Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018 A Trip Down There & Rain

Coyote (?) prints on top
of the snow.
My new wall art.

Monday 3/12. I was on my way Down There at 8:45 am and back home by 1:00 pm.  It was a glorious day and a great ride both down and back up.  Dropped off a big load at the thrift store.  Did some errands and then allowed myself time to just walk up and down the aisles at Hobby Lobby.  Tried not to drool on too many items and finally spent my Christmas $$ from Aunt Nene - a wooden sign with a chicken that says "Country Kitchen".  (See photo above.)  And picked up a couple other items, one of which I actually needed.

Had a nice chat with Larry on the way back up.  The mile of road from his house down to the pavement was frozen mud when I drove down, but was beginning to soften on my way back up.  It was still mostly snow and ice from there on up, but the snow on our road has sunk a good four or five inches since the last time I was down, so no possibility of belly panning.

This morning was the first time this winter that the girls' water was not frozen.  Maybe Spring really is on its way. . .  Our high for the day was 51!  Unfortunately, this warmer weather also means that the yellow jackets, that have wintered in our loft walls, are waking up.  At least we don't have nearly as many as we used to, but we really need to find out where they are getting in.

Of course, along with Spring, comes Daylight Savings Time.  What an irritation!

Tuesday 3/15. It was 38 and overcast this morning.  We had a brief rain/snow shower about 9:30 am, and a few more during the day.  The sun made a successful effort to break through around noon, but it didn't last long.  Our high was 44.

I spent most of the day hanging laundry and pictures.  Hung the Country Kitchen sign I bought yesterday, and re-arranged some others making room for pictures that had been packed away.

On our walks the past few days, we have heard wild turkeys, woodpeckers and a few other birds whose songs I cannot identify on both the south and north ridges.  And, again, the south face is devoid of snow.  Yep, Spring should be just around the corner.  I figure if March goes out like a lamb with as much energy as it came in with like a lion, the temperature should be in the 70's by the time it leaves.

Heavy rain moved in around 7:00 pm and lasted for a couple hours.  Not looking forward to mud season.

Wednesday 3/16. Happy Pi Day!  It is 30, overcast and breezy with a light rain/snow mix falling this morning.

Thought for the day: Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, over time, perverted it into tyranny.  Thomas Jefferson

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