Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept 2, 2013 Musings from the Mountain

JB delivering firewood to the porch.

Friday 8/30.  I have have been overloading on gluten since Jake was here.  Still have some bread and bagels left that I am eating.  Add three or four burgers (red meat) and the oreos to the mix, and I paid dearly for it this morning.  I really didn't think it would affect me that much.  One week probably would have been okay, but three?!!  Sometimes I think I am like Dinga, still chasing the yellow jackets after having been stung.  Is the thrill of the chase worth the pain of the consequences?  Is the treat to my palette worth the pain of the consequences?

I split more wood today and, using the tractor's bucket, JB moved five loads over to the porch where I stacked them.  So much easier and faster than using the wheel barrow and I think the bucket holds about the same amount.

Saturday 8/31.  It is clear and 49 this morning.  Since this is Labor Day weekend, I thought it would be good for us to take a few days off and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  But I wanted to do that in a clean house, so after breakfast I did a very thorough vacuuming.

Then we sat on the porch and enjoyed a beautiful day.  However, after lunch I got antsy, so the dogs and I walked down to the hair-pin corner to pull the knap weed that has got out of hand.  Then walked further down, pruning and thinning the trees along the road, cutting the small ones that are crowding.  I have been doing this every summer since we have been Up Here and it is good to see how well the trees are doing that were seedlings a few years ago.

After another rest on the porch, I walked around the mowed areas picking up sticks for kindling.  JB worked on organizing his Magic cards with the help of the program Jake had found for him on line.  He really is having a hard time not doing anything physical, so driving the tractor was a real help.

RJ and Mike are at their cabin and are expecting several more friends and family members up this afternoon.  I will go down tomorrow to visit, but JB can't go as the doctor told him two more weeks of no bumpy roads.

The new Entertainment magazine has a phenomenal interview with Joss Whedon.  What a guy!  I have been a fan for years and this interview explains why.  Here is a quote from him on his outlook on the world today:  "My stories do have hope because that is one of the things that is part of the solution - if there can be one. . . Because if I wrote what I really think, I would be so sad all the time.  We create to fill a gap - not just to avoid the idea of dying, it's to fill some particular gap in ourselves.  So yeah, I write things were people will lay down their lives for each other.  And on a personal level, I know many wonderful people who are spending their lives trying to help others, or who are just decent and kind. . . But on a macro level, I don't see that in the world.  So I have a need to create it.  Hopefully, that need gets translated into somebody relating to it and feeling hope.  Because if we take that away, then I'm definitely right.  I want to be wrong more than anything.  I hate to say it, it's that line from The Lord of the Rings - "I give hope to men; I keep none for myself."  They say it in Elvish, so it sounds super cool." 

I am afraid that I, too, on a macro level feel like he does.  Mankind is not going to do well as a whole.  Too much greed, power mongering and blaming others for one's own dilemmas.

Sunday 9/1.  Dinga caught a chipmunk early this morning.  I am still not used to that, but she is just Dinga being Dinga.  And that's really what it is all about.  People and animals are who they are.  It simply is what it is.  My good friend and neighbor in Illinois taught me that.  I tend not to get so frustrated these days about things people do, or have done in the past, now that this realization has set in.  Acceptance vs. forgiveness.  There is a very fine line between the two, or are they basically the same?  

Sandy and I were talking about people who are in your life, friends, acquaintances, family.  People and circumstances change over the years, and sometimes you don't really want them there any more.  That is okay.  Sometimes they make that decision.  It is what it is, and occasionally, it is time to move on without them.  As the adage goes:  God give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change.  The courage to change the things I can.  And the wisdom to know the difference.

Well, this has been a thought provoking blog today.  On with the action. . .

I was invited down for breakfast at RJ's this morning, so I left about 9:30 am and drove down the short cut about half way, then walked the rest of the way.  It was so good to see everyone again, especially Mike's Mom who hasn't been Up Here for more than two years.  They all will probably go hiking this afternoon up to Rose Camp.

Our high for the day was 75, so it was really to hot to be out working.  Oh, that's right, we are supposed to take the weekend off.  We both just puttered around and enjoyed the warm day.

Watched the last episode of season two of "The Walking Dead" and all the special features.  Very interesting.  I don't particularly like the gore, which there really isn't much of, but the story line and characters are addicting.

Monday 9/2.  Wow! September already.  This Spring and Summer certainly have been full.  It is 59 with mostly clear skies this morning and promises to be another hot day.  I think the crowd from RJ's didn't hike up yesterday because of the heat.  I certainly would not have.

A special thanks to the Cobb's for your comment.  So glad to know you are enjoying my blog.  Always nice to have a pat on the back.

Thought for the day:  The secret of patience: do something else in the meantime.  Anonymous

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