Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014 The End of Another Great Year!

JB using Dinga's favorite toy.

The Columbia River from our north ridge.

Monday 12/29. We actually received 10" of snow, so now we have more than a foot on the ground.  There was no leisurely start to the day this morning, more like a leap into it!  Slogged through the snow that came almost up to my knees in places to the hen house to feed the girls.  Again, with all the snow covering their roof, they were still roosting.  Had to wake them up and roust them out.

JB got the snow blower going and cleared a path to the outhouse/henhouse area.  Was coming back when he lost a track off of one side.  We simply could not get it back on and didn't want to take much time on it.  He used Miss Kitty's plow to clear in front of the house a bit, then left to plow the road.

I used the snow shovel to clear around the girls' run, then shoveled a path to the wood shed.  Had to squeeze in the gate and clear most of it before I could get the sled with fire wood out.  Got that all hauled into the house, then wrapped a tarp around the snow blower and took most of the decorations off the hen house.

JB had to make two trips down our road and back to make it passable.  Took him about five hours total.

I hesitated right up until I clicked on "Publish" to include my "spiritual growth spurt" on Monday's blog, but it was simply too great a change in me to leave it just in my journal.  For years now I have known in my mind that "I am a spiritual being having a human experience", but now I know it within the deepest recesses of my heart and have discovered that knowledge within my soul too. And the acknowledgement of the same for every other living being on the planet. . .

It can be very difficult dealing with this human body.  Yesterday I broke a tooth and have an appointment for next Monday to get it pulled.  With no dental insurance and no extra money (thanks again, Wall Street), we have to use our Christmas gift money to pay for it.  But at least that money is there.

We did not clear the snow off the roof of the hen house, opting instead for warmth rather than light with the predicted single-digit temperatures.  And the temperature slowly fell all day until at sunset it was 24.  By the time we went to bed at 9:30 pm, it was 16.  Love those fleece sheets!

Tuesday 12/30. This morning was 7 with blue skies.  JB had planned to go Down There today, but we decided he should wait til Friday when the temperature wouldn't be so frigid.

We managed to get the track back on the snow blower (taking more time and thought), which he used to clear the road behind the house and make a path from the house to the road by the wood shed.  He used Miss Kitty to plow the road around the south ridge, and our afternoon walk was so much easier than the morning one, which we all went on.  The poor dogs were trying to plow through snow past their chests.  

I did some snow shoveling and brought the wood in.  With our big snow boots and layers of clothes, I feel like I am moving in slow motion.

It was a cold, crisp day that was a delight to be out in, and we did spend most of the day outside.  A bright winter sun on bright winter snow.

We plan to spend New Year's Eve with Larry and Elsie at their house.  I doubt we'll stay til midnight, but I know we'll have fun.

Wednesday 12/31. Another frigid morning with 7 degrees (0 on the porch) and a clear blue sky. New Year's Eve.  Lets hope it is a safe and sane one for everyone.

Thought for the day: A coincidence is an earthly reply to a cosmic fax you sent earlier.  Author Unknown


  1. Mrs. Rose, what source do you use for movies, and vidioes? Just curious, do you play them on your computer or on a dvd player and tv

  2. Those are really eye openers. It's just a bummer that you couldn't get yourself a dental plan. Well, it's a new year now, and possibilities are replenished. I'm sure you will secure one in the future that will cover all your needs and will be within your capacity to have for you as well as your family. All the best!

    Donnie White @ Good Health Quotes
