Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jan 29, 2014 Rime, Rhyme and. . . Snow!

Rime on Rose Camp -
Rime on Rose Camp - branches.
Rime on Rose Camp -
clothes line.

Rime on Rose Camp - everywhere!

Finally - snow, 4-1/2" this morning.

Rhyme on Rose Camp

Rime & fog on Rose Camp mine
White as snow but crystal light.
A dreamscape, a land of lacy ice,
A cold but beautiful sight.

Crystals form on every surface
As frozen fog creeps in to spite
The sun so far above,
Shielded from us by clouds & night.

My Grandmother was a poet,
But I am not & don't I know it!

1 comment:

  1. All parents if they can afford it should send their children to private school. Glad your son made the choice to send his kids to private school. Especially with the "Common Core" program that is filtrating the public school system.
