Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Coyote walking down our road

A rabbit also caught on
the game cam

More photos of the rabbit and coyote.  The coyote looks rather small though.  don't know if it is the same one or not.  Of the 43 photos the game cam took during the past week, 35 were of Jesse!  Seems to be a lot of activity of some sort near the hair-pin.  The dogs have really been barking the last couple days.  Not sure if it is a coyote or if the bears have started to wake up.

I could smell Spring in the air on Saturday for the first time this year.  Kind of like smelling Autumn in August.  You know it's going to be a while, but it's definitely on its way.  Yes, I realize that it is already Spring according to the calendar, but we're talking the mountains here. . .

Well, all my blathering about how far off actual Spring weather is was negated by Mother Nature yesterday.  The sun shone.  The thermometer needle swung over to 47.  The birds sang.  The first flies buzzed.  JB and I got our chairs out of the tipi and sat on the porch in the afternoon sun.  Heaven.  Didn't need a fire during the night other than the one we put in before going to bed.  Of course, this morning it is overcast, windy and 30.

When it gets too warm in the summer, I sometimes wish for snow.  And then a small voice from somewhere deep inside me pops up and says, "What the hell are you thinking?!"  While I like winter, I rarely want to speed its arrival.  It's just too hard to get rid of.  Although I do prefer it leave gently rather than in one massive thaw.

We have resubscribed to "Discover" magazine after four or five years.  Still as fascinating as ever.  Not sure why I let it lapse.  Probably happened during our move Up Here.

And speaking of magazines, I saw a great quote in one of them: "Remember: Don't make us old people mad.  We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to tick us off."  Spoken by George Gosselin this March.  I love it!  Oh, and here's another one from "Time" magazine: "A kid in Africa with a smart phone has access to more information that the President of the U.S. 15 years ago."  Spoken by Ray Kurzwell at the SXSW conference.  To which a Twitter user replied, "Collective mind blown."  No sh**!!
My Uncle Bobby, who passed away last Spring at age 93, always said that you should learn at least one new thing each day.  Well, what I learned yesterday was that baby powder sprinkled in my rubber gloves, that I use for washing the dishes every day, makes them ever so much more pleasant (feeling and smelling).  Maybe I should make that an item for each posting.  Nah.

Thought for the day:  Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution.  That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.  Abraham Lincoln

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