Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018 Eggs, Mail & More Bare Ground

Our road on Wednesday.
Most of it looks like this,
with a few bare patches.
The main canyon road right where
our road meets it.

Wednesday 3/28. Had a nice long chat with Sandy this morning.  They have had some much-needed rain in Santa Rosa, but it was 80 there yesterday.

After chores and hanging up the laundry, I drove Miss Kitty down around noon to pick up the mail and send a birthday card to our granddaughter.  On the way back up, I enjoyed a nice long visit with Larry and Elsie.  So great to have them at home now on the weekdays.  All in all, a very social day.  And a great day for a drive in the mountains, with a high of 51.

And it was also a four-egg day!  But one of them had no shell, membrane only, so I left it in their house for them to eat.

Our little herd of five deer has grown to more than eight.  If the dogs are inside when the herd passes through, we don't let them out.  Very frustrating for the dogs, but the deer have a chance to graze, and we have a chance to watch them.

We watched When Harry Met Sally last night and this evening we watched John Wick.  Complete opposites, but both very entertaining.

Thursday 3/29. It was 30 and mostly overcast this morning with just a slice of blue sky to the west.

We both got outside to work a bit on clearing the drains of ice, and gathering downed branches.  That slice of blue to the west didn't expand any, so the day was mostly cloudy with a high of 49.

It was another four-egg day, and all were perfect.

I spent some time looking for old photographs from the 1930's, '40's and '50's  of my Dad's best friend.  I found three and emailed them to his son.

Friday 3/30. It is 36 this morning with mostly clear skies, except for around the edges.

Thought for the day: Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28, 2018 Wind, Sun & Melting Snow

View to the northwest on Sunday.

Monday 3/26. By mid-day the overcast had broken up and the sun was shining.  The wind had arrived and was gusting to 17 mph.

Laundry today was towels, and, as with underwear, there are too many items for the clothes line.  So that means I hang up the first batch, and when they are dry, I take them down and I hang up the second batch.  It does keep me busy.

I finished the sixth row of wood in the wood shed and started on the seventh and last row.  We still should have plenty though with all the wood stacked on the porch, especially since the days and nights are getting warmer now.

I also finished pricing all the items for the garage sale.  Ended up with three boxes and a bag.

We watched all the special features of the last season of Boston Legal this evening.  Such an incredible TV show series!  One of the best ever.

Tuesday 3/27. It was 36 and clear this morning with the wind still blowing, but not quite as hard as yesterday.  Since the temperature was over 32, the girls got cabbage and bananas for breakfast, and were quite delighted, even though they do love their oatmeal.

It was very windy for JB's morning walk with the dogs, but by our afternoon walk the wind had calmed a bit and the day had warmed to 50.  A really great Spring day, during which a lot during which a lot of ground re-appeared.

I baked cookies and we read our books.  I do LOVE being retired!  Tomorrow I plan to drive Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail and send some mail.

Wednesday 3/28. It is 30 with clear skies this morning and still a bit of a breeze.

Thought for the day: So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. . . You can fail at what you don't want.  So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.  Jim Carrey

Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 More Snow, More Melting & A Trip Down There

Most of the snow is gone in the grove
and by the chicken coup.

Friday 3/23. JB went back to bed soon after I got up.  I hadn't slept the night before, so he got up with the dogs and lit the fire during the night without waking me up.  What a guy!

We had another 1/2" of snow by the time it stopped falling around noon.  The sun came out and the wind whipped up, blowing all the snow off the trees.  Everything was white again. . .

I took the dogs on both the morning and afternoon walk, and by our afternoon one, most of the morning snow had melted.  

Other than chores, I spent a lot of time pricing items for the garage sale.  I will be going to Moses Lake with Mrs. Gridder on April 5 to take everything over to her folks' place where the sale will be in another month or so.  We will be staying there a night or two.  So looking forward to the trip!

Saturday 3/24. It was 24 and partly cloudy this morning.  I was on my way Down There about 9:45 am to run some errands and pick up a few groceries.  Actually, this trip was mainly to help my case of winter blahs.  And it worked!  Such a beautiful day!  Our road is still covered with snow, as is the main canyon road.  There are a few areas of dirt where the sun hits it and they tend to be frozen in the morning and muddy in the afternoon.  From Larry and Elsie's on down, it is all dirt.

The Coastal store in East Wenatchee has a petting zoo with an alpaca, small and large goats, bunnies and geese.  Oh, and hot dogs.  They were raising money for larger rabbit cages at one of the fairs.  Nothing like a group of cute animals to make one feel better.  And - Girl Scout cookies!  I bought a box of the thin mints and since they don't have gluten-free, I will have to eat them all myself.

I was home before 3:00 pm and my trip included a nice visit with Mrs. Gridder.  Our high for the day Up Here was 43, but I am sure it was much warmer in town.

Our garbage/recycle shed sure is filling up more quickly than normal.  Don't know why we would be creating more garbage than usual this winter.  We usually take it to the dump as soon as the road will allow, possibly late April.

Sunday 3/25. It was 24 with clear skies this morning.  A beautiful, but chilly day with a high of 42.  Clouds moved in early afternoon and we had a short snow flurry around 3:00 pm, but the sun shone most of the day.

I did some more pricing for the garage sale, and am almost done with that.  Now I have to print up some signs.  I am going to be selling items left over from my crafting business I had for several years before we retired.  They consist of jewelry findings, beads and lots of finished goods - handmade polymer clay jewelry and other items.  Forgot how much I had, and I really want to get rid of it all.

We watched the last three episodes of the last season of Boston Legal this evening.  Wow!  Will definitely be watching this series over and over and over.

Monday 3/26. It is 30 and overcast this morning.  Looks like it is snowing in the mountains.

Thought for the day: To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight.  ee cummings

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018 Marbles & Typical Spring Weather

Dinga observing the melting
snow & watching for critters.

Wednesday 3/21. The forecast rain arrived about 11:30 am in the form of snow which lasted a couple hours, but nothing stuck.  Spring can be so fickle!  

The juncos are back with Spring matters on their minds.  Winter can be so quiet that it is good to hear bird song again.

It was a very dark, grey day with a high of 40.  The brightest part came at about 6:30 when Larry and Elsie drove up for marbles!  The first game was a route, with the ladies doing the routing.  The second game was very close, but once again the ladies prevailed.  Woo Hoo!

Rain was pouring down by 10:00 pm, and continued to do so for several hours.

Thursday 3/22. It was 36 and we were ensconced in a very thick fog this morning.  More than 1/4" of rain fell during the night, and 1/2" is forecast for today with flood warnings in many places.  Mud season has officially arrived.

Rain began falling again just as JB and the dogs returned from their morning walk, and continued to fall until about 1:30 pm.  By then the wind had blown the fog away and we could actually see a couple canyons over.  Around 3:00 pm and icy wind blew in some snow that stopped about the time the dogs and I returned from surviving our afternoon walk.  The sun managed to peek through the clouds between showers, and our high for the day was 39.

I tried to keep busy inside with chores and reading a book, but I certainly do tend to eat a lot more when I can't be outside working.  A lot of winter fat to work off this year. . .

Friday 3/23. It is 24, overcast and lightly snowing this morning.

Thought for the day: We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. John W. Gardener

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018 Finally - Spring!

The receding snow in
the grove.
A wildflower popping up
on the south ridge -
bear grass?

Monday 3/18. I was on my way Down There in Miss Kitty by 8:45 am on another beautiful, Spring-like day.  So much warmer in town, I took my coat off and took my time.  I filled JB's Jeep Wrangler up with everything on my list and more, and was afraid I might have to make two trips up the mountain in Miss Kitty, but I got it all to fit perfectly.  One more item and I might have been out of luck.  Also had a nice chat with Elsie.

Even with no rushing, I was home by 1:30 pm.  Took a while to unload and put everything away.  Not only do we put the groceries away, we have to add most of them to the pantry list

Our high for the day Up Here was 48, but I am sure it was at least ten degrees warmer Down There.

Tuesday 3/20. The first day of Spring began with 28 and clear skies, and what a delightful day it was, with a high again of 48.  The edges of the snow are receding more each day, just not as quickly as I would like.  The seasons always seem to arrive in person before they do on the calendar, especially Fall and Winter.  Spring usually hesitates until the last week before the equinox, and summer can be the same way with its solstice, but Fall often arrives three weeks before the calendar indicates it will, and Up Here Winter barges in four to six weeks early.

I enjoyed reading a newspaper with my coffee this morning, then jumped into doing the laundry and dishes.  After lunch, I went out on the east slope to begin the Spring project of collecting downed branches for kindling before they disappear into the grass.  I put them in piles for now, and will bring them down when the snow is all gone.

I realize that I write about the weather so much each day, but it really does define our life Up Here.  There are no paved roads cleared by town or county vehicles.  There are no stores or neighbors close by.  Just about everything we do depends upon the right weather for it.

Wednesday 3/21. It is 32 and mostly cloudy this morning with wind and rain in the forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow.

Thought for the day: Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think. Werner Heisenberg

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018 Typical March Weather & Bears

Zooming down on the
Columbia River from
the north ridge.

Friday 3/16. Mid morning the overcast began to break up and the sun peaked out off and on.  It remained fairly cloudy all day, but it was with a high of 42.

Yesterday evening and this morning, the dogs were barking much more than usual.  Jesse doesn't bark unless he actually sees a critter other than a deer.  This morning neither of them went further than the driveway across from the house and Dinga came running back and up on the porch with her tail between her legs.  Bear?  Cat?  Coyote?

Right after lunch I drove Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail.  I always enjoy the drive down and back up regardless of the weather or the vehicle I am in.  Stopped on the way back for a nice chat with Larry and Elsie as they were trimming their blueberry bushes.

Back home, on our afternoon walk, the dogs and I hiked up the peak.  Didn't see any tracks that might have given me a clue as to what the dogs had been barking at.

Saturday 3/17. This St. Patrick's Day began with 32, partly cloudy skies, and 1/2" of new snow.  March's lion just won't give up.  But it is now warm enough that we don't need a fire all day, and don't need to set the alarm to get up and put one in at night.  I put one in before we go to bed around 9:00 pm and then not again til about 5:00 am.

Weatherwise today would have been the perfect day to go Down There for some Spring grocery shopping, but I just didn't want to.  Very unusual because I usually do. . .  I had a bad case of the blahs, and this with Spring just around the corner.  So close I could almost smell her perfume.

Around 3:00 pm I looked up from just having started a new book (Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak) while the last batch of cookies was in the oven, and snow was falling.  It had just been 44 and sunny!  Well, after all it is March.  When the cookies were done, the dogs and I went on our afternoon walk and discovered that small, soft hail was falling rather than snow.  Hail that grew quite large by the time we got back to the house.  The hail took the place of this morning's snow that had already melted, and it soon disappeared too.

Sunday 3/18. It was 32 with clear skies this morning.  Large clouds moved slowly across the sky, the dark, foreboding ones going to the south over Mission Ridge.

Another slow day for both of us.  I finished the book I started yesterday, couldn't put it down!  Excellent

We know for sure the bears are awake.  Larry saw huge tracks up a ravine to the north of his house about a week ago, and yesterday a guest of theirs spotted a sow and cub.

A little after 4:30 pm a very noisy hail storm moved in, although it stayed sunny in town.  This type of noise always throws Dinga into a panting, pacing snit, as she expects to hear thunder.  Fortunately it only lasted for about 1/2 hour.

I am going to go Down There tomorrow to do the Spring grocery shopping, so I will be loaded down when I get back home.

Monday 3/19. It is 29 with clear skies and a breeze this morning.  Hope to be on my way by 8:30 and will just take my time.

Thought for the day: When God answers my prayers, sometimes She says "No".  Sometimes She says "Yes".  And sometimes She says "You've got to be kidding!"

Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16, 2018 Watching Spring Return to The Mountain

Looking down to our house from
more than halfway up to the peak.
Looking west from the south ridge
on Monday before the snow
really started melting.
Miss Kitty's new BIG

Wednesday 3/14. Went back to bed after feeding the dogs and girls.  I really do NOT like Daylight Savings Time.  I am all for keeping us on Standard Time, but JB doesn't want to.

Just another day on the mountain doing chores and watching the snow melt.  Our high for the day was 46.

Thursday 3/15. It was 28 and partly cloudy this morning.  Clouds continued to float across the sky all day, but rarely blocked the sun.  Our high for the day was 45.

Another day watching Spring arrive, and LMAO at the postings on Facebook from the son of my Dad's best friend growing up.  He found me a few weeks ago and we are definitely kindred spirits.  Conservative gun-toting kindred spirits.

Friday 3/16. It is 31 this morning with a heavy overcast that has sliced off the tops of the mountains.  There is rain in the forecast for today and the weekend.

Thought for the day: My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018 A Trip Down There & Rain

Coyote (?) prints on top
of the snow.
My new wall art.

Monday 3/12. I was on my way Down There at 8:45 am and back home by 1:00 pm.  It was a glorious day and a great ride both down and back up.  Dropped off a big load at the thrift store.  Did some errands and then allowed myself time to just walk up and down the aisles at Hobby Lobby.  Tried not to drool on too many items and finally spent my Christmas $$ from Aunt Nene - a wooden sign with a chicken that says "Country Kitchen".  (See photo above.)  And picked up a couple other items, one of which I actually needed.

Had a nice chat with Larry on the way back up.  The mile of road from his house down to the pavement was frozen mud when I drove down, but was beginning to soften on my way back up.  It was still mostly snow and ice from there on up, but the snow on our road has sunk a good four or five inches since the last time I was down, so no possibility of belly panning.

This morning was the first time this winter that the girls' water was not frozen.  Maybe Spring really is on its way. . .  Our high for the day was 51!  Unfortunately, this warmer weather also means that the yellow jackets, that have wintered in our loft walls, are waking up.  At least we don't have nearly as many as we used to, but we really need to find out where they are getting in.

Of course, along with Spring, comes Daylight Savings Time.  What an irritation!

Tuesday 3/15. It was 38 and overcast this morning.  We had a brief rain/snow shower about 9:30 am, and a few more during the day.  The sun made a successful effort to break through around noon, but it didn't last long.  Our high was 44.

I spent most of the day hanging laundry and pictures.  Hung the Country Kitchen sign I bought yesterday, and re-arranged some others making room for pictures that had been packed away.

On our walks the past few days, we have heard wild turkeys, woodpeckers and a few other birds whose songs I cannot identify on both the south and north ridges.  And, again, the south face is devoid of snow.  Yep, Spring should be just around the corner.  I figure if March goes out like a lamb with as much energy as it came in with like a lion, the temperature should be in the 70's by the time it leaves.

Heavy rain moved in around 7:00 pm and lasted for a couple hours.  Not looking forward to mud season.

Wednesday 3/16. Happy Pi Day!  It is 30, overcast and breezy with a light rain/snow mix falling this morning.

Thought for the day: Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, over time, perverted it into tyranny.  Thomas Jefferson

Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12, 2018 Sun & Energy

No photos this morning thanks to Google Blogger.

Friday 3/9. The last few days there have been tracks on top of the snow on the south ridge.  They look like our dogs' but a little smaller and our dogs cannot walk on top of the snow right now.  Not a cat because there are nail imprints.  The only thing I can think of is a small coyote.

One of our older girls, Belinda, has been acting like she doesn't feel well and today I found an egg with no shell.  Just the membrane holding everything together.  Pretty sure it was from her as she is acting much better now.

A beautiful day with a high of 42, and warmer weather in the forecast.

Saturday 3/10. It was 24 and clear this morning.  I woke up with a burst of energy, wanting to move the bookshelf in our bedroom up to the loft.  Easy sentence to write, much more difficult to carry out.  There was no room in the loft, so I was forced to finally sort out several boxes that I had been been meaning to sort for the past nine years.  But our bedroom has been more like a storage room with a bed in it and I just can't deal with that any more.  Another 200 sq. ft. would be nice, but then I would just have more "stuff".

I actually did get everything moved and, once I get rid of everything at the garage sale Mrs. Gridder is having, we will be able to play tennis in the loft!  Well, maybe not tennis. . . badminton?  It felt so good get it all done, but every muscle in my body was upset about it.

Another beautiful day and the only white in the sky were contrails.  Our high was 42 again, but it sure felt warmer, especially up on the south ridge.  Had to be at least 50 there when the dogs and I went on both walks.

Sunday 3/11. It was 30 and partly cloudy this morning, but the clouds soon disappeared.  My muscles were screaming this morning so I mollified them with some ibuprofen.  Laid down on the couch to let it work, but the problem with lying on our couch is that it is way too comfortable not to fall asleep.

Finished up what I started yesterday and took some boxes to the loft from the bedroom.  Also got a very large pile of items ready to take down to the thrift shop tomorrow.  It will be a quick trip with just a few stops.  Elsie and I plan to go to lunch together later in the week.

Much warmer today with a high of 48.  Ground is beginning to show once again around most of the trees and in the grove.  So looking forward to Spring.

Monday 3/12. It is 34 with mostly clear skies this morning.  I hope to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: Doubt kill more dreams than failure ever will.  Karim Seddiki

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 9, 2018 Snow, Fog, & Wind

Fog in the canyon to the south.

Wednesday 3/7. Clouds soon moved in creating a solid overcast.  It was a very grey day, with the heavy clouds seeming to weigh us down.  Other than daily chores and laundry, we both read a lot.

We started watching season four of Blacklist this evening.  So entertaining.

Thursday 3/8. It was 28 this morning and foggy, with another 1/2" of snow dropped during the night.  Snow began falling again around 8:30 am and continued off and on most of the day, but it was a very fine snow that didn't stick.  Probably because of the fog it had to fall through.

I bought a small notebook in which to record all the necessary information for our son should anything happen to us.  Probably should have done this years ago.  I have seen a book sold for this reason entitled "I'm Dead, Now What", but just couldn't bring myself to buy it. . .

Took the dogs on both their walks & cleaned off the solar panels in the morning.  But like yesterday, it was mainly daily chores, reading and a lovely nap.

The fog finally retreated around 4:30 and we had mostly blue sky.  Our high for the day was 34, until after sunset when the wind picked up and the temperature rose to 38.  The wind blew all night, gusting to 31 mph.

Friday 3/9. It is 25 with partly cloudy skies this morning.  The wind has died down a bit, but still not a day I will enjoy going out in.

Thought for the day: The more you complain about your problems, the more problems you will have to complain about. Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7, 2018 Sunshine & A Prognosis

The Gridders' pygmy goats.

Monday 3/5. We were actually able to get on our way Down There at 7:50 this morning.  Arrived at the orthopedic center (after buying my latte) a half an hour early for JB's appointment.  I dropped him off and drove off to the three stops I needed to make.  Was back before he was done.  It seems the prognosis is: his knees are 75 years old, just like the rest of him.  And we had to pay the doctor to tell us that??

We were back home by 11:30 with no issues driving up the mountain.  It felt very good to be back home and know that nothing was torn or broken in JB's knee.  He is really getting around much better and the doctor told him to just do what he was comfortable with.  Good.  Now he can start earning his keep again. . .

More clouds than sun today, but still very nice with a high of 40.

Tuesday 3/6. It was 22 with clear skies this morning, but quickly warmed up.  With all the sun shining on the solar panels, I absolutely had to vacuum today.  Lots of other chores to do, too.  

After lunch we both went outside.  JB started all the vehicles, moving slowly but steadily.  I brought in the wood, gave the girls clean shavings in their nesting boxes, took the dogs for their afternoon walk, etc., etc.

JB cooked dinner for the first time in more than two weeks.  He makes a great meatloaf.  I was able to finish my book, Angel of Losses, by Stephanie Feldman.  Jewish mysticism at its most entertaining!

Wednesday 3/7. It is 23 and mostly clear this morning.  I just might take the day off. . .

Thought for the day: If only closed minds came with closed mouths.

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5, 2018 Down To Pick Up the Mail

No photo today.  Blame Google Blogger.

Friday 3/2. The snow soon stopped falling and we had 1/2" more.  The wind picked up and blew the fog away, revealing an overcast sky, but by 1:00 pm we had big patches of blue and the sun was recharging the batteries.  Our high for the day was 37.

Too busy for a morning walk, so in the afternoon the dogs and I hiked down the road aways.  I wanted to see if I thought I could drive Miss Kitty down with that 5-1/2" of new snow we received and not bellypan.  It was actually more of a slog than a hike.  I should have worn my snowshoes.  I will try driving Miss Kitty down tomorrow and see what happens. . .

Saturday 3/3. It was 23 and clear this morning, but by the time we went for our morning walk, the temperature was already 35.  Our high for the day was 40.

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty down the road, hoping to make it all the way down to pick up the mail.  And I actually did.  Stopped to visit with Mrs. Gridder, which is always so enjoyable.  The trip down and back up took much longer than I thought it would - three hours.  Of course, some of that was the visiting and some was having to dig out a lot at our hair-pin corner coming back up.  The snow was getting soft, but I finally made it home.  Since JB's appointment is at 9:30 Monday morning, we should be okay if we come right home afterwards, before it warms up too much.

Looked outside at 5:45 pm and it was snowing!  None in the forecast, but it only lasted about a 1/2 hour and was just a dusting.

We finished watching the third season of The Flash this evening.  I really enjoy that series.

Sunday 3/4. It was 26 and partly cloudy this morning.  Both clouds and sun during the day, and our high was 37.

I was quite busy all day (all three days actually), but with lots of little things.  Baked some scotchy bars.  Did laundry and dishes, etc., etc.  Took care of JB.  It was another four-egg day for the girls!

We had another short snow flurry around 3:00 pm that didn't even leave a dusting.

We plan to get up early tomorrow morning so we can leave no later than 8:00 am, and hope to be back before noon.

Monday 3/5. Happy Birthday, Mr. Snotty Nose!  It is 37 with mostly cloudy skies this morning.  Hopefully we will be on our way as planned.

Thought for the day: Everyone should believe in something.  I believe I should be on a beach drinking Margaritas!

Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018 More Snow & A Skunk!

The solar panels Thursday morning.

Wednesday 2/28. The mountains were hiding behind a huge gray wall that was moving slowly towards us.  The snow arrived just as I walked in the house at 12:45 pm from having brought in the wood and changing out the card in the game cam.  It didn't stick on any surface except the snow until about 3:30, when the temperature dropped to 31 from the high of 37.

Today was spent mostly inside cleaning up, washing three-days worth of dishes and doing laundry.  Definitely needed a nap after the previous two traveling days.  Not much of an exciting day for Jesse's twelfth birthday, but he did get a few extra treats.  He certainly does not act that old.  There were 121 photos on the card from the game cam and about 90 of them were of Jesse going up and down the driveway.  Only a few of deer.

Monday was a four-egg day, and then again today!  The girls gave us a total of 50 eggs in February.  Wow!

After dinner, about 6:00 pm, Dinga got really excited and wanted out.  They both dashed off to the west ridge, but Jesse was quickly back up on the porch.  When I opened the door to let him in, there was a very strong skunk smell!  I called Dinga in, and fortunately neither one of them got sprayed.  What is a little skunk doing out in all this snow??!!

Thursday 3/1. March roared in like a lion with 5" of new, wet, heavy snow this morning and a temp of 30.  Snow kept on falling most of the morning til about noon, and the avalanche canon on Mission Ridge was booming.  Because it was so warm, snow slid noisily off the roof all morning.

On our morning walk, the dogs and I slogged up to the south ridge before I realized I had not brought the brush to clean off the panels.  So back down we went, and back up again.  JB usually cleans them off, so I don't really think about it when we head off.

With JB unable to move about very well, I am doing everything he would do, including taking care of him.  I hardly have time to read my book.  Oh, the trauma of it all!  He has an appointment Monday morning at the orthopedic center.  I just hope we can make it down then. . .

Even with the snow falling, we were fogged in, or perhaps it was just low clouds.  Either way, it was a very grey day with a high of 36, and the trees were dropping their snow bombs.

Friday 3/2. We are still fogged in this morning.  It is 29 and snowing lightly with very tiny flakes.

Thought for the day: Write your bad times in the sand.  Carve your good times in stone.