Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31, 2013 Smokey Skies

From this. . .

. . .  to this during the week.

Monday 7/29. I split and stacked the last load of wood before breakfast, then vacuumed after eating.  Even dusted a bit.  It's going to be another nice day in the low to mid 70's.  And JB will be home today.  A good day.  And we are all so much perkier now that the temperatures have dropped a bit.

The Colockum fire is headed south across mostly uninhabited land.  Unfortunately it is burning the elk habitat.  But fires are not an aberration.  Mother Nature likes small ones to keep down the undergrowth, but when mankind puts them out and does not cut the bushes and grass, then little fires can quickly become large, devastating firestorms.  One reason why I trimmed our trees of branches up to 14 feet.  And why I am so pleased that we were finally able to buy a tractor, so we can mow down most of the bushes and grass.

After lunch I mowed the green in the front of the house and on the north side.  It isn't lawn, or even grass, but it isn't weeds either because I do want it to grow there.  So it's just "the green."

The dogs and I were so very glad to see JB drive up the road this afternoon.  And he was glad to be back home, even though he always enjoys his annual visit with his Mother.  She always sends lots of books and goodies back with him.

Of the three nesting pairs of wrens we had Up Here in the spring, only one female remains.  I hear her chitterings every day, as if she is calling for her missing mate.  Or perhaps she is simply vilifying the male of her species.  Either way, I talk to her as she sits in the rose bushes.  She listens and answers me.  If only I could be sure of her meaning.

There was no wind today and little breeze, so the smoke from the fire moved in creating quite a haze.  But our high for the day was only 73.

Tuesday 7/30.  We emptied the trailer of the cherry wood first thing this morning.  The sky is still hazy with smoke and no air movement.

We spent most of the day Down There running errands and at JB's doctor.  We finally were able to get the durable power of attorney document notarized at our State Farm office.  We were both very pleased with the surgeon who will be performing JB's operation, and feel much more comfortable about the whole situation.  However, because of the tests that he had done on Monday, he has to have a stress test for his heart tomorrow and another test for his kidneys on Thursday.  So we won't know for sure if the operation will still be on the 14th or not until Thursday or Friday.  The surgeon thought JB should pass the stress test with flying colors with his active lifestyle and the kidney issue is probably just due to a medication that his regular doctor told him to stop taking.

It was uncomfortably hot Down There (91), but our high for Up Here was just 73.

Wednesday 7/31.  Overcast with smokey haze and 59 this morning.  Again, no air movement.  Thunderstorms are forecast for this evening and the next few days. 

The dogs chased a small flock of wild turkeys into the trees on the southeast slope first this this morning.  So proud of themselves.  JB will leave for his appointment about 11:00 am and I will attack the cherry wood with the splitter.

Thought for the day:  Live now.  Procrastinate later.  Karen Salmansohn

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013 Done With Wood & Alone Time!

Asters blooming along our road.

Smoke cloud from the fire to the southwest.

Friday, 7/26.  Got a later start than I wanted to.  Spent too much time on the computer, then it was one thing after another including another mouse in the bathroom trap.  Third one in a week.  The first one was the night before JB left and was in the bedroom.  

It was uncomfortably hot Down There, but I managed to get everything done thanks to the air conditioned stores.  When I arrived back home, it seemed a bit cooler Up Here.  Looked at the thermometer and it was 80!  Our high for the day got up to 84 and that two degrees more than the past highs of 82 seemed more like 94.  Enough to make one cranky, especially since I had to unload the car all by myself; then hang up some towels that were not quite dry; put all the groceries and laundry away. . .  Whine, whine, whine.  I did get to bed early and had a good  night's sleep.

Saturday, 7/27.  Out at 7:20 am and was able to split and stack two loads of wood before Jesse let me know it was time for breakfast.  The temperature was a refreshing 55.  After breakfast I did three more loads, took the dogs on their morning walk, did the dishes and then relaxed. 

I split and stacked five more loads during the afternoon, which was a total of ten for the day.  That has to be my record.  No wonder I'm so tired!  But the weather had indeed cooled off a bit and our high for the day was only 75.  And what a lovely day it was.

Sunday, 7/28.  Between meals, dogs, a trip for water, defrosting the refrigerator, starting a new book and taking a nap, I managed to get eight loads split and stacked.  Only about one more load to go, but just one load too many for today.  I could not have done all that if the weather had not been cooler again.  Our high was only 73.

A wildfire started yesterday to the southeast of us and has grown to more than 10,000 acres.  It is on the Clockum which is a plateau just south of Mission Ridge.  I walked up to check it out from our south ridge about 5:30 pm and thought there was a huge thunder cloud in that direction, but it turned out to be smoke!

We have a frog under the house again.  He sounds a bit hoarse though, probably because it is finally so dry under there.

Monday, 7/29.  JB will be back today.  He will be leaving Seattle about 7:30 am and will be driving a bit slower since he is pulling the trailer.  He has a 1:00 pm doctor's appointment, so he should be home around 3:00 pm.  How nice!  Enough with the "alone time" already. . .

Thought for the day:  Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.  Buddha

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013 Enough With the Heat Already!

I know there's a critter in there!

Wednesday's sunset

Wednesday, 7/24.  Took the dogs on a walk after I fed them at 8:00 am.  Since it has been too hot after I am done working in the mornings, they haven't really had a chance to get out and about.  We hiked down our road past RJ's shortcut, to just even with the spring.  All in the shade and the freshness of the morning cool.  Jesse got a whiff of something and took off up the side of the mountain.  I turned back and Dinga stayed with me till we were almost to the hairpin turn, then she too was off on a trail.  I ended up coming home alone, which is very unusual.  One of them is always with me.  I guess it had just been too many days since they had been for a long walk, as they don't venture that far by themselves.  Dinga arrived back about ten minutes after I did, and Jesse came panting up the porch steps a few minutes later.

I ate breakfast and took a "Navy" shower.  Probably had the water on for a minute at the most.  Left for Down There about 11:30 am.  Went to pick up the mail first.  I had to mail a large envelope and got to talking to the clerk, then walked out leaving my big pile of mail sitting on the table.  I can't believe I did that!  Oh, wait a minute.  Yes I can. . .

I did remember to stop and fill our containers with water on my way home.  Will continue to water the potatoes every other day as we have been since it stopped raining.  The tomatoes need watering every day.

82 again today, and was still 78 at 8:00 pm.  Enough already!

Thursday, 7/25.  I was outside by 7:15 am.  Split and stacked two wheel barrow loads before it was time to feed the dogs.  Jessie always lets me know, in no uncertain terms, when it is time for them to eat.  After we all ate breakfast, I was back out to split and stack four more loads.  Seems like it isn't getting hot as early today.  Or maybe I am just finally getting used to it.  Cooler, more seasonable weather isn't supposed to arrive til this weekend. Yeah, that's what they said last week. . .

After lunch and a short nap, I split and stacked two more loads.  Then it was simply too hot, 2:30 pm and 80.  Our high for the day was 82 again.

I am going Down There again tomorrow to do laundry, grocery shopping and actually pick up the mail this time.

Some of the other birds may have moved on but the nuthatches are still here en force.  I love to stand in the grove and watch them skitter up and down the tree trunks and along the branches, and listen to their chatterings.

This evening the dogs flushed a couple of turkeys into the trees on the west ridge.  I don't know where they get the energy to do such things in this heat.  They have been inside whenever I am, just trying to stay cool.

A few days of alone time is nice.  Everyone needs their space, but I am not one to enjoy it for very long.  Talking on the phone to JB and friends helps.  On the other hand, I am not a very social person either.  The first few years we were Up Here, I thought I might make a good hermit, but now I know I would definitely not.  My Aunt Nene has been alone for six months now and I am sure it must seem a lot longer than that to her.  She forces herself out every day and is making the most of her situation.  I am so in awe of her.

Larry and Elsie came up to check on me under the guise of a visit, which was much appreciated.  We talked a lot about the weather and how this is the kind of summer that they both remember growing up in Wenatchee.  Both summer and winter have mellowed here in the past few decades.  The dogs were thrilled at getting to see someone else besides me.  They have only been getting half their usual attention with JB gone.

Friday, 7/26.  I want to get an early start so I can be back home before the heat of the day.  Looks to be another hot one.

Thought for the day:  When one door of happiness closes another opens: but, often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.  Helen Keller         

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013 Water and Cherries

Thistles blooming in the meadow.

Monday, 7/22.  Slept in, fed the dogs and was off to Larry and Elsie's to pick pie cherries and fill up our water containers a little after 8:00.   Driving down I noticed that the purple thistles are blooming in the meadow in the canyon.  This is the same meadow in which the large, old lilac bush grows.  When I arrived back home, I hauled out the empty water barrel which I will use for the water I bring up from their place.  We can use it for washing and other potable water needs.  Will use the water in the cistern for cooking, washing dishes and the occasional quick shower. 

Turned on my music.  Made some more hummingbird syrup.  Ate breakfast.  One of my favorite cd's is "Forest Piano", part of the Solitudes' series from the mid-90's.  Just piano against the background of bird calls, crickets, wind, water and other forest sounds.  I also enjoy music by Yanni, James Galway, Brule, and, of course, Alabama.  I have selections from all of these artists in the stereo right now.

Maybe I don't have to give up on the garden just yet.  Elsie suggested that if I drive down every day for water, I should have enough to coax the plants along.  Once I get both barrels full, I shouldn't have to go down every day and, hopefully, by then we will have the water issue all fixed, if it is a pitless adapter problem.

After my late breakfast I started pitting cherries until the splitter was in the shade again.  Then I split and stacked two loads of wood.  Had a light lunch and took a 2-1/2 hour nap, after which I felt so much better, so I pitted more cherries.  I was starting to let everything get to me, which I think was triggered by the water situation.  I know both JB and I are a bit anxious about his upcoming operation on the 14th.  I am so grateful that our son will be here to help.  Not the most ideal way to get him out for a visit, but I'll take what I can get.  

When the splitter was back in the shade, I split and stacked two more loads.  Wasn't too bad as there was a nice breeze.  A lot of wood that I split today was from the large fir tree than JB cut down last week, the large trunk pieces.  The bark was very thick with the consistency of thick leather.  Fascinating!  What can I say - I'm easily amused.  

JB called, as he will every evening.  He let me know that the royal baby has finally arrived.  He had taken our trailer with him to Seattle and spent much of the day at his other brother's house filling it with cherry wood from a tree they had to cut down.  It filled up the trailer so now we will have some nice hardwood to burn also.

One of the humming bird feeders was completely empty this evening and there were four birds drinking from the four "flowers" of the other one, with three birds in a holding pattern.  Must be the heat or they had a lot of out-of-town guests.  Our high for the day was 82 again, with a warm breeze.

With this heat, the birds have been very quiet lately.  I am sure some of them have left since there is no extra water for the bird bath.  Made me think of the question one of JB's nephews asked at our 4th of July picnic, "How could you hear a rattle snake above all the noise the birds are making?"  I can only think that they were celebrating with us that day.

My Aunt Nene called last evening to ask how close we were to the fire at Lake Wenatchee and did I have my "go" bag packed.  Well, we are at least 25 miles east as the crow flies, and I hadn't heard about the fire.  And I hadn't even thought about a "go" bag.  So last night I packed a small one and gathered a few supplies, including dog food, which are now sitting near the front door.

Tuesday, 7/23. I was out the door at 6:15 am.  Had to fill the little gas can I use for the splitter and put some gas in my car.  Also had to saw off the ends of two of the boards I use as braces at the open end of the wood shed.  Then I split and stacked four loads of wood by 7:45 am.  By then both the dogs and I were ready for breakfast, and I was starting to work up a sweat.  No wonder - it was already 70!  It would be heavenly if I could work outside Up Here in my sandals, but that just isn't going to happen.  What I need are air conditioned boots!  At least I have several buckwheat "scarves" in the refrigerator to put around my neck when I get too hot.  They really save the day.

After eating, I drove down to fill up our containers with water a little after 9:00 am.  Dumped it all in the barrel when I got back home.  I saw the splitter was still in the shade so I split and stacked another load.  When I was done, it was time for the dogs' morning walk.  Morning?!!  Seems like it should be time for their afternoon walk. . .

I stayed inside reading and working on photos on my computer til about 2:30 when I ventured out to split and stack another load of wood.  When the splitter is in the shade, it's not the splitting that causes me to work up a sweat.  The machine does most of the work.  It's the stacking that is the problem, as that woodshed is a cooker in the sun if there is no substantial breeze.

After dinner I watered the potatoes and tomatoes with water from the garden barrel.  The high for today at Rose Camp was 81.  JB told me that the Seattle TV station had forecast 102 for Wenatchee tomorrow.  Lovely.  My eye appointment is for 1:00 pm, right in the heat of the day.  At least the office will be air conditioned. . .

Wednesday, 7/24.  The early morning cool is so refreshing.  My alone time would be so much better if I could be outside working more, or even inside, but is has just been too hot for any type of exertion.  I certainly do not look forward to going Down There today.  Am looking forward to new glasses though, and picking up the mail, and bananas for my smoothies.

Thought for the day:  A joy that is not shared, I've been told, is a joy short lived.  Anne Sexton  

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013 Water Issues

Striking a pose.
I must remember to wash those
BBQ utensils. . .

Friday, 7/19. We were out working at 9:00 am and, with one break, were able to get most of the logs cut into 16" rounds by 10:30.  That's it until JB gets back from Seattle.  I'll be busy splitting the rounds while he is gone.

It was 82 after lunch and that was our high for the day, again.  Later in the afternoon JB worked on getting his Jeep and everything else ready for his trip.  Since the splitter was in the shade, I split a couple of wheel barrow loads of green wood and stacked it in the wood shed.  Haven't used the splitter since last Fall and I wanted to be sure it worked okay before JB left.  I checked the hydraulic fluid and oil.  Filled it with gas, and it started on the first pull!  Woo Hoo!

Had to make another eight cups of hummingbird syrup.  It's every seven to eight days now.  They must have notified all their friends and relatives. . .

Saturday, 7/20. It was clear and 60, but the forecast is now for mid-90's Down There until mid-week when is should "cool" down into the 80's.  I certainly hope it is cooler on Wednesday as I have an appointment for an eye exam for new glasses.  A bit overdue as I have had my current ones for about seven years.

JB left for Seattle at 8:30 am, after which I re-arranged a kitchen cupboard that had been calling to me for weeks.  Then I got outside and stacked some of the rounds we had cut yesterday.  While the splitter was still in the morning shade, I split one load and stacked it.  It was already 78 by then, so back inside I went.

Finally got some of my favorite CD's out and put them in the stereo.  So lovely.  (The Christmas ones were still in there - from Christmas 2011. . .)

Fireweed began blooming around the first of the month along our road.  I had let a few stalks grow up by the steps to our porch and their first pink blossoms appeared a couple days ago.  There are also some mullein plants growing on the north side of the house, along the edge of the rocks.  The largest one had a few yellow blooms on it yesterday and more this morning.  So pretty.

I finished my book yesterday and started an e-book today.  Solved some sudoku.  Listened to the music.  Went out to pull branches down from the east slope that I had limbed from the trees JB downed.  There were a lot more than I remembered, and some very large ones.  Put them in the cradle after trimming them.  Back inside for more of the above. . .  And so the day went.  My alone time.

I left the music on while I was outside and completely forgot about it, until I walked back into the house and scared myself silly. . .

Another high of 82.  I don't do too much at once, and that seems to help.

Sunday, 7/21.  Had set my alarm for 6:00 am and was out the door at 6:15!  By 7:00 am I had finished stacking the rest of the rounds by the splitter.  Had to roll some down the slope as they were too large to carry.  It was only 55 when I went out and I put on a hoodie.  Felt so go to have to do that, but it didn't stay on long once I got moving.

Made a cup of coffee.  Sat on the porch and called Sandy.  Had a lovely one-hour chat.  Then JB called, after which I fed the dogs and had my breakfast.  There was such a nice, cool breeze til about 9:00 am, then it just faded away.  I split three wheel barrow loads of wood and stacked them before it was too warm, about 10:30.  Time for the dogs' morning walk and then their treat.  So off we went.  Often, when there is no breeze anywhere else, there is one on the ridges as there was this morning, thank goodness.  A nice cool one on both the south and north.  I also noticed new balsam root plants blooming where JB had mowed on the south ridge.  I love that about them.  If they are cut after blooming, many of them will leaf out and bloom again.

Am seeing lots of lizards and little tree frogs this year, both brown and green.  While I was splitting wood, a lizard shuttled past me and stopped.  Posed for a picture, then was on his way.

After lunch, some reading and sudoku time, I trimmed the rest of the branches into kindling.  Then back inside.  Our high for today was "only" 80.  Yesterday it was 99 in Wenatchee which is 10 degrees above normal.

After dinner I watered the garden (potatoes and tomatoes), then turned on the well pump to bring water into the cistern.  I only got about ten minutes worth.  Checked the water in the well with a flashlight, which I should have done before watering.  It is only about 1/4 full.  I knew it was low, but didn't realize it was that low.  Simply not enough for the garden, so we are going to have to let it go.  I called JB to notify him and he will call the well company who said they would be out before the end of the month.  Hopefully it is just a piping issue, but I really don't think so.  

Elsie called to remind me that her pie cherries are ripe and I should come down to pick some.  I will go down early tomorrow morning to do that, and also get a few containers of water which she so graciously lets us have when in need.  She e-mailed a video the other day of a bear cub swimming in one of their ponds!  It was so cute!

Monday, 7/22.  Going to be another hot one so I have to get going.

Thought for the day:  I appreciate the misunderstanding I have had with Nature over my perennial border.  I think it is a flower garden; she thinks it is a meadow lacking grass, and tries to correct the error.  Sara Stein, "My Weeds: A Gardener's Botany"

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013 Tractor Maintenance

Butterfly on the garden fence

Potato plants in the garden

Wednesday, 7/17.  After breakfast I moved the rest of the rounds to the splitter and took two wheel barrow loads of wood from the pile of cradle cuttings to the wood shed.  While I was busy doing that, JB worked on greasing the zerk fittings on the tractor.  They need greasing every ten hours or so of use and this was his first time doing it.  Before he could get to that, it took both of us to get the spring-loaded cap back on the grease gun.  It would have helped if the male half of this duo had perused the directions a little more thoroughly. . .  Then the fittings on the tractor's mower proved to be a real challenge also, not to grease but to get the gun off once greased.  All this before lunch and it was already 75 by 11:00 am.  We both had sweat running down into our eyes and every other nook and cranny.  Obviously these machines were built to be maintained by younger ones than us.  But we will prevail!

After lunch we pulled some logs out from the east slope directly across from the house.  Also moved stick wood with the tractor bucket to my snipping area.  Looking good, but just too hot to do any more today.  Our high was 78.  A good day to have cottage cheese and pears for dinner.

Thursday, 7/18.  60 degrees and clear again this morning, with a forecast of dry and seasonably warm for the next seven days.  In listening to NOAA, which gives the record low and high for each day, it sounds like 1960 had an extremely hot summer.  The record highs for the past week or so are from 1960, with each day in the 100's.  Didn't catch that listening the past four years, however the records for either high or low are all from 1960 forward.  And most of them are from 1980 to the present.  Very interesting.

We were out right after breakfast.  My first-thing-in-the-morning walks have gone by the wayside since we have started working early to beat the heat.  Am getting plenty of exercise though without them.

And, speaking of exercise, there is a great article in "Mary Jane's Farm" entitled "Healthy at Any Weight" in which the author, Dr. Laura Koniver, suggests that instead of "exercise", women should think of it as "keeping your bones strong."  Works for me.

JB had a tree cut down before I even got outside!  We began at 8:30 am and by 10:45 am we had five trees down.  One large one that was short for its diameter and full of mistletoe; one tall, skinny one that was leaning precariously; three medium ones that were crowding.  I limbed them and then chained them to the tractor for JB to drag to the splitter.  He also took out a large, old log.  Thank goodness this could all be done in the shade.  Since it was still a bit early, we took a break and drank some juice, then went after a really long log that was up the east slope a bit.  JB cut it in half, then I chained both halves to the tractor and he dragged them to the splitter.  Time for lunch and a rest, after which it was too hot (76) to work outside any more.

The tractor has made so much difference in so little time, I can only imagine what Rose Camp will look like next year.  Seems like every day we discover some other way to use it.

I started a new book and read a few chapters.  Then decided it wasn't too hot to just snip up some of the branches I had limbed off the trees, getting a nice pile of kindling from the larger pieces.

We have been cutting our afternoon walks in half as it is just too hot to walk up on the treeless south ridge at 3:30 pm.  Not too bad in the shade, especially with even a slight breeze.  Our high for the day was 78 and that's all we had for a breeze today - just a slight one.

JB grilled chicken for dinner, then we loaded Larry and Elsie's large tiller on their trailer and JB drove it all back down to them.   After a nice visit, he came back up with another dozen of fresh eggs.  

Tomorrow JB plans to cut all the logs into rounds, then get ready for his trip.  He leaves Saturday morning for Seattle to spend ten days with his Mother while his brother and sister-in-law, with whom she lives, go on vacation.  An annual event that turns out to be a good time for everyone, including me.  My alone time. . .

It was still 70 outside at 10:00 pm when we went to bed, with hardly a breeze.  All the windows were open in hopes of capturing a little bit of cool.  The moon was up, and I am so enjoying the moon Up Here.  There were two things I really had to get used to living Up Here - very still and very dark.  Very few sounds filter through to Up Here from Down There, and no light.  We can see some lights of the city through the trees if we look, but they have no influence on the dark.  So when the moon is out, it is a pure delight.

Friday, 7/19.  It is 61 and clear as I write this morning.  Going to me another hot one, 92+ Down There.  So much for "seasonably warm."  

Thought for the day: O bed!  O bed!  Delicious bed!  That heaven upon earth to the weary head.  Thomas Hood 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013 Hard at Work

Sunset Monday evening through smoke
from a fire to the east.

Empty cradle and pile of cut wood.

Monday, 7/15.  Another warm, busy day.  It took JB longer than expected to deliver the snow thrower to the repair shop.  He had to stop on the canyon road a couple times to re-strap it down.  While he was gone I did the dishes and laundry.  I washed two loads of my delicates in my hand washer, then put them both in the washing machine on Rinse/Spin.  Saves a lot of water and propane to do small loads that way.

The yellow jackets are back, so JB hung out traps this afternoon and one of them started filling up right away.  I think there is a nest nearby that survived the May snow.

For the first time in several weeks, I didn't sleep well last night so I took a short nap before dinner and a long one after.  Felt so good.  Then after sitting on the porch for a while, we played dominoes.  About 8:00 pm we both suddenly smelled smoke.  Ran outside and there was smoke everywhere to the west and north, which was enough to get my heart pounding!  I called Elsie and she said that they were down at the river a few hours earlier and saw it coming in from the east.  I climbed up the peak and, sure enough, there was a brown cast to the eastern horizon.  I knew the river was the perfect fire break, so we went back inside and I tried to slow down my heart rate. . .

Tuesday, 7/16.  Another clear morning but with thunder storms predicted for this evening.  At least that has changed from a forecast for dry lightening.  That smoke scare from last night still had me going.

We went out right after breakfast and cut the rest of the logs into rounds.  I stacked a lot of them at the splitter, then JB cut the wood in the cradle.  Pulled the long end of the branches up and did it again.  Now there's a big pile for me to stack in the woodshed.  

While JB and the dogs took a short nap after lunch, I took seven empty coffee cans to the empty cradle and filled them with sawdust for the outhouse.  I had forgotten that I didn't gather the sawdust last time we used the cradle as it had rained right afterwards, so I had no trouble filling all of them.

Then we did the dishes.  I washed my hair, and defrosted the refrigerator.  Another busy day.  Tomorrow I get to stack the rest of the rounds and we want to pull out some logs on the east slope directly across from the house.  We are trying to get as much wood to the splitter as possible before JB's back operation.  It is in less than a month and he will be gone for 10 of those days to stay with his Mother while his brother and sister-in-law go on vacation.

After dinner I took four loads of wood to the woodshed and stacked it, then stacked more of the large rounds at the splitter.  Still more to go.  I'll get them in the morning.

A few brief showers went through beginning about 8:30 pm, but most of the clouds are going north of us.  Didn't hear any thunder.  I sat out on the porch sipping my hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.  Just enjoying the fresh coolness and scent of the light rain until almost dark.

Wednesday, 7/17.  Clear, but with more clouds on the horizon.  Thunder moved in, along with a short downpour, about 2:45 am.  Jesse arrived on our bed within seconds of the first flash.  All the fireworks were north of us.  Finally got back to sleep, then woke with a start at 6:30 am.  Heard thunder rolling to the north again.  This time the dogs wanted out, but just long enough to do their business.

Received the new "Mary Jane's Farm" magazine.  A very informative "Health & Wellness News" section, as always.  Also delicious sounding  recipes and lots of other good "Farm Girl" stuff.  Her "Glamping" section makes me want to get going on a small guest cabin.  Won't happen until at least next year, but I can make decorating plans for it til then.

Thank you, Peggy, for your comment.  So glad you are enjoying my blog.  And from another reader, yes, it is good to be back.  Thank you.

Thought for the day:  A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken.  James Dent

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013 A Hot Summer

The new (don't know the name). . .

. . . and the old (arnica).

Saturday, 6/13.  It is so good to be back on-line!  It was all software glitches that one of our two family gurus was able to fix with little effort.  (The other guru is our son.)

JB's nephew was on his way by 10:00 a.m.  Because he had his motorcycle so loaded down for his trip, JB put all his bags in his Jeep and led him down just to be sure he got down safely.  Going down was going to be more difficult than getting Up Here.  And thank goodness he did as a thick layer of gravel had been laid in two places.

I got busy with the dishes and laundry.  Then clipped nubs off the 16 logs we had pulled down on Friday.  When JB got back, we just relaxed and planned our week.  And every time I use that word, I can hear God laughing. . .

Sunday, 6/14.  Off to church at 10:00 a.m.  Also picked up mail and sent letters; hit the laundromat after church with four loads; did grocery shopping.  Was really hot Down There with a high of 92, and me sweating in my church clothes.  Was a little cooler when I got back to Rose Camp about 3:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 78.  I hung out some of the laundry that wasn't quite dry.  Wasn't going to spend more on a dryer when I could just hang them up Up Here. 

While I was gone, JB cut several of the logs into rounds.  After dinner he drove down to borrow Larry's trailer so we can take our snow blower in to be fixed - finally.  So while he was gone, I began stacking some of the larger rounds by the splitter.  Then I took a wheelbarrow load of the smaller ones to the wood shed and stacked them.  Watered the garden and took down the laundry.  A long day.

The potato plants are growing like crazy.  Must be the chicken manure from Elsie and the compost from our pile.  JB has covered them once with dirt and again with straw.  They have popped through each time in just a day or two.  Hopefully we will end up with a bumper crop!

JB picked up the game cam card when he went down to Larry's.  He had changed it to video when he put it back last week.  As usual, most of the pictures were of Jesse and cars, but we got the bear just ambling up the road.  So cool to see him moving rather than just a still photo.  

Monday, 6/15.  This morning is clear and 49, but warming up quickly.  JB is taking the snow blower Down There this morning.  After dishes and laundry I will get the rest of the rounds stacked.

Last week I finally got on Facebook for the first time in a couple months.  Most of my "friends" are family and much younger than we are.  All so busy starting and growing their families; working on careers; developing hobbies - busy, busy, busy.  Am I feeling a bit of envy for their youthful energy?  Perhaps, but I doubt I would trade my mountain life for any part of theirs.  Been there, done that.

Thought for the day:  Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.  It will never fail you.  Frank Lloyd Wright

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013 Hurrah for Family Computer Gurus!

Fawns caught on the game cam.

Friday, 7/5.  After all the excitement of the 4th, we stayed up playing pinochle with JB's brother and sister-in-law until almost midnight.  Not sure how any of us managed to stay awake, but we had fun.  Slept in this morning and they left after a big breakfast.  It was a day off for us.

Saturday, 7/6.  We hit the floor running.  Another clear day with a high of 72, but a cool breeze.  There is a small area just past the end of our driveway that is a jumble of downed trees and smaller ones growing up in between them that we have been wanting to clear out since we moved Up Here.  That is what we attacked today with the chain saw and clippers.  Dragged out several large logs with the Jeep and chain.  JB cut down several of the smaller trees.  Lots of good firewood.  Took about four hours, most before lunch.  I have a lot more energy before lunch. . 

We spent a nice, cool evening on the porch and little after sunset Larry and Elsie came up for a visit with more fresh eggs.  While we were talking outside, a screech owl flew over, loudly making its presence known.  Made chills up my spine.

Sunday, 7/7.  Went to church and ran a few errands.  After a late lunch we worked on stacking and trimming the trees and logs we brought up on Saturday.  Dark clouds moved in mid afternoon making it really muggy.

We have to really be on our mental toes Up Here as one wrong flip of a switch can cause problems, and we have both done it.  I guess I just need to put up more signs. . .

Monday, 7/8.  Back down to the spot we working on clearing and I limbed the standing trees.  Then JB brought the trailer down with the Jeep and hauled up two full loads of branch wood.  Too hot in the afternoon to do much else.  Our high was 73, but there was very little breeze and more clouds shuttled over.

A helicopter flew over with a water bucket in the evening and we could smell smoke.  Couldn't see anything, but it may be from the fire at Lake Chelan.

Tuesday, 7/9.  Out right after breakfast to dig more in the hole to the water pipe from the well.  It is in the shade til about 10:30 am.  Got it almost all done.  JB digs and I clear out the loose dirt.  Good team effort and neither one of us gets overworked.

We are having a problem with the inverter overheating and switching off.  JB thinks it is because of the main wire going to it from the batteries but he is not sure how to fix it.  Can't just call the electric company. . .

The wrens that built the nest in the bird house have disappeared.  We still have the pair under the eaves, but I would have thought their eggs would have hatched by now.

Too hot to work outside in the afternoon, so a good day to clean out and reorganize the linen closet.  Also cleaned my computer and moved files to the external hard drive as JB is going to slick it.

Wednesday, 7/10.  Already 62 at 7:00 am.  JB's nephew was supposed to arrive this evening for a couple nights on his way to Yellowstone riding his motorcycle.  Turned out he couldn't leave early enough to get here before dark, so he will be here tomorrow morning.

Now that JB has mowed around several small trees on the south ridge and slope, I trimmed some bottom branches from them.  Looks like a park up there.

Still very frustrated with Blogspot and am trying everything we can think of to rectify the problem.  Maybe JB's nephew, the computer guru, can help us.

Thursday, 7/11.  Had to cook up more hummingbird syrup!  I had just done that last Saturday and they have already gone through almost eight cups!

JB saw a rather large lizard in the shop.  I have not yet had the pleasure. . .

JB again mowed right after breakfast while I did the dishes and inside chores.  This morning he concentrated on the east slope across from the house.  When he was done, I got out there with my clippers and cut the large brush stalks that hadn't been cut all the way down.

JB's nephew arrived about 1:00 pm.  The road was a bit dicey for him in places, but he made it up.  He tried out his hand-held chainsaw blade on a small tree and did great.  We talked and talked, and went for a hike after dinner.  Then talked some more before bedtime.

Friday, 7/12.  After a breakfast of German pancakes, we all worked on pulling downed logs from the east slope with the tractor.  Then after lunch his nephew, the dogs and I went for a long hike along the south ridge to a place where there is almost a 360 degree view.

While I was doing the dishes after breakfast, his nephew worked on my computer and found all the problems!  Don't have to slick it after all.  Had to change to Chrome internet explorer and he did a few other fixes.  So here I am again!!

Thought for the day:  Thank goodness for family computer Gurus!

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5, 2013 A Good Time Was Had By All

Could not resist this sign. . .


The asters are blooming!

Thursday, 7/4.  And a good time was had by all!

Thought for the day:  Don't put no restrictions on the people.  Leave 'em the hell alone.  Jimmy Durante

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013 Too Hot!

(Am having a problem downloading photos, so none today.)

Monday, 7/1.  We finally were able to mow the road with the tractor.  What a difference to be able to ride instead of walk!  The sky had clouded over by the time we made it to the main canyon road.  There were a few light sprinkles, but just enough to keep us cool.  I walked down, throwing small rocks off the road and looking for larger ones in the grass where JB was mowing.  The dogs were thrilled with the outing.

I hitched a ride back up, standing in the ballast box and holding on to the roll bar.  By the time we arrived back home we could hear distant thunder to the south and were up on the porch by the time a small shower passed over.

After lunch JB used the tractor to haul the huge pile of branches from the trees we cut down last week.  I filled the tractor's bucket and JB drove them to the chipping pile.  Even though it was a lot more trips than using the trailer would have been, the bucket empties itself with the push of a lever!  At least my part of the job was in the shade.

A short rest on the porch and we were good to go again.  We put up the net tent in the grove in case our guests want to escape from the bugs on the 4th.  By then it was 78 with no breeze, so we all went inside.  Our high for the day was 80.  We do have at least ten family members coming, including a three-month old grandniece.  Except for one of JB's brothers and sister-in-law, they will all just be here for the day.

Helicopters were flying overhead on their way to the resevoir with water buckets, then flying west with the water.  We couldn't see any smoke, but it was a bit hazy in that direction.

There is a different aura about Up Here now with the tractor.  We can do so much more with it that I feel like we have a little more control.  Less like a pioneer, and my bones are rejoicing.

Upon checking the game cam card yesterday, we discovered photos of two little fawns (most likely the ones who made the tiny tracks on our road), two bears and a young buck.

Tuesday, 7/2.  Clear and 68 already at 7:00 am.  Supposed to be triple digits Down There but I have to go.  Laundry and shopping to do.  I got an early start, but when I arrived back home at Rose Camp about 1:00 pm it was 85!  Turns out it was 104 Down There!  A breeze started up around 4:00 pm and that helped a little.  Outside, not inside.  We put a fan on in the house and at least it moved the air around a little.

After a light dinner of cottage cheese and pears, JB took the side and back windows out of his Jeep and generally cleaned it out.  He is going Down There tomorrow for ice and a few maintenance items for the tractor (grease, etc.).

It was just too hot in the loft to start my blog tonight, so I will do it all in the morning.  Our high for the day was 86. . .

Wednesday, 7/3.  Clear sky and 60.  The wind brought in the cooler temperatures predicted for today.  So refreshing!  Lots to do today to get ready for the 4th.  Happy Birthday to the United States of America.  I certainly hope she lives many more centuries as a true democratic republic.

Thought for the day:  Taxation with representation ain't so hot either.  Gerald Barzan

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013 Thunder Storms & Elk

JB on the tractor!

Elk rack!  Still in velvet.

Friday, 6/28.  Our tractor finally arrived!  We had a short but thorough course in its use and I tried it out while our "instructor" was still here.  JB has driven forklifts, so he is way ahead of the game.  After driving Down There for gas, he baptized it by mowing about 1/2 an acre.

I had to take to dogs to the vet for their shots and it was hot in town.  Our high for the day was 70, but I'm sure it was 90 Down There.

Saturday, 6/29.  It was mostly cloudy and 62 when I got up at 6:00 am.  Couldn't sleep thinking about everything we want to get done before the 4th.  But the sun is shining and it looks to be a hot one, with possible thunder storms this evening.  The clouds piling up to the west are definitely thunder bumpers.  By 8:30 am most of the clouds had moved to the north and east.  NOAA was advising of a nasty storm just to the north of us that could produce penny-size hail.

At first we thought that we just might dodge the storms, and were outside weeding and doing other chores.  After lunch we headed out to mow our road with the tractor and possibly get rid of some of the rock bumps, but just as we were ready to go, thunder started getting close.  So we covered the tractor with a tarp.  At 1:00 pm and hour-long gully washer started with lots of local lightening and thunder, torrential downpour, huge rain drops and hail.  I was just mesmerized by it.  The temperature dropped from 70 to 65.

I called Elsie when it was over and she said there was so much rain in town that the man-hole covers were being pushed off as the sewers couldn't handle it all!  There was also a bulletin on the news of debris on the paved canyon road that leads to our road.  The sun came out and we thought we were all done.  It warmed back up to 70.  The birds joyfully splashed in all the puddles, my "creek" and the bird bath that was now very full.  But an hour and 1/2 later, the second round moved in.

No gully washer this time, just another hour of pouring rain and lightening right overhead.  Not fun.  When it was over, we went out again to check for lightening strikes.  Once again did not see any and I checked all our tree tops from the peak since it had been so close.  While standing on the edge of the west ridge, I noticed something moving about 20 feet down from me.  At this spot on the ridge, it was straight down.  Up popped a HUGE rack of antlers on an elk head!  I grabbed my camera and was able to get a shot before the dogs saw him and ran at him barking.  He moved off, although I don't think he was too intimidated.  The dogs returned in no time.  I can only imagine that they took one look at his size and did a u-turn.

The hole at the water pipe filled with water as the weight of it pulled the tarp down.  As we went to take the tarp out, I spotted a small snake.  It was too small, just about a foot long, for me to tell if it was a rattler or a bull snake, so I apologized to it if it was indeed a bull and then cut it in half with the shovel.

I doubt I'll be going Down There tomorrow.  I think we should just stop making plans for specific days and just say that "When the weather allows" we need to do this or that.

Sunday, 6/30.  Clear sky and 62.  And lots of mud.  Won't even try going Down There today.

Sat out on the porch for a while.  In no hurry to get out in the muck.  We want the sun to dry it out a bit.  But after lunch, it was dry enough to mow in most places.  I used the lawn mower around the house and JB mowed the south ridge and up to the peak with the tractor.

During one of our breaks, we watched a wren attack a poor little chipmunk on the tree nearest the house.  He was actually pecking the chipmunk on the head, and he didn't even have a nest in that tree!  It was one of the wrens that is building a nest in the bird house.

Our high for the day was 76, but there was a refreshingly cool breeze for most of the time which saved the day from being too hot.  After dinner we just enjoyed the evening on the porch.

Monday, 7/1.  At 7:00 am it is already 68 outside with just a few small clouds in the sky.  Right after breakfast we are going to finally mow the road with the tractor, hopefully before it gets too awfully hot.  It is supposed to be 102 Down There today.

Thought for the day: A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands - even for beneficial purposes - will find that with small men no great things can really be accomplished.  John Stuart Mill  (And, in my opinion, most of our small men are in Congress and the Presidency.  Wild Rose)