Friday, October 25, 2013

Oct 25, 2013 Letting It All Out!

A tamarack adding to the color
along our road.

Wednesday 10/23.  I have spent much more money than usual on winter supplies, but I just do not want JB to have to drive Down There more than once a month.  That's what we originally planned, but it has just never worked out that way so far.  It is more difficult than I first realized to have everything we need.  Plus, I just have a really bad feeling about the very near future of our country.

I had noted that I really needed to work inside today and I did all morning, but after lunch I just had to get outdoors!  I finished cutting/breaking the rest of the branch wood and stacked it on the porch and inside.  JB used his chop saw in the shop to cut the big stack of large branch wood that needed to be just cut in half or have the end trimmed off.  I took a load to the woodshed and a small load indoors.  Then the dogs and I took a walk down the road while JB took a nap.

We were on our way back when Dinga started quite a racket barking.  One of our neighbors was walking up the short cut.  He said he was going to work on his trail, but he just wandered off.  A perfect day to wander, and he must have wandered a couple miles!

JB found a place on the internet that sells parts for MAX.  It seems that Recreative Industries was sold and the new owner is in the process of taking over.  Would be nice if they could put a message informing callers of that on their phone system, and internet site.  But the dealer than JB located actually sells the parts cheaper than the manufacturer does.  Woo Hoo!

And speaking of good buys, on my "Me" day Down There I went to one of the really nice second-hand stores and found two excellent pair of jeans for $3.65 each.  Another Woo Hoo!!

Ran the well pump today and the cistern is as full as the float will allow.  We still have to move the float up a bit.  But as far as water goes, we are good to go.

Our high for the day was 58, with yet more of this incredible weather in the forecast.

Thursday 10/24.  Clear and 39 this morning.  There has been very heavy dew the past couple nights.  We can hear it dripping off the roof, and any unsheltered ground is very wet.

We enjoyed a nice relaxing morning, then after lunch JB used his chain saw to cut two short logs and used the tractor to take the pieces to the splitter.  Then we took the tractor down the road just to our hairpin corner to get more rocks for our outdoor kitchen.  He made four trips with the bucket full each time.  That makes a total of nine bucketfuls, but the pile of rocks sure doesn't look as big as I would think it should.  As I mentioned before, it is going to take a lot of trips bringing up rocks, but we have plenty, so that won't be a problem.  And the tractor uses so little gas.  Really amazing!

There are several interesting articles in the newest issue of Time Magazine, as usual, but one in particular concerns how many people are moving to Texas.  Seems there is still lots of room there and the cost of living is much less than many other places.  I know our son enjoys the low cost of living in Alabama.

This evening we watched The Glenn Miller Story staring James Stewart and June Allison.  Back in the '40's and '50's people had more class, even the actors and some politicians.  Seems that all began to disappear sometime in the mid '60's.

Friday 10/25.  More blue sky and 36, with another heavy dew dripping from the eaves.  Have I mentioned that Fall is my favorite time of the year?  And this year it is magnificent.

That said, I can no longer hold in the vitriol bubbling within me regarding our government situation.  It has given birth to feelings of anger, fright, frustration and helplessness.  Have the American people become so complacent with their material things that they no longer pay attention to what is going on politically?  This current president (I will not dignify his position with a capital "p") doesn't have a clue about compromise because he doesn't see himself as president, but rather emperor.  He is an arrogant, self-serving moron who deserves nothing more than being thrown out and exiled like the little Napoleon that he is.  No, actually he is not smart enough to be compared to Napoleon.  Idi Amin comes to mind, as he has slaughtered our Constitution and tortured our freedoms.  Impeach the idiot!

Isn't there anyone in Congress who is capable of standing up to him and his minions?  Is there no Democrat in their right mind?  Has someone put something into the Washington D.C. drinking water?  Surely someone with authority will come to their senses before it is too late!  It all makes me feel so helpless.  It seems that only the political pundits are writing the truth about the situation.  Is no one listening?  Have the American people become so spoiled that their backbones have dissolved?

Well, thank goodness I finally got that all out!  I feel a little better, but still so frustrated that's all it will do - make me feel a little better.  And, as I said before, helpless.  Just don't know what to do except stock up and ride it out.

Thought for the day: The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form.  The individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.  Mohatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. Why should all of the people give up all of the free stuff that they receive? That is the actual problem. That is why it is status quo and no one complains.
