Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17, 2015 Our First Rattlesnake of The Year

Our timber rattler.

Monday 6/15. Since we have so many different greens growing here now that the girls like, I am no longer buying cabbage for their breakfast.  The get dandylion greens and others that they like, along with a banana and scratch.

We worked on both swales today, putting dirt on the large one and defining the smaller one.  Then JB started lightly scraping the slope to direct the water (rain and snow-melt) where we want it to go.  Now I think we are done for a while.  JB has to go Down There on Tuesday and Thursday for appointments and errands, and I am going down on Wednesday to do laundry.  On Sunday, JB leaves for the other side of the mountains as his Mother is having her operation on Tuesday, 6/23.  He will be there for the week.

Randy called.  He finally gave in and bought a riding mower, which is going to save him a lot of time and grief.  He is also having all his outside doors re-hung and weather-proofed.  He is still adjusting to mountain life and having so little time to go to town.  It is much harder on him as he is so much more of a people person than I am.

Larry drove up in his 4-wheeler to loan us his sprayer this evening.  He had just finished spraying for knap weed, so JB will spray our road when I am Down There on Wednesday.  Larry stayed for a nice visit before getting on his way.

Not twenty minutes after he left, I was ambling around and just as I got across the driveway from the girls' coop I heard a loud noise that I did not instantly recognize.  That is until I saw the rattlesnake.  It was a large timber rattler with a very loud rattle.  I think this is the first one we have seen Up Here as we usually get prairie rattlers which are brown, a little longer, and thinner.  This guy was husky, about two feet long, and wasn't about to run.  He was moving around so much though, it took a couple minutes before I could maneuver my snake stick behind his head.  He finally coiled, trying to hide his head, and I got him.  JB cut off his rattles and head while I held the snake down.  Eight large rattles.  JB said the girls were watching all the action very intently, as if they wanted the carcass tossed their way!  The whole episode really rattled Jesse.

Tuesday 6/16.  JB left for Down There a little after eight, and I got busy inside.  A good day for me to stay in as I was a bit achy from all the physical labor of the past several days.  Did lots of cleaning, a bunch of little things that needed to be done, and baked some banana-chocolate chip coffee cake.  Am glad I did stay in as our high for the day was 80.

Spent some time on the computer, which included filing a complaint against John Hancock with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner.  I certainly hope they can help us.  This whole situation is so frustrating.

JB was back home by 2:00 pm with diesel, chicken feed, the mail and a few other things he needed.  And glad to be Up Here as it was in the 90's Down There.  Supposed to be the same tomorrow, oh goodie. . .

Thin clouds gathered during the day, and by 5:00 pm we had a partial, light overcast.  

Wednesday 6/17. It is 58 and clear this morning.  Am going to get as early a start as I can for Down There and try to be home before the heat of the day.

Thank you, Norma, for the comment regarding yarrow.  I knew it had properties similar to aspirin, but not what you described as a styptic.  I will definitely collect some as we have it everywhere now.

Thought for the day: One of the great dreams of man must be to find some place between the extremes of nature and civilization where it is possible to live without regret. Barry Lope    (Hmmm, I think we have done that.)

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