Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016 And Now We Know Why

Our solar panels tipped
all the way down.

The deer-treat pan.

Friday 11/4. We had robins Up Here today!  They must know something we don't. . .

JB drove Down There today to fill the gas cans, buy a new battery for MAX, and do a few other errands.  I washed dishes, did the laundry and vacuumed - finally.  It's not that we don't clean when we can't vacuum.  We have manual carpet cleaners that we use, but they don't get nearly as much dirt up as the vacuum does.  And without lawns, sidewalks and paved roads, we have a lot of dirt Up Here.

I was completely remiss in not mentioning the Cubs and their first winning of the World Series since 1908!  Wow!  This was a very big event for JB's family, being from Chicago.  So glad his Mother was here for that.

Saturday 11/5. It was 40 and overcast this morning.  A light rain fell most of the day.

I left for Down There a little before 1:00 pm.  Two reasons for this trip today.  First, a great sale at Shopko on the mini-gloves I love.  Second, to Larry and Elsie's to care for the dogs, cats and chickens for the afternoon and evening as they had to go to a memorial service on the other side of the mountains.  I fell asleep in a rocker to the sounds of two dogs snoring and a cat on my lap purring.  They were home a little after 6:00 and I was home before 7:00.  

JB had worked on organizing the Magic cards I gave to him for his birthday, and he baked a delicious loaf of banana bread.

Now I think we know why JB's Mother has stayed on this plain for so long.  As of this weekend, all of her grandchildren have been able to come to see her.  Two of them she hasn't seen for more than twenty years due to a nasty divorce that her youngest son went through.  He hasn't seen them either, and now they are all getting back together.  Universal Timing at work.

Sunday 11/6. It was 38 and clear today.  Another beautiful day with a high of 51, perfect for working outside.  And good for keeping busy while trying to deal with setting our clocks back.  This is the worst day of the year for the dogs.  They just don't understand why breakfast and dinner are so late.

We watched a small buck amble across the south ridge early in the day, and there were two does on the north ridge when we went for our afternoon walk.

We tipped the solar panels all the way down today.  JB worked on getting the winch on Miss Kitty untangled, as it had snapped when we were trying to get her unstuck this past winter.  I cut all the branches off the tree that our son had cut down on the west slope.  I also nailed a large pan to a stump on the west ridge for deer-treats.  I just hope they find it.

And so begins the time of early dark evenings.  I really wish this country would get rid of daylight savings time.  But I guess there are many more important issues at hand right now.  In about 48 hours we should finally know the outcome of this year's election.  I do so want it to be over, but the possible outcome is so scary.  Adjectives that come to mind when I think of Hilary are corrupt, power-mongering, evil, soul-sucking, and it goes downhill from there.  If we think that the Constitution has been shredded in the past eight years, I can't even imagine the damage that she would do. And if I should die in an accident after Tuesday, you will know who to blame. . .

Monday 11/7. It is 38 again this morning, but with overcast sky slicing off the tops of the mountains.

Thought for the day: You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.  James Thurber

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