain arrived a little before 2:30 pm.  A fire in the wood stove sure takes the drab and dreary out of a rainy afternoon.  The rain always smells good, but some times, like today, it smells absolutely delightful.

I have decided that this year's budget just will not support building the large shed for Miss Kitty, MAX and the tractor.  So we will concentrate on the little projects, like stairs to the side door, stairs extending half the width of the porch, and railing for the deck.  We will use as many logs as we can for starting the frame of the shed from the trees we need to cut down.  There are many that need to be thinned and two standing dead that we know of.

JB has our new computer all ready to use, so now I just have to learn how to do that.  Something I keep putting off.

We watched the last two episodes of season three of Justified this evening, tomorrow we will finish Homeland, season two.  Don't think we will buy that one again, but definitely Justified.

Friday 5/9. It is 37, clear and windy this morning.  Have to remember to stack our two chairs on the porch at night since I moved one closer to the edge.  The wind had blown it off.

Thought for the day: One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of seeds. Dan Bennett 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014 Tall People & More Wild Flowers

Shooting stars on the forest floor.
A wild turkey in Elsie's blueberry bushes.

Tuesday 5/6. In just the few days I was gone, the arrowleaf arnica plants have sprouted up, almost covering the north ridge.  They seem to like the shady areas and already some of their yellow blossoms can be seen.  In other places, one cannot walk without stepping on spring beauties or shooting stars.  I love Spring!

Hung the laundry out and after lunch we filled the trailer with our first load of garbage.  Everything but the kitchen garbage.  Will take it down tomorrow morning.  When we were done, JB went inside to bake a loaf of dilly bread from Aunt Nene's recipe.  Yeast breads don't always rise as much for us with our gluten-free flour like they do with wheat flour, but it sure tasted good.

Our high for the day was 60, but with a cool breeze and lots of clouds moving across the sky.  We had a short sprinkle at about 3:30 pm, but not even enough to register in the rain gauge.  So JB had to water the garden this evening.  The yellow onions are already popping their green shoots up out of the dirt.

Elsie has an incredible green thumb, as evidenced by all the huge plants in her house, potted flowers outside, and her large vegetable garden.  They have lots of water and she puts it to good use.  This Spring they planted two pear trees, which are in addition to their apple and cherry trees, grape vine and a few others whose names I don't remember.

When I arrived at their house last Friday, I found that they had left two bags of chocolate (Lindt & Ghirardelli) for me, along with a small bottle of my favorite alcoholic drink, Buttershots.  I'd do the whole weekend just for those!  Let alone the pleasure of long, hot showers; blow-drying my hair; watching TV; the company of furry and feathered friends; etc., etc.

I soon discovered that the house that Larry and Elsie built is definitely made for tall people.  Elsie is about 5'10" and Larry is at least 6'.  I am 5'2".  Getting pots and pans down from her hanging rack was a challenge.  And in order to reach the lids sitting over them, I had to use a step ladder.  Then there are the towel racks in the corner by the kitchen sink.  And, of course, the couches and chairs in which I feel like a very tiny person.  It was an interesting situation.

The "60 Minutes" program on Sunday night had a fascinating segment about a study on people over 90 years old and what helps them live so long.  One fact seemed to be that 45 minutes a day of exercise is all that is needed.  Any longer doesn't seem to do any better.  And, of course, there is the daily glass or two of wine or any alcoholic beverage.

On my drive to town on Monday, I noticed that the lupine and sweet peas have begun blooming along the canyon road, but not yet quite as far up as Larry and Elsie's house.  The balsam root has lit up the hillsides with its yellow blooms and soon the lupine's purple will be there too.

Wednesday 5/7. The sky is clear this morning with a temperature of 40.  We hope to leave for Down There at 9:00 am.  Will stop by Larry and Elsie's on the way back to pick up the couple items I forgot and let the dogs out.

Thought for the day: I suppose the best kind of Spring morning is the best weather God has to offer. Dodie Smith

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014 Dogs, Cats & Chickens

Bella sitting on the chair next to me.
Monday morning's rain coming in from
the west.

Friday 5/2.  I left for Larry & Elsie's at 1:00 pm as planned.  After I unloaded all my gear, I let the chickens out of their coup.  It was another beautiful day, so I just sat on the patio for a while.  Within minutes I had a cat on my lap, two dogs lying near my feet, and Bella, the chicken, sitting on the chair next to me.

I have never house-sat before, so it was a little disconcerting at first to be responsible for someone else's property.  Very different from just coming to feed the cats and chickens.  Their house is much larger than our little cabin, with a lot more "working" parts.  I kept thinking I was forgetting to do something.

The high temperature for the day was 84 down here in the canyon.  But it was a very pleasant 84 with a little breeze.  

The chickens go back into their coup between 6:30 and 7:00 pm to roost for the night.  I put Bella up in the corner next to her friend, Lucy, and just had to poke one feisty hen who was bothering them.

The Chicago Blackhawks were playing this evening, so JB made the pizza and drove Miss Kitty down for dinner.  He only watched the first period, but that seemed to be enough and he was anxious not to leave our dogs alone too long.

I never sleep well the first night in a different place, even with all the company I had - two cats and a dog on the bed and another dog on the floor nearby.  The cats like very much to cuddle and knead with their claws.  

Saturday 5/3.  Like our dogs, theirs woke me up at 5:00 am to go outside.  It looked like we were going to have another beautiful day, and the dogs did not stay out very long, so it was back to bed.  But there is no sleeping in at this house.  Their big dog, Buster, is quite the taskmaster and was adamant that I get up at 7:00 am.  He is quite an old dog, but was acting like a puppy.  He does that when it is time to eat.

By 8:30 am I was back in the kitchen.  I had fed the dogs, cats and chickens.  Let the chickens out.  Watered the garden.  Moved the sprinklers on the lawn, and adjusted the water for the blueberries.  And finally fixed my coffee.  Whew!  And the day had just begun. . .

I thought I would be writing a lot more this weekend, but I am just vegging with the animals.  It was a much cooler and windier day with a high of 66.  I took a couple short naps, which was very nice.  Read some of the magazines I brought with me, and did some sudoku.  

Bella is quite the gossip, always chatting to me when I am sitting outside.  I don't believe half the things she says, and I have to take the other half with a grain of salt as she tends to exaggerate.  But she does love to chatter and it is quite relaxing to listen to her.

While I was eating dinner, a humming bird flew by the door as if to say, "Where's mine?!!"  Elsie doesn't have any feeders for them, but she does have a lot of the flowers they like.  

I settled in for an evening of watching television, with one of the cats on my lap and their little dog on the couch next to me.  I had forgotten about commercials!  Oh, well.  With more than 200 channels to surf through, it was rather fun.

Sunday 5/4.  Once again, up at 7:00 am, but eating my breakfast a little earlier.  Had a great night's sleep and was moving a little faster this morning.  
Larry and Elsie have a lot of swallows at their house, nesting under the eaves.  They are quite different than the other birds with all their darting, gliding and swooping.  Fascinating to watch.  And very easy to watch from inside as the house has a lot of windows, floor to high-ceiling windows in the front which faces west.

I read a couple more magazines.  The current issues of Smithsonian and Time are quite fascinating.  Time has their "100 most influential people" and it is always very interesting to see who they pick.  I also finished the book, Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend, and loved it.  I was hoping it would not end in the same manner as The Bridges of Madison County, but then that was a true story.  Not much artistic license available there.  Slow Waltz was just as delectable, but with a completely different end.

While inside, I had the radio on, listening to "The Greatest Hits of All Time" station.  Reliving my teens and twenties.  Misty places and faces brought into focus by the music.  Fading names and feeling floating just beneath the surface.

I saw rain coming our way a little before 2:00 pm and wondered if the chickens would go back into their coup when it arrived.  Twenty minutes later it arrived and they did.  I dashed out to be sure they were all in, coaxing the last one in with a bit of corn and shutting the door behind it.  Even Bella went in.  The shower lasted less than a half hour but it was interesting how, down here in the canyon, the drops come from one direction and then another until they no longer come at all.  A thunder storm was predicted, but I did not hear any thunder.  About an hour later another rain cell went through, dropping even more rain.

I collected 5 eggs on Friday, seven yesterday and another seven today.  Much more than when I just come down to feed the chickens.  They must like having me around.

Their dogs are so much fun.  Buster usually stays on the porch, but the little one follows me all around and we go for short walks.  He is really a character when he gets his toys out and wants to play.  But he does get his nose out of joint if I pay too much attention to the cats and Buster.  In fact, last night he didn't even come in the bedroom to sleep.  He stayed in the living room and slept in his favorite chair.  Not sure what I did to deserve that. . .

After dinner, I settled in to watch "60 Minutes" and an evening of English programs on PBS.  Was in bed by 11:00 am, hoping that Buster would let us all sleep a bit longer.  Even the little one was curled up in his bed.

Monday 5/5.  No such luck with sleeping in.  It was a Seattle morning with a light but steady rain.  Looked like it had been raining most of the night, too.  It was very cool in the house, so I put a fire in the basement wood stove after all my chores, and brought my breakfast down there to eat.  It was obvious that the dogs thought if I was downstairs with food, it must be for them.  

RJ had called Friday morning to let us know he was up for the weekend.  He stopped by to visit on his way out at about 9:30 am.  He wants to be Up Here when Aunt Nene visits on June 17, so I will have to keep reminding him of the date.

JB needed some meds picked up today, so I planned on going down at about noon to get them.  I only let Bella out this morning, as I wanted to clean up Elsie's flower beds from all the digging by the other chickens.  I figured if I didn't, they would be down to bedrock by the end of the day.  There was a break in the rain, so I got outside with a rake and shovel.  Got my exercise for the day.  Then I was in for a nice, long, hot shower.  

It was very nice to drive just one short mile down to the pavement, instead of four long ones.  It was just a quick trip to pick up JB's meds, get the mail, and buy a Jack-in-the-Box burger for lunch.  

Back at their house, I cleaned up everything and packed my bags.  I decided to leave at about 2:00 pm, knowing Larry and Elsie expected to be back by 3:00 or 4:00.  I was surprised at how hard it was to say goodbye to the dogs and cats, even Bella.  I am not a bird person, but I am afraid that Bella and Lucy are changing that.  Holding them and petting them, and listening to their chatterings is actually quite nice.  And they didn't poop on me once!

It was nice to be home again, and our little cabin didn't really seem so small after all.  Dinga and Jesse didn't seem to be too put out that I smelled like so many other animals.  They were just glad to see me.  And so was JB.

Talking to Larry and Elsie on the radio this evening was very interesting.  They did have a good trip, but it seems that the dogs actually do not get fed until around 8:00 am.  And it is the little dog, not Buster, who is always pushing for breakfast.  Very interesting.  Elsie thinks it's funny that I am becoming a bird person.  She is a convert also.

Tuesday 5/6.  This morning was 37 and clear at 5:00 am when the dogs woke me up.  I thought I could stay up and post my blog, but by the time I got the fire going and the dogs came back in, I was ready to go back to bed.  

It was a great weekend and I told Larry and Elsie, "Now don't get me wrong, but could you please leave again soon?!!"

Thought for the day: They are so much to be pitied who have not been given a taste for nature early in life.  Jane Austen