Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept 18, 2016 Less Wasps, More Water

A close-up of clouds over the Cascades.

Monday 9/16.  While JB was Down There, I baked two more loaves of zucchini bread and did the dishes.  For now, we are washing the dishes with water brought up from Larry and Elsie's, and heating it on the stove.  A lot more effort but it saves water.

Our little herd of deer sauntered across the south ridge, driving the dogs nuts.  JB got the game cam card and we had photos of several of them, along with two bucks sporting big racks.

And speaking of water, when I ran the well pump we brought in three inches!  So now the cistern has 23 inches in it.  Woo Hoo!

When JB arrived at the shop to pick up the snow blower, it was closed.  We knew they were going out of business as their lease was up and their rent had been doubled.  JB was able to track down the real estate office that handles it and get the phone number of the business owner.  He finally called back, apologizing for not being there and said we could pick up our equipment at 8:00 am on Tuesday.

I spread all the extra straw in the garden over the potato plants that are left.  Will try leaving the potatoes in the ground until we want them.  Should work okay even after it snows.

After dinner we watched the final episode of season one of "Fringe."  I sure enjoy that program.  I could watch it every night, but not JB,

Tuesday 9/17.  It was 44 with a light overcast as the day began.  JB was up at 6:00 am, letting me sleep in til 7:00 when he left.  They dogs where just sure that he had got up at 7:00 and I got up at 8:00.  Jesse was so insistent that I finally had to feed them 1/2 hour early.

Since I was up and not at all ready to eat breakfast myself, I went out to break up the pile of branches I had hauled over from the west slope yesterday.  I filled the wheel barrow and stacked it in the wood shed, finishing the second row of kindling.  A few days ago I had trimmed three trees on the west slope and gathered already downed branches.  That slope is a treasure trove of kindling just screaming to be cleared.  And there are many small trees that need to be thinned out.  Next year's firewood.

JB returned with the snow blower at about 10:30 am, since that was the only errand he had.  We got it unloaded, then, after lunch, got our trailer hooked to my Jeep for my trip Down There tomorrow to meet the man with the rain barrels.  I will also do grocery shopping and drop off a load of recycle that I put into the trailer.

There are only about three or four wasps in the loft now, so think we are finally done with them spending the winter inside our house.

The sky remained mostly overcast all day, with the sun making a few appearances through the cracks.  Our high was only 56.

It was chilly enough for a fire this evening.  After I put it in we began watching season one of "The Walking Dead" as JB has not seen it.  Never thought I would like it, but now we are both hooked.

Wednesday 9/18.  It is 38, clear and breezy out there this morning and cool enough in the house for a fire.  I will definitely bundle up when I leave for Down There.

Thought for the day:  The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance.  Proceed, and light will dawn and shine with increasing clearness on your path.  Jim Rohn

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