Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28, 2013 The End of My Rant

That's a mushroom nestled in between
the rocks.
Reinforced protective cover for
the propane fitting.

My wood and rock "wall".

Friday 10/25.  Regarding the comment on this morning's blog, you are absolutely right, Jim, about so many people on the dole.  But I am appalled that those who are not getting freebies are actually voting for those candidates who support giving them.  What happened to our work ethic?  Here is a great quote from Dr. Ben Carson (who, by the way, is an African-American neurologist): "A truly moral nation enacts policies that encourage personal responsibility and discourage self-destructive behavior by NOT subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make make poor choices."  I love this guy!  

But it is not just the political situation.  Our whole culture seems to be going down the tubes.  These days everything seems to be said and done for shock value, with very little awe.  It's all been said and done before, and it's getting boring.  Will we ever get back to class and graciousness?  I doubt there are very many public figures under the age of 60 who have either of these.  And so it goes.  Blah, blah, blah.  Whine, whine, whine.  As a matter of fact, it think I will wine.  I may feel better. . .

Anyway, back to our life Up Here.  After lunch we did general cleaning up outside.  We put a metal cover over the wooden stand covering the propane hookup to the house which protects it from snow coming off the roof.  I repaired the wood and stone "wall" on the gravel on the south side of the house.  I split the last load of wood from the two logs JB had cut up and he took it to the wood shed in the tractor where I stacked it.  Cleaned the area where I have been cutting branch wood, as we are moving that and the cradle up by the splitting area in the Spring so it is all in one general spot, and further away from the house.  Then we tilted the panels as far down as they will go.  It's a couple weeks early, but we wanted to be able to do it in good weather.

Our high for the day was 58.  There is a cold front on its way with Monday's high forecast at a whopping 48 for Down There.

Yesterday I could not solve a sudoku puzzle to save my soul.  Today I can do them just fine.  Funny how one's brain works, or doesn't.  Must have been my ranting that cleared out all the cobwebs.  Maybe I should do that more often.

I have been looking for a healthy snack other than fruit and nachos, and have come up with almond or peanut butter on rice crackers.  Really good!  Costco now has a large jar of almond butter for a reasonable price.

Saturday 10/26.  It was a chilly day, clear but with a high of only 52 and a very cold breeze.

We finally put up the two strings of solar lights I had ordered on one of our small trees.  They work, but unfortunately we can't see them from the house because the Jeeps are in the way.  Will probably end up putting them along the fence.

At the craft fair last week I bought a hand-made lavender-scented candle, based on information that Sandy had sent to me several months ago about sleep aids.  It certainly seems to be a good influence, and the bedroom smells wonderful. 

Sunday 10/27.  It was mostly cloudy and 39 this morning.  The cold front is moving in and bringing with it wind and moisture, as my sinus' have so kindly let me know.  By 10:00 am the temperature had dropped to 37 and big, dark clouds began to drop their wet load.  After a big breakfast of a sunny-side-up egg on a waffle and bacon, the rain just put me back to sleep.  Dinga was wired with the initial loud downpour, expecting, I'm sure, crashing thunder at any moment.  Our residential frog sounded like he was celebrating.  I finally got off the couch at 11:00 am and got dressed.  Ahhh, retirement! 

JB spent the afternoon in the kitchen making pulled pork and the buns to put it on.  The house smelled so good.  I was up in the loft working on crafts and trying to get the banking all sorted out.  I will be so glad when the change is complete.

Larry went elk hunting this weekend.  I sure hope he is managing to stay dry and warm.  I know Elsie is enjoying her "alone time."

By the time the dogs and I took our afternoon walk, the rain had stopped and the temperature was down to 34.  There was fresh snow on Mission Ridge, but nowhere else.  The snow level is probably only down to 5000 feet.  The rain barrel behind the wood shed was just a couple inches under being one-third full.  That is so cool.

Monday 10/28.  Happy Birthday, RJ!  He and Mike, and possibly others, will be up to his cabin on Friday for the weekend to celebrate.

It is mostly cloudy, 28, and breezy this morning.  As I type at my computer desk in the loft, I am watching daylight arrive on the mountains.  Just part of my daily dose of awe. . .

Thought for the day: People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.  Otto von Bismark 

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