Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31, 2051 Excitement & Synchronicity

Ready to ride.
RJ's cabin where he is doing
more remodeling.

Wednesday 7/29. Just realized that the book I was reading, Ironhorse, was not written by Robert B. Parker, but one would never guess.  Robert Knott wrote it after Parker passed away. Knott also worked on the screenplay for Appaloosa.  One of the best westerns ever made.

I think every bird who was Up Here drinking out of our bird bath has told every bird they know about it.  Yesterday evening we must have had 100+ birds flying around at Rose Camp.  And this morning it was so noisy with bird chatter that we almost had to raise our voices to be heard!

Couldn't sleep much last night with the excitement of riding horses today.  We were on our way at about 9:30 am, me on Molly and Bud on Rusty.  And, silly me, Rusty is not just a pied - he is an Appaloosa.  We rode up the road to the canyon near Larry and Elsie's.  I had never been that way but I knew that the trail/road came out at RJ's cabin.  It was quite overgrown for a couple hundred feet, but we came out to a clearing through which the road wound around and up to RJ's.  I gave Bud a tour of the place, and he was properly impressed.  Then we rode up the short cut to Rose Camp where we rested and ate lunch.  

And if all this weren't enough excitement for one day, while we were there, Larry called to say that the police were chasing a possible murder/robbery suspect up the paved road and into the area just to the east of us!  A helicopter was circling for quite a while and then disappeared.  Well, I am always packing, so. . .

We took the road all the way back to Mrs. Gridder's and were gone for a total of about four hours.  Four heavenly hours.  Everything looks so much better on horseback.  Just being around a horse mellows me out.  And the fugitive was caught way to the east of us.  Turns out he was just a thief, no murder involved.

We got the horses unsaddled.  Gave them a good brushing, along with some apples, water and oats.  Then we went into Mrs. Gridder's who served us ice cold water and snacks.  By the time I got back home in Miss Kitty it was after 3:00 pm.  And, again, couldn't wipe the smile from my face.  I absolutely belong on a horse.

Our high for the day was 80, but the ride was very comfortable as we were often in the trees.  It didn't get too warm til we got back down near Larry and Elsie's.

In going through my family records, I came across a diary my Mother kept the first summer we spent at the Forest Service Guard Station.  I was about 14 months old and, thanks to my Grandfather, I loved horses.  The Forest Service always had a horse for the Ranger which my parents took care of and my Father used.  My Mother wrote that she would put me on the horse and walk it around to my utter joy.  Then I would scream when she took me off.  The horses name?  Rusty.  Synchronicity at work. . .

Thursday 7/30. It was 68 with clear skies this morning and a little breeze.  I had to leave for Down There by 8:15 for an eye exam and a few errands.  My eyes haven't changed much, except for the cataract in my right eye, so I opted not to spend the money on new glasses.  I will most likely be having cataract surgery next year anyway and then the insurance will help pay for new glasses.

The temperature was supposed to climb to 100 Down There today, so I wanted to be back home as soon as possible.  I made it back by 12:30 pm.  So glad to be home, but now we both have to go back down tomorrow for JB's check up on his pace maker.  And then again on Monday to take his Jeep in for some work, and Tuesday to pick it up.  I will be so glad when these many trips are over.

Thought for sure I would be sore today but I am not.  I just belong on a horse.

I got the invitations to our annual Rose Camp BBQ ready to mail tomorrow, along with my letter to John Hancock in response to their very lame response to my complaint through the Washington State Insurance Commissioner.  That company is completely devoid of any sort of customer service.

I picked our first tomatoes this afternoon, three small ones off the Rutger's bush.

Our high for the day was 86, and tomorrow is set to be even hotter.  JB's appointments are not until early afternoon.  Can't wait.

Friday 7/31. The skies are clear and at 7:00 am it is already 78 outside.  Not going to be a fun day.

Thought for the day: What I like to do is do - not the fact that I did.  It doesn't excite me.  When people start to think that what they did in the past is perhaps even better than what they do now, they should stop. Karl Lagerfeld

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 29, 2015 Blueberries & Horses

Birds at the bird bath.

Monday 7/27. Just chores and puttering around the house today.  JB has so much energy and feels so much better than he has in months.  He found lots to do, including reading his book.  I baked some double-chocolate zucchini bread, which came out of the oven about five minutes before I left to drive down and help Larry and Elsie pick blueberries.  I cut off a chunk for them and was on my way.

Elsie and I picked blueberries for about two hours, while Larry did some work on their root cellar.  Elsie sent me on my way with a bag of berries, and some garlic and onions.  I picked up the mail and headed home.

A very good day with a high of 70 and a cool breeze.

Tuesday 7/28. It was 60 and clear this morning with a light breeze.  As I went out to feed the girls and water the plants, I noticed that the bird bath was completely dry.  Can't believe the birds did that, so it must have been a four-legged critter during the night.  Although sometimes there are as many birds there as can fit on the edge of the pan and more waiting their turn in the nearby bushes and tomato plant.

JB had fresh blueberries in his breakfast cereal and I was snacking on them all day long.  Definitely going to have to bake a blueberry something.

We finally drained the last of the water from the water barrels that we had been using to flush the toilet.  That 150 gallons lasted a long time.

I have seen only one or two humming birds in the last several days, so I took down the feeders.  Sad to see them leave so early.

Our high for the day was 74 with a nice breeze.  A perfect day.

Mrs. Gridder called this afternoon to say that her Dad wanted to come up tomorrow with both his horses to go riding and would that be OK.  OK?  That would be phenomenal!  So I will meet him at their place by 9:30 am and we will be off for a day of riding.

We have been watching the second season of Major Crimes in the evenings since JB got home.  One of our favorites.

Wednesday 7/29. It is 59 with clear skies this morning, and I plan to spend most of the day in the saddle.

Thought for the day: A room without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015 Relaxing & Recuperating

Canyon to the south of Rose Camp still green.

Friday 7/24. Ah, the plans of mice and men.  One of the symptoms that JB was to watch for was any swelling in his left arm.  He woke up with a marble sized bump just below his elbow, so called for an appointment with his doctor which he got for 2:45 pm.

While waiting to leave, we did our chores.  We also made a list of the amount of salt in the foods that JB eats most, since now he is on no more than 2000 mg of salt per day.  It really isn't going to change much in his diet as we just don't use that much salt or eat that many salty foods.

We left at 1:45 pm and five hours later were on our way home with the doctor's blessing.  That's five times down and back up the mountain in five days.  Normally that would be enough trips for no less than five weeks in the summer.  But all is well, and now we really can relax.

Saturday 7/25. It was 56 and cloudy with a wind gusting to 15 mph.  The clouds and wind remained for the day and our high was a cool 66.

Today we really were able to relax and recuperate from the week.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit this evening.  Always a pleasure to see them, and they commented on JB's great color.

Sunday 7/26. It was 50 and partly cloudy this morning.  A nice, slow morning.

Our neighbors were up in their yurt for a few days and dropped in to say "Hi."  After their visit, we drove Miss Kitty down our road to cut back all the bushes that are encroaching on the road.  It took about an hour and a half, and the dogs were thrilled with the outing.  A few rain cells blew over the canyon while we were out and the light showers were so refreshing.

Back home, it was lunch and nap time.  Our high for the day was 66 again, but higher temps are on the way for the end of the week.

Even with the heat and lack of rain for so long, our north slope of the mountain is still quite green and the canyon to the south of us seems to be greener than usual at this time of the year.

Monday 7/27. It is 54, clear and windy out there this morning.  I plan on going down to Larry and Elsie's this afternoon to help them pick blueberries.

Thought for the day: Life is like photography.  You need the negatives to develop it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015 A New Man

One of our two tomato plants by the bird bath.

Wednesday 7/22. I didn't realize how grey and pasty JB had become until I first saw him this morning after they had implanted his pace maker!  I could actually tell where his grey whiskers ended as they were in such contrast to his rosy complexion.  He was still a little groggy, but obviously felt much better.

After he was all settled in his new room, out of ICU, I left him to sleep and ran some errands before going home.  He should be able to come home tomorrow and will call to let me know what time to pick him up.

I did some housework, a load of laundry, and started a book that JB had found for me - Ironhorse by Robert B. Parker.  Excellent, of course.  Our high for the day was 73 and mostly clear all day.  Lovely.

I also counted the tomatoes - 33 total on both of our plants, and there are still more flowers!

Thursday 7/23. It was 58 and breezy with partly cloudy skies this morning.  I left at 10:30 to go pick up JB.  He was looking good and so pleased to finally be allowed out of bed.  He had asked the pace maker representative if being around our bank of batteries would be a problem, since with these new pace makers you can actually have an MRI.  The rep had never been asked that question before and said that if JB started feeling woozy or light-headed when he was cleaning the cables, then he shouldn't be there.  He has to be careful with the chain saw and can only use it if he holds it below his waist.  Well, that's not an option when cutting down trees, so we will have to work on a solution.   He should be able to cut them into rounds once they are down.  Probably won't be a problem for another year or two as we have so much firewood already cut and stacked, and there are still a lot of naturally downed trees we can use. 

When asked if he wanted a wheelchair ride out or to walk, JB said, "I walked in here and I will walk out of here!"  After picking up his new blood pressure meds, we were home by 1:30 pm and JB went straight to bed for a couple hours.  He has to get used to his new meds, as they slow him down a bit for a couple of hours after taking them.  

So good to have him home again.

Friday 7/24. It is 58 and clear this morning.  We are just going to take it slow and enjoy the day, together.

A big "Thank You" to all our friends, family and reader for your good wishes and remembering us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thought for the day: I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue all the time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015 Politics, Memories & Changes

The beautiful little doe I saw on Monday.

Monday 7/20. On my way Down There I met a beautiful doe on the road.  She was just as curious about me as I was about her, but she finally bounded down into the woods.  It was a good trip and I was home by 1:00.  Lots of papers and magazines to read.

I may not always agree with Donald Trump, but it is so refreshing to have a political candidate speak his mind without regard to political correctness.  This country was founded on our right to speak our mind and disagree.  If someone says something that you find offensive, don't listen to them.  They have the same right to their opinions, as does everyone else.  "Political correctness" is killing America.

Am working more on scanning in family info and sometimes I feel like I am drowning in the past.  So many memories.  Not only mine, but those that were handed down from my parents and grandparents.  Each photo or letter bringing back its own times, places and events.  People just don't live such lives any more in these times.  Should I write it all down?  Would anyone be interested?  Is it truly lost if I don't?  Do family members really need to know it all?  Would they really care?

I have located a museum in Spokane Valley that is very interested in our old family photos, letters and documents.  So I am going to scan lots of items in for them and give them some originals.  That way I know they will be well preserved, cared for and enjoyed.

Tuesday 7/21.  It was 56 and clear when JB left for Down There at 6:00 this morning.  He had an appointment for a stress test at the cardiology unit of the hospital.  However, they only got as far as taking his vitals and then an EKG, before they took him up to ICU and told him he needed a pace maker!  Fortunately my brother was at his cabin, and he drove me to the hospital so I could see JB and pick up his Jeep.

The procedure will be done tomorrow morning and he should be out of recovery by 9:30 am.  This will fix what is wrong and he should be feeling like new again, as he has had very low energy for several months now.  It seems that the lower half of his heart is only working at half its capacity.

So, needless to say, it was quite a day for both of us.  And a very windy day both Down There and Up Here.  Our high was 79 and very comfortable.

I took a nap as soon as I arrived home around 2:30 pm and spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking to friends and family.  This is a very routine procedure and he will certainly be able to drive over to Seattle to take care of his Mom for two weeks beginning August 7.

Wednesday 7/22. It is a chilly 51 with blue skies this morning.  Thankfully, it is supposed to be a bit cooler Down There today.

Thought for the day:  Hope is what makes you smile today.  Faith is what makes you strong enough to have that hope.

Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015 Lizards and More Heat

Lizard sunning himself on the frame of
the compost pile.

Friday 7/17. This was a down day for both of us.  A low energy day.  Just too much excitement yesterday, I guess.  After morning chores, I scanned in more letters (mainly post cards) from the huge binder I have for my Dad's folks.  I am sure that my Grandfather never threw away any letters or cards that he received.  I have them going back to 1909 and possibly earlier.  It is very frustrating when I can't read the postmark, or there isn't one, or no one put a date on the card.

After lunch we got going a bit and put MAX's tracks in the wood shed after I cleared out some bags of shavings.  Then we both took a nap. When I got up, I baked the coffee cake with cherry pie filling on top.  Delicious!

The clouds had cleared by mid morning and the sky stayed blue with a gentle breeze.  Our high was 76.

I heard crickets this evening for the first time this year.  Seems a bit early.  Not sure what that might mean weatherwise.

Saturday 7/18. It was clear and 64 this morning.  While it was still cool, I got outside and used the weed eater to start on the south side of the house.  Actually got most of it done.

We have lots of lizards around this summer.  They seem to be larger than usual - six to 8 inches long instead of three to five.  There was one on the frame of the compost pile yesterday that didn't move at all while I was dumping more in.  When I was taking care of Larry and Elsie's place a few weeks ago, one came running toward me while I was watering their garden.  I turned the spray on him and danced around in it for a few seconds before scampering off into the vegetables.  So cute!

The recycle business in town that burned is opening up again on Tuesday.  And not a moment to soon!

I called Aunt Nene to ask a few questions about the family history and we had a nice long chat.  Only two months til our trip to Idaho!

I finished Ender's Shadow today.  Fantastic book!  Can't wait to get Ender's Game and then see the movie.

It was warmer today with a high of 82, and more heat on the way for the next couple days.  I have to go Down There on Monday for some shopping and JB has to go on Tuesday.  Then I want to get Jesse in for his rattle snake booster by the end of the week.  It's just too hot to do anything else with him in the car, so that will be a "quick" trip.

Sunday 7/19. It was 64 and clear again this morning but warmed up quickly.  Too warm to work outside, so I did more scanning.  JB played Magic on the computer, and we both read books.

I think the wrens that were nesting in the tipi poles have gone.  It's awfully quiet over there.  We still have lots of other birds though and I finally identified the one that makes the "pzzzzzt" noise.  It is a pine siskin, which is in the finch family.  Very pretty with some yellow feathers.  I think that is what has built a nest over the door out to the deck.

Clouds moved in by noon and it was mostly cloudy for the rest of the day.  Cloudy and muggy with a high of 87.  Not at all comfortable.  A breeze would pop up and then die down, leaving us wilted in its wake.

Monday 7/20. It is a cool 56 this morning with clear skies and a breeze.  I hope to get back home before the real heat of the day.

Thought for the day: Self-pity will fulfill all the prophecies it makes and leave only itself. Stephen Fry, actor

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015 Back in the Saddle Again!

Rose on Rusty.

Wednesday 7/15. I spent an hour weed eating this morning and didn't work nearly as hard as I did yesterday.  Finished with the north side and around the hen house, then the west side along the drive.  

I started scanning in documents, photos and letters from my Dad's side of the family.  My cousin, Nene's son, is going to take all this information and keep it for the family.  I will take it over when I go to her place in September.

The girls have only been giving us one egg a day, and sometimes none, for the past few weeks.  At first I thought it was because of the heat, but now I realize it is because two of them are molting.  I guess they don't do it the same time every year, as last year it was in September.

We have another pair of nesting wrens.  They built their nest in the V of the tipi poles!  We can hear the hatchlings each time one of the parents gets near.

JB rinsed out Larry's sprayer and took it back to him after dinner.  I raked up some of the longer grass I had cut and pulled out one of the huge fire weed plants that had been blown over.

It was clear this morning but clouds soon moved in and then out again.  This went on all day til sunset when it was clear again.  Our high for the day was 78, but there was a light wind that kept it comfortable.

Thursday 7/16. It was 54 and overcast with a light wind this morning.  Lovely coolness!

No weed eating today.  I gave my muscles a rest and planned to do inside projects like the dog broth and cherry pie filling.  Just as I was getting the cherries ready, Mrs. Gridder's Dad came riding down our south ridge on his horse!  A beautiful pied by the name of Rusty, or Freckles as his wife calls him.

We sat on the porch and had a nice visit, and then I got to ride Rusty.  It's been more than ten years since I have been in the saddle and I have missed it so.  I rode him around Rose Camp a bit, but it had been a long, uphill ride to get here so I wanted to be sure he was rested for the ride back down.  They had come up the back way and not the road.  Next time he will bring his other horse also and I will meet him at the Gridder's place.  Then we will both ride up together and he may camp Up Here for the night.

After he left, I made the cherry pie filling.  Just enough for two coffee cakes, one of which I will make tomorrow and freeze the rest.  Turned out very good, with just the right amount of tartness.  Couldn't wipe that smile off my face for the rest of the day though. . .

We watched Noah this evening.  Has to be one of - if not THE - hokiest movies I have ever seen.

Friday 7/17. It is 58 and mostly cloudy this morning.  Still smiling.

Thought for the day: Adults are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas. Paula Poundstone

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 15, 2015 A New Toy

Rose by one of the fire weed plants.

Monday 7/13. We looked at a couple different models of weed eaters and, based on our previous research, we purchased a Stihl model FS 70, which is their professional model.  Did some grocery shopping and as we headed for home, we could see that it was raining at Rose Camp.  Woo Hoo!  I actually had to turn on the windshield wipers before we left the pavement.  Almost forgot were they were.  The fresh scent of the rain in the air was absolutely revitalizing.

On our drive down we saw four large wild turkey hens on the road.  They ran in front of us for a ways before darting into the bushes.  Too bad it's not closer to Thanksgiving.

After a dust-free drive back up the mountain, we unloaded everything and relaxed, reading the papers and magazines.  

The fire weed Up Here seems to have bloomed again after going to seed a bit.  It is so pretty and the plants have grown so big.

Dark clouds continued to blow across the sky the rest of the day until about 9:00 pm, when they all disappeared to the east.  Our high for the day was 74.

Tuesday 7/14. It was a lovely, cool 58 this morning with clear skies.

I got dressed for using the weed eater by mid-morning, and attacked the grasses and weeds on the north side of the house.  The machine only weighs ten pounds, but it will take practice in balancing and maneuvering it.  I did manage to do a pretty good job for about half an hour, and got a lot done.  I kept waiting to see pieces of a snake to go flying, but never did.  Will do some more tomorrow morning.

The Aug-Sept issue of Cowboys & Indians is the best one I have ever read!  Great articles about fascinating people.

A very interesting "Home & Heart" article by Kathleen Jarschke-Shultze in the July-Aug issue of Home Power magazine entitled "Homestead Water-Wizardry".  She lives in northern California and their water sources are producing less water each year.

So much in the papers and on the internet about all the presidential candidates spouting their political rhetoric.  I love to read about Donald Trump.  He is honest and does not have to kowtow to any special interests.  I can't picture me voting for him but, if by some miracle or disaster, he is the GOP candidate, I wouldn't hesitate.  NO way am I voting for a Democrat, well unless perhaps Elizabeth Warren runs. . .  Did I just write that?!

But, back to reality, I think JB and I are eating healthier this summer as opposed to the colder weather.  And I think I have lost a pound or two, in spite of the Sees candy.  More fruits and veggies, less carbs.  Lighter meals with smaller helpings.

Many of the humming birds seem to have moved on.  I haven't filled the feeders for three days now, and I had been filling them on a daily basis.  There are lots of other birds around though, and they are all enjoying the bird bath although they seem to be drinking rather than bathing.

We saw and heard a rattle snake on our afternoon walk, but it was in the bushes to the side of the road so I wasn't able to get it.  Sounded like a big one.

We saw a few clouds today, but the skies remained mostly clear and our high for the day was 74 again.  A very pleasant 74.

Wednesday 7/15. It is 56 and clear this morning.  I plan to get outside soon and do some more weed eating.  Rose Camp is going to be looking good!

Thought for the day: Silence is not only golden, but it is seldom misquoted.

Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015 A Cool Weekend

Setting sun through the smoke Friday evening.

Friday 7/10. I was on my way to Mrs. Gridder's and to go garage saling by 7:30 am.  I had no idea how many people sent to garage sales on a Friday morning!  We found lots of great-priced treasures, and I was back home by 12:30 with four bags of books, clothes and sheets.   Lots of cute summer tops and couple pair of jeans.  There was a cool wind that kept it all comfortable til we were almost done.

Friday night was JB's turn to go out, as he was going to attend a pre-release game night for Magic cards.  He wanted to be there by 10:00 pm and left early enough to make a few stops beforehand.  

Our high for the day was 87, but the breeze made it seem cooler.  Clouds had begun to move in by the time I got home.  It was actually cool enough to do some weeding after JB left, and the forecast is for at least the next week to be back to normal temperatures.

Instead of watching anything, I started reading Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card.  It is a companion book to Ender's Game, which I also want to read, but I don't know if I want to read the book or see the movie first.

Saturday 7/11. JB didn't get home until after 3:30 this morning!  He really enjoyed himself but doesn't think he'll do the midnight gaming again.  By the time we got up at 8:00 am, it was 64 and mostly cloudy with a breeze.  There was less smoke and the air smelled like rain.

Ah, now I remember how it feels to be cool!  I could actually wear socks and shoes instead of flip flops without getting heat stroke.

It was so nice and cool that after breakfast I went out and cut a wheel barrow load of the last pile of branches.  Then stacked it in the woodshed.  JB went back to bed.  And I did some more scanning of photos.

Larry found a large rattle snake by their house today that had twelve buttons!  They are certainly out and about this summer

Our high for the day was only 75.  Cool enough to finally make pizza again for dinner.

Sunday 7/12.  It was 57 and overcast this morning.  I actually had to wear my bathrobe when I went out to feed the chickens, and it felt so good.

After our big Sunday breakfast, I did some serious house cleaning which was way overdue.  After lunch JB mowed a couple swaths down through the slope above the house and then the drive up and around the south ridge.  A very dirty, dusty job.  I cut up and stacked another load of branch wood and did some weeding.  It felt so good to be out doing physical work.

Tomorrow we plan to go Down There together to look for a weed eater that we will get instead of a lawn mower.  Our son has one that takes different attachments, so that is what we will be looking for.  We will also do some grocery shopping. 

My friend, Jane, and her husband are on a cruise of the Mediterranean and today she posted some photos from Monte Carlo, where they are now.  I have been on cruises to Alaska, but the Mediterranean is the only other one I wanted take.  So I am officially envious.

The overcast broke up by noon, but huge dark clouds continued to float over from the southwest.  We received about ten drops of rain, and by dinnertime the sky was almost completely overcast again.  Our high for the day was a lovely 76.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit which we enjoyed on the porch in the cool evening.  They picked 20 lbs of their blueberries today and plan to do the same tomorrow.  A bumper crop this year.

Monday 7/13. It is 58 and cloudy this morning.  We plan to be on our way Down There by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: Every act of violence rends the fabric of time. . . Smithsonian magazine July-Aug 2015, page 65

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015 Hot. Hotter. Argh!!!

My easy-to-clean bird bath.

Wednesday 7/8. Our visit to the vet turned into a horrible trauma for Dinga.  Each time I have taken her, it has been worse.  So I decided that this was her very last visit, regardless.  If something awful happens to her, I will just have to put her down.  On top of everything else, they ran out of rattlesnake vaccine yesterday.  I will take Jesse in for his shot and then next year we will take him to a new vet clinic, but never again for Dinga.

We got home a little after 10:00 am.  I had breakfast and then took a long nap.

I have a cement bird bath that I have had for years but never used it as such because it is so hard to clean.  It occurred to me that if I put a pan in it, I could clean that out very easily.  And so I did.  Now I clean it out every other day and the birds always have fresh water.  How simple, and it only took me 25 years to think of it!

There was very little air movement today, so our high of 88 seemed much hotter than that.

We started watching the second season of Weeds this evening and it completely took our mind off the heat.  Hilarious!

Thursday 7/9. It was 72 and clear this morning, with a little less smoke to the north.  JB took off down the road in Miss Kitty about 10:00 am to spray for knap weed.  He had to come back and fill up the sprayer a second time.  He missed a lot of it last year, so he wanted to be sure he got it all this year.

On his first trip he came upon a deer just ambling down the road at the short-cut turn off to RJ's.  He slowly followed it for a ways until it obviously got upset with his presence and turned off down into the woods.  He was so tickled by the encounter, although I doubt the deer was.

I did the laundry, the dishes, some more scanning and read a book.  Trying to keep cool, but not succeeding.  JB took it easy for the rest of the day when he finished up at about 11:30 am, and read a book also.  Our high for the day was 92, again with no air movement.  Thank goodness the temperature is supposed to start cooling down beginning tomorrow, and then a little cooler each day of the weekend.

I found a great sounding recipe for zucchini fries that I made for dinner this evening.  Half-inch thick spears are dredged through beaten egg, then covered with panko bread crumbs, Parmesan and rosemary and cooked on a cookie sheet.  JB grilled pork chops.  Delicious!  And well worth it even though I had to use the oven.

Watched more Weeds this evening.  More hilarity.

Friday 7/10. It is 69 and clear this morning, but still with a lot of smokey haze to the north.  I am going to take a nice, cool shower and then I am off to go garage saling!

Thought for the day: Prayer is not our last resort, but our first resource.  Guideposts reader Gary Moyer

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8 2015 Memories, Changes & Fish

Two deer on the south ridge Tuesday morning.

Monday 7/6. The drive down to Larry and Elsie's at 7:30 am was so enjoyable.  So nice and cool.  Everything on this north side of the mountain is still very lush and green.

I began scanning in my scrapbooked photo albums today and finished the year 1999.  Lots of good memories.  Only seven more albums to go. . .

Larry and Elsie arrived home mid morning after having a very good time and catching their limit of walleye and some perch.  We have a fish fry coming up!

Mrs. Gridder called to say that she has some zucchini for us from her garden.  JB will pick it up on his way back from Down There tomorrow.  She and I are going to go saling on Friday - garage saling!  Woo Hoo!

The temperatures Down There for the past few weeks have been 15 to 25 degrees above normal.  The forecast is for more average weather beginning this weekend.  No rain in sight though.  A light overcast formed by mid afternoon and our high for the day was 84.

Tuesday 7/7.  It was a cool 64 with a partial light overcast this morning.  JB left for Down There a 7:30 am for his annual physical, errands and some grocery shopping.

I did more scanning while he was gone.  Today was 1997, 1998 and the first part of 2000.  It seems like the new century was the beginning of the end for several family relationships.  Five divorces.  Five deaths. Ten births since then.  And everything is different.

JB was home by 1:30 pm and we just relaxed for the rest of the day.  We have to get up early tomorrow morning to take the dogs in for their annual checkups and shots.  I made their appointment for 8:30 am so we could miss the worst of the heat.

There was lots of haze and smoke to the north today.  Seems that it is even affecting the west side of the mountains.  Our high for the day was 86.

We watched Fight Club this evening; it's only 13 years old.  OMG!!  Phenomenal, and not at all what I was expecting.

Wednesday 7/8. It is 66 and hazy this morning.  Lake Wenatchee received an inch of rain yesterday!  Good for them.  Now where is ours?

Thought for the day: I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others.

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015 Family Genaeology

Fire weed and lacy deer brush.

Friday 7/3. I have decided to relinquish my position as keeper of the records for both sides of my family.  I don't feel like all the documents, photos and letters I have, going back to the late 1800's, are as safe Up Here as they might be Down There somewhere.  And it is time for the next generation to enjoy them.  Several years ago I scanned most of the photos into my computer and gave copies to everyone on discs.  Getting rid of the originals will be very difficult as I have been collecting them for decades. 

I sent emails out to my cousins to see who would be interested in taking over.

I almost gave JB a heart attack when I went out to dump the eight or so bags of perfect pine cones I had collected and been saving in the wood shed.  Guess it's time to get rid of everything I don't need.  Pass it on or dump it.  I can always find more pine cones when I decide what projects I want to use them for.

I started scanning in all the documents, photos and letters for my Mother's side of the family that I wanted.  I have five binders full that are fairly well organized.  A cousin on my Mother's side, who lives on the east coast, very quickly volunteered to take over, so JB will mail the first box to him on Tuesday. 

Our high for the day was 92, but there was a breeze.

Watched more episodes of Justified this evening.  After sitting through two or three of them, I'm drawlin' just like I was born in the Kentucky backwoods.  I really think I must have been a southerner in some previous life.  This just comes to easily.

Saturday 7/4. We were up at 6:30 am to do some work outside while it was still cool.  It was 69 with a breeze.  I had dumped all my saved pine cones on the small swale with a lot of dry, cut grass.  Because of the heat and fire danger, I wanted to get that all covered with dirt.  Only took about an hour.

Larry and Elsie left this morning for a three-day mini-vacation on their favorite lake.  I'll be watering their gardens and feeding their cats and chickens for them while they are gone.

I spent the rest of the day scanning items into my computer and actually just about finished.  Then drove Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's after dinner.

Our high for the day was 91, but it didn't seem that hot.  I think that's because it has been cooling off more at night, allowing the house to cool down also.  Or maybe we're just getting used to it.

Finished watching season five of Justified, and now have to look for a good deal on their last season.

Sunday 7/5. It was 68 with hazy skies and a distinct smell of smoke at 7:00 this morning.  JB got on line and found that there are three fires in north central Washington, although none of them are close to us: one near Lake Wenatchee; one near Lake Chelan; and a new one on Blewett Pass.

I left at 7:30 for Larry and Elsie's.  Fire weed is blooming along the road in many places.  Their vivid pink mixing with the white lace of the deer brush.  There are also patches of purple asters.

Spent more time scanning in the last of the items that I wanted.  All in all I had scanned in more than 270 pages.

Again, after dinner, I drove down to Larry and Elsie's.  Not as much of a breeze this evening, but our high for the day was only 84.

Monday 7/6. It is an incredibly lovely 64 this morning with blue sky and no smokey haze.  Am looking forward to my drive down to Larry and Elsie's.

Thought for the day: Never get rid of the desire to climb a tree or run through the sprinklers. via

Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3, 2015 Photos, Sweet Onions & Memories of a Rendesvous

1988 Western Rendesvous
Paradise, MT

Traders' Row

Wednesday 7/1. I spent most of the day in the past, sorting photos.  Throwing some away; giving some away; reliving forgotten memories.

JB worked in the shop sorting, clearing and organizing.  It's really starting to take shape and be a shop!

Our high for the day was 86.  Not too bad, but the breeze pretty much died out about mid afternoon.

The girls gave us 48 eggs in June.  I think they are slowing down due to the heat.

Started watching the fifth season of Justified, mostly to take our mind off the heat.

Thursday 7/2. It was 78 and clear with a breeze this morning.  Love that breeze!

JB worked in the shop again, and I sorted through photos.  My main job today was on an album of more than 200 photos I took when we attended the NMLRA-NAPR Western Rendesvous in 1988 that was held in Paradise, MT.  It started the same day that the big fire started in Yellowstone Park, which is only about 20 miles south of where we were.  We arrived just in front of the storm that had been following us all the way from Spokane.  It was hot week, a little smokey, with brilliant sunsets.  An incredible experience.

As I continue to put paper, cans and plastic into our recycle bins, I wonder if we will have anywhere to take it, as the second fire Sunday night was at the recycling plant. . .

On a positive note, tis the season of Walla Walla sweet onions!  So good!  I remember my Dad eating Walla Walla's in onion sandwiches.

Our high for the day was 88, and again the breeze pretty much disappeared around mid afternoon.  I can take the heat when there is a breeze.  Fortunately NOAA is forecasting more light winds this weekend.  

After watching three episodes of Justified, we sat on the porch and enjoyed the breeze that had popped up again.

Friday 7/3. It is 70 and clear this morning with a light breeze.  Supposed to be 104 Down There today.

Thought for the day: Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands.  Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again.  Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world. Daniel Webster.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015 Go-Bags & Tomatoes

Deer brush along our road.

Monday 6/29. We have six little tomatoes on one of the plants that Elsie gave us.  So looking forward to when they are ripe!

Certainly enjoying the coolness and the rain-freshened air.  The house finally had a chance to cool down, just in time for the next heat wave.  Our high for the day was "only" 84.

JB's Mom sent her sewing machine home with JB for me.  So thankful for it, and have several items in need of repair.  I know I will put it to good use throughout the coming years.

I packed my go-bag while JB was gone and now he is going to pack his.  I got to worrying about all my photo albums and decided they simply needed to be downsized.  So, starting with the earliest ones, I am taking the photos out of the albums; sorting them out; throwing away some and giving away others.  I was able to put six-albums worth into one small shoe-size box.  The albums I have created with decorated pages, I will just keep as is.  This is going to take a while, but hopefully I can finish up this week.

After dinner I drove Miss Kitty down to Elsie's to pick pie cherries.  Got two big containers of them and plan to make and can pie filling.

JB shaved off his beard, as he usually does this time of year.  Very disconcerting, as he looks so different.

Sat on the porch this evening and enjoyed the cool breeze.

Tuesday 6/30. It was 70 and clear this morning.  I was up early to shower and go Down There for groceries before it gets back into the 100's again.  The first time I got up was at 4:30 to let the dogs out.  They encountered a skunk again and I had to wash off Jesse a bit.  Not too bad, but it completely woke me up and I didn't get much more sleep before I got back up at 7:30.

My cousin from southern California called me just as I was leaving as he saw the news of the fire last night.  We don't talk very often, which is unfortunate, but we had a great chat, with the promise to call more.

In town I could smell the smoke from the fire, which is now almost completely out except for one of the warehouses that is still smoking a bit.  Twenty-eight home were lost and 4000 acres burned.  With no laundry to do, I was home by 12:30 pm.

There are huge deer-brush bushes everywhere this year, and along the road in places it is like driving through a tunnel of white lace.  Seems to be at least three times as many as usual.

Worked on my photo albums again for a few hours.  It is like reliving my life.  So many memories.

The heat isn't so bad when the nights are cool.  I can only hope it will continue like this.

Wednesday 7/1. It is 68 and clear this morning.  Will probably spend the day sorting photos.

Thought for the day: It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. Bertrand Russell