Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013 Hurrah for Family Computer Gurus!

Fawns caught on the game cam.

Friday, 7/5.  After all the excitement of the 4th, we stayed up playing pinochle with JB's brother and sister-in-law until almost midnight.  Not sure how any of us managed to stay awake, but we had fun.  Slept in this morning and they left after a big breakfast.  It was a day off for us.

Saturday, 7/6.  We hit the floor running.  Another clear day with a high of 72, but a cool breeze.  There is a small area just past the end of our driveway that is a jumble of downed trees and smaller ones growing up in between them that we have been wanting to clear out since we moved Up Here.  That is what we attacked today with the chain saw and clippers.  Dragged out several large logs with the Jeep and chain.  JB cut down several of the smaller trees.  Lots of good firewood.  Took about four hours, most before lunch.  I have a lot more energy before lunch. . 

We spent a nice, cool evening on the porch and little after sunset Larry and Elsie came up for a visit with more fresh eggs.  While we were talking outside, a screech owl flew over, loudly making its presence known.  Made chills up my spine.

Sunday, 7/7.  Went to church and ran a few errands.  After a late lunch we worked on stacking and trimming the trees and logs we brought up on Saturday.  Dark clouds moved in mid afternoon making it really muggy.

We have to really be on our mental toes Up Here as one wrong flip of a switch can cause problems, and we have both done it.  I guess I just need to put up more signs. . .

Monday, 7/8.  Back down to the spot we working on clearing and I limbed the standing trees.  Then JB brought the trailer down with the Jeep and hauled up two full loads of branch wood.  Too hot in the afternoon to do much else.  Our high was 73, but there was very little breeze and more clouds shuttled over.

A helicopter flew over with a water bucket in the evening and we could smell smoke.  Couldn't see anything, but it may be from the fire at Lake Chelan.

Tuesday, 7/9.  Out right after breakfast to dig more in the hole to the water pipe from the well.  It is in the shade til about 10:30 am.  Got it almost all done.  JB digs and I clear out the loose dirt.  Good team effort and neither one of us gets overworked.

We are having a problem with the inverter overheating and switching off.  JB thinks it is because of the main wire going to it from the batteries but he is not sure how to fix it.  Can't just call the electric company. . .

The wrens that built the nest in the bird house have disappeared.  We still have the pair under the eaves, but I would have thought their eggs would have hatched by now.

Too hot to work outside in the afternoon, so a good day to clean out and reorganize the linen closet.  Also cleaned my computer and moved files to the external hard drive as JB is going to slick it.

Wednesday, 7/10.  Already 62 at 7:00 am.  JB's nephew was supposed to arrive this evening for a couple nights on his way to Yellowstone riding his motorcycle.  Turned out he couldn't leave early enough to get here before dark, so he will be here tomorrow morning.

Now that JB has mowed around several small trees on the south ridge and slope, I trimmed some bottom branches from them.  Looks like a park up there.

Still very frustrated with Blogspot and am trying everything we can think of to rectify the problem.  Maybe JB's nephew, the computer guru, can help us.

Thursday, 7/11.  Had to cook up more hummingbird syrup!  I had just done that last Saturday and they have already gone through almost eight cups!

JB saw a rather large lizard in the shop.  I have not yet had the pleasure. . .

JB again mowed right after breakfast while I did the dishes and inside chores.  This morning he concentrated on the east slope across from the house.  When he was done, I got out there with my clippers and cut the large brush stalks that hadn't been cut all the way down.

JB's nephew arrived about 1:00 pm.  The road was a bit dicey for him in places, but he made it up.  He tried out his hand-held chainsaw blade on a small tree and did great.  We talked and talked, and went for a hike after dinner.  Then talked some more before bedtime.

Friday, 7/12.  After a breakfast of German pancakes, we all worked on pulling downed logs from the east slope with the tractor.  Then after lunch his nephew, the dogs and I went for a long hike along the south ridge to a place where there is almost a 360 degree view.

While I was doing the dishes after breakfast, his nephew worked on my computer and found all the problems!  Don't have to slick it after all.  Had to change to Chrome internet explorer and he did a few other fixes.  So here I am again!!

Thought for the day:  Thank goodness for family computer Gurus!


  1. Good to have you back, I have missed you. Glad you had a good 4th, and that you have enjoyed your company. Welcome back!

  2. Saw the post about your blog in Grit and had to check it out. Love it!
