Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan 14, 2013 Fighting Cold. . . & Old

Saturday's view of the mountains to the west

As I finished blogging Friday morning, snow flakes began gently floating down from the clouds.  They were in no hurry to reach the ground, and reminded me of pieces of cottonwood fluff that all but ignore the earth's gravity.  They stopped by noon with no noticeable impact on our landscape.  It was another very cold day, and the temperatures have continued to fall since then.

Even with my arthritis, that I mentioned on Friday, and all the years under my belt, I still do not feel old.  Not mentally, emotionally or physically.  I don't dress old, and I'm pretty sure I don't act old (sometimes to the chagrin of our son).  My Mother, on the other hand, was always very proper about things like that.  Always acting and dressing the way the current culture considered she should for her age.  She was raised in London, so being proper was quite important to her.  I think her Mother would not have seemed so old had she not been ill for so many years.  My Grandmother had a wicked sense of humor, even with the pain she was in.  Both she and my paternal Grandmother died in their mid-sixties.  My Mother passed at age 72, and was more than ready to leave this earthly plain.  It may be that my generation of women, with Women's Lib and all, are the first generation in general to beat back the ideas of how to act at what age.  Works for me!

JB's Mom, at 91, says she's old, and her body may be acting like it, but mentally she is still very sharp and has maintained her sense of humor.  My Aunt Nene, of course, I don't think ever got out of her thirties!  She has never seemed "old", and I'm quite sure never will.  Her prefered wardrobe is slacks and a nice sweatshirt.  As comfortable as her great sense of humor!

Our son, on the other hand, complains that he is old, especially since he turns 38 next month and it will be time for his 20-year High School Reunion.  Not that he has ever gone to one or ever plans to.  I made him a birthday card that says, "Youth is not a time of life, but rather a state of mind."  Ain't that the truth!

Well, for us youthful folks, Friday night was time for pizza and a movie.  We watched "Promethius" which we enjoyed, being "Alien" fans.

Saturday morning was 7 and clear.  We are experiencing an arctic blast which is supposed to last for several more days.  Didn't do much outside.

It's a little disconcerting the way the days slip by so easily Up Here. . .

Sunday also dawned 7 and clear, but became mostly overcast before clearing up again just before sunset.  The sun, however, did manage to peek through the clouds most of the day.  Our high was 15!  JB got a ladder and cleared the snow and ice off the roof of the garbage/recycle shed, which was quite a chore.  He took a nap after that.  I, on the other hand, stayed inside to do a project I have been putting off for years.  I took photographs of most of our family heirlooms and antiques in order to make a booklet for our son and grandchildren.  I will identify each item by who it belonged to and approximately how old it is.  I felt very good at having finally started it.

Larry drove up about 3:30 pm to visit.  Elsie wasn't feeling too well and they weren't sure how good the road was, so she stayed home.  Was good to see him again as it has been several weeks.  We decided to drive MAX down to visit them today after dinner.  Will call to be sure Elsie is feeling better.

I read an interesting e-mail regarding a theory (which certainly makes sense to me) of why Romney lost the Presidential race.  It said basically: You can't beat freebies. . .

Thought for the day:  The ultimate result of protecting fools from their folly is to fill the planet full of fools.  James Russell Lowell

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