Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 Snow!

Thursday morning's snow.

Wednesday 11/19. In my exuberance to break up the ice in the girls' water pan this morning, I punched a tiny hole in the bottom.  Just big enough for the water to slowly leak out, which has given them a small skating rink.  Something to take away their winter blues.  I saw a swing for chickens on the internet, so why not a skating rink?  Am now using the dogs' porch-water dish for the girls which will suffice nicely until Spring.

Enough of the political ranting as I have done in the past few days.  I could fill my blog every day of the week, never running short of complaints, especially in light of the imposter's idea of an executive order on immigration.  A major reason we are living Up Here is to get away from it all. . .

I worked on long-overdue computer projects, ending up with a sore neck and shoulder.  Shades of sitting at a desk all day long. . .

Our son is going to send us a link to the grandchildren's school from which we can order copies of their artwork.  What a great idea!

Still using branch and junk wood in the stove until we go to bed at night.  Then we stuff it with pieces of split rounds.  So far we have only used about a half a row of that good wood.

With today's warmer temps and a high of 31, we were fairly confident in NOAA's forecast of snow for tonight.  Hope to wake up to a white landscape.  JB filled all the vehicles with gas just to be ready.

We have started re-watching season three of The Walking Dead, in anticipation of season four which I bought on-line at Hastings for only $15.  It has a little more gore than I remember, but I still love it.

Thursday 11/20. It was 22 with a partly cloudy sky and just enough snow on the ground to prove that it did indeed fall.  More than what I would consider a dusting, but no more than 1/4 inch.  We must have been on the northern edge of the storm because we can't see any to the north of us.  I don't even think Larry and Elsie received any.  But supposedly there is an inch or two on the way yet, and possibly more after that.  The week before Thanksgiving - right on time.

The sun tried to melt any snow it saw, but the clouds soon intervened.  The temperature was up to 29 by the time JB took the dogs for their morning walk, and our high for the day was 34.

The dogs didn't wake up JB for his 6:00 am watch until 7:30 a, but the temperature in the house was still 70.  So much easier to keep it warm when outside has been above 20 for a few days.  And today I didn't put in a fire all afternoon.

OMG!  A week from today is Thanksgiving!  I don't even have my Christmas card designed yet.  Decided I really had to get the presents wrapped and ready to mail, so that took up most of the day.  While I did that, JB worked on one of his computer projects.

As soon as I noted that we were getting an egg every other day, there haven't been any.  And that's been almost a week now.

We've both got a hitch in our git-along today.  Our left knees are acting up.  Getting older can really be a pain - in the knee, the elbow, the shoulder, the back, and the neck.

Friday 11/21. This morning is 27 and overcast.  Looks like Mother Nature is putting a damper on our plans to go west of the mountains tomorrow with three to five inches of snow in the forecast for today and tonight.

Thought for the day: When your mind is stretched by a big idea, it will never return to its original shape. Thomas Carlyle

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