Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012

Our fence

Our first wild roses of the year bloomed Up Here on Tuesday, and since then they have been popping out all over!  They are blooming all along the road now, too, in more abundance than ever.  Their scent is almost overwhelming in places.  Makes you just want to stop and enjoy.

We put in four fence posts and six rails on the north side of the house on Tuesday, then yesterday we put in the corner post on the south side of the entrance to the yard.  JB drilled a hole in the top of three of the posts and stuck in solar lights.  It looks so cool!  We have six more posts cut and ready to put up from the small trees we cut down.  We are using the broken tipi poles for the rails and should have enough of them for at least half of what we need.

Wednesday JB towed the trailer Down There to pick up four bales of straw for RJ to use for an archery target.  Seems his son is interested in taking that up.  However at JB's first stop my Jeep wouldn't start.  He had to have it towed to the shop as the alternator went out and took the battery with it.  They had to order the parts, so I drove down to pick up him and the trailer.  We drove back down Thursday afternoon to pick it up and met RJ coming up.  They will be here for two weeks and will come up for dinner and Magic Cards this afternoon.

Thursday morning I shoveled drainage rock from the extra that we had and wheelbarrowed it over to the north side of the house.  (That is heavy stuff!)  I first put down black plastic three feet out and covered it with the rock.  I have long ago said goodbye to my nice long, winter fingernails and am hard at work on my farmer's tan.  (Had ibuprofen with breakfast Friday morning.)  The roof eaves come out two feet and that's about where the water runs off.  It rained Thursday night into Friday morning and the new drainage system seems to be working as advertised.  Supposed to be showers off and on for the next few days, along with lots of muddy paws.

While I was working on the rock, JB was breaking down the several old bales of straw we have and scattering it on the newly graded road around the house to cut down on the mud.  We originally bought the straw bales to protect the west side of the carport we were using as a temporary shop and storage before it blew down.  Being that old, the bales were full of bugs. . .

Yesterday JB working on getting the front yard ready to plant grass.  I put some drainage rock along the stream that came from the south side of the house to the driveway.  We will have a little rock bed winding through the yard.  We are going to enjoy having the summer to work on the yard and surrounding area.

Looks like it may be the last of July before we get the great room finished.  JB's son will be here the first week of July, then JB will be going to Seattle for a week to stay with his Mother while his brother goes on vacation.  It will be a good indoor project for hot weather. 

Thought for the day:  Memory - that thing you forget with.  Alexander Chase

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