Friday, October 19, 2012

Oct 19, 2012 Water - It's a Coming

Sunrise on the new mountain snow

We ran the well pump yesterday.  There was a trickle of water and the pump did not turn off.  But we turned it off and will try again next week for a stronger flow.  But, hey, we're getting there!

Spent a few hours Down There on Wednesday checking out Big Lots (got some great deals on Progresso Soup), picking up my car and the new washing machine.  Also found out that one can no longer get a free phone at Verizon.  I received an e-mail saying that I was due for a free upgrade, however that was for a smart phone which comes with a $30/month fee.  If I want a new regular phone, it will be at least $100.  So I was just going to buy a new battery for my old phone but they didn't have any in stock. . .  After that experience, I needed to splurge on a latte.

When we both finally arrived home, we had a late lunch and installed the new washing machine.  By then it was too late to get started splitting wood, but somehow I wasn't too upset.

Yesterday we did the anti-freeze thing with the old washer and it is now sitting on the porch under a tarp with the dryer waiting for a buyer.  I was able to get four loads of wood split and stacked, while JB puttered around getting the place ready for winter, which included folding down the lawn mower and getting it into the shop.  And, speaking of the shop, it looks like JB's caulking kept the rain from seeping in, at least through our first storm.

The house frog certainly is vociferous lately.  Usually he doesn't start in until 7:00 am, but yesterday morning he was singing at 6:00!!  Enough already!  Must be too cold for the shop frog, as I haven't heard him for a while.

JB changed from the electric coffee maker to the manual Melita one for the winter.  With the shorter days, the electric one just takes too much power too early in the morning.  And, speaking of shorter days, where did all that daylight go?  Seems like just a week ago the sun was still up until 7:00 pm but yesterday the sun set at 6:06 pm!

We vote by mail-in ballot in Washington, so we should be receiving ours soon.  I'll be going Down There next week to do the big pre-winter shopping.  They better be there by then.  I just want to get the election over with.

Thought for the day:  Government: It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by the men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.  James Madison  (Sounds like he was referring to Obama's health care plan, the IRS tax code, etc., etc.  Sure wish we had politicians like him around today.)

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