Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013 Done With Wood & Alone Time!

Asters blooming along our road.

Smoke cloud from the fire to the southwest.

Friday, 7/26.  Got a later start than I wanted to.  Spent too much time on the computer, then it was one thing after another including another mouse in the bathroom trap.  Third one in a week.  The first one was the night before JB left and was in the bedroom.  

It was uncomfortably hot Down There, but I managed to get everything done thanks to the air conditioned stores.  When I arrived back home, it seemed a bit cooler Up Here.  Looked at the thermometer and it was 80!  Our high for the day got up to 84 and that two degrees more than the past highs of 82 seemed more like 94.  Enough to make one cranky, especially since I had to unload the car all by myself; then hang up some towels that were not quite dry; put all the groceries and laundry away. . .  Whine, whine, whine.  I did get to bed early and had a good  night's sleep.

Saturday, 7/27.  Out at 7:20 am and was able to split and stack two loads of wood before Jesse let me know it was time for breakfast.  The temperature was a refreshing 55.  After breakfast I did three more loads, took the dogs on their morning walk, did the dishes and then relaxed. 

I split and stacked five more loads during the afternoon, which was a total of ten for the day.  That has to be my record.  No wonder I'm so tired!  But the weather had indeed cooled off a bit and our high for the day was only 75.  And what a lovely day it was.

Sunday, 7/28.  Between meals, dogs, a trip for water, defrosting the refrigerator, starting a new book and taking a nap, I managed to get eight loads split and stacked.  Only about one more load to go, but just one load too many for today.  I could not have done all that if the weather had not been cooler again.  Our high was only 73.

A wildfire started yesterday to the southeast of us and has grown to more than 10,000 acres.  It is on the Clockum which is a plateau just south of Mission Ridge.  I walked up to check it out from our south ridge about 5:30 pm and thought there was a huge thunder cloud in that direction, but it turned out to be smoke!

We have a frog under the house again.  He sounds a bit hoarse though, probably because it is finally so dry under there.

Monday, 7/29.  JB will be back today.  He will be leaving Seattle about 7:30 am and will be driving a bit slower since he is pulling the trailer.  He has a 1:00 pm doctor's appointment, so he should be home around 3:00 pm.  How nice!  Enough with the "alone time" already. . .

Thought for the day:  Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.  Buddha

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