Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014 Summer Weather

Tiny purple buds on my lilac bush!

Monday 5/12. I was so wound up after Larry and Elsie left at 10:00 pm last night that I stayed up until almost 1:00 am.  Finished watching Downton Abby.  Started a book.  Then went up to the loft and wrote my blog.  When I got up at 7:30 am this morning, I didn't feel the lack of sleep.

Did the laundry and hung it outside.  Then I drove Miss Kitty down to Larry's and Elsie's for chicken poop to put in our garden.  They gave me the tools and showed me how to clean it out of the coup.  Not so bad until I got down to the moist part. . .  But it was an incredibly nice day and when I was done, we all sat on the grass and chatted.  Larry had just let the young chickens out of their coup for the first time and they were getting along just fine with the older ones, and loving all the grass.  Elsie had combed Buster and the swallows were diving to catch the tufts of his fur blowing around in the breeze.  It was a wonderful interlude, but we all had things to do.  So it was back to Rose Camp to spread the manure on the garden.  Our high for the day was 60.

After I ate lunch and then grabbed the shovel.  Got all the manure spread and it seemed to be just the right amount for a light cover.  Then I brought in fire wood, although I probably won't need much this week.  By that time the late night finally caught up with me and I took a nap.

Funny how, when weekends and evenings are your only free time, naps seem like such a waste of it.  Nowadays naps are just a natural and lovely part of some days.

I went for a leisurely walk before eating a late dinner.  Watered the garden, but will change to watering in the morning tomorrow.

I thought for sure I had managed to get some of the chicken manure on my pants, as the smell seemed to follow me wherever I went.  When talking to Elsie on the radio, she said that the odor did tend to linger. . .

A glass of wine, a bit of chocolate and Downton Abby.  The perfect evening, even though I was alone.

Tuesday 5/13.  This morning it was 47 with a light, partial overcast that quickly disappeared.  I took my coffee out on the porch, as usual.  There were seven humming birds at one of the feeders.  There are only four places to drink but there was no fighting, so they must have all been part of one family.  But when they had left, spats broke out between other birds who had arrived, giving rise to "sword" fights.  It's a good thing my pajamas are not red.

I was rather lazy this morning, spending a lot of time out on the porch and then in the loft on my computer.  Didn't even get dressed til it was time for the dogs' walk at 10:30 am, and  watered the garden when we got back.  Such a beautiful day!

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty up the east slope and filled her up with wood from the large pile there.  It was all good kindling, most of it on the large size.  My plan is to gather at least one load a day.  Very soon I should have all the piles gone.

The water barrel that is collecting rain water from the roof of the wood shed is full, so I connected a hose to its tap and am using that water for the peppers and bird bath that I fill with my watering can.

Our high today was 67!  There was a light breeze all day, so it was just perfect.    

Back in 1995, when we had just purchased the large family house from my step-mother, we were sorting out the storage room in which my Dad had hoarded many of his family's effects.  Unfortunately, because of a leaky basement, some were damaged beyond repair.  However, we did find my Dad's violin which he played in high school.  My Brother asked for it and I gave it to him.  He has recently been researching it and has found that it is quite valuable, even in its condition.  He wanted to know the provenance on it, so when Aunt Nene called yesterday evening to see how JB's Mom was doing, I asked her about it.  She was quite surprised we still had it, as she thought Dad might have sold it years ago.

Turns out my great-grandfather purchased it, probably in the late 1800's.  He played it quite well, and he and my great-grandmother would often play at grange meetings, she on the piano.  He is the one who taught my Dad how to play.  It is a Steiner, and even in its disrepair, worth a few thousand dollars.  Nene definitely wants to keep it in the family, and fortunately, so does my Brother.

When JB called this evening, he said they were discussing the possibility of putting his Mother into a rehab facility.  Her inability to walk is really wearing him out, and she would probably do better with professional help.

I am "on call" to help out at Larry's and Elsie's shop.  Larry is going fishing on the coast tomorrow afternoon through Saturday and their friend who usually helps out is on jury duty.  Turns out there is no problem with the jury duty, but he cannot help out on Friday afternoon.  So I will go down to be with Elsie then.

Downton Abby once again closed the day for me, although I did stay up a bit later til 11:00 pm just putzing around and doing some sudoku.  It is hard to close the day without JB Up Here.

Wednesday 5/14. It is already 58 with a clear sky at 7:30 this morning.  Going to be another warm and delicious Spring day.

Thought for the day: People say money can't buy happiness.  They lie.  Money buys Coffee, Coffee makes Me happy!  Unknown

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