Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30, 2016 More Turkey & More Snow

A photo from 11/30/15.

Monday 11/28. Today we made our Thanksgiving turkey so we could have leftovers.  A turkey with no legs, wings or giblets, just perfect for the two of us.  Mrs. Gridder had sent home with us homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pie, so we were set.

It was a beautiful, mostly sunny day with a high of 40, but only a little of our snow melted.

We watched four more episodes of Arrow through our triptophan haze.

Tuesday 11/29.  The day began with a temp of 30 and clear skies.  And we started our day with house cleaning, vacuuming and dishes.

After a fantastic lunch of a turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing sandwich, I drove Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail.  On my way back, I let out Larry and Elsie's dogs for a pee break and a treat.  A perfect day for a drive.  I love seeing all the tracks in the snow.  No bear or Bigfoot today, just deer, cougar and rabbit.

I have all the Christmas gifts wrapped, now I just need to package them for mailing.  I guess I should get some decorations put up, too.

Wednesday 11/30. The sky is clear again this morning with a temp of 30 and about another 1/2" of snow.  There is valley fog that I do hope stays in the valley where it belongs.

Thought for the day: It's not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. Brother David Steindl-Rast

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28, 2016 Mice & Another Thanksgiving

The tarp over the girls' run.

Friday 11/25. A nice lazy morning.  Still digesting yesterday's feast.

Our only project for the day was to put a large tarp over part of the girls' run.  This will give them a larger outside area for the winter as they will not
 walk in the snow.

We haven't had mice in the house for at least a year or more, and now suddenly we have had two caught in the traps the last two nights.  Just not sure where they are getting in.  Doesn't make for a good night's sleep. . .

Saturday 11/26. It was 32 and overcast this morning.  And there was another mouse in the trap.

I made pumpkin-apple-streusel muffins to take with us to our second Thanksgiving dinner today.  I think that two dinners is quite appropriate for us as we have so very much for which to be thankful.  We had another wonderful time and again arrived home stuffed like the turkey.  Our high for the day was 40.

We watched The King's Speech this evening.  What a great movie!

Sunday 11/27. This morning was clear and breezy with a temp of 33.  Yesterday's mud was frozen and frosted.  The icy wind blew all day, gusting to 20 mph.  We had about a ten-minute blizzard blow through at 3:00 pm, but that was all snow we received until after dark.  The forecast was for 5 - 6 inches.

Again we had another mouse in the trap, but I think I have plugged up where they are getting in.  We also put some poison under the house.

I spent most of the day inside working on our Christmas card.  JB took the dogs on their two walks, and spent some time sorting and filing magazines.

The wind finally disappeared along with the sun and snow began falling again.  It was still snowing at 9:30 when we checked after watching the first three episodes of the first season of Arrow.  Our high for the day was 38.

Monday 11/28. It is 30 with clear skies this morning and about an inch of snow on the ground.  And another dead mouse in the trap.

Thought for the day: My last words regarding the election:  Good trumped evil!

Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25, 2016 A Huge Bear or A Little Bigfoot?

Huge bear or little Bigfoot?

Wednesday 11/23. Driving Down There this morning, I was barely past our hair-pin turn at the end of our driveway when I saw some huge tracks in the snow.  A first I thought it was the cougar, but if those were its tracks then it would be more the size of a sabre-toothed tiger.  When I stopped to look at them, they were even larger than I thought and had to be a humongous bear or a small Bigfoot!  In holding my hand by one, it had to be a good 12" long.  I just hoped I wouldn't meet up with whatever made them.

My last stop in town was at Larry and Elsie's shop.  When I showed them the pictures and described the size, they insisted it was just a very large bear.  I am pretty sure two of my cousins would disagree and say it could very easily be a little Bigfoot.

I arrived home to the incredible scent of pumpkin bread in the oven.  It turned out so delicious!

Thursday 11/24. Thanksgiving Day began with a temp of 32, overcast skies and a light snow falling.  We were on our way down to Larry and Elsie's in Miss Kitty by noon, and, fortunately, not all of the two loaves of pumpkin bread that JB baked fit into the dish.  So that's what I had for breakfast.

It was another wonderful Thanksgiving, celebrated with a houseful of friends and Larry and Elsie's family.  So very much to be thankful for.

Mrs. Gridder emailed an invitation for us to come to their family Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, so we will definitely be doing that, like we did last year.  

Friday 11/25. It is 35 and overcast this morning.  The snow line had moved way above Larry and Elsie's yesterday, but the forecast is for more snow each day of this holiday weekend.

Thought for the day: Too blessed to be distressed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016 Sun, Fog & A Pack Rat

Valley fog to the northwest
 Monday afternoon.

The pack rat's nest and
supplies in the shop.

Monday 11/21. We have a pack rat in the shop again.  We have heard it rustling around outside for a few days now and I thought it was trying to nest under the tarps on the porch.  But JB discovered its nest in the shop this morning on his work bench.  Looks like it had gathered enough greens to last a month or so.  Hopefully it won't live that long as JB put out some more poison.

Elsie called around 11:00 am to say she saw a lady on the paved canyon road trying to coax one of the abandoned dogs into her car.  I hopped in my Jeep, but by the time I got down to the pavement, I could find neither the car nor the dog.  I'll just keep trying.

That situation along with all riots in respnse to the election really have got me down.  I get so tired of man's inhumanity to man and animal.  It takes the stuffing right out of me.  Any joy seems so far away that I can hardly feel its warm rays, and I know how the world-weary feel.  But attitude is everything, and after a few dark hours, I bounce back again.

It was just too beautiful a day to waste in such emotional darkness.  The valley fog grew during the day, but never climbed Up Here.  The sun shone brightly all day and we had a high of 40.

Tuesday 11/22. This morning began another day of fog and a temp of 26.  The trees and ground were frosted when we got up, and our high for the day was only 30.  It is on mornings like this that I am so glad that I bought a second water dish for the girls.

I knew I needed a project, so today I began to wrap Christmas presents and create this year's Christmas card.  JB drove his Jeep down to pull up the trees that our son had cut along the road.  He made three trips with his Jeep, then drove Miss Kitty down to gather the branches.  It was a very dark but good day with a lot accomplished.

I am driving Down There tomorrow for a few groceries, mail some letters, buy some more corn for the girls and a new chain for the chain saw.  We are going to celebrate Thanksgiving with Larry, Elsie and their family as we usually do.  Am really looking forward to that.

Wednesday 11/23. It is 31 and overcast with a breeze and about an inch of snow this morning.  Looks like there may be snow all the way down to the valley floor.

Thought for the day: If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting.  Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Life on Facebook

Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016 Fog, Snow & Marbles

The line of rime
Friday morning.

Saturday morning's

Friday 11/18. The frozen fog left a line of frosted trees on the surrounding mountains this morning.  It must have been at about 4,000 ft. as only the trees along our south ridge were frosted Up Here.

JB arrived home at about 2:00 pm, having made very good time across the passes in spite of the Friday traffic going east.  I had just finished baking peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies as he drove up.  So very good to have him home again.  His Mother continues to exist on only about 200 calories per day, but is obviously becoming weaker.

Snow began falling around 4:00 pm and our high for the day was just 30.

Saturday 11/19. We awoke to a temp of 28 and 1/2" of snow on the ground this morning.  And, again, we were encased in fog.  Light snow fell on and off all day, but didn't seem to add to what was already here.

The loft is finally looking good.  I have another large bag of duffel-type and computer bags; a bag of Tupperware, baskets and candle-holders (all things that seem to multiply by themselves); and a box of books to take to the thrift store when I go Down There on Wednesday.

Larry and Elsie drove up to visit and play marbles.  We always have so much fun talking and laughing while playing, especially when Elsie and I completely crush the guys, as we did this evening.

Sunday 11/20. It was 32 this morning and the snow was in the process of melting.  And, again, we were encased in fog.  By day's end, the snow had completely disappeared, especially after the half hour of rain that fell around 4:00 pm.

A day in the fog is like: Oh, look, it's clearing, or not; there it goes - and here it comes again; I can see blue sky, or not.  Back and forth.  Back and forth.  Hope and discouragement.  This has been such a wet and dark autumn.  Not at all good for solar power.  Fortunately the propane generator really doesn't use much fuel.  But our batteries are really not working well on these dark days, even when we try to power them up with the generator.  They work much better on the day-long trickle from the sun.  We may end up getting new batteries like the ones Larry and Elsie have if the sun is going to be shy this winter.

We stayed inside all day.  I put the final touches on cleaning up the loft.  JB worked on his computer.  We read books.  As soon as we have a decent fog-clear day, we want to get down our road and bring up the rest of the trees that our son cut down.

Monday 11/21. It is 34 and mostly cloudy this morning.  No fog!  Maybe we will be able to get those trees up from the side of our road.

Thought for the day: Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.  Rossiter W. Raymond

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016 Our First Snowfall

Our first snow on

Wednesday 11/16. After setting up the car with the barrier behind the front seats, I spent an hour and a half driving the roads Up Here looking for the two dogs.  But to no avail.  Well, I have done what I can.  Larry and Elsie and another neighbor will call me if they see them.

Our high for the day was just 41 and there is the possibility of snow in the forecast.

Thursday 11/17. It was 32 and partly cloudy this morning.  Since our home is so small, I really cannot re-arrange the furniture, but I can change the covers on the couches and chair.  And I can re-arrange the pictures on the wall.  I had found a couple large photo frames full of pictures in the loft, so I re-arranged the hanging art to include them.  Quite a project.

Last night Larry and Elsie asked if I could come down and let their dogs out since they both had meetings and would be home late.  So a little after 2:00 pm I left in Miss Kitty.  I took dog food along just in case I saw the two dogs.  I certainly wouldn't be able to hear them above Miss Kitty's engine, but I might be able to see them.  First I drove all the way down to the pavement to get the mail.  Then I drove back up to let their dogs out for a potty break.  Just as we got outside at about 3:00, tiny snowflakes began drifting down.  Their dogs are always glad to see me, but I'm pretty sure that has more to do with the fact they know I am going to give them a treat before I leave.

By the time I got up to our road, it was white with snow, as was the ground at Rose Camp.  But that was it.  Nothing measurable.

Friday 11/18. It is 29 this morning and we are fogged in.  JB will be home today!

Thought for the day: Youth is not a question of age, it is a response of the spirit.  Robert Mallet

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16, 2016 Colder Weather & Abandoned Dogs

A rainbow on Tuesday
morning's walk.

Monday 11/14. The road wasn't as slippery as I thought it might be, thank goodness.  I got my two appointments over with, the shopping done and was home by 2:00 pm.  It turned out to be a nice, sunny day.  Our high Up Here was 46.

Larry and Elsie went elk hunting.  They saw a herd of about 30 but weren't able to do any actual hunting as there just wasn't time to get to where the elk were, shoot one and get it back out since they have to be at work tomorrow.  He is going to go next weekend for both days, and hopefully the herd hasn't moved too far.

One of the items I bought today was another large dog bowl for the chickens' water this winter.  So instead of trying to chop the ice out each morning, I can just bring another bowl and fill it with water.  Then take the frozen one and put it in the bathtub to thaw out.  Why didn't I think of this two years ago?

When the dogs and I went for our afternoon walk, they were sniffing all over the south ridge with their hackles up.  You can barely see Dinga's hackles, but Jesse's stand up at least a couple inches!  Don't know what had been up there, but it wasn't just deer.

Tuesday 11/15. I think rain fell most of the night.  It was 37 and still pouring when I got up a little before 8:00.  But the wind picked up and in less than a half an hour the rain had stopped and the sky was mostly blue.

After dishes and laundry, I was back up in the loft sorting and throwing.  Still didn't get it all done, because around noon I heard barking outside.  It was the two dogs who had been in the canyon for several weeks.  I didn't let ours out, but I went out with my gun and walking stick to check on them.  They were very interested in the chickens, and obviously very hungry as I could see their ribs.  They are large dogs, so I really didn't want to get too close.  One was very shy and ran away, but the other one was wagging its tail and barking.  I talked to it and went back in to get some food, but when I came out they were running down the north ridge.  I was crying because I felt so bad for them and wanted to help.

When I spoke with Elsie on the radio this evening, she had heard they were abandoned when renters moved out of a place almost down on the pavement.  I just can't believe that people do that!  It's going to be very cold tonight so I can only hope that they have found a cozy place to stay.  If they do come back up, I will set food out for them and try to get them into the car so I can take them to the Humane Society.  Meanwhile, I am very, very sad. . .

The wind blew all day, but finally disappeared with the sun.  Our high for the day was 43.

Wednesday 11/16. It is 32 with clear skies this morning and lots of new snow on the mountains.  I can only pray that the two dogs have a good shelter.

Thought for the day: The most difficult thing is the decision to act.  The rest is merely tenacity.  Amelia Earhart

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016 Cougars, & Snow in The Forecast

A photo from 11/18 last year.
Maybe we will be the
same this year on 11/18.

Friday 11/11. Had a delicious breakfast with good company.  Afterwards we hiked around Rose Camp to show off our views.  Then I pretty much took the day off.  After all, I am retired.

Saturday 11/12. The day began with a temp of 46 and mostly clear skies, but the valley fog soon climbed up and encased Rose Camp.  The wind picked up after our morning walk and blew the fog away, but it was any icy wind and continued to gust to 18 mph the rest of the day.

Larry and Elsie sent videos of THREE cougars at their pond!  Oh, yeah, definitely going to be packing even when I go to the out house. . .

Big patches of blue sky all day and our high was 50.

Sunday 11/13. It was 39 and overcast this morning, with possible snow in the forecast for mid-week.  On our morning walk we could see that it was snowing on Mission Ridge and the Cascades.  The precipitation, in the form of rain, reached us at about 1:00 pm and our high for the day was 42.

After hanging up the laundry inside, I worked for two hours sorting out the storage part of the loft.  Filled up the back seat of my Jeep with bags of items for the thrift store, and I still have at least another two hours of work to do up there.  Randy has been doing a lot of sorting and throwing, too.  Maybe it's just that time of the year.

I will be going Down There tomorrow for my annual mammogram and a bone density test.  Will also do some grocery shopping.

Monday 11/14. It is 42 and overcast this morning.  The bright, full moon really lit up the sky last night.  Even at 4:00 am when the dogs wanted out, it was still shining brightly through the overcast.

Rain fell during the night, and even though the rain gauge says we only received .06", the standing water on the ground sure makes it look like it was more than that.  Not looking forward to my drive down the mountain this morning.

Thought for the day: If you cannot stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.  Seen on Facebook  (Should have had this one for Veteran's Day.)

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016 A Trip to the West Side

Our solar panels tipped
all the way down to
catch the winter sun.

Wednesday 11/9. It was 44 and partly cloudy this morning, but the clouds soon disappeared and it was another beautiful day.  And even though nothing physical had changed in our life, the atmosphere was full of hope in our country.  So we just took the day off to enjoy that new feeling.

JB is going back to the west side tomorrow to help care for his Mother and give his brothers and sisters-in-law a break.  He will be there for a week.

Thursday 11/10. It was 44 this morning and we were encased in fog.  JB left around 8:30 and I had a busy day ahead of me.

My brother is up at his cabin with a friend, so I drove down Miss Kitty to visit.  Invited them up for breakfast tomorrow.  Then I drove down to pick up the mail.  I also stopped in at Larry and Elsie's house to pick up some packages I had sent to their shop, and to let their dogs out for a break.

One of the packages was six little kits to make olive oil lamps that I had ordered from Lehman's.  I made one in a small Mason jar and it is just perfect.  Much cheaper than a candle or any other fuel, and the cleanest fuel there is.

In checking the news on the internet, I couldn't believe that people are protesting and rioting against the outcome of the election.  That is about the dumbest thing I have ever seen American people do.  Just goes to prove that many of her supporters are just as much a thug and spoiled brat as she is.

Friday 11/11. It is 45 this Veteran's Day morning, with a brilliant sunrise on the partly cloudy sky.  I am going to fix German pancakes for my breakfast guests.

Thought for the day: Nothing is scarier than the people who try to find easy answers to complicated questions.  Marjane Satrapi, graphic journalist

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2016 God Blessed America (I Think)!

Tiny deer track compared
to my gloved finger.

Monday 11/7. JB was finally able to get Miss Kitty's winch untangled and wound up again.  A bit shorter now than it was before.

We tried to pull up the tree that our son had cut down on the west slope, but the ground is still too wet and the Jeep's wheels kept spinning.  Will cut it into two or three pieces in the Spring and bring them up one at a time.  In the meantime I am working on gathering all the branches so we can pull them up.

Didn't realize how uptight I am about the election tomorrow. . .

Tuesday 11/8. It was 40 with clear skies this election-day morning.  A phenomenal day in nature.  Blue sky, a high of 52.  Nature, completely unburdened by the goings on in the chaotic world of mankind.  

JB saw four deer in our yard this morning at 7:30.  They nibbled the grass and drank water from the copper fire pit (that we don't use), but didn't find the carrots I had put on a stump.

After lunch JB drove the tractor over to the west ridge.  I wrapped branches in the towing strap and we pulled them all up in three bundles.  JB drove them over to the wood cradle.  Then I moved the carrots to a stump closer to the water.

Randy called to say they were at Couer d'Alene at Costco and it was a beautiful day there too.  Then later he left me a message saying that they were at a Walmart where there was a line in sporting goods.  People were buying up the guns and murmuring about a revolution tomorrow.  Oh, great!

I watched a bit of the election news on the computer, but I guess we really won't know for sure until morning.  At least it will be over.

Wednesday 11/9. Woke up at 12:30 this morning & checked on the election - Wow!  He did it!  I thought I would be writing "Now I know how the Germans felt when Hitler took over."  But there is actually hope for this country where hope no longer existed.  The next four years are going to be interested to say the least.  I can't wipe the smile off my face. . .

Thought for the day: The problem with political jokes is they get elected.  Henry Cate, VII

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016 And Now We Know Why

Our solar panels tipped
all the way down.

The deer-treat pan.

Friday 11/4. We had robins Up Here today!  They must know something we don't. . .

JB drove Down There today to fill the gas cans, buy a new battery for MAX, and do a few other errands.  I washed dishes, did the laundry and vacuumed - finally.  It's not that we don't clean when we can't vacuum.  We have manual carpet cleaners that we use, but they don't get nearly as much dirt up as the vacuum does.  And without lawns, sidewalks and paved roads, we have a lot of dirt Up Here.

I was completely remiss in not mentioning the Cubs and their first winning of the World Series since 1908!  Wow!  This was a very big event for JB's family, being from Chicago.  So glad his Mother was here for that.

Saturday 11/5. It was 40 and overcast this morning.  A light rain fell most of the day.

I left for Down There a little before 1:00 pm.  Two reasons for this trip today.  First, a great sale at Shopko on the mini-gloves I love.  Second, to Larry and Elsie's to care for the dogs, cats and chickens for the afternoon and evening as they had to go to a memorial service on the other side of the mountains.  I fell asleep in a rocker to the sounds of two dogs snoring and a cat on my lap purring.  They were home a little after 6:00 and I was home before 7:00.  

JB had worked on organizing the Magic cards I gave to him for his birthday, and he baked a delicious loaf of banana bread.

Now I think we know why JB's Mother has stayed on this plain for so long.  As of this weekend, all of her grandchildren have been able to come to see her.  Two of them she hasn't seen for more than twenty years due to a nasty divorce that her youngest son went through.  He hasn't seen them either, and now they are all getting back together.  Universal Timing at work.

Sunday 11/6. It was 38 and clear today.  Another beautiful day with a high of 51, perfect for working outside.  And good for keeping busy while trying to deal with setting our clocks back.  This is the worst day of the year for the dogs.  They just don't understand why breakfast and dinner are so late.

We watched a small buck amble across the south ridge early in the day, and there were two does on the north ridge when we went for our afternoon walk.

We tipped the solar panels all the way down today.  JB worked on getting the winch on Miss Kitty untangled, as it had snapped when we were trying to get her unstuck this past winter.  I cut all the branches off the tree that our son had cut down on the west slope.  I also nailed a large pan to a stump on the west ridge for deer-treats.  I just hope they find it.

And so begins the time of early dark evenings.  I really wish this country would get rid of daylight savings time.  But I guess there are many more important issues at hand right now.  In about 48 hours we should finally know the outcome of this year's election.  I do so want it to be over, but the possible outcome is so scary.  Adjectives that come to mind when I think of Hilary are corrupt, power-mongering, evil, soul-sucking, and it goes downhill from there.  If we think that the Constitution has been shredded in the past eight years, I can't even imagine the damage that she would do. And if I should die in an accident after Tuesday, you will know who to blame. . .

Monday 11/7. It is 38 again this morning, but with overcast sky slicing off the tops of the mountains.

Thought for the day: You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.  James Thurber

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016 The Sun And Our Deer

Our porch in winter mode.

Wednesday 11/2. Our little deer were back this morning.  We got up late so we didn't see them, but they had eaten a potted plant I had sitting on the ground by the porch steps and their tracks were all over the yard..

Yesterday and today we tried to charge MAX's battery, but we finally had to admit that it just wasn't going to happen.  JB will be going Down There on Friday to fill the gas cans and will also buy a new battery.

JB's Mother is quite weak now, having been subsiding only on 1/2 can of Ensure Clear and a little tea, coffee and broth each day for more than a month.  Hospice actually does have a program to give caretakers a respite.  Medicare will pay for the patient to go into hospice for a week, but his Mother has so little time left that no one wants to do that.

We finished watching the last season of Warehouse Thirteen this evening.  It was a perfect ending.

Thursday 11/3. It was 42 with a mostly clear sky this morning.  Sunshine and birdsong!  What a great start to the day.  The nuthatches were everywhere and letting everyone know it.  

JB let me sleep in a bit and I guess the deer did too.  When Dinga and I went out to feed the girls, the deer were on the northwest side of the house by my wiggle-wood fence.  They were standing so still that Dinga could smell them but ran right past without noticing them.  I stood and talked to them until they finally moved, then Dinga was running after them.  

We all went for our morning walk and JB even hiked more than halfway up to the peak.  After lunch were were out to make the most of the great weather.  We tried to pull up the tree that our son had cut down on the west slope, but it just wouldn't budge.  I hand cut six large branches off, but still no luck.  I guess all the branches need to be sawed off, but that will have to wait until another day.  We wanted to get all the branch wood in and around the wood cradle cut and stacked.  So we did that and took it all to the porch in three loads in the tractor bucket.  The porch is definitely ready for winter.  

Our high for the day was 54.  Kind of warm for November. . .

It felt so good to be out doing such projects.  The whole month of October was just too wet and foggy to really get anything done outside.  And it sounds like we will have at least another dry day or two.  Perfect for JB to go Down there tomorrow.

JB always goes outside to check the temp before we go to bed and this evening we had two visitors.  "Our" deer were on the north side of the house, quite close.  He called me outside and they just stood and looked at us while I talked to them.  I love it!

Friday 11/4. It is 38 and clear this morning.  Love that sun!

Thought for the day: Don't put no restrictions on the people.  Leave 'em the hell alone.  Jimmy Durante

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2, 2016 A Dry Birthday for JB

The deer who stopped by to
wish JB "Happy Birthday"!

The pot of petunias after
the deer discovered it.

Monday 10/31. Just as I thought, the patches of blue sky disappeared quickly and the rain arrived just before 9:00 am.  The pouring rain.

But it actually stopped by 10:30 and we were on our way in Miss Kitty, driving down to mail our ballots and other letters.  (I thought it was quite appropriate that we were mailing our ballots on Halloween.)  We also picked up packages that I had shipped to Larry and Elsie's shop and they had brought home with them.  Larry was there so we had a nice chat with him.

Back home JB used the tractor to move the swing seat to the north end of the porch.  I put all the chairs by it and covered them all up with a tarp for the winter.  This also creates a barrier to protect the porch against the snow.

The wind picked up and we saw blue sky again.  It was all just too exciting and we all took a long nap.

Tuesday 11/1. It was 40 and mostly cloudy with a light wind as a start to JB's 74'th birthday.  Two small deer were standing just outside the dining area window when I got up.  Dinga was barking, but I didn't let them out until the deer had moved on and I got some good pictures.  I'm sure they stopped by to say "Happy Birthday, JB."  They also ate all the petunias in a pot I had on the ground, plus nibbled a lot of rose hips as they ambled about.

JB didn't want to take the day off, so we got outside to get the battery out of MAX in order to jump it.  JB cut the last small stack of wood that was too long for the stove.  I spread the rest of the straw on the floor of the girls' hen house.  And we puttered around doing other little projects.

The clouds allowed the sun to shine through most of the day and there was NO rain!  We went on both of our walks.  Such a beautiful day for JB's birthday, with a high of 50.  Also to celebrate, the girls gave us 5 eggs!  First time we have ever had that many in one day.  They gave us 81 eggs in October and we now have seven dozen under the bed.

JB made pepperoni pizza for dinner.  A perfect birthday dinner for a guy from Chicago.

JB's Mother is not too happy about still being here, but she is mostly comfortable and in no pain.  Just very weak.

Wednesday 11/2. It is 40 with a light rain falling this morning.  I read that this winter may be warmer than usual.  We do need the snow, but after last winter, a little less would be nice.

Thought for the day: Your prayer for someone may or may not change them, but it always changes you. Craig Groeschel, founder of