Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012

Still have the equivalent of two full
rows left in the woodshed.

The grove is almost clear of snow, but that
pathway in front is solid ice.

Jesse is outside barking and won't come in, so here I am blogging at 6:00 a.m.  He's just standing across the driveway and won't go any further.  Must be a cat or a coyote.  It's already light out, but that won't last much longer what with Daylight Savings Time starting soon.  I just don't understand why the government wants to mess with with every single aspect of our lives.  Aren't those officials supposed to be protecting our freedoms instead of infringing upon them?  Nothing like starting my day whining and complaining.  Enough.  On with life. . . 
Still have plenty of fire wood left in the woodshed, and I am almost a week into taking it off of the porch.  We had less than that back row left at the end of last season.  Just means less wood to cut this year.  Yes!!

When JB baked bread on Monday, he put two tablespoons of Costco's Kirkland Organic No-Salt Seasoning (similar to Mrs. Dash) into the loaf.  So very tasty!  I made some cheddar and raisin muffins that turned out pretty good too.  A little heavy, but nice and chewy.  That's the thing with gluton free cooking, it's all a bit of an experiment the first or second or third time around.

Our weather started cooling off again on Monday with the wind bringing in a cold front.  It started out at 34 in the morning, and by mid afternoon it had cooled to 27.  By Tuesday morning it was down to 13, with a high of only 26.  Time to put away the snow shoes and get out the ice skates.  Just blue skies and cold air forecast for all week.  Good excuse to stay inside and make cards and other crafts. . .

I was watching a hawk flying about on Sunday.  I often feel as I watch them and the eagles and ravens ride the thermals, dive and soar, that they are not only looking for a meal but simply doing this for the pure enJOYment of it.  I can almost feel their delight, and hear them shouting, "What a rush!"

In mentioning Dr. Bronner's Castile soap, I neglected to advise NOT to use the peppermint soap in the shower.  As refreshing as it might sound, it is way too strong for your. . . umm. .  private parts.  Trust me on this.

I read a book on JB's Nook for the first time.  That is an electronic reader that is simply a reader with no other apps, but it can hold up to 2000 books.  It was much easier to read that I thought it would be.  Not at all like staring at a computer screen.  Yes, it's great for having lots of books in very little space, however you there aren't that many sales.  E-books are less expensive, but it's not like going to a used book store and picking up some great buys.

Thought for the day:  So many books, so little time.

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