Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013 Water Issues

Striking a pose.
I must remember to wash those
BBQ utensils. . .

Friday, 7/19. We were out working at 9:00 am and, with one break, were able to get most of the logs cut into 16" rounds by 10:30.  That's it until JB gets back from Seattle.  I'll be busy splitting the rounds while he is gone.

It was 82 after lunch and that was our high for the day, again.  Later in the afternoon JB worked on getting his Jeep and everything else ready for his trip.  Since the splitter was in the shade, I split a couple of wheel barrow loads of green wood and stacked it in the wood shed.  Haven't used the splitter since last Fall and I wanted to be sure it worked okay before JB left.  I checked the hydraulic fluid and oil.  Filled it with gas, and it started on the first pull!  Woo Hoo!

Had to make another eight cups of hummingbird syrup.  It's every seven to eight days now.  They must have notified all their friends and relatives. . .

Saturday, 7/20. It was clear and 60, but the forecast is now for mid-90's Down There until mid-week when is should "cool" down into the 80's.  I certainly hope it is cooler on Wednesday as I have an appointment for an eye exam for new glasses.  A bit overdue as I have had my current ones for about seven years.

JB left for Seattle at 8:30 am, after which I re-arranged a kitchen cupboard that had been calling to me for weeks.  Then I got outside and stacked some of the rounds we had cut yesterday.  While the splitter was still in the morning shade, I split one load and stacked it.  It was already 78 by then, so back inside I went.

Finally got some of my favorite CD's out and put them in the stereo.  So lovely.  (The Christmas ones were still in there - from Christmas 2011. . .)

Fireweed began blooming around the first of the month along our road.  I had let a few stalks grow up by the steps to our porch and their first pink blossoms appeared a couple days ago.  There are also some mullein plants growing on the north side of the house, along the edge of the rocks.  The largest one had a few yellow blooms on it yesterday and more this morning.  So pretty.

I finished my book yesterday and started an e-book today.  Solved some sudoku.  Listened to the music.  Went out to pull branches down from the east slope that I had limbed from the trees JB downed.  There were a lot more than I remembered, and some very large ones.  Put them in the cradle after trimming them.  Back inside for more of the above. . .  And so the day went.  My alone time.

I left the music on while I was outside and completely forgot about it, until I walked back into the house and scared myself silly. . .

Another high of 82.  I don't do too much at once, and that seems to help.

Sunday, 7/21.  Had set my alarm for 6:00 am and was out the door at 6:15!  By 7:00 am I had finished stacking the rest of the rounds by the splitter.  Had to roll some down the slope as they were too large to carry.  It was only 55 when I went out and I put on a hoodie.  Felt so go to have to do that, but it didn't stay on long once I got moving.

Made a cup of coffee.  Sat on the porch and called Sandy.  Had a lovely one-hour chat.  Then JB called, after which I fed the dogs and had my breakfast.  There was such a nice, cool breeze til about 9:00 am, then it just faded away.  I split three wheel barrow loads of wood and stacked them before it was too warm, about 10:30.  Time for the dogs' morning walk and then their treat.  So off we went.  Often, when there is no breeze anywhere else, there is one on the ridges as there was this morning, thank goodness.  A nice cool one on both the south and north.  I also noticed new balsam root plants blooming where JB had mowed on the south ridge.  I love that about them.  If they are cut after blooming, many of them will leaf out and bloom again.

Am seeing lots of lizards and little tree frogs this year, both brown and green.  While I was splitting wood, a lizard shuttled past me and stopped.  Posed for a picture, then was on his way.

After lunch, some reading and sudoku time, I trimmed the rest of the branches into kindling.  Then back inside.  Our high for today was "only" 80.  Yesterday it was 99 in Wenatchee which is 10 degrees above normal.

After dinner I watered the garden (potatoes and tomatoes), then turned on the well pump to bring water into the cistern.  I only got about ten minutes worth.  Checked the water in the well with a flashlight, which I should have done before watering.  It is only about 1/4 full.  I knew it was low, but didn't realize it was that low.  Simply not enough for the garden, so we are going to have to let it go.  I called JB to notify him and he will call the well company who said they would be out before the end of the month.  Hopefully it is just a piping issue, but I really don't think so.  

Elsie called to remind me that her pie cherries are ripe and I should come down to pick some.  I will go down early tomorrow morning to do that, and also get a few containers of water which she so graciously lets us have when in need.  She e-mailed a video the other day of a bear cub swimming in one of their ponds!  It was so cute!

Monday, 7/22.  Going to be another hot one so I have to get going.

Thought for the day:  I appreciate the misunderstanding I have had with Nature over my perennial border.  I think it is a flower garden; she thinks it is a meadow lacking grass, and tries to correct the error.  Sara Stein, "My Weeds: A Gardener's Botany"

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