Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10, 2012 Evacuation!

Am writing from the Motel 6 in downtown Wenatchee this morning.  The five-hour electrical storm we had Saturday night not only lit up the sky, but also the woods.  When it was finally over, there were 8-9 fires in our vicinity.  At 7:00 am some of them could only be seen with binoculars, but by 11:00 am smoke was filling the air and flames could be seen in the distance.  JB arrived in the canyon about 1:30, and the dogs and I met him just above Larry and Elsie's with the car packed.  I unloaded everything in Elsie's basement, then drove JB back up to get his Jeep and whatever else we could get.  Funny, the things you grab at the last minute.  A small painting, two photo albums, two handmade quilts (one made by JB's Mom and one by my Aunt Nene), my "Down There" winter coat, Buttershots schnapps, M&M's . . .  Fortunately, I had all the essentials packed up Saturday night.

When we left, everyone above Larry and Elsie's was leaving.  Those with weekend homes were up and getting what they could.  One of the guys was in the process of getting his trailer out when he got a call from his wife that they had to evacuate their home two canyons over.  Larry helped us unload the truck full of wood, and we took the truck back to the rental place, then we drove back to get JB's Jeep.  A few friends had come from town to help Larry and Elsie, so we got our things and headed to the motel.  By then it was about 6:30 pm, and the sun was blood red through the smoke.  We had dinner and were finally in bed by 9:30.  Unable to sleep.

It's hard to tell just what is going on with the fire this morning from where we are.  JB left to go take care of the paperwork at the rental office and will be able to see much better from over there by the airport.  When he gets back, we will drive up to Larry and Elsie's.  Trusting in the Universe, I am sure our place and theirs are okay. . .

Thought for the day:  Don't mess with Mother Nature.      

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