Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 16, 2013 Yet Another Use for the Tractor

Putting the hard top on the Jeep.
I know there's a critter in there!

Friday 9/13.  My job of plugging up the gaps under the eaves on the west end of the house wasn't nearly as neat as Jake's was, but I did manage to get it done.  I can only hope that the wasps flying around the loft today are the ones who sneaked in yesterday, before I filled in the gaps this morning.  They gather at the peak of our roof over the porch and sound like the drone of a small airplane.

For the rest of the day it was too hot to work outside.  Our high for the day was 78, but I was in a very sorting and organizing mood which was put to good use inside.  Took the dogs on a shortened afternoon walk that bypassed the south ridge.  

JB's nephew had given us a contact on Craig's List for rain barrels.  I finally called about them and the man who sells them is actually in Wenatchee every other week or so.  He will be here next Wednesday so he is going to bring two of them for me.  He charges $20 for the barrels and for an extra $10 will install a tap.  So for $60 I will get two barrels instead of paying $85 for just one.  They have had a biodegradable powder in them and will be safe to use for potable water.

It was too hot for pizza, so I just made a chicken salad for dinner and then we watched "Ghost Protocol" again.

Saturday 9/14.  Another hot day, so we went out right after breakfast to put the hard top on JB's Jeep.  The canvas one has been on for more than six years and is beginning to show it.  The hard top has always been a real pain for us to get on as it is fairly heavy.  Enter the tractor!  We put some boards across the bucket for the top to sit on, then JB simply lifted it onto the Jeep.  And we just slid it on.  So easy!

It doesn't look like there are any more wasps in the loft than there were yesterday, so I think I was able to fill all the places they get in.  Thank goodness.

Clouds began moving in during early afternoon.  Hopefully a precursor of the predicted rain for tomorrow.  Would be a welcome respite from the heat.  Our high for today was 75.

Sunday 9/15.  It was overcast and 62 this morning.  But the clouds cleared and the sun managed to shine for most of the day.  Our high was 75 and very muggy.

After breakfast JB got the tractor going again and we moved the last of the firewood to the porch from the splitter in two loads.  Then we got the last pieces from the old fallen tree on the south slope in one load.

After lunch and a nap, I mowed the green and the grass, while JB worked in the shop organizing it a bit.

Jesse still will not go near where we saw the rattle snake a few days ago.  He takes a short cut up to the south ridge.  Good for him!

I always wonder if I will ever come to take for granted the views from Rose Camp and just living Up Here.  But even beginning our sixth year, the views, and Rose Camp itself, never fail to give me my daily dose of awe.

The rain arrived about 8:00 pm along with thunder and lightening.  The storm lasted about an hour and a half, but the rain kept on falling for quite a while.  This year has to take the award for the most thunder storms since we moved Up Here.  Not fun.

Monday 9/16.  The sky is mostly clear and it is 48 this morning.  Nice and cool.  JB is going Down There today to pick up the snow blower and some gas.  He will borrow Larry's trailer.  The road should be okay.

Thought for the day: Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to life as one wishes to live.  Oscar Wilde

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