Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12, 2018 Sun & Energy

No photos this morning thanks to Google Blogger.

Friday 3/9. The last few days there have been tracks on top of the snow on the south ridge.  They look like our dogs' but a little smaller and our dogs cannot walk on top of the snow right now.  Not a cat because there are nail imprints.  The only thing I can think of is a small coyote.

One of our older girls, Belinda, has been acting like she doesn't feel well and today I found an egg with no shell.  Just the membrane holding everything together.  Pretty sure it was from her as she is acting much better now.

A beautiful day with a high of 42, and warmer weather in the forecast.

Saturday 3/10. It was 24 and clear this morning.  I woke up with a burst of energy, wanting to move the bookshelf in our bedroom up to the loft.  Easy sentence to write, much more difficult to carry out.  There was no room in the loft, so I was forced to finally sort out several boxes that I had been been meaning to sort for the past nine years.  But our bedroom has been more like a storage room with a bed in it and I just can't deal with that any more.  Another 200 sq. ft. would be nice, but then I would just have more "stuff".

I actually did get everything moved and, once I get rid of everything at the garage sale Mrs. Gridder is having, we will be able to play tennis in the loft!  Well, maybe not tennis. . . badminton?  It felt so good get it all done, but every muscle in my body was upset about it.

Another beautiful day and the only white in the sky were contrails.  Our high was 42 again, but it sure felt warmer, especially up on the south ridge.  Had to be at least 50 there when the dogs and I went on both walks.

Sunday 3/11. It was 30 and partly cloudy this morning, but the clouds soon disappeared.  My muscles were screaming this morning so I mollified them with some ibuprofen.  Laid down on the couch to let it work, but the problem with lying on our couch is that it is way too comfortable not to fall asleep.

Finished up what I started yesterday and took some boxes to the loft from the bedroom.  Also got a very large pile of items ready to take down to the thrift shop tomorrow.  It will be a quick trip with just a few stops.  Elsie and I plan to go to lunch together later in the week.

Much warmer today with a high of 48.  Ground is beginning to show once again around most of the trees and in the grove.  So looking forward to Spring.

Monday 3/12. It is 34 with mostly clear skies this morning.  I hope to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: Doubt kill more dreams than failure ever will.  Karim Seddiki

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